Monthly Archives: October 2019

Thoughts From The Dark Side

Some forty plus years ago, as a wide eyed fifth grader living just outside Washington DC, I found myself on a school field trip. My dad, a combat engineer having return from his tour of duty in Vietnam, had been stationed at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. I had the privilege of attending the Army Public School system there where, among other things, we were taught critical thinking skills along with the three R’s and non revised American history.

My classmates, teachers and I stood outside the Supreme Court building waiting for another busload of fellow students to arrive. It was a beautiful day, and I, a student of history even then, stood in awe before the imposing, much decorated marbled edifice that represented a bedrock principle of America, law and order.

As we waited, all lined up and as patient as a group of fifth graders can be in front of our buses, I watched curiously as people came in and out of the building we would soon be touring. One of the people who came out that morning was a women. Today I would estimate her age as late twenties. She saw us and stopped dead in her tracks. I watched as she examined us closely and saw her becoming agitated. I watched curiously as her face contorted itself angrily. Then, with a purposeful swiftness she turned and marched directly at us. I could tell she was upset but at what I had no clue. She rectified that deficiency in my knowledge right away.

Although there was nothing between her and us she stopped a few feet in front of us and began yelling at us. She informed us in no uncertain terms that our fathers were baby killers, rapists, village burners and murderers. We were invaders that didn’t belong in Vietnam she continued angrily. I confess that exactly what she said after that is lost in the mist of memory. I was stunned both by her ferocity and her allegations. As her tirade continued all of us kids became silent and, as I found out later, a little afraid.

Staring at her angry face as she berated our fathers a jumble of thoughts rushed through my young mind. Who was she? I didn’t recognize her. Did she know my dad? Why would she say these things? I knew my dad was no saint but I knew for certain he was no baby killer. I knew for a fact that he had been seriously injured digging a well for a village. To say I was confused would have been putting it mildly.

As I was trying to process this our teachers began moving us back towards the buses and away from the angry women. One of our teachers went up to the women and asked her to leave us kids alone. This only angered her further. Fortunately the police arrived right then and escorted the women from the premises. To say that we kids were in a state of shock would be an understatement. Our teachers did their best to reassure us that we would be okay and that the young lady wasn’t really angry with us. Many of us remained unconvinced.

It was then that the other bus arrived. There was a huddled conference of teachers and a police officer. It was decided that the tour would continue. I am glad that it did but I also noticed that we had a police officer following us at a discrete distance for the entire tour. I found that both comforting and at the same time worrisome. I was glad he was there but wondered why a group of fifth graders would need police protection and from who.

Today, little has changed. Liberals are still assaulting children.

Today we are assaulted in the public square by a completely brainwashed teenager on global warming.

Liberals assault conservatives of all ages in and out of the public sphere with impunity.

School kids today are brainwashed with gender confusion and an LGBT-WTF agenda that defies all reason.

Nearly everywhere one turns in the media the evils of America, a few real and but most imagined, are recited without context, contradiction, fact or relief.

President Trump is routinely assaulted with made up allegations that “must be taken seriously”. The bald face fact that his accusers are the ones doing what they accuse him of doing is never disclosed by a willfully complicit media and trashed by that same media as a conspiracy theory if anyone brings the subject up.

Formerly beautiful places like San Francisco and Seattle are now awash in human feces, used needles, homeless camps, drug addicts, the mentally ill and illegal aliens.

Merely mentioning these subjects, let alone proposing solutions that don’t involve the creation of new government programs and massive government spending subjects you all sorts of harassment.

So much for the history lesson. You’ve waited long enough. Now for the darkness.

There is a pair of quotes, the names of their authors escapes me at the moment, that I will mash together into, “For good to prevail there must be rough men willing to do unspeakable things.”

I’m not sure we are at the stage where we need to do unspeakable things to defend American values and culture but there is plenty of call for doing some rough things. Outside of President Trump, where are the conservative “rough men”?

Where are the men and women who will unmask the antifa thugs? I mean literally unmask them. Identify them, film them, follow them and get vehicle descriptions, license plate numbers and home addresses, all to be given to their victims lawyers so these thugs can be prosecuted. Who will shame these haters?

Where are the men and women who will stand up one after another at a Biden campaign rally and ask about his son’s and his corruption. I mean literally one person after another asking the same question until he admits he and his son are grifters extraordinaire or he storms out of the event.

Where is the person who will doxx the owners and editors of such hate mongering outlets as the New York Times, CNN political hacks pretending to be journalists and social media parasites so that we can flood their mailboxes with politely worded demands for fair and accurate reporting? If people want to responsibly protest outside these haters driveways so be it. Why do they get to exempt themselves from the chaos they seek to impose on the rest of us?

Who will mail a thank you card from the abortion doctor that sells baby parts with a picture of her in her new Lambo to everyone who recently had an abortion.

Where are the billboards along the highways of America showing Donald Trump hanging out with Mohammed Ali? Showing illegal alien rapists, child predators and killers being released in defiance of ICE by the sheriff, police commissioner, governor etc? Showing the islamic practice of adult males marrying nine year old girls?

Where are the white hat hackers that will inform America of just who is funding illegal immigration by exposing groups like La Raza (literally The Race)? Of who is funding them. Of to who and just how much these groups are giving money and in kind contributions to (trust me, their federal filings are woefully incomplete)?

Where are the men and women who will defend law enforcement the next time some two bit career felon is shot by a police officer in fear for his life? Who will take to task the reporter who airs the thugs family babbling about how the thug was a good and decent guy who just made one mistake? Let’s be real, if he was a decent guy why was he a career felon? I feel for your loss but if you are going to lie you deserve every metaphorical egg thrown at you.

I hope you understand where I am going here. This is no call to violence, unless you are attacked in which case my advice is defend yourself, but a cry to conservatives to go on offense in the arena of ideas. It has been said we are entering a “cold” civil war. I suspect that is true. Given that, I believe we can only win our country back by abandoning the defensive posture many conservatives have become addicted to. The Mitt “the twit” Romnys and Paul “lyin” Ryans of the world will sell you and me into oblivion as long as they can live in their gilded cages and attend the right cocktail parties. It is time we stopped accepting every false liberal premise about us at face value and defending ourselves according to the baseless accusation.

The correct answer to most liberal assertions is to laugh out loud. Laugh in their face. Men can be women, laugh. Global warming, laugh. Racism is alive and well in the United States, laughter. Evil corporations, use your best evil laugh.

I can hear you now, but sailor, all that makes us just like them.……………….

Sorry, I was laughing.

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Filed under Culture, politics