Tag Archives: Opinion

There’s A Hole In Your Head

There’s a hole in your head where Truth once stood

There’s a psycho gleam in your eye

There’s no need to understand

Your narrative must never die


There’s a hole in your head where Reason once stood

The truth, it doesn’t matter

You never need to listen

The unwashed can only blabber


There’s a hole in your head where Merit once stood

You’ve become a wealthy grabber

No one’s allowed to compete with you

Your power is all that matters


There’s a hole in your head where Compassion once stood

No one cares as much as you

You are the source of fairness

You get to tell me what to do


There’s a hole in your head where Fairness once stood

You’re the night in shining armor

Our outcomes will all be the same

Except you’re higher up the ladder


There’s a hole in your head where Decency once stood

No morals seem to matter

Men now stand where women once sat

The library’s full of painted men of blather


There’s a hole in your head where Honor once stood

To you your lies don’t matter

Your ethics are fluid, your reasoning dead

You deploy hypocritical chatter


There’s a hole in your head where Equality once stood

The law you seek to shatter

Historical revisionism got to you

Now black lives are all that matter


There’s a hole in your head where Justice once stood

Your crimes you freely scatter

Rob, rape, burn and pillage

Your humanity lays in tatters


There’s a hole in your head you’re to blinded to see

You’re so busy being righteous

All that was good in you, evaporated by hate

Your only thought is to fight


There is a hole in your head

Our nation grieves

Innocence is lost, stolen and beaten

For a terrible, frightening little while


There’s a hole in your head, no impure thoughts allowed

You may win the prize

Destroy all you see

Only then the cost you will realize


Truth, Reason, Merit, Compassion, Fairness, Decency, Honor, Equality and Justice

Easily, readily, willingly sacrificed

For social, racial, environmental justice

Your illusions well practiced


In the end the hole will still be there

The fire long gone

Your thoughts now empty and still

Without you, your life has moved on

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Filed under Culture, liberals, media, politics

Do I Live in A Very Small World

To the casual observer we have become a nation that is rapidly losing its collective mind. It is an observation that, despite the small number of actual protesters, is difficult to dispel. Everywhere one looks hate seems to reign supreme. For the most part we have, in my small neck of the woods, managed to avoid the insanity. Still, I can’t escape the feeling sometimes that I live in a very small world.

Consider the state of America today.

Rioters and looters, despite hours and hours of video footage to the contrary, are deemed by the anti-American media and liberal democrats to be “peaceful protesters.”

Americans have lost the ability to do math because apparently the $5 billion needed to secure the border is much too expensive but the $1.5 trillion for free health care that includes illegal aliens is quite reasonable.

Open racists push the malignant, hate filled poison of made up history called the “1619 Project” on school children using “educators” who hate America almost as much as the racists or have themselves been drastically mis-educated.

When a man pretends to be a woman we are now required not only to participate in his delusion with him but to endorse his behavior and indoctrinate our children into his way of life.

We are told in no uncertain terms that it is un-American for the census to count only American citizens. In fact it is said to be brutally racist to even ask respondents if they are citizens. Democratic groups that instruct illegal aliens to lie about their citizenship on the census are heralded as hero’s instead of the subversive criminals they are.

Constitutionally guaranteed freedom to practice your religion is sacrificed to a mildly dangerous Chinese disease while mobs of rioters and looters have no obligation vis a vie the same virus.

So called Inflammatory rhetoric, no matter how true, is outrageous when it counters the accepted liberal narrative. Harassing and assaulting people in restaurants based on lies and myths is somehow a display of virtue now.

Russians supposedly influencing our elections (there has never been a shred of evidence that this ever happened) is evil beyond measure but allowing illegal aliens to vote in our elections is the decent thing to do.

If you question the right to kill a baby that survives an abortion you are guilty of denying women access to health care.

Illegal aliens with tuberculosis, polio and dozens of other medieval diseases are welcomed with open arms but you better be able to prove your children have been vaccinated.

If a citizen cheats to get into college they go to prison however if you can sneak over the border you get go to college for free.

Joe Biden blackmails the President of Ukraine with your tax money and we are told by the anti-American media there’s nothing to see there. If Donald Trump asks about it he must be impeached.

A twenty year old combat veteran cannot buy an alcoholic drink but liberals now want 16 year old’s to be able to vote.

Thugs and rioters can shout their mindless drivel in packed crowds without fear of transmitting the Chinese virus but singing in church must be banned to “protect” everyone.

Hardened, brutal career criminals when caught are let go with no bail or simply released from prison allowing them to continue their crime sprees because keeping them in prison is a violation of their right to not catch the Chinese virus.

Democrats and their allies believe people who have never owned slaves should be required to pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.

Liberals demand that people who have never been to college should be required by law to pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their worthless degrees in gender studies, structural feminism or black lesbian dance theory.

An British doctor or German electrical engineer who wants to immigrate to America must go through a rigorous vetting process but any illiterate gang-banger who jumps the border is welcomed with free everything.

Liberals who insist that there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.

We watched Venezuela, once a wealthy and vibrant country, go socialist and collapse into a hellhole in one generation. Democrats think we should do the same to America.

Finally, somehow pointing out all this makes us haters, racists and misogynists?

What we are seeing today is the end result of a long standing policy by people who hated America. The individual policy items, deconstruct the nuclear family, eliminate Christian religion, normalize homersexuality and other deviant sexual behavior, transform the media into a mere propaganda pipeline, discredit capitalism and transform education into fully formed propaganda ministry against traditional American values are clear to see for those possessing intellectual honesty. All the guard rails that have guided previous generations to healthy, happy and fulfilling lives have been deliberately ripped away.

The marxists/communists call this stage of a well planned strategy demoralization. We have entered this stage where objective reality cannot change the true believers mind. Psychologists call this “cognitive dissonance.” It is easy to see why when talking to these people nothing makes sense. They have lost their ability to recognize reality. With no faith, family or history to ground themselves they become lost in a sea of ideological nonsense.

Right now, despite what the media would have you believe, these anarchists and marxists are a very small minority. They enforce their demands on others by threats of violence and the more dedicated revolutionaries actually perpetrate violence on nonconformists. This will engender the appearance of some support. No one wants their homes or businesses looted. No one wants to be branded as a racist/homophobe/xenophobe risking their job or families safety.

Major corporations crumble like tissue paper in the face of an angry mob when they should be the bastion of reason. Chic-Fil-A’s Dan Cathy was a pathetic letdown in this regard. The story of Aunt Jemima should be inspiring to black people, instead her accomplishments must be buried. Nike and Apple, perhaps in an effort to cover the fact that they reportedly make hundreds of millions of dollars from slave labor camps in China, give money, support and cover to America haters and violent thugs such as antifa and black lives matter.

In the midst of all this turmoil there are only two things you need to remember. First, there is no fence to sit on anymore. The militants have destroyed it. You either cow tow to their every demand or face their wrath. Second, even now, hard working, taxpaying, decent, regular patriotic Americans vastly outnumber the radical militants. It is time for us to stand up and loudly reject their agenda of hate, racism and socialism at every opportunity.

Never forget, feeding the crocodile so that you may be the last one eaten only means that you will be eaten.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, liberals, politics

Rush And The Breakfast Club

A few days ago I listened to Rush Limbaugh as he talked with the “Breakfast Club.” Full disclosure, I’ve never heard of these folks. I was amazed at just how completely indoctrinated the club members were and how restrained Rush was. He is a better man than me because I would have not held back on the facts the way Rush did.

I came away from the show with the clear conviction that the club members are demanding that their skin color be viewed as a get out of jail free card. This is the mentality of your average five year old. If that observation offends you, grow up.

The club members kept droning about “systemic” racism in America. They can provide no examples of systemic (as oppose to the occasional idiot) racism. I seriously doubt they even understand what the word systemic means. They simply parrot the phrase because they think it makes them sound highly intelligent and it keeps their audience tuning in. They throw out the George Floyd incident as proof of systemic racism. The fact is, as tragic as the Floyd incident is, it is an exception, not the rule. Were racism as systemic as the club members insist it is there would be multiple George Floyd incidents a day. Since the club members operate on emotion and not reason, this either escapes them or they simply manufacture motives of people they know nothing about.

A prime example is the “crime” of driving a nice car while “black.” I don’t doubt that there are idiot cops but the idea that they are everywhere is a race driven fantasy. The New Jersey Turnpike incident is a prime example. In short, the N.J. State Patrol was being sued because they wrote, as a percentage, more speeding tickets, to blacks than any other race group. The Justice Department under the former rioter Eric Holder sought to take over the patrol and basically run it through the Justice Department. In their defense the patrol put up a speed camera that took a picture of everyone who was speeding. Turns out the percentage of black speeders captured by the cameras matched almost exactly the percentage of speeding tickets written to black drivers. Let that sink in. Sadly the evidence meant nothing. Facts seldom due when racists are involved. Is this the systemic racism the club is talking about?

Here are a couple of other facts. In 2019 there were roughly 800,000 full time police officers (not including reserve officers) affecting some 10,000,000 arrests/interactions. Total number of unarmed blacks killed by police, wait for it…9. Is this the systemic racism they were talking about?

Rush should have pointed out that police have shot and killed twice as many unarmed whites as they have blacks and that blacks kill police at something like twice the rate of whites. Did the cops miss the kill blacks memo? Is this the systemic racism the club is talking about?

Rush should have pointed out what’s happening in Chicago. Chicago’s final gun related May numbers year over year are scary, if your a black person. Shot and killed 77 up 51%, shot and wounded 313 up 54% and total homicides 81 up 45%. Both the shooters and victims are almost always black. Is this the systemic racism the club is talking about?

Rush should have pointed out that, according to the CDC, the most dangerous thing in a black mans world is another black man. Is this the systemic racism the club is talking about?

I would have asked the club members to explain why black women in New York abort more babies than they birth. Is this the systemic racism the club is talking about?

I would have asked them why the percentage of single parent black families consistently hover around 75%. Is this the systemic racism the club is talking about?

I would have asked them why the black high school drop out rate routinely hovers north of 50%. Is this the systemic racism the club is talking about?

If racism is so systemic I would have asked them to explain why there are so many black mayors, police chiefs, city councilmen, state legislators and governors. How did the Kenyan little Barry get elected twice, by a majority of white voters? Is this the systemic racism the club is talking about?

If racism is so systemic I would have asked them to explain the success of Buy Once (I know, I spelled it wrong but it’s appropriate), Oprah, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Lebron James, the success of the completely sad/sick genre of rap music, BET, black history month, why there are hundreds of streets named after MLK, why so many white characters have been replaced by black actors (Jefferson and Hondo as examples), why so many protesters are white, why groups like blm get millions in donations from whites and why it feels like every other couple in TV commercials lately is bi racial. Is this the systemic racism the club is talking about?

If white racism is so systematic why do liberal blacks constantly demonize, and white people support, such successful people like Candace Owens, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Walter E Williams, Dr. Ben Carson, Star Parker, Herman Cain, Alan Keyes, Larry Elder, J C Watts, Stacy Dash, Ward Connerly, Alveda King and Jesse Lee Peterson to name a few.

I realize there is no point in asking the club members these questions. They have their ideology and buzzwords memorized. It’s comfortable to them because the narrative absolves them of any kind of personal responsibility and, among other things, it’s paying them well. If they had a motto I expect it would be something like “Making America great one smashed window at a time.”

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The Californication of A Once Great State

When it comes to persistence even the Energizer Bunny takes a back seat to today’s current crop of progressives, liberals, or democrats. Remember there is no difference between progressives, liberals, or democrats, they simply disagree on just how quickly they will run every aspect of your life.

Thirty-five years ago I left California because I could read the writing on the wall. I was heading into marriage with a young child and knew that California would be no sane or safe place to raise my children. I went to the safest, sanest most responsibly (relatively speaking) governed place I knew, Utah. Understand, as an Army brat I had lived all over the U. S. and even spent almost two years in Germany during the terrorist dominated Munich Olympics. I had lived in Virginia, Texas, Georgia, Utah and Nevada.

Utah is the closest thing I have ever had to a “home” state. Whenever anyone asks where I’m from I always say that, after 38 years, I’m from Utah. Despite all the jokes about the “Zion Curtain” and “Happy Valley” Utah has been the most normal, sane and reasonable place I have ever lived. To all the detractors out there notice I didn’t say perfect. I love my state. I love our reliance on traditional family values. I love the ready acceptance of such radical (in much of the rest of the country at least) ideas as self sufficiency and personal responsibility. I am proud of the fact that, as a general population, we have one of the most educated citizenry in the country.

All that being said I have noticed over the last few years a steady march by much of the states leadership to not just the left of the political spectrum but (hello Salt Lake City) the far, radical left of the political divide. There is an ongoing attempt to subvert the values and traditions that make Utah one of the most responsibly governed states in the union.

Like the multi headed Hydra these efforts take on many forms. Lets examine three.

Conversion Therapy.

You must first understand that there is no such thing as “Conversion Therapy.” The term was invented by a group of liberal lawyers, I think from New Jersey, who several years ago sued a group of Jewish councilors who had stunning success rates with men who wanted to abandon the homersexual lifestyle. After some careful judge shopping the aforementioned lawyers began their carefully crafted, specifically manufactured crusade against their equally carefully crafted concept of Conversion Therapy. After several successful bans of a non existent therapy by states like New Jersey and California, Utah wants to jump on the sadistic bandwagon.

I can hear you now, but sailor why do you say sadistic? Isn’t that over reaching? Perform this thought experiment with me. Suppose you are a young man who has unwanted same sex attractions. You doesn’t understand why you feel the way you do. Despite the proddings of “educators” and popular culture you don’t want to feel the way you do. You exist in a state of anguish because you remain confused. Perhaps you begin self medicating with alcohol or drugs. Either way you are unhappy, sometimes in the extreme.

In this far to typical example, ie the types of people who would seek out same sex attraction therapy become the victims of the “caring” liberals desperate to ban the non existent conversion therapy. You must remain a homersexual until the day you die, no matter how miserable that makes you, because their narrative demands it. The state of Utah now cares enough to force you into a life of misery and use the bludgeon of law to punish anyone who cares enough to try and help you.

As long as the participation in therapy is voluntary and the outcome is not predetermined why would the homersexual groups yanking our governments chains be so adamant that this non existent therapy be banned? The simple fact is that every former homersexual alive is iron clad proof that “born that way” is a manufactured myth. At the end of the day any amount of collateral damage is completely acceptable to the homersexual lobby as long as the homersexual narrative survives. What is tragic is that so many otherwise sane people have accepted this as reasonable.

Illegal aliens, drivers license, in state tuition etc.

Immigration law breakers seem to have a special place in the hearts of many liberal politicians and Utah is now, sadly, no different. Our state has seen fit to give these criminals in state tuition rates at our colleges. One fails to find a sane explanation for this other than as an expression of tolerance for flouting the law.

In an even more stupid move we now give drivers licenses to illegal aliens. Ostensibly this was to encourage them to obtain auto insurance which we were promised that, upon getting their license, they would instantly do. This was a bold face lie that had been disproven by every other state that has done this. Our Governor and legislature knew this but rammed this legal stupidity down our throats anyway because they wanted to be popular with the media and so called immigrant rights groups. How utterly tragic and simple minded. Never mind the absolute betrayal of both the oath of office you took and the citizens you claim to represent.

Medical pot.

I have written in depth about the “medical” pot issue. Like “conversion therapy” so called medical pot is a contrived invention. Pot’s medicinal properties have been studied for decades and found almost entirely wanting.

The fact is that after failing to raise a significant desire for recreational pot use in Utah a group of out of state pot pushers (NORMAL and The Marijuana Policy Project among others) adapted their strategy. They came back into Utah with a fully formed staff of activists and flush with some $250,000. In a careful and deliberate weaponization of our compassion they slowly developed the myth of medical pot. Thus we ended up with Proposition 2, a wildly misrepresented “citizen initiative” that called for pot shops on every corner. While pot smoking morons celebrated the legislature took the public representations of the Prop 2 pushers and codified them into law. Then all hell broke loose.

You see, the pushers of Prop 2 bleated over and over again that their initiative called for medical versions of pot to be prescribed by a doctor and purchased from a licensed pharmacy. When the legislature made those conditions the actual law the pushers of Prop 2 promptly sued the state to have Prop 2 instituted as written, ie pot shops on every corner.

The fact is, generically speaking, pot is just as medicinally effective as ground Unicorn horn.

Whether it’s the burgeoning homeless problem in Salt Lake City or the sorry state of public education, Utah seems determined to repeat every single tragic mistake that failed states like California and Washington have made.

So, how did we get here? In large part it is because militant east and west coast liberals have realized that our deep and inherent sense of compassion can be turned subtly and effectively against us. They have, with the help of a complicit media, managed to silence the vast majority of those opposed to their radical agenda with threats of labeling us as racists, bigots, haters, homophobes etc. In a further example of just how successful the radicals have been it has become accepted by far to many people that the mere accusation is the conviction.

There are additional reasons that must be acknowledged. The importation of tens of thousands of people from California, Oregon and Washington who desperately seek to turn Utah into the state they felt was so terrible that they had to leave is an obvious one.

It must also be pointed out that Utah has desperately sought to induce tens of thousands of illegal aliens to make Utah their “home” not as legal citizens but simply as warmly welcomed, expensively compensated at state expense and highly tolerated undocumented immigrants. It is never a good example to demonstrate a tolerant, even compassionate acceptance, of routine lawlessness.

This is the kind of attitude that produces the homeless camps taking over so many of California’s once scenic downtown’s and generates the human feces maps that so many of the residents of that enlightened state now need every time they venture out of their homes.

Ain’t liberalism grand?

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Filed under Culture, politics, The Gay Agenda

How Long Are You Going To Let Them Lie To You?

After some forty years of observation I can state conclusively that deliberately lying is a natural function of the liberal/democrat/progressive mindset. Sometimes the lies are small and insignificant, other times, like the current impeachment tragedy, not so much. “Let no crisis go to waste,” really means something to those intent on controlling every aspect of our lives. You know, to “help” those of us who aren’t as smart or enlightened as they are.

With the previous paragraph in mind lets examine two of the most prominent issues liberal leadership lies about today.

Global Warming

Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg, described by Barack Obama as “one of our planet’s greatest advocates” is a sad example of the kind of damage the willing liars among us can do. I’m no psychologist, nor do I play one on TV but, as we used to say in high school, “something isn’t right with that kid.” Understand, I do not dispute that her concern is real, only that her facts and conclusions are in question.

Then there are her enablers, her parents, the fawning media, radical environmental groups and the self anointed one himself, The Kenyan Little Barry. He went so far as to tell her, “You and me, we’re a team.” Without a doubt she should choose her team mates more carefully.

As documented by TIME, the following are some of the environmentally friendly choices one of the world’s loudest global warming hoaxers made in the first five months after leaving the White House.

He bought an 8,200 sq. ft., 9-bedroom, fully air-conditioned mansion in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in the nation’s capitol.

The day he left office, he flew 2,200 miles in a near-empty U.S. government Boeing 747 all the way across the continent to Palm Springs, California for his first post-presidency vacation.

After relaxing at an 11,000 sq. ft. fully air-conditioned villa at the exclusive Thunderbird Heights Resort in nearby Rancho Mirage, he flew 3,300 miles, by private jet, all the way back across the continent to the Caribbean, where he vacationed with Richard Branson at Branson’s $48,000 per night, fully air-conditioned luxury villa on Branson’s private island.

After departing his vacation with Branson by private jet, he took another private jet to fly 6,000 miles for some much-needed R & R at the late Marlon Brando’s fully air-conditioned French Polynesian hideaway in Tahiti.

Next, he took another private jet for a 2,700-mile trip to Hawaii, where he golfed for several days before taking yet another private jet for the 4,800-mile return trip to his 8,200 sq. ft. fully air-conditioned mansion.

In February, he twice traveled from DC to New York, both times by private jet, the first to take in a play on Broadway, the other to rub shoulders over dinner with U2’s Bono.

In early May, he private-jetted from DC to Milan, Italy, a round trip of 8,200 miles, where a caravan of 14 carbon-powered SUVs took him to give a paid speech about — sit down for this — humans dumping too much CO2 in the atmosphere.

While in Milan, he stayed for two days at the 2,000 sq. ft., fully air-conditioned, $9,500 per night presidential suite at the exclusive Park Hyatt Milan.

Next, he took a private jet, from Milan to Tuscany, where he stayed at Borgo Finocchieto, a fully air-conditioned manor house that once was home to 21 families before being turned into an ultra-luxurious vacation villa for the rich and famous.

Having left a feather-light carbon footprint in Italy, the former president returned, by private jet, to his 8,200 sq. ft. fully air-conditioned mansion in DC.

I’m going to suppose that you didn’t know any of this. Make no mistake, that was by design. His allies in the “mainstream” media and wacko groups like the Sierra Club etc will never willingly call him to account on the prodigiously wasteful lifestyle he and his family enjoy. After all, he is one of them, right down to the satirical 6000 square foot redwood deck.

The term for lying by not telling you something relevant is called a lie of omission. The media is long and well practiced at that.


Sixteen year-old high school student Nicholas Sandmann, while waiting for his bus to take him back to school, was accosted by a “native American” protester. The protester, whom I will not name, marched up to Sandmann’s and began beating his drum in Sandmann’s face. With nowhere to retreat to Sandmann did what any responsibly raised adolescent would do, he smiled and remained calm. For his sterling self control he was falsely targeted, attacked and vilified by the mainstream media as a racist.

In this case, where there was no crisis to manipulate, the media simply manufactured one. Perhaps sensing an opportunity to further the false impression of rampant racism in the country the Washington Post and CNN led the smear campaign against young Mr. Sandmann. Don’t think that was the case? Then why, after footage clearly demonstrating every point of their initial allegations were wrong was made public did CNN and the Washington Post continue to vilify Mr. Sandmann as a classic example of racism? Why did they seemingly knowingly mislead their readers/viewers about the alleged “native American” and his glorious combat service even though they apparently knew within hours he had never been a combat soldier but a refrigerator repairman? The answer clearly was that these media outlets believed their narrative must survive.

By the way, this kind of lying is called lies of commission. The media is also really good at this type of lie.

The sad thing is that this type of behavior is so typical from the media, liberals, progressives and democrats that it has become their normal. It infects everything issue they become involved in. I could write a book full of nothing but examples like the two I have already provided. The practice of lying and inventing facts to support a clearly false or unreasonable or even unscientific agenda has become so ingrained as to be unseeable by those engaged in the process. It has become so ingrained that even the presentation of unmistakable evidence proving them wrong has no effect. That my friends is a recognized psychological condition. It’s called Cognitive Dissonance. CD affects not just the lying media and political types but can be found running amuck anywhere liberal/progressives/democrats congregate.

While the progenitors of misinformation and their followers who have chosen ignorance (in the classical definition of the word, ie, to maintain a lack of knowledge) may be clinically ill the original question remains.

How long are you going to let them lie to you?

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Thoughts From The Dark Side

Some forty plus years ago, as a wide eyed fifth grader living just outside Washington DC, I found myself on a school field trip. My dad, a combat engineer having return from his tour of duty in Vietnam, had been stationed at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. I had the privilege of attending the Army Public School system there where, among other things, we were taught critical thinking skills along with the three R’s and non revised American history.

My classmates, teachers and I stood outside the Supreme Court building waiting for another busload of fellow students to arrive. It was a beautiful day, and I, a student of history even then, stood in awe before the imposing, much decorated marbled edifice that represented a bedrock principle of America, law and order.

As we waited, all lined up and as patient as a group of fifth graders can be in front of our buses, I watched curiously as people came in and out of the building we would soon be touring. One of the people who came out that morning was a women. Today I would estimate her age as late twenties. She saw us and stopped dead in her tracks. I watched as she examined us closely and saw her becoming agitated. I watched curiously as her face contorted itself angrily. Then, with a purposeful swiftness she turned and marched directly at us. I could tell she was upset but at what I had no clue. She rectified that deficiency in my knowledge right away.

Although there was nothing between her and us she stopped a few feet in front of us and began yelling at us. She informed us in no uncertain terms that our fathers were baby killers, rapists, village burners and murderers. We were invaders that didn’t belong in Vietnam she continued angrily. I confess that exactly what she said after that is lost in the mist of memory. I was stunned both by her ferocity and her allegations. As her tirade continued all of us kids became silent and, as I found out later, a little afraid.

Staring at her angry face as she berated our fathers a jumble of thoughts rushed through my young mind. Who was she? I didn’t recognize her. Did she know my dad? Why would she say these things? I knew my dad was no saint but I knew for certain he was no baby killer. I knew for a fact that he had been seriously injured digging a well for a village. To say I was confused would have been putting it mildly.

As I was trying to process this our teachers began moving us back towards the buses and away from the angry women. One of our teachers went up to the women and asked her to leave us kids alone. This only angered her further. Fortunately the police arrived right then and escorted the women from the premises. To say that we kids were in a state of shock would be an understatement. Our teachers did their best to reassure us that we would be okay and that the young lady wasn’t really angry with us. Many of us remained unconvinced.

It was then that the other bus arrived. There was a huddled conference of teachers and a police officer. It was decided that the tour would continue. I am glad that it did but I also noticed that we had a police officer following us at a discrete distance for the entire tour. I found that both comforting and at the same time worrisome. I was glad he was there but wondered why a group of fifth graders would need police protection and from who.

Today, little has changed. Liberals are still assaulting children.

Today we are assaulted in the public square by a completely brainwashed teenager on global warming.

Liberals assault conservatives of all ages in and out of the public sphere with impunity.

School kids today are brainwashed with gender confusion and an LGBT-WTF agenda that defies all reason.

Nearly everywhere one turns in the media the evils of America, a few real and but most imagined, are recited without context, contradiction, fact or relief.

President Trump is routinely assaulted with made up allegations that “must be taken seriously”. The bald face fact that his accusers are the ones doing what they accuse him of doing is never disclosed by a willfully complicit media and trashed by that same media as a conspiracy theory if anyone brings the subject up.

Formerly beautiful places like San Francisco and Seattle are now awash in human feces, used needles, homeless camps, drug addicts, the mentally ill and illegal aliens.

Merely mentioning these subjects, let alone proposing solutions that don’t involve the creation of new government programs and massive government spending subjects you all sorts of harassment.

So much for the history lesson. You’ve waited long enough. Now for the darkness.

There is a pair of quotes, the names of their authors escapes me at the moment, that I will mash together into, “For good to prevail there must be rough men willing to do unspeakable things.”

I’m not sure we are at the stage where we need to do unspeakable things to defend American values and culture but there is plenty of call for doing some rough things. Outside of President Trump, where are the conservative “rough men”?

Where are the men and women who will unmask the antifa thugs? I mean literally unmask them. Identify them, film them, follow them and get vehicle descriptions, license plate numbers and home addresses, all to be given to their victims lawyers so these thugs can be prosecuted. Who will shame these haters?

Where are the men and women who will stand up one after another at a Biden campaign rally and ask about his son’s and his corruption. I mean literally one person after another asking the same question until he admits he and his son are grifters extraordinaire or he storms out of the event.

Where is the person who will doxx the owners and editors of such hate mongering outlets as the New York Times, CNN political hacks pretending to be journalists and social media parasites so that we can flood their mailboxes with politely worded demands for fair and accurate reporting? If people want to responsibly protest outside these haters driveways so be it. Why do they get to exempt themselves from the chaos they seek to impose on the rest of us?

Who will mail a thank you card from the abortion doctor that sells baby parts with a picture of her in her new Lambo to everyone who recently had an abortion.

Where are the billboards along the highways of America showing Donald Trump hanging out with Mohammed Ali? Showing illegal alien rapists, child predators and killers being released in defiance of ICE by the sheriff, police commissioner, governor etc? Showing the islamic practice of adult males marrying nine year old girls?

Where are the white hat hackers that will inform America of just who is funding illegal immigration by exposing groups like La Raza (literally The Race)? Of who is funding them. Of to who and just how much these groups are giving money and in kind contributions to (trust me, their federal filings are woefully incomplete)?

Where are the men and women who will defend law enforcement the next time some two bit career felon is shot by a police officer in fear for his life? Who will take to task the reporter who airs the thugs family babbling about how the thug was a good and decent guy who just made one mistake? Let’s be real, if he was a decent guy why was he a career felon? I feel for your loss but if you are going to lie you deserve every metaphorical egg thrown at you.

I hope you understand where I am going here. This is no call to violence, unless you are attacked in which case my advice is defend yourself, but a cry to conservatives to go on offense in the arena of ideas. It has been said we are entering a “cold” civil war. I suspect that is true. Given that, I believe we can only win our country back by abandoning the defensive posture many conservatives have become addicted to. The Mitt “the twit” Romnys and Paul “lyin” Ryans of the world will sell you and me into oblivion as long as they can live in their gilded cages and attend the right cocktail parties. It is time we stopped accepting every false liberal premise about us at face value and defending ourselves according to the baseless accusation.

The correct answer to most liberal assertions is to laugh out loud. Laugh in their face. Men can be women, laugh. Global warming, laugh. Racism is alive and well in the United States, laughter. Evil corporations, use your best evil laugh.

I can hear you now, but sailor, all that makes us just like them.……………….

Sorry, I was laughing.

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Comfortably Dumb

When I was in the Navy I had a Chief Petty Officer who constantly warned us against becoming “fat, dumb and happy.” It was an admonition to avoid becoming lazy and complacent. It was sound advice and I do my best to adhere to it to this day. Sadly, I cannot say the same about roughly fifty percent of my fellow Americans. A lot of the people I meet, work with or overhear lately could only be described as “fat, dumb and happy.”

Don’t misunderstand this as some kind of personal attack. What I mean is that these folks are well fed, highly uninformed or misinformed, blissfully ignorant of just how far from the truth they have drifted (or been led) and easily entertained. The social justice, climate change child abuse victim Greta Thunberg is a prime example of the extreme to which some will go to impose their beliefs on someone (think about what her parents had to do to her to get her to this point in her short life) and just where those people can wind up at (look at how unhappy she is). Most however are like my driver at my security job.

He is basically a good person who has bought into some of the liberal notions on freedom, rights and responsibilities. Like many misinformed people today he gets most of his news from Facebook, his Twitter feed and the echo chamber of everyone who agrees with him. There are no more detached from reality news sources on the planet. Ok, maybe CNN. Or PMSNBC. Or Roswell Rachel Maddow, but I repeat myself. When I told him that, he informed me in no uncertain terms that he watches the network news as well. All I could think of was the Mortica Addams quote, “You poor man.” His conversion to liberalism is, like the road to hell, paved with good intentions. He is in so many ways a reflection of what vast portions of the American population have become. Consider the following.

Myth Creation And Acceptance

Some 25 or so yeas ago the republican party gained control of the U. S House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. In one one of it’s first actions the republicans moved to limit the growth of government spending. After generations at the helm democrats had built in automatic budget increases every year, regardless of whether they were needed or not. One of the programs the congress addressed was the school lunch program. Congress reduced the automatic budget increase in the school lunch program from, if memory serves, 7% to 4%. My ordinary, non common core math skills tells me that’s still an increase in spending. Despite historic levels of lying by the democrats about republicans and their agenda, the republicans refused to budge on the numbers. Suddenly children began writing carefully orchestrated letters to politicians and the media asking why republicans were starving them.

Even then the media couldn’t help themselves, running story after story about the draconian cuts in the school lunch program and how starving children would be the only outcome if the evil republicans had their way. If you payed any attention to those stories you would have heard the plaintive question repeated millions of times, “how will starving children be able to learn?”

Left unsaid in all these articles was a bedrock liberal principle. It was the concept that the government, not you, was responsible to care for your children. This concept was subtly played up and intensely promoted for years afterwards as democrats and their media accomplices repeatedly accused republicans of starving children. Nowhere was this question asked, if you know your children are starving why aren’t you, mom and dad, doing something about it? To this day the media and their democratic handlers still perpetuate the myth of republicans starving children. To this day many Americans accept this myth, as well as dozens of others, as fact.

It may be difficult for many American’s to believe but there is a system in place to achieve and perpetuate these kinds of results. Baltimore is our next stop.

Preparing The Soil

Some time ago an organization called Project Baltimore started investigating Baltimore’s school system. Their findings were both shocking and outrageous. They found that in 19 Baltimore high schools only 14 out of 3,804 students were proficient in math. That’s less than one percent. Even more tragic was the finding that in 13 of Baltimore’s high schools there were no students scoring proficient in math. None. It gets worse. Five Baltimore high schools had no students at all that tested proficient in math or reading skills. Not one single student. Yet somehow, roughly 70% of students in the system graduate. These public education victims are just what liberal social justice types seek. Easily led cannon fodder without the ability to apply, let alone obtain factual information, to be used in the reasoning out of a logical solution to a problem. Similar, if not always exactly the same results, exist in school systems nation wide. So, how did this come about?


When the great unwashed eventually begin to see the faint glimmerings of just how victimized they have become instead of holding accountable those in actual power, these victims of public education lash out in the direction they have been carefully steered towards their entire lives, republicans, conservatives and of course, evil corporations. Given the following, expecting them to behave otherwise would be foolish.

StudyFinds recently completed a survey of adults from across the nation. The results were eye opening. Apparently only 42% of American’s say they know the name of at least one local member of Congress. The study also found that 71% of American’s can name the governor of their state. While that’s good, only 45% say they would actually recognize him or her if they saw them in person. While this is terrible I suspect it is even worse for elected leaders at the state and local level. It is reasonable to extrapolate from this study that virtually no one knows who their state legislators, county or city leaders are, let alone what they stand for.

Those responsible for today’s historic levels of societal discord, liberals in all their disguises, ie progressives, socialists, democratic socialists, etc, successfully hide behind the labels they created and foisted upon us with the help of a complicit media. Instead of being divided by such outdated concepts as right and wrong or good and evil American’s today are separated by labels such as republican vs democrat, conservative vs liberal, gay vs straight, white vs black, rich vs poor and male vs female just to name a few. Reinforced by a wildly biased media and education complex, today “everyone knows” that:

Conservatives are evil and liberals are the compassionate good guys.

Masked antifa thugs while assaulting people and destroying property are just peaceful protesters.

Racism is alive and well in America.

Teachers are underpaid. (How you make that argument in Baltimore with a straight face escapes me)

That western civilization (ie the U.S.) is solely responsible for man made global warming.

Black conservatives are mentally ill.

The list is nearly endless but I think you know where I am going.


Observing people today I can’t help but remember the words of Alexander Hamilton who, in expressing his frustration during the revolutionary war said, “Our countrymen have all the folly of an ass and all the passiveness of the sheep in their dispositions. They are determined not to be free and they can neither be frightened, discouraged or persuaded to change their resolution.”

I couldn’t have said it better.

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Publisher vs Platform

In another display of his pathetic need for attention, Bill Maher recently inserted his hate filled ego into the news cycle again by reveling in the recent death of David Koch. What was even more disturbing was the glee displayed by his trained seal audience as Maher savaged a man who literally gave hundreds of millions to charities of all stripes but that is another article.

Right now, the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals is hearing the case brought by Dennis Prager vs Google. Google, ignoring it’s old motto of “Do no evil” because it is now evil, has determined that Prager University, with something like a billion views, must be silenced. While Google won’t admit it, Prager University is an astoundingly effective illustrator of the vile lies, tortured history and massively dramatic failures of the liberalism Google seeks to enforce on everyone but themselves.

Maher addressed this form of censorship to his trained seal audience once back when Apple, Google, Facebook, and Spotify were colluding to get conspiracy theorist extraordinaire Alex Jones and his website InfoWars removed from their platforms.

The clapping seal audience, being well trained, responded enthusiastically to the concept of censorship. In a rare display of sentience Maher rebuked his trained seal audience. “If you’re a liberal you’re supposed to be for free speech,” he offered, adding, “That’s free speech for the speech you hate.” Perhaps not realizing it, he was at the time, making Prager Universities argument for them. His trained seal audience, flexing their intolerant liberalism, refused to even listen to what he was trying to say.

Many, nearly all liberals with a few never Trumpers sprinkled in for diversity purposes, make the argument that the media “platforms” that evicted Jones were private businesses thus immune from the first amendment concerns voiced by critics like Prager University. Left unspoken by these same liberals is the clear fact that the collusion among these “platforms” is symptomatic of a raging, universal urge by those same liberals to suppress any speech that challenges their sad agenda.

It’s this collusion that brings us to the platform vs publisher argument that is the key to the Prager University case. Allow me to elaborate.

A platform is simply a vehicle for anyone to speak from. It is the metaphorical equivalent of the soap box in the public square. The only thing needed to make it work is the willingness of someone to stand up and speak. The public can choose whether to listen or not. Questions and answers can be bantered about, discussed and concepts thrashed out. Ideas can be exposed, examined or ridiculed, accepted or rejected. The process is not always pretty but it is protected in it’s entirety by the First Amendment. In fact, it is the First Amendment in action. As an aside, you will notice that Google, Facebook et al constantly refer to themselves as “platforms”. They do this for a reason. I’ll get to that point in a minute.

A publisher on the other hand is someone who determines/controls the content of what they provide. A publisher decides what you are allowed to know and when you are allowed to know it. If a publisher decides not to tell you something you will never know about that decision unless, as Google is now experiencing, a whistle blower appears. Let that sink in for a minute. If Google, as internal whistle blowers have stated unequivocally, filters and regulates content and manipulates search results, they cannot by definition be “platforms”. They are without reservation, publishers. The problem pointed out by people like me and Prager University is that Google et al continue to, falsely I propose, present themselves as platforms.

Public school victims will see publisher vs platform as a distinction without a difference. If you hold that position, your teachers were vastly overpaid. A fact, unknown to nearly everyone, is that Google negotiated with the Feds an immunity agreement that provided them protection from law suits as long as they were “platforms” and not publishers.

I hear it now. So what sailor? How does this affect me? I’m glad you asked. You see, every other publisher is responsible for the content they distribute. Don’t believe me? Ask any news director. It’s the well established legal principle, that a publisher is responsible for their content, that Google et al seek to avoid.

Like the repressive Chinese government they have so warmly supported Google seeks to limit your freedom. Google et al are simply demanding the legal right to lie to you, with only the best intentions of course, without having to deal with any consequences of being actual liars. They wrap themselves in the cloak of liberty while readying the knife they are going to use to slice and dice the First Amendment out of existence.

Like many of Hitlers brownshirts who swore undying allegiance to Hitler as they were being executed on his order, Maher’s trained seal audience would approve wholeheartedly.


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34 Years And a Pair Of Losers

Thirty four years ago I married my best friend. For a brief period of time I wrestled with one of the toughest choices I had ever had to make in my short 20 years on this planet. I had discovered the career of my dreams, the United States Navy about the same time I discovered the girl of my dreams. I chose my wife and have never looked back. This year we decided to celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary over the weekend instead of just on a single day. We spent the weekend going on a train ride, visiting a museum, going to dinners, catching a couple of movies and just being together. It was a wonderful couple of days spent with my dear wife.

Of course I was on a news blackout the entire time. In fact, until we noticed some flags flying at half mast we had no idea anything drastic had happened. We figured someone famous had died but decided to wait until Tuesday to find out who.

Turns out there were two losers who made a conscious choice to kill a bunch of people. Here we go again. I have not yet delved into the news so I am writing this essentially “blind” to the “facts” of what ever happened but I suspect I know what happened and exactly what will happen in the aftermath.

Liberals, especially the clown car disaster of democratic presidential hopefuls, will come out screaming about “common sense” gun control. I guess Chicago and Baltimore’s abject failure as gun control leaders means nothing to them.

The media, standing gleefully on the bodies of the dead, will spin the two losers as right wing, republican, conservative, racist hate mongers. I am willing to bet the evil killers turn out to be liberal activists. If this turns out to be true, the media will bury that fact so deep you would have to airmail it daylight.

Desperately seeking media approval, the bend over republicans will fold like a cheap suit to liberal calls of “if we can save just one life” while trying to pass numerous unconstitutional gun control laws. As an aside, I place these so called republicans in the same category as the shooters ie hateful, useless idiots.

Once again, people like me will risk getting our heads chopped off because we attempt to remind everyone that the right to keep and bear arms is untouchable. Read the Constitution and bill of rights. Still confused? Read the Federalist Papers. Go ahead, I dare you.

We will persistently point out that gun control has never worked anywhere its been tried. Remember NAZI Germany? Mao’s China? Stalin’s Russia? Neither do the hundred million who died under those regimes.

We will talk about how many hundreds of thousands of times a year people successfully use guns to defend themselves, nearly always without firing a shot.

We will note that lawful gun owners, statistically speaking, never commit the kind of shootings that happened over the weekend.

We would have you observe that every day millions of law abiding Americans practice concealed carry and you never even know.

We would have you learn that Americans practicing concealed carry save lives every year by stopping a crime in progress even though there is no requirement for them to risk their lives, reputations and family finances to do so.

We will point out, sarcastically, that with some 300 million guns and maybe a trillion rounds of ammo, if we gun owners were a problem you would know it in no uncertain terms by now.

One of the things that makes our marriage successful is that we do not lie to each other. This is a lesson that very few liberals, democrats and progressives, but I repeat myself, are willing to learn let alone practice. For them the lie is to valuable a tool to surrender. It is the wedge they use to get stupid things like so called Red Flag laws passed where an anonymous person can have your lawfully owned firearms taken from you by force and without any legitimate reason. You are then forced to spend thousands of dollars in lawyer fees and months of wasted time in the legal system to try and get your property back with no guarantee of success, even if you successfully disprove every allegation made against you. This actually happens in Colorado, the state next door to me.

I am going to catch up on the news and will likely write more about this tragic weekend later. I am also going to continue living my life and fighting to defend my God given rights from anyone who thinks they can run my life better than I can.

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Fans of one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, C. S. Lewis will recognize the words of the title. The Abolition of Man was presented in a series of lectures by Lewis in 1943. Those lectures dealt primarily with the dangers of moral relativism. In contemplating moral relativism he pointed out what he believed were the destructive trends emerging in the so called modern world-view.

A veteran of WW I who later became a devout Christian, Lewis presented these ideas, I believe, as a way to understand those who seek Americas destruction. As a combat veteran I suspect he understood that before you can defeat your opponent you must know who he is.

Liberals, progressives and democrats have morphed over the years into the party of the Abolition of Man. Their concerted efforts have been directed at the destruction of every concept or principle that helped create the greatest nation in the history of the world. They seek the complete destruction and replacement of these ideals for nothing more than their desire to exert total control over the masses, ie you and I. In those efforts they attack the very concepts Lewis sought for us to understand. Let’s examine them briefly.

A thing that is contradictory cannot be true.

Never has such a completely self evident idea been so thoroughly abused. Today the corrupted culture of liberal, progressive political correctness demands that:

We accept men as women and women as men.

We accept that there is no substantive difference between men and women.

We accept that sex between adults and children is both normal and healthy.

We accept that a political ideology disguised as a religion is in fact a peaceful religion.

We accept the idea that anyone who can make it across our border in violation of our laws is entitled to free everything.

We accept that a black man convicted of any crime is simply a victim of white racism.

We accept that a disagreement over policy is also an expression of racism if the policy is brought forth by a “person of color” and the disagreement is raised by a “white” person.

We accept that as a nation can continue to spend billions more dollars than we actually have without consequence.

We accept that actual education can be replaced by political indoctrination without negative consequence.

We accept that factual reporting of the murderous culture of black inner cities (Chicago, Baltimore etc) is in fact racist.

We accept that we can actually create so called global warming.

This list could go on for pages but I suspect you are beginning to see the picture. The fact is that all these accepted concepts fly directly into the face of reason. They only make sense when wrapped in the cocoon of self indulgence or delusion.

Not being allowed to believe that values have any actual meaning.

Nowhere is this more evident than in today’s popular culture. Values such as honesty, chastity, hard work and sacrifice are readily and viciously attacked as backward, simple minded or outright stupid by “enlightened” late night comedy hosts and, to borrow a phrase, their trained seal audience. Consider:

The high school girl who chooses to remain a virgin until married is brutally ridiculed and scorned.

The black student who studies hard and plays by the rules is labeled an Uncle Tom or sellout.

The man who departs from the homersexual lifestyle and settles down to raise a family is vilified.

The family that goes to church and prays together is mocked as simple minded religious zealots.

The person who works hard, saves money and builds a successful business is an evil corporate fat cat.

These tragedies happen because the left is justly terrified of the damage these values can bring to the fantasy world they live in. These time honored values put the lie to liberalism’s phony values for anyone to plainly see. Thus they must be destroyed at every opportunity.

What would you die for?

No one answers this question better than police officers, fire fighters and or our military. These are people who risk everything to protect and preserve the ideals that so many American’s today have no knowledge of, understanding or experience with or sometimes even tolerance of. While there are always exceptions I believe the vast majority of these fine public servants understand the values of actual free speech, real privacy and true self determination.

Who would flatter us to sell us for a slave?

Islamic devotee and congressional headcase (watch the video of her being tossed from a Trump rally before you complain) Talib tries to bribe us with a $20 minimum wage. This proven job killer is literally insane to anyone who has even a modicum of financial education. This is nothing more than an attempt to sell as many people as possible into the addiction of government dependency by crashing the job market. But she is not alone.

Liberals demand that a five year old boy who picks up a Barbie doll be administered female hormones because he is “identifying” as a female. This turns an idle moment of curiosity into an opportunity to make him another victim of the gay agenda.

Progressives sell young people into a life of drug addiction with medical/recreational marijuana.

Democrats in leadership positions constantly strive to obtain control of every facet of your life. In this process they have developed an unquenchable taste for controlling what you think as well.

Mainstream media, having abandoned the search for truth now deluge us with daily doses of politically correct propaganda to keep people from thinking. When we think, they lose and they know it.

Legislators, in the adoption of so called hate crimes laws, seek to criminalize any thoughts they don’t approve of. In their desire to “protect” us they now seek to insert themselves into our very thought processes.

The death of common reason is the death of man.

Common sense has been under relentless assault by liberals and progressives for at least the last thirty years. No longer are we allowed to put 2 and 2 together and arrive at 4. Today we must check common sense at our door every time we step outside our home. We are compelled by our betters to accept:

That bearded man in a dress that followed your twelve year old daughter into the ladies room must be considered to be a harmless women.

The five teenage gang bangers that are trying to surround you on the subway are in fact, just innocent boys looking for directions (to your wallet).

The gay men tossed off ten story buildings by tolerant moslems weren’t really murdered, they were just inexperienced thrill seekers.

No longer are we allowed to trust our judgment. We are required to ignore our lying eyes to maintain the leftist illusion of utopia on Earth.

We need a standard outside our own opinion.

Everyone has an opinion on something and some have opinions on everything. The thing about opinions is that they can be swayed. Family, friends, peers, junk science and pop culture, to name a few influences, can reform our opinions into stuff we never would have imagined. Without a foundation to rest upon, opinions can wander into high strangeness. Lewis’s foundation came to be Christian religion. A foundation is needed to help us remain faithful to our ideals, to remind us of where we came from, where we are headed and why we are headed there. The liberal foundation of ever shifting values is a recipe for personal, financial and spiritual disaster.

See everything as something to own or control.

This is the classic definition of liberalism. You and everything in your life is something for liberals to own or control. It’s what liberals live for.

Only liberals know what is good for you to eat.

Only liberals know what is actual racism.

Only liberals know what is truly sexist.

Only liberals know how children should be educated.

Only liberals know how your business should be managed.

Only liberals know how you should spend your money (or how much you should make).

Only liberals know how healthcare should be distributed.

Only liberals know what you should think about anything

Surely you are beginning to get the picture. Liberalism or any of its disguises, socialism, democratic socialism, communism or totalitarianism all seek one thing, complete control over you and you life from cradle to grave.

Great truths from mom/dad must be taught young because as adults these concepts become difficult to understand/teach.

No greater damage has been done to the fabric of America by the left than in this area alone. Today parents are expected, by popular culture, to be mirrors of the simpletons portrayed in such missives as Modern Family. No longer are parents allowed to teach things like;

That life is seldom fair.

That no one actually owes you anything.

That there are only two genders not 42, 56 or 97.

That casual sex has no actual value and is in fact often unhealthy.

That hard work can lead to success.

That you must plan for your future.

That marriage is for life.

That God exists and both loves you and has great plans for you and expectations of you.

In these things, all of which I strove to teach my children and now grandchildren, my wife and I are, in the public perception, outliers. As an example, it is considered strange by far to many people that I have been married to the same lovely women thirty four years.

Parents teach far more by example than they realize. Children are highly observant and when parents focus on such false things as “my truth” or “my career” or “I just want to have a good time” those lessons are not only learned by those same observant children but retained. Those lessons are frequently validated by popular culture. These lessons are the stepping stones to emptiness, failure and sorrow. As a leader in my church once said, “No success on Earth can compensate for failure in the home.” I paraphrased his quote but it is painfully clear to anyone with an open mind that the Walton’s family values served the family, and by extension the nation, far better than Modern Family’s values.

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