Monthly Archives: January 2021

Thank You Media, Democrats, Celebrities, Swamp Dwelling Republicans and Assorted Useful Idiots

In Texas, at a high school football game, player Emmanuel Duron charged from the sideline to knock down a referee. The refs crime? He had ejected Dumbo, sorry, Duron, from the game.

Cynthia Johnson, a lawmaker in Michigan, openly threatens violence on Trump supporters and no one in authority wants to hear or see the threats.

Travon Martin gets himself killed assaulting someone and a brand new ethnicity, white Hispanic, is discovered.

Michael Brown robs a convenience store, assaults a police officer and tries to steal his duty weapon, got himself killed and the myth of police hunting innocent black men and killing them becomes indisputable fact.

In Portland Oregon, armed thugs take over private property and declare themselves an autonomous area. They have armed “guards” threaten anyone who approaches without permission. The mayor wants everyone to “understand” the thugs.

So what exactly does this tiny set of examples miscreant behavior have in common? I submit they are the predictable results of the efforts of the individuals labeled in the title. These self appointed arbiters of truth use their “status” to help create the above highlighted incidents by inventing or parroting narratives. These narratives have twin purposes for those spouting them. First, these narratives are intended to make them look smart, cool, intelligent, caring or just to virtue signal their superiority over you. Second, they do so knowing and/or hoping that someone will take the bait and act out on those phony narratives. When someone does act out based on those narratives the incidents are then used by the above titled individuals as proof of racism or discrimination or white privilege etc.

The important thing to remember here is that, by and large, racism, discrimination etc are the exception in America not the rule. The goal of the above titled individuals is to create the opposite impression. They want you to believe that racism is everywhere, that white privilege is common practice. They need certain groups of people to remain angry and will do or say anything required to nurture that anger. It is for them a convenient side effect that outright violence will often subdue peaceful resistance. In fact, the biggest racists in America right now are in a tie for first place, the militant black community (blm, nation of islam) vs the democratic party and antifa. Hate runs hard, strong and deep in each of these organizations.

Sadly, it’s not just the race based assaults on reason we have to deal with. We now have virtually every school ( K- grad school) in America turned into a socialist indoctrination center spouting the glories of a proven failed system of government that has killed over 100 million people in the twentieth century alone. A system that demands central government planning for every aspect of your life, issuing corrected versions of history as needed and just to rub salt into the wound, forcing the worst of the homersexual agenda on your children.

Consider what these schools are doing. Kindergarten children can now be taught the joys of anal sex with each other. High school boys can declare themselves “women” and rob actual women of sporting championships. Students are now being taught that simply having the wrong color of skin proves you’re terminally racist. Gender, children are taught, does not exist but must be chosen from a list of 32, 74 or 92 (depends on which list you want to use) options. Only approved speech, topics or speakers are allowed on campus because freedom of speech does not include speech they disagree with.

Today congress wants to ban words like mother, father, man, women, son, daughter etc from all future legislation. Even mentioning these forbidden words will constitute an ethics violation and members will be forced to spend millions of dollars in legal fees defending themselves for talking about their mother or father, son or daughter. The lunatics running the house understand the concept that the one who controls the language controls thought. The RINO republicans do not.

No clearer example of the lunacy affecting politicians, and Americas acceptance of it, could be conjured up than the one in Georgia. The democrats/liberals run a credibly accused spouse and child abuser who is also an openly avowed racist and, a trust fund nit wit whose most difficult decision in life has been which limo to use to get to Starbucks.

The vile people listed in the title are the cheerleaders, foot soldiers and financiers of everything you have read so far and more.

The people you read about at the beginning of this article are the victims, sometimes willing, sometimes not, of the people listed in the title. Even more disturbing is that those listed in the title use your own money and institutions against you and, generally speaking, you don’t care. It pains me to realize that with fully half of America, as long as the internet is up, Amazon keeps delivering and doordash arrives on time, there is nothing to worry about.

History has proven you only get to lose freedom once. America is staring evil in the face at every turn. We have sold ourselves down the bloody trail of tyranny, not by going down in a blaze of glory, but by accepting one corrupt bargain at a time. Our freedom hangs by a thread because it is a truism that a people can forget how it was to live free.

When it comes to freedom, what do you remember?

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Filed under Culture, liberals

Where Is Your Star! Papers Please!

Long before Hitler sent his armies against the world he deployed his secret police against the Jews. In the beginning Jews lost their jobs in government and colleges then everywhere else. In short order they lost their German citizenship, had to paint yellow stars on the doors of their homes and businesses, had to wear yellow stars on their clothes, had to have permission from the government to travel and were even told where they could live. If you’re a public school victim allow me to actually educate you. It didn’t end well. Six million Jews were murdered and millions more Jews and other “undesirables” had their passions and life savings stolen, were tortured, forcibly medically experimented on and imprisoned under barbaric conditions.

I know you think it can’t happen here. Funny thing is, the Germans felt the same way. I know, I heard it first hand from my grandmother who lived in Germany at the time.

The so called riot at the capitol has provided the liberals the final excuse, manufactured as it was, to target Americans of conservative inclination for extinction. I use that word, extinction, specifically. I say so called riot because I have witnessed bar fights that were more violent (outside of the Air Force veteran who was shot and the capitol police officer who later died from injuries) than the “armed insurrection” that happened on Wednesday.

I can hear you now, but Sailor, they broke windows and 5 people died! True and each death is a tragedy of unspeakable magnitude for the families involved as well as a stain on the honor of everyone who participated in the intrusion. Compared to what happened for some 80 plus days in Portland or a dozen other democrat lifetime run cities (500 plus declared riots, 25 people dead, 2,000 police officers injured, 2 billion dollars in damages, thousands of minority owned businesses destroyed), the capitol incursion was relatively tame in comparison.

For the observant there is much to learn here.

Big tech has gone into full offensive mode. At this writing twitter has purged 70,000 plus personal accounts and banned President Trumps personal and White House account. Facebook has de-platformed the Just Walk Away (from the democrat party) movement and is actively censoring Stop the Steal. Google, no longer satisfied to spy on you and maliciously manipulate your search results has, along with Amazon, de-platformed Parlor, eliminating Twitters main source of competition. Lesson, criticism of the regime will not be tolerated.

I heard that passengers have been thrown off airplanes for talking about President Trump positively and for singing the national anthem. Lesson, America First or pride in ones country must be punished.

Web hosting giant Godaddy booted from it’s servers saying the website violated it’s terms of service but refused to provide any examples. Lesson, there are no good gun owners.

Democrats now want to classify future Trump rallies as domestic terrorist activities and have the FBI act to prevent these from happening. Lesson, open dissent is not allowed.

The militant anti-trump group The Lincoln Project is building a database of everyone that served in or supported, the Trump administration. The avowed purpose of the list is to punish these people in every aspect of their lives. Lesson, failure to comply will cost you.

Banks and corporations are closing accounts of Trump and promising to with hold campaign contributions to any legislator that supported him. Lesson, remember who you work for.

Certain publishers are now refusing to publish books based on the writers political opinion. Lesson, non approved thought is not allowed.

Educators are banning books like Homers “Illyad” and “The Oddessy”, the works of Mark Twain and vital stories like “To Kill A Mockingbird.” Old movies are being banned or remade to be politically correct. Not even cartoons are safe from the wokie hipsters Biden will unleash from mom’s basement. Lesson, only correct history will be taught.

A senior counsel at PBS, the “news” agency funded by your tax dollars, openly advocates for your children to be taken from you and sent to re-education camps. Lesson, if you will not properly indoctrinate your children we will.

Forbes magazine threatens any company that hires someone who worked in the Trump administration. Lesson, loyalty oaths don’t need to be written.

Sponsors of popular talk radio shows are being targeted to get them to abandon the market that has helped them make their money. Lesson, only regime approved thought is allowed.

Simple minded Michael (feed me) Moore managed to lift his head from the buffet table long enough to warn us that if Trump and his supporters aren’t arrested and prosecuted liberals like him will be killed by the aforementioned white supremacists. Sadly, dozens of lemming like news readers will echo this absurdity in a sick attempt to make it so. In truth the only people who have acted this way was a Bernie Sanders fan, but lets not go there right?

I suspect the news readers are right, it is going to get ugly out here but not for the reasons they want you to believe. When half the country believes it is under massively unjust and near constant attack there are only two options. We surrender like the congressional republicans or we respond. I never surrender so I must respond. The question is how?

In whatever we choose as our response we must remember that they, the vile leadership of the democrats, the evil tech lords, the commie democratic donors, the Chinese agitators, the mind numbed media news readers, the vapid celebrities, the mental midget athletes, the the militant college professors and their army of intellectual wannabes continue to assault us in the hopes that we will give them the war they are looking for. I hope it doesn’t come to that because at the end of the day we outnumber them by millions. As the meme goes, “If 100 million gun owners were the problem you would know about it.”

The truth is, the only thing progressives fear more than gun owners is one Donald Trump and 80 million of his supporters. In the arena of ideas, on the political and ideological battlefields, perhaps it is time to validate that fear.

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Filed under Culture, liberals, politics

Riots And Trump Supporters Oh My

Trigger warning. If you’re a snowflake please move on because you’re not going to like this. You’ve been warned.

I have never condoned violence. I watched in amazement as cities and residents of those cities like Seattle, Baltimore, Portland and Chicago, to name just a few, stood by and allowed rampant violence, arson, looting, assault and battery and attempted murder of police officers to take place unimpeded. I was stunned that casting couch Kamala (secret service codename Heels Up) and her supporters fund raised money to bail the few thugs who managed to get themselves arrested out of jail. The only Trump supporters in these riots were more often than not running for their lives. Violence was wrong then and it’s wrong now.

Still, I have some questions concerning the “riot” that President Trump supposedly “instigated.”

First, out of the hundreds of Trump rallies why did this single rally turn violent? Could it be because antifa has promised to infiltrate Trump rallies and finally had the organization, funding and ability to do so?

Second, consider the timing. The “riot” started as soon as the challenges to the outright vote fraud began. Considering that the very reason Trump supporters were there was to get their overwhelming evidence heard somewhere, why would they sabotage their best shot at having their evidence brought to light?

Third, ask any big city police department, with a group as large as the Trump rally you only need a few people in strategic places to start a riot. (see the antifa reference above and study mob behavior) Infiltration is the oldest trick in the book and honestly, how difficult is it to impersonate a “Trump supporter”? All you need is the right hat and flag and the media will amplify every negative thing you do.

Fourth. Consider the intimidation factor. How many Trump supporters in the Senate and the House have since come out with their tail between their legs, now willing to bend over for any progressive that says mean things about them. (Romney, Curtis I’m talking to you specifically)

Fifth. Exactly who benefits from this “riot?” What reasonable person expects this to help Trump? How helpful to the democrats has this been?

Finally, consider the propaganda value of the “riot.” Liberals and the media, but I’m being redundant, now get to outright lie by telling everyone how Trump “instigated” the riot in an effort to subvert democracy. I’ve watched the Trump speech, I’ve read the speech and if that’s what you got out of it you are either ignorant of the plain meaning of words (translation, a public school victim) or malicious in intent.

Any cogent responses or informed debate will be appreciated. If all you can do is call me names, thanks! I win!

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