Monthly Archives: May 2018

Rational Discrimination

Discrimination is one of the undisputed bad words of today’s “polite”, liberal, society. When applied unjustly I agree, discrimination is very bad. I’m sure the liberals outrage in this regard is purely for political gain as leftists are some of the biggest discriminators on the planet. It is as if they see their discrimination as both normal and healthy while anyone they disagree with is the focus of evil in the modern world. (Actually I am the focus of evil in the modern world but since I’ve entered the witness protection program I can’t claim my title anymore)

You see, liberals discriminate all the time. Sometimes they discriminate in ways regular working folks have never even contemplated. White privilege anyone? Trees on a golf course? In that respect liberals are insanely creative. Their love affair with discrimination is especially evident on college campus’s around the country. College liberals routinely express their ability to discriminate via often unruly and sometimes violent protests. These protests frequently appear when said liberals are presented with the opportunity to ignore a speaker they disagree with. The student overturning cars (apparently a nose ring grants you unusual superpowers) and burning other peoples things undoubtedly believes he, she, heshe or non binary xyzwtf, is practicing a healthy, rational discrimination. What other option could possibly be available if an Ann Coulter or Ben Shapiro is going to actually show up on your campus safe space? The misbehaving student sees himself as a social justice warrior extraordinaire. The unbiased observer sees their actions for the riotous, intolerant temper tantrums that they are.

On the other hand, as Walter E Williams and Thomas Sowell (Both brave, real men who have actually lived through real, sometimes brutal discrimination) have pointed out many times, rational discrimination is not only sensible but acceptable. To the intellectually curious the very concept of Rational Discrimination begs our curiosity. Or, as the college kids would ask the person sitting next to them by text message, WTF!? Angry shoulder shrug emoji.

When my sister in law stopped buying a certain brand of deodorant because the company she had used for years sold out to a huge corporate conglomerate, she was practicing rational discrimination. No cars were burned, no foul language was needed. She didn’t parade around with a goofy hand made sign chanting silly slogans. (Hell no, smell my BO!) No demands that everyone follow her “brave” example. She simply stopped buying their product. This is imminently reasonable behavior. Viola! Rational discrimination in action. By the way, my sister in law is as liberal as they come. (It seems not all liberals have purple hair and middle aged college professors in their bedroom)

If one thinks about it, conservatives don’t practice rational discrimination nearly enough. They (I say they because I’m an old fashioned curmudgeon who actually follows through on my promise to not buy, visit or support some things) to often seem to think that withholding their dollars from an offending company is unfair, mean or, heaven forbid, discriminatory! Even worse, it would deny them something they really, really want, like a $10 cup of coffee in a paper cup. (By the way, curmudgeon is our college word of the day, there will be a test)

So now we know that rational discrimination can be difficult for some of us. As my grandfather used to tell me, “Nothing good comes easy.” Having survived the great depression and WW II he would know.

The fact is everyone discriminates every day. Every time you make your own coffee instead of buying it on the way to work you have discriminated. When you choose a burger over pizza for lunch you have discriminated. If you hate broccoli you are discriminating against one green vegetable over other green vegetables. When you hire one employee over another employee you have discriminated one set of skills over another. When you buy a Chevy instead of a Mazda you have discriminated. The fact is everyone discriminates every day in dozens of ways. And you thought discrimination was a racial thing.

Sadly though, it still sometimes is. Thankfully, despite the medias desperate attempts to resurrect it, the era of Jim Crow, KKK, out and out racists is long gone. Sure there are the occasional throwbacks but they are far and away the exception, not the rule. I reasonably suspect there are far more racists on the left than on the right. (Nation of islam, NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, BET etc, etc) Even the whole “unconscious” racism being shoved down the throats of Seattle’s landlords is nothing more than a liberal construct designed to push an agenda.

Honestly, there are no bigger racists than liberals. The first thing any liberal cares about is skin color. Although that is quickly being replaced by perceived sexual gender or orientation. Soon the 3% of LGBTQXYZ will politically overwhelm the 13% of black Americans. For some unknown reason the “black “ community remains silent as they are being shoved into the political wilderness by people who cannot figure out which bathroom to use, but that is another article. Perhaps the black community should practice some rational discrimination.

It is liberals who demand that racial equality be forced across the board. Black Americans are 13% of the population so they must be 13% of your police force, fire department, cast of every movie, employees, unions, teachers etc ad nauseam. Until they demand that blacks only make up 13% of the NFL and NBA I can’t really take them seriously and neither should you. The race hustlers take themselves very seriously though and with a complicit media, they have the perceived power to force changes that would never survive the ballot box. I’m not really sure how one can rationally discriminate against a police or fire department that lowers it’s admission standards until it can meet the 13% threshold but that doesn’t mean they can’t be called to account for it. Perhaps some rational discrimination directed towards the local elected officials and so called news media would be helpful.

Which reminds me, the NFL got a healthy dose of rational discrimination last year. We will see if they learned anything soon. Practicing irrational indulgence, the league not only renewed the commissioners contract but padded it beyond belief. I’m going to guess the league learned nothing.

Want to join me in some Rational Discrimination this season? I will be outside with my family, friends, music, sunshine and BBQ. It will be great.

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2017 Year In Review Part Two – Illegal Immigration

There are few issues as “hot button” as immigration. As a first generation American I understand that because immigration to me is incredibly important. The way it is portrayed in today’s insanely biased so called main stream media, there are only two sides to the immigration debate, the loving, tolerant and understanding open borders supporters and the evil, hateful wall builders. These are of course caricatures but caricatures are simple to explain and easy to understand, thus they are used.

When most people think of immigration it tends to be in one of two ways. The first view, heavily pushed by the media and indoctrinated in the public school system, is that of the hard working, play by the rules (except for the whole illegal entry thing which is dutifully ignored), family oriented, taxpaying immigrant seeking only a better life for him his kind, cookie baking wife and ever tolerant, understanding and racially profiled kids. The second view of immigration, no less forced, is that of a criminal underclass seeking the complete overthrow of our government. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in between.

Historically speaking, legal immigration has been a good thing for America. It was certainly a good thing for me and I am truly grateful for the opportunities being born in America has afforded me. That being said I have to point out a few realities about immigration that the “open borders” people either don’t know or refuse to concede to.

First, no one has the “right” to immigrate here.

Second, Constitutional rights only apply to American citizens.

Third, the fact that you were able to break into America does not entitle you to anything.

Fourth, there is no such thing as an “anchor” baby.

Fifth, your entire family, out to 27 generations, is not entitled to follow you here.

Sixth, America has not just the right but the duty to determine who gets to immigrate here.

Seventh, none of the above is intolerant or hateful.

A final point. Illegal immigration involves so much more than the media will tell you about. There are considerations far beyond simply how many and from where the people we let into America come from.

Using the last few of years as a reference point lets contemplate some obvious and not so obvious consequences of unchecked illegal immigration.

We begin with crime.

In 1980 federal and state prisons housed fewer than 9,000 criminal aliens. The number today hovers around 55,000, accounting for more than twenty-five percent of all prisoners in federal prisons. There are an additional approximately 297,000 criminal aliens incarcerated in state and local prisons.

Consider these shocking numbers from just couple of years ago. In Florida illegal aliens account for 40% of all murder convictions, in New York 34% and in Arizona, a state brutalized by the Kenyans administration and his media minions for simply seeking to enforce federal immigration law, 17.8%.

Put another way, during that time frame illegal aliens accounted for 38% of all murder convictions in Arizona, California, Florida, New York and Texas combined. In body count numbers that’s 7,085 victims of illegal immigration. Put yet another way, that’s 7,085 people who did not have to die. As an aside, the illegal alien population in those states is only 5.6% (US Census data) of the states population. Little has changed over the last couple of years.

It’s not much better in other states. You simply do not know about these kinds of things because the media has engaged in a complete and total black out of the term illegal alien when reporting on crime.

The long going determination by the left to hide the astounding levels of criminality by illegal aliens extends even to state and local governments. In 2006, Colorado a state rapidly sinking into liberal lunacy, passed a law requiring the state Attorney General to determine the costs of incarcerating illegal aliens and bill the federal government for reimbursement. The cost via the number of incarcerated illegal aliens was so high that the state AG only sent the government a bill for half the real cost. Torn between trying to be semi fiscally responsible and sheltering the narrative about illegal immigration, the state decided to protect the criminals. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over don’t it?

Next, lets consider Money.

According to Mexico’s Central Bank (Banxico), 2017 was a record-breaking year for receiving remittances by Mexicans abroad. In the first eleven months of 2017, Mexicans sent home $26,167,00,000. This follows another record setting year in 2016 when $24.1 billion left the American economy. To put this in context, Mexico’s second largest source of income in 2017 was the export of oil for $18.5 billion. While it is tragic that Mexicans send so much money home to fund a corrupt, abusive and failing government, the thing that should concern Americans the most is the fact that these dollars can not be used to help our own citizens or grow our own economy. As the pervert Clinton would likely have said, “How many poor children could $26 billion feed?”

To rub some salt into the wound consider that taxpayers at the federal, state and local levels payed out nearly $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by 12.5 million illegal aliens and roughly 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. In round figures approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member. The math leads to a total of around $115,894,597,664. In 2013 the total was $113 billion. You shouldn’t have to be a noble laureate in math to realize this is an unsustainable upwards trajectory. (Cloward Piven anyone?)

To those who would say, but sailor, they pay more in taxes than that. I would ask you to simply learn the truth or stop lying. Here are the numbers. Illegal aliens payed in federally $22,191,097,700. Subtract what they received just in tax credits alone $6,743,200,000 and that leaves a balance of $15,447,897,700. Well, at least they are paying something, right? Wrong, unless you’re using common core math. The combined total of state and local government general expenditures on illegal aliens is estimated at $18,571,428,571 billion. So much for that argument.

What you don’t know about Healthcare.

Incredibly, thanks to yet another main stream media blackout, no one even knows about the healthcare disasters being forced on America to satisfy some demented idea of “tolerance.”

An example of what we could be looking at was recently provided by Germany. The Germans equivalent of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is The Robert Koch Institute (RKI). RKI is responsible for monitoring infectious diseases and managing outbreaks. RKI is reporting significant increases in communicable diseases across Germany. Its annual report on “Infectious Disease Epidemiology in Germany states, “the institute concluded that recent increases in dengue fever, Hantavirus, hemorrhagic fever, malaria, tuberculosis and other communicable diseases are directly attributable to the migrant stream currently pouring into Germany.”

These infections, rare in Europe for decades, pose a significant threat to the general health and welfare of native Germans. While Germany has a first class healthcare system that should be able to successfully handle the outbreak of a single disease, even a serious one, the sheer number of refugees and the diversity of infectious diseases they appear to be spreading is straining the German public health infrastructure to its limits.

The U.S. experienced a mass migration event similar to the German refugee crisis under the Obama administration. The arrival of massive numbers of illegal aliens was accompanied by significant increases in Dengue Fever, Tuberculosis and Swine Flu. Fortunately these outbreaks were quickly brought under control. In 2014, a wave of unaccompanied alien children appear to have been the source of the deadly outbreak of the EV-D68 Enterovirus that quickly began spread throughout the western states. Feeling all warm and fuzzy yet? Better get checked out.

Consider some recent health statistics in light of what you have now learned.

Between 2010 and 2014 the Minnesota Department of Health reported two hundred and ninety-six refugees were diagnosed with active tuberculosis. It is illustrative to point out that seventy-one of those cases were diagnosed within one year of their arrival while the remaining 225 were diagnosed in the following year. The number of active TB cases reported among refugees showing up in Minnesota is ten times higher than reported in any of the fourteen other states that have released refugee TB data to the public. See a pattern?

Costing an average of $17,000 for each case of successfully treated active TB Minnesota taxpayers coughed up roughly $5 million to treat the 296 cases of active TB diagnosed among refugees between 2010 and 2014. It broke down this way. $3 million for the 161 Somali refugees diagnosed with active TB, and an additional $2 million to treat the 132 refugees diagnosed with active TB who were not born in Somalia.

Sadly Minnesota is not alone. Between 2014 and 2015 the following states reported these numbers.

Wisconsin, 27, Nebraska & Louisiana, 21, Michigan, 19, Vermont, 17, Colorado, 16, Florida & Ohio 11, Kentucky, 9, Idaho, 7, Indiana & N. Dakota, 4 and California, 3.

As the numbers of infections and diseases continue to grow more and more politically correct state and federal administration types are contributing to the media blackout by making these kinds of numbers more and more difficult to obtain.

Corruption and the abandonment of reason.

Then there is the culture of corruption fostered by those SJW’s whose sole mission is the fundamental transformation of America.

A stunning video, released by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, shows an operative going undercover to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and being told that if you’re from Syria and used a faked passport to get into the United States, you can still get immigration services.

AFDI operative Laura Loomer went to a USCIS office “and told an official that she had met a family of illegal immigrants from Syria and wanted to make sure they got immigration services.”

She informed the official the family was afraid to come into the office because, “they don’t have documents because they came here illegally” using fake passports.

In the video the USCIS official didn’t even hesitate. There are cases, he said, “we waive sometimes the passport, because they are unable to provide that documentation.” The official continued, the real name really didn’t matter either, “We are going to use the name on the passport as AKA, ‘also known as.’”

The video further explained that the government employee was simply, “explaining the law as it stands.” In other words, any terrorist or career criminal can walk freely into America with the unwavering support of liberal social justice warriors in government and congress.

It gets even worse. The IRS Inspector Generals Office reported that the tax-collection agency knows that more than one million illegal immigrants have used stolen Social Security numbers of citizens to file fraudulent tax returns, collecting billions of dollars in fraudulent refunds. Irritatingly, the IRS makes no serious effort to get those stolen dollars back. Not only that but the IRS has done virtually nothing to stop the practice. It hasn’t even notified a meaningful percentage of those Americans victimized by identity fraud that they have been victimized. The IRS has known this issue for at least the last five years. A half-hearted test program designed to attack the problem was quietly scrapped because it had virtually no effect.

According to Rep. Dave Brat, R-Va., there’s really only one explanation for this, the IRS ignoring this problem. Brat believes the government ignoring one of its fundamental responsibilities. He explained,

Koskinen was in front of us, and I asked him, ‘If you know that you have illegal aliens and they’re asking for tax refunds or asking for any tax status, would you do anything about it?’ He said no. I was stunned,” Brat said. Koskinen made the same assertion in his Senate testimony. “When he says it’s not my job to report illegal, much less unethical behavior, we’ve got a problem,” Brat added.

Part of that problem is that Koskinen, and liberals like him, are not yet doing ten to twenty at the nearest federal penitentiary.

Finally, the lie of DACA.

Lets be honest, DACA is a blatantly unconstitutional, temporary amnesty program. It’s sole function is to reward underachievers and criminals. If a few good people slip through the cracks so be it.

The vast majority of DACA recipients are not in fact children, averaging between 25-30 years of age who are fully conversant with both the language and culture of their home country.

Neither are they diligent college students. DACA recipients college graduation rates are below the national average. This is despite being given in state tuition rates in far to many states and preference over American citizens in many other areas.

Nor are they service oriented. Less that 1% of DACA recipients serve in America’s military.

Sadly, for many DACA recipients their idea of self sufficiency is to attach themselves to the welfare system then complain about how little they are getting.

Most egregious of all is that virtually anyone can claim DACA status. Successful applicants can have up to three misdemeanors. These can range from graffiti-spraying to drunk driving to wife-beating to gun violations. In other words things that would land you or me in jail are ignored so illegal aliens can access your wallet through federal, state and local programs.

Now don’t that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy all over? Don’t you just feel all social justice warrior like knowing how badly you and your country are being beaten up to make some spoiled, ill educated liberals feel good about themselves?

As the pervert Clinton is alleged to have said once, “better put some ice on that.”

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