Category Archives: taqyiyya

When You Understand Islam Afghanistan Makes Perfect Sense

It’s an open secret that Joe Biden is a puppet president. He has been a walking shell of a man since before the presidential campaign. How he was installed into the oval office is another article. The point of this one is to consider the idea that it’s former president, The Kenyan little Barry, a moslem deep in the religious practice of taqiyya, calling the shots with the end goal of establishing the dominance of islam everywhere possible. He has even gone on record saying that the Biden administration was simply a continuation of his presidency.

A proper analyses would take a book length effort. Remember though, he spent his entire presidency assisting, enriching and surrendering to islamic extremists. He only agreed to kill Bin Laden to save his political career. He bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, said the moslem call to prayer was the sweetest sound on earth and killed domestic energy production to force us to buy middle east oil knowing full well many of those dollars would end up funding terrorism. He insisted that Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, be allowed to have nuclear weapons, which they will use on Israel. The pattern should be clear.

I offer some points to consider.

Point. “Biden” has installed dozens of The Kenyan little Barry’s moslem/communist fellow travelers in key positions throughout “his” administration. The key being Susan Rice.

Secondary point. The Kenyan had eight years to fill the government with deep state actors loyal to him and his agenda. The vast majority of them remain in place today.

Who benefits. Deep staters, new world order types, America haters, moslem terrorists and third world dictators to name a few.

Point. While “Biden” claims to be tied to Trump’s withdrawal date he in fact isn’t.

Who benefits. The Taliban by taking over Afghanistan unopposed, democrats by pretending they are following “Trump’s” plan which they know they aren’t. Moslem terror groups who now have a safe haven to train, plan and operate in.

Point. “Biden” needlessly surrendered Bagram Airbase to the Taliban in the middle of the night, denying the Afghan military the opportunity to use the base in the defense of their country. Bagram, a crown jewel that cost us a fortune in blood and treasure, was given away without cost to our sworn enemy.

Secondary point. This allowed the release of thousands of terrorists held in prison there.

Who benefits. Without firing a shot the Taliban deprived the Afghans of one of their most important assets in the defense of their country. Numerous terrorist groups can now reconstitute themselves overnight, America has lost it’s ability to monitor terrorism in country/region and now must respond to terrorism threats/actions from “over the horizon”

Point. “Biden” and his co-conspirators in this atrocity have repeatedly and publicly placed America in the subservient position to a group of cave dwelling murderers who claim allegiance to a murdering rapist pedophile.

Who benefits. The Taliban gets the propaganda victory of humiliating America on the world stage. They get to show the “superiority” of seventh century islam over the modern western world. In practical terms this means terrorist groups will be able to fund-raise hundreds of millions of dollars, recruitment of terrorists will accelerate and terrorism against us and the western world will resume in earnest.

Point. “Biden” made it a point to deliberately and publicly abandon American citizens in Afghanistan.

Who benefits. The Taliban will turn these Americans into hostage situations. While many will no doubt be ransomed off others will held for political gains such as stopping military aid to Israel and releasing terrorists from club Gitmo.

Point. “Biden” had our military openly harass our allies as they tried to get their civilians out of Afghanistan.

Who benefits. This one mainly benefits our other global enemies, China, Iran and Russia. These actions will cause much distrust between us and our allies who now openly question whether America can be trusted. Sadly, the people of Taiwan, Israel and Ukraine may end up paying the ultimate price for this.

Point. The “Biden” led state department openly fought private charities trying to get American citizens and Christian Afghans marked for death by being burned alive out of the country. The state department went so far as to force at least one plane full of refugees that had left Afghanistan to return and actually threatened countries that had agreed to accept those refugees.

Who benefits. The Taliban gets to demonstrate the futility of working with the west. They get to impose their version of religion on anyone who dared depart from islam by publicly enforcing the death penalty on them, deterring anyone who may harbor thoughts of resisting them in the future. They claim the propaganda victory of islam over Christianity.

Point. “Biden” surrendered billions of dollars in modern American weapons, equipment and technology to the Taliban.

Who benefits. The Taliban gained overnight and without any effort a modern military arsenal becoming in one fell swoop, better equipped than many nations. All the weapons they decide not to use will be sold to those who will use them against us or our allies. Some of our most secret technology will be sold or given to our global enemies, degrading our and our allies that use the same technology, ability to defend ourselves

Point. “Biden” made sure a list of every American left behind and every Afghan who helped or worked with America was provided to the Taliban.

Who benefits. The Taliban as the Americans will soon be hostages. The Afghans will be hunted down and, along with their families, tortured and killed as a warning to any who would think to oppose them. This warning will be broadcast clearly throughout the middle east and the world.

I think by now you understand the concept. Only the truly bad guys won here and no one was more supportive of these particular bad guys ( moslems ) than the Kenyan little Barry.

Some will defend Biden saying it was just some mistakes. If that were true then, statistically speaking, some of those mistakes would have benefited America or those desperately trying to save their and their families lives. Even a cursory glance at the last two weeks will show no benefits to America in any way.

The evidence is clear. Everything you saw was done on purpose. Every. Last. Bit. Of. It.

Someone, using Biden as the public face, was able to use Afghanistan to shiv America in the back.

And the Kenyan little Barry smiles.

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Filed under Culture, Islam, liberals, politics, taqyiyya

The Iranian Project

During WWII (a subject our children are tragically mis-educated about) the US Army became increasingly concerned about the number of potential soviet spies within the Roosevelt administration. So concerned where the top brass that they set up a secret intelligence gathering project without white house knowledge or approval on the president and his advisers. Contrary to current historical opinion (liberals/progressives refuse to deal in facts in this instance) Joe McCarthy was wrong not in fact but in number. According to the KGB archives accessed after the fall of the Berlin wall, the Roosevelt administration was riddled with hundreds of soviet spies. They were everywhere from his closest advisers to mid level policy wonks to low level functionaries. The soviet success did not go unnoticed. Someone in Iran it seems was paying very close attention.

Many people believe the Kenyan is a militant muslim deeply engaged in the islamic practice of Taqiyya, the great deception allowed to muslims for the advancement of islam. Given his constant assaults on Christianity and deferral to islam it is difficult to refute such an allegation. After all, this is the president who even now insists on deporting Christian families back to the middle east to be at best persecuted and most likely murdered. In this death sentence the Kenyan insists he is practicing tolerance and understanding. Tolerance and understanding for who I have to ask.

Even to the casual observer the Kenyans commitment to islam and Taqiyya should be painfully evident. The Kenyan has admitted that the muslim morning call to prayer is the “sweetest sound on earth” and then issued the call perfectly. He was educated in Indonesia where islam is required to be taught. Then there was the bow to the Saudi King. No president has ever done such a thing. Nor is there any reason he should. A practicing muslim has no choice but to bow to those over him. But, but I hear from the peanut gallery, the Kenyan says he is a Christian. He was just following protocol/being polite etc. Wrong princess, he was doing no such thing. He has said he is a Christian but there is no proof. (Sorry, there is nothing Christian about the sick “church” of the so called Rev Wright that the Kenyan attended for 20 years. Hate of that breadth and depth comes from Satan not Christ.) The main point here is that even engaged in Taqiyya the devout muslim must bow down to his superiors, thus the Kenyan bowed, confirming to anyone willing to see he is a practicing muslim.

By no means is that the only example. Am I really the only one who has noticed that neither the Kenyan or his former secretary of state go anywhere or make a decision without their Iranian advisors consent. The Kenyan literally cannot be separated from Valorie Jarett and Mrs. Clinton has Huma at her side constantly. Jarett has never attempted to hide her militant islamic tendencies and is on record as working to replace the Constitution with sharia law. Huma and her family are deeply and inextricably entrenched within the muslim brotherhood.

We know that muslim brotherhood members now have senior positions in the government. Like the soviets before them they then fill the ranks below them with fellow islamic militants and even worse, sleepers (agents who remain invisible until called to strike). Consider the fact that much of our government may now be in the hands of a militant islamic sleeper cells.

You doubt me I’m sure. Let me really make your head spin then. What if the Kenyan, through Mrs. Jarett, arranged to have Seal Team Six assassinated? From a patriotic American prospective that makes no sense. But to a muslim practicing Taqiyya, it fits hand in glove. This action would serve two purposes. First and foremost, Seal Team Six’s assault on islam could not be allowed to stand. Second, it served as a clear signal that the Kenyans loyalties had not shifted. The Kenyan and Mrs. Jarett simply may have done what any good muslim would have done. And yes, Jarett would have access to the teams classified movements through senior and compliant military commanders. As a theory it makes enough sense to scare anyone paying attention to death. But I am not yet done.

Does anyone besides me and Trey Gowdey remember Benghazi? What if this was another revenge attack? September 11th is a very important day in islamic history and now, because of islam, in our history. Huma, through her position, undoubtedly knew Ambassador Stevens would not only be at the annex but also knew he would be virtually undefended. This information could have then been easily been passed by her to her relatives/friends in the muslim brotherhood. The U.S. military, as it has done forever, wanted to defend/rescue those under siege. They were denied. And yes, there was a stand down order given. That order could only come lawfully from the president. Do you still have any questions? I see.

As a muslim deep in the practice of Taqiyya the Kenyan continues his all out assault on islams greatest enemy, the U.S.A. Islamic punks like Iran know they could never defeat America openly. So they do the only thing they can. They have a long history of destabilizing countries so, looking at “the great satan” they employ their most successful tactic, destabilization. The Kenyan has succeeded beyond the Iranians wildest dreams. Ponder America today and the tragic amount of damage the Kenyan, his vile minions, useful idiots and blinded supporters have managed to accomplish on behalf of their islamic masters.

He returned Iraq and Afghanistan to brutal islamic fundamentalists to use as a base of operations against us. This gave them both safe ground to operate on and oil revenue to fund their operations and buy weapons. A side bonus is the insult this offered to all those brave Americans, Iraqis and Afgans who died to bring peace to the region. In some islamic circles that insult alone was more than worth the price of admission.

He has given funds and weapons to our enemies all over the world. He gave guns to Mexican drug lords and the muslim brotherhood while turning a blind eye to weapons shipments into Gaza and the West bank. The blood of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocents across the world drips from the Kenyans hands unnoticed by a generation of liberals/progressives trained to be consumed with being “offended” by the latest new and unusual “offenses” and “microaggressions”.

He has now given Iran a free path to obtaining nuclear weapons, which they will use. If you doubt me then consider that Iran is the worlds largest state sponsor of terror, pays parents of homicide bombers a monthly stipend and during the Iran/Iraq war drugged thousands of Iranian teenagers and sent them into minefields with promises of heaven if they died. Iran is even worse than this but I don’t have the space to continue the list. Understand this, the leaders of Iran have no compunction regarding the death of millions. The current ruler of Iran believes it is his religious duty to begin the apocalypse that islamic teachings say is needed for islam to dominate the world.

He has, with the help of fellow haters like Eric Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, S.P.L.C. and La Raza (The Race), set race relations in America back nearly fifty years. He has cleverly and with much help from a compliant media set white against black/hispanic etc. He pits rich vs poor, Christian vs muslim, gay vs straight, employed vs unemployed and old vs young. He has, through his minions even brought back the divide of the Civil War. As a dedicated muslim there is no wedge he will not employ. To his followers, loyal liberal/progressives, there are no “offenses” they will not be offended by. If he really was Abraham Lincoln as some of his followers want the rest of us to believe he would remember that a “house divided” cannot stand.

He has promoted through his actions in cases like the thugs Martin and Brown, and in cases of police officers being openly assassinated, by his silence, an open war on law enforcement. Many misguided people have responded to his tacit acceptance and I fear many more will do so. Then there is Calypso Louie, leader of the Nation of islam calling for 10,000 blacks to rise up and kill white people. The Kenyan remains silent because Louie, having cleared his call with the mothership, is a really useful idiot.

He has nearly completed the destruction of the greatest economy the world has ever known. He hides the destruction through a combination of compliant media, hideous economic under education of students everywhere and dramatically manipulated unemployment/GDP numbers. He taxes profitable businesses out of existence, stymies new growth with unimaginable regulations, uses the U.S. treasury to pay off his supporters in unprecedented fashion and failing everything else, sues on every kind of made up “offense” imaginable. He pushes for unsupportable amounts of welfare (including housing, healthcare and education) to be given to anyone who can sneak across the border then used the understandably natural complaints about this largesse as another racial wedge.

He has gutted the top leadership levels (some estimates are now over 200 non-compliant Generals, Admirals, Colonels and Captains) of the military. He is now working on eliminating as much of our military capability as possible while advocating for a national police force under his control. He allows some 300,000 veterans to die waiting for treatment while allowing top VA administrators to collect millions of dollars in “bonuses.” He remains silent on demands for our soldiers to be prosecuted by the world kangaroo court for “war crimes.” He tried filling the ranks with known gang members so, presumably they could take their combat training back the streets to use against both citizens and law enforcement. He ruthlessly attacks Christians in uniform while deferring to militant islam at every turn. As for his much vaunted gays in the military charade understand this, he needed more than just your campaign contributions, he needed to know who you were. Homosexuals are just another unnecessary distraction to the military. But when the Kenyan finally gets his way he will have a rooftop waiting for all you little princesses and it will be the Kenyans supporters throwing you off. Wear your best panties for the funeral.

He has expanded the spying on Americans to levels that give murderous dictators around the world wet dreams. While the NSA spying programs are an evil of Bush’s creation, the Kenyan has expanded them to include everyone everywhere. Every phone call, every email, every website you visit and every purchase you make are now tracked, analyzed and stored forever in Utah. Just to let you know, your smart phone now tracks your every movement for the NSA as well. The Kenyan needs to know who his supporters are and spying is a great way to accomplish that. There is an even more important reason for the in depth level of intelligence gathering on the public though. The Kenyan and his minions need to identify and monitor their enemies. Despite the daily doses of propaganda dutifully rolled out by his mainstream media, he knows his enemies (politically speaking) are growing in numbers daily. Finally consider this. How much useful information could be gained against political opponents or judges by such a broad spectrum spying program? Can you say Mitch McConnel, John Boehner or how about John Roberts?

Finally, consider that he is importing tens of thousands of military age, muslim men into America as “refugees.” ISIS has publicly declared they will “infiltrate” the refugee population as a means of getting its wackjob followers that are too lazy to walk across our wide open southern border into America. The Kenyan knows this and allows it to happen while demonizing anyone like me who points out the folly of such an action as racist, mean spirited etc. Just as an aside, since when do refugees come equipped with the latest I-phones and selfie sticks?

America desperately needs a modern Venona project. I suspect the reason there is no current equivalent of the Venona project today is that all the leaders who could/would orchestrate such an endeavor have been forced out of the military/media/political processes. Those of us on the outside who attempt our own versions are demonized as intolerant rubes, racists, bigots, homophobes or worse, anti-American. Many of the same insults were hurled at critics of Roosevelt. It seems someone in Iran was paying very close attention to history indeed.

I sometimes wonder if the only remaining question left to answer is when do we hit the tipping point? At what point does the Kenyan declare America a part of the caliphate? He has already said we are no longer a Christian nation and told us how important the muslim contribution to the founding of America was. For the record muslims contributed nothing to Americas founding. Or, at what point does the Kenyan realize that enough American citizens have finally awakened to the threat of his massive deception? What is a terrorist dictator wannabe to do then? Does he have enough military and police force accomplices to take control of America? If he tries will anyone except us “right wing” and “bitter clingers” try to stop him? Will anyone even notice?

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Filed under civil rights, taqyiyya