Monthly Archives: December 2016

Islam And Some Non-PC Facts

I have never tried to hide my disdain of islam. Having studied it for the last several years I can find literally no good in it. It is a vile political system of subjugation that not only tolerates evil but demands its followers perpetuate evil in hope of salvation. I am sick of hearing how islam has been “hijacked” by extremists. As Col. Potter would say, “Pigeon pellets!” All one has to do is read the quran and the hadith to understand that the supposed hijackers of the religion of peace are actually the devout moslems allah seeks. I know because I have read the books. Have you?

Don’t take my word for it, read the books. Just be aware that the moslem group CAIR has released a sanitized, cleaner and much happier version of the quran. This is simply propaganda. I suggest you read the actual quran. A word of caution. In the beginning you will find much that seems to be common with Christianity. In fact, Christianity and islam have nothing in common. Later in the quran, if your not a hollywood liberal, rap loving creep or murderous Chicago drug dealer you will be shocked and disturbed at the pure evil espoused by this so called scripture.

Many want to try and hide the face of islam by ascribing a great history of science, art and innovation to the so called religion of peace. Really? Name the current literary moslem masterpiece. You can’t because moslems only read two books, the quran and the hadith. Name the last Oscar winning moslem film. What is the latest moslem innovation in healthcare (I don’t mean AK 47 painkillers). When was the last moslem designer trend (burkinis are not a fashion trend, they are a symbol of subjugation) featured in a Paris fashion house? Are there any gay moslem interior designers left that haven’t been thrown to their deaths off the rooftops of Gaza, Pakistan etc?

Yes, islam has a history. It is a violent, dark and bloody history. Just since 9/11 moslems have launched 29,955 terror attacks world wide. Still, that history runs much longer than just since 9/11. Allow me to partially refresh your memory.

The Shoe bomber was a moslem.

The Beltway snipers were moslems.

The HaSharon mall killer was a moslem.

The Nice, France killer was a moslem.

The Fort Hood shooter was a moslem.

The TWA flight 847 hijackers/killers were moslems.

The underwear bomber was a moslem.

The U-S.S. Cole bombers were moslems.

The Khobar Towers bombers were moslems.

The Orlando nightclub killer was a moslem.

The Madrid train bombers were moslems.

The Charlie Hebdo killers were moslems.

The Bali nightclub bombers were moslems.

The killers of Lee Rigby were moslems.

The London subway bombers were moslems.

The Luxor, Egypt killers were moslems.

The Moscow theater attackers were moslems.

The Boston Marathon bombers were moslems.

The Pan-Am flight #93 bombers were moslems.

The Air France Entebbe hijackers were moslems.

The Brussels, Belgium airport killers were moslems.

The Iranian Embassy takeover, was by moslems.

The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were moslems.

The Libyan U.S. Embassy attack was by moslems.

The Little Rock, Ark recruiting office killer was a moslem.

The Buenos Aires suicide bombers were moslems.

The Israeli Olympic team attackers were moslems.

The Kenyan U.S. Embassy bombers were moslems.

The Paris, France music hall killers were moslems.

The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were moslems.

The Beslan Russian school attackers were moslems.

The first World Trade Center bombers were moslems.

The Peshawar, Pakistan school killers were moslems.

The Bombay & Mumbai India attackers were moslems.

The Achille Lauro cruise ship hijackers were moslems.

The September 11th 2001 airline hijackers were moslems.

The Chattanooga recruiting center shooting was a moslem.

I know diversity and tolerance are the liberal watchwords of today. How do these concepts apply in the non moslem world? Let’s think about the following for a minute.

Buddhists don’t seem to have a problem living with Hindus.

Hindus don’t seem to have a problem living with Christians.

Hindus don’t seem to have a problem living with Jews.

Christians don’t seem to have a problem living with Shintos.

Shintos don’t seem to have a problem living with Confucians.

Confucians don’t seem to have a problem living with Baha’i’s.

Baha’i’s don’t seem to have a problem living with Jews.

Jews don’t seem to have a problem living with Atheists.

Atheists don’t seem to have a problem living with Buddhists.

Buddhists don’t seem to have a problem living with Sikhs.

Sikhs don’t seem to have a problem living with Hindus.

Hindus don’t seem to have a problem living with Baha’i’s.

Baha’i’s don’t seem to have a problem living with Christians.

Christians don’t seem to have a problem living with Jews.

Jews don’t seem to have a problem living with Buddhists.

Buddhists don’t seem to have a problem living with Shintos.

Shintos don’t seem to have a problem living with Atheists.

Atheists don’t seem to have a problem living with Confucians.

Confucians don’t seem to have a problem living with Hindus.

Isn’t that interesting? Seems like nearly everyone except the moslems have got this tolerance and diversity thing down. Not that all these comparisons suggest perfect peace and harmony but when is the last time you heard about a Christian suicide bomber, a Hindu airline hijacker or Shinto sniper?

It is a demonstrable fact that moslems have a problem living with Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Baha’i’s, Shintos and Atheists. Moslems have a huge problem living with other moslems.

So, where are some of the places moslems are unhappy?

They don’t seem to be happy in Afghanistan, Egypt, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria or Yemen.

As Mr. Spock would say, “Fascinating.” Moslems are not happy anywhere they are in charge. Who do they blame for this problem? Not their islamic ideology that demands of them to hate, rape, torture, enslave and kill in the name of their god. Not their hate spewing, wealth grabbing, intolerant and hypocritical leadership. Not themselves for willingly joining in and perpetuating the hate in the hopes of gaining the services of 72 virgins. They blame the countries they claim to be happy in.

None of this should be surprising considering they are simply following the edicts of their perfect man, Mohammed. Don’t know much about him? Here is a short primer. He was a polygamist warlord who launched some thirty military campaigns, leading many of them himself. After his victories he allowed, even encouraged, his armies to rape, murder, pillage and enslave to their hearts desire. He was a thief who raided caravans. He was a slave owner and trader. He ordered over a dozen massacres, employed torture at every opportunity and killed anyone who dared to disagree with him. From this comes the religion of peace?

So, where are moslems happy?

Seems they’re mostly happy in Australia. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Belgium. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Canada. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in England. Except when they are rioting, raping or killing.

Seems they’re mostly happy in France. Except when they are rioting and killing.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Germany. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in India. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Italy. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Norway. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Sweden. Except when they are rioting/raping in mass.

Seems they’re mostly happy in the USA. Except when protesting nearly everything.

Is it just me or is this religion way to comfortable with rape? Where is a feminist when you need one? Gloria Steinham, Whoopie, Lena Dunham et al, where are you?

Still, isn’t it interesting that moslems claim they are happy in almost every country that is not islamic. How do they respond to this sudden influx of happiness? After they attach themselves to the welfare teat of their host, they begin to try and force changes in their country of choice to make it resemble the islamic country they came from. So, I can’t help but wonder, if it was so bad there, why change where you are now to be an exact copy of where you left? Hint, it is the islamic principle of birth rate invasion.

So, how do moslems attempt to affect the required changes. Outside of political correctness, they do it with two kinds of organizations, military and civil, and two kinds of actions, out breeding the local population and engaging in legal and not so legal harassment and intimidation.

The military wings of islam are, but not limited to:

Abdullah Azzam Brigades: A militant offshoot of al Qaeda.

Abu Sayyaf: A small and violent islamic jihadist group/terror organization.

Al-Badr: An islamic militant group/terror organization.

Al-Nusra: Front for the Conquest of the Levant. An islamic terror organization.

Ansaru: An islamic terror organization.

Al-Qaeda: An islamic terror organization.

Boko Haram: An islamic terror organization.

Islamic Jihad: An islamic terror organization.

ISIS: An islamic terror organization.

Jemaah Islamiyah: An islamic terror organization.

Hamas: An islamic resistance movement/terror organization.

Hezbollah: The party of allah, an islamic terror organization.

Lashkar-e-Taiba: An islamic terror organization

Muslim Brotherhood: An islamic terror organization.

Palestine Liberation Front: An islamic terror organization.

Taliban: An islamic terror organization disguised as a government.

The Palistinian Authority. An islamic terror organization disguised as a government.

The civilian wings of islam are, but not limited to:

CAIR, U.S Council of moslem Organizations, The moslem Student Association, United moslem Relief, Islamic Circle of North America, The moslem Sisterhood, The Alianza islamica, The moslem Lawyers Association, The moslem American Society, The North American islamic Trust, The Association of moslem Social Scientists, The Association of moslem Scientists and Engineers, The islamic Medical Association, Moslem Youth of North America and the Moslem Businessmen Association to name a few.

For every one of these national groups there are one or more state or city equivalents throughout the nation. Here is just a sample.

The moslem Bar Association of Chicago, The islamic Society of Dayton and the moslems in New York City Project.

So now a thoughtful person must now wonder, is it possible for a devout moslem be good Americans? The short answer is no. Here is a partial explanation of why.

Theologically. No, because his allegiance is first and foremost to allah, The moon

god of Arabia.

Religiously. No, because no other religion is tolerated or accepted by allah except

islam. (quran, 2:256)(koran)

Scripturally. No, because a moslems allegiance is to the five pillars of islam and the

quran over all else.

Geographically. No, because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he must turn

towards and pray to five times a day.

Socially. No, because the quran forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

He is in fact required to either kill Christians and Jews wherever he may find them or

enslave them.

Politically. No, because he must submit to the imams and mullahs (spiritual leaders),

who teach annihilation of Israel and in particular, the destruction of America, the

great Satan.”

Domestically. No, because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (quran 4:34 )

Intellectually. No, because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is

based on biblical principles. Islamic teachings insist the bible is a corrupted book.

Philosophically. No, because islam, mohammad, and the quran do not allow for the

freedom of religion or expression. Islam demands that democracy and islam cannot

co-exist. Every moslem government is either a theocracy, dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually. No, because the Christian’s God is loving and kind, while allah is not

once referred to as Heavenly Father, nor is he even called love in the quran’s 99

excellent names.

Because of what we have learned so far, and after much study and careful deliberation, perhaps we should be very suspicious of any moslems in America. It is readily apparent the devout moslem cannot be both a ‘good’ moslem and a ‘good’ American. Your acceptance of that last statement is not required for it to be true. The moslems have openly and repeatedly said they will destroy us from within. For the devout moslem this is a religious duty/war. Again, your acceptance of that last statement is not required for it to be the truth.

In many European countries (England, France, Sweden to name a few in the news lately) there are already dozens, if not hundreds of designated moslem no go zones. In these pits of darkness hell, in the form a sharia law, reigns. Local police and prosecutors will not intervene, arrest or prosecute anyone violating their countries laws in these deadly no go zones. Let’s take a moment and learn about peaceful sharia.

An introduction to sharia law:

Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand.

Criticizing or denying any part of the quran is punishable by death.

Criticizing or denying that mohammad is a prophet is punishable by death.

Criticizing or denying allah, the moon god of islam, is punishable by death.

A moslem who becomes a non-moslem is punished by death.

A non-moslem who leads a moslem away from Islam is punished by death.

A non-moslem man who marries a moslem woman is punished by death.

A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.

Girls’ clitoris should be cut (per mohammad’s words in Book 41, kitab al-adab, hadith 5251).

A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives; mohammad can have more.

A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband’s consent to divorce.

A man can beat his wife for insubordination.

Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.

A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).

A woman’s testimony in court, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a man’s.

A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.

A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).

A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.

Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been sacrificed to allah – i.e., be halal.

Moslems should engage in Taqiyya (the islamic principle that allows one to lie, cheat, steal and even deny ones islamic faith in the advancement of islam) towards non-moslems.

The above list is no where near complete. Examples, a women needs a mans permission to receive an education, to work outside the home and needs a male escort anytime she leaves the home. Don’t even get me started on so called “honor” killings. Study sharia law and prepare to be sickened.

It is difficult to understand why supposedly intelligent people would flock to such a religion. What is even harder to understand is why we would import hundreds of thousands of these ideological primitives every year. Rational, sane people should not stand for this.

The short version is simply that if you are a brutal sixth century thug with more teeth than brain cells who enjoys raping (both women and little boys), pillaging, terrorizing, enslaving, murdering and being totally unaccountable for such actions, islam is for you.

God help us all.

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Serious As A Heart Attack

One of my best friends growing up had a favorite saying he would deploy every time he wanted to be taken seriously. He would say he was, “serious as a heart attack.” I never attached much worth to the statement as I’m pretty sure I knew when he was being serious and when he wasn’t. Besides, what does a kid know about heart attacks? Still the phrase, and the earnestness that often accompanied it has stuck with me all these years.

My white privilege must deserted me as, a little over a week ago, I had a heart attack. Like many bad things that happen, it came out of the blue, kind of. What I mean by that is that my numbers (cholesterol, triglycerides etc) were all well within normal. My weight was a little high as was my blood pressure. I exercise regularly and have, over the last two years made major health modifications to my diet. I was making good but slow and steady progress towards my weight loss and BP issues. In fact I had just finished my workout at the gym and was getting ready to shower when I had my heart attack.

It came on fairly quickly and thanks to thirty years of first aid and CPR classes it didn’t take me long to realize what was happening. I am truly thankful to the stranger who called 911 when I asked for help. I do not remember everything that happened rather I have a stream of fleeting images, impressions and recollections. The pain though, was totally unforgettable.

I remember, and greatly appreciate, the gym employee who rushed into the locker room where I was laying nearly passed out on a bench and took control. He sent someone to wait for the ambulance, sent others to get more benches to get me onto a stable platform and sent another person to get towels to cover me, partly because I was naked I’m sure but I was going into shock and covering the victim is part of first aid. As I began shaking violently he put his hand on my shoulder and kept telling me the EMT’s were on the way and he would take care of me. As odd as it may seem my mind had divided itself into two parts by this point. The first part was focusing simply on the desperately difficult act of breathing. The second part was actually quite calm and rational. I could hear everything going on around me. I understood what people were saying and, I hate to say it, was even critiquing the first aid skills of those helping me. The one thing I found odd about the entire experience was the fact that no matter how hard I tried, I could not open my eyes. Still, when I can get back to the gym I want to thank him. In the depths of my pain and confusion his calm and commanding presence was an anchor for me to hang onto. I can never thank him enough.

When the EMT’s arrived I remember them asking me questions and I did my best to answer but talking was extremely difficult. I don’t remember transitioning to the ambulance but I do remember hearing the siren and deducing that I was in an ambulance. I remember hearing one of the EMT’s talking to the hospital over the radio although I don’t remember what he said. The next thing I remember was a doctor, at least I thought he was a doctor, telling me about the cathitor and how he was going to run it up my arm and into my heart. They did so and the nurse who talked to me later told me that once they removed the 100% blockage, I passed out. A stint was placed and I was sent to ICU. Three days later I went home.

The good news is I am expected to fully recover. The bad news is that it is unlikely I will be able to continue to work the three jobs I have worked for so long. I can now only work enough to support my family. My NYC welfare queen and illegal alien family will now have to seek other means of support. I am not really sorry about that but this time, I am serious as a heart attack.

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