Monthly Archives: September 2020

Not Worried Yet?

Democrats have a long history of violent opposition. Whether it’s lying about a nominee or political opponent, looking the other way when their supporters cross the line or using intimidation or outright violence. Despite their media allies best efforts to cover up or put a friendly face on these ingrained capacities, the examples of liberals outright hatred of normal, taxpaying, everyday working Americans abound. One simply has to look at how they have, en mass, covered for the looting rioters in democrat run cities or totally ignored the mounting black on black death counts in cities like Chicago.

The recent death of the judicial bottom feeder Ginsburg has pushed the already mentally fragile liberals to the very edge of a crumbling precipice. Elements of the left are now openly calling for the “burning down” of America if Trump nominates a successor. Not worried yet?

There are armed black militias, mostly dedicated to the racist Cylispo Louie (Farrahkan) who, when he isn’t consulting with the mothership, is actively engaged in the planning of the destruction of the United States. Other black supremacists groups like the black panthers may not be willing to limit themselves to mere voter intimidation as they did during the Kenyan little Barry’s election (the one where in some precincts he manage 140% turnout gaining 99% of the vote). Not worried yet?

Facebook, Google and Twitter have promised to, and are already implementing, throttling and censorship procedures to ensure conservative policies and thoughts are not publicized, promulgated or monetized. The other side of the coin is their forcing of destructive liberal ideologies on everyone accessing their platforms. Their intention is to normalize insanity to increase and maintain their power base. Not worried yet?

A group of senior military officers, some on active duty but most retired and all survivors of the Kenyan little Barry’s purge of conservative commanders, are willing to consider military interventions should Trump not concede the election on their timetable. Not worried yet?

Democrats and the media push voter fraud by mail while their supporters set wild fires across California, Oregon and Washington state. Not worried yet?

Police officers are being assassinated and the democrats and the media remain silent. Not worried yet?

Liberals instruct us that riots are not Chinese virus spreading events but church services are. Not worried yet?

Showing up at Mitch McConnels home at 6am banging cymbals, pots and pans and flashing strobe lights as the police look on we are told is not disturbing the peace but holding a church service outside is. Not worried yet?

Liberals have created a study group, The Transition Integrity Project, to wargame how to overcome a Trump election, even if he wins in a landslide. They include in their plans everything from legal challenges to counting mail in votes until Biden wins to outright insurrection in the streets. Not worried yet?

The media has told you none of the above. Not worried yet?

Liberals have successfully indoctrinated their third generation of Americans into the ideologies of social justice, global warming and critical race theory. Now incapable of rational thought these intellectual zombies are roaming the corridors of power, infecting corporate boardrooms, metastasizing hollywood and the media into a tyrannical propaganda machines and devolving education into pure indoctrination. Not worried yet?

Many Americans are in fact not worried yet. That should terrify you.

Many Americans have chosen not to believe their lying eyes. That should terrify you.

Many Americans believe the mainstream media is objective. That should terrify you.

Many Americans will simply pull the lever for the guy with the D by his name. That should terrify you.

If you have read this far may I assume I have your attention?

It has taken liberals some sixty years to bring America as founded to the brink of destruction. Their leadership has recognized that some patriots still exist and that those patriots are finally starting to rouse themselves to civilizations defense. Having made it this far the anti-American forces are risking everything right now to solidify their hold on the levers of power. They believe that they have created enough people willing to become slaves to the party that they have a better than even chance of pulling a coup off. It would be beyond tragic if they succeeded. Think about it for a minute.

No nation in the history of mankind has done more good in the world than America.

No nation in the history of mankind has given more to others than America.

No nation in the history of mankind has liberated more people from oppression than America.

No nation in the history of mankind lost over 600,000 of its citizens to end slavery.

No nation in the history of mankind equals America in scientific progress.

No nation in the history of mankind has offered its citizens the levels of freedom that Americans today take for granted.

Yet liberals, progressives and democrats loudly and proudly hate America.

America has put men on the moon, eliminated Polio and created the airline industry.

America invented rock and roll, hollywood and the internet.

America codified into law freedom of speech, equality under the law, no taxation without representation and the right to choose our leaders, among other rights.

Yet liberals, progressives and democrats loudly and proudly hate America.

I could go on but I hope you begin to see the scale of the potential loss not just to you and me but to humanity should liberals and their stormtroopers win in November. Also notice I never said America was perfect. Americans understand that perfection is a journey not a destination. I suppose that, at the end of the day, you really only have to answer one question.

Are you a patriot or a slave?

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Martyrs Of The Hood Or How To Make BLM Founders Rich

You know their names only because they have been shoved down your throat for weeks, months and sometimes even years. They are the glitterati of black lives matter. The man children of the hood. The idea of perfection every black mother aspires for her little boy to achieve. Raised on gangsta rap and welfare, deprived of anything resembling an education or self discipline, massively self indulgent and entitled and apparently incapable of human decency they are the perfectly innocent, pure as the wind driven snow (according to the complicit media) angels of all that’s good, right and decent except that (according to the media) they never had a chance because of their skin color.

Excuse me, I need to vomit.

You know their names.

Trayvon Martin, a pot smoking gang banger wannabe who managed to nearly kill George Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman however had no desire to let himself be killed to prove he wasn’t a racist so in desperation he shot the punk assaulting him. Martins parents, apparently never really interested in him, should have taught him that stupid choices often lead to tragic consequences. They did make a small fortune on his death though. Cue the birth of blm by two angry lesbians whose main, and carefully concealed, goal it seems was making as much money off the tragedy as they could.

Michael Brown. The “gentle giant” who did nothing more than commit a strong arm robbery, assault a police officer who simply asked him to walk on the sidewalk, tried to take the officers weapon, then after the weapon was discharged, decided to bull rush the officer. In totally understandable fear for his own safety and life, the officer shot Brown.

George Floyd. From what I’ve seen in the media Floyd was a dead man walking, a criminal, thug, dead man walking. It appears he had OD’d on fentenol and by the time the police showed up nothing could have saved him. That doesn’t excuse the officer taking a knee on him. Still, despite a massive effort by the media and assorted racists there has been no racist element developed concerning the officers behavior. Cue the social justice riots and corporate donations.

Deon Kay, yet another thug who managed to get himself shot and killed while resisting arrest and pulling a firearm on police officers. All documented on body cams. Blm and the media didn’t care. The glory boy of the hood had, in their eyes, just been murdered by a racist system. Cue the social justice riots.

Jacob Blake. Kamala Harris it should be pointed out is “proud” of him. I guess sexually molesting his girlfriend while violating a protective order, fighting with police officers, refusing to comply with police commands and having a knife that he seemed willing to use on said officers swells her black heart with pride? Joy? More donations please.

Breonna Taylor. Police executed a search warrant at the correct address (the media continues to perpetrate the myth that the cops were at the wrong address). Taylor was with another person who fired at police through a door. Police understandably returned fire, striking Taylor several times. She was not hunted down and executed as blm insists but simply made the insane choice of hanging out with an apparent drug dealing loser. The whole bad choices thing came back to bite her. Excercising her racism muscles Oprah is demanding the prosecution of the officers involved. If you listen carefully you may hear her thought process, stop being racist and give blm and antifa more of your money!

In spite of sometimes overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the media, antifa and blm insist that every one of these human wannbes was hunted down and murdered because of their skin color. I’m sure you know the drill by now, America is a “deeply racist” country, the police are “systemic racists”, “no justice, no peace”, “white privilege” yadda yadda yadda. The tragic thing is, every one of these individuals had the opportunity to simply comply with the police. Most would have experienced nothing worse than a night in jail for doing so. They would have been back on the streets preying on their neighbors instead of pushing up daisies. As the saying goes, “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

The tacit endorsement of thug behavior by the media and the open endorsement of the same by prosecutors who refuse to prosecute rioters, looters or perpetrators of assaults simply encourages “brave” black social justice warriors to sneak up behind senior citizens and assault them. It encourages “brave” black social justice warrior mobs to surround and abuse a women at a restaurant or old folks at a sidewalk cafe.

After learning all of this one can’t help but wonder, are the media, antifa and blm encouraging these jounior thugs to push the boundaries of law and decency? Is this some sick attempt by future inmates of America at earning “street cred” with the media and other local thugs? Or could it be something more evil? Are blacks being surreptitiously encouraged to engage in suicide by cop? Is blm encouraging this behavior for more corporate donations? Don’t the leaders of blm live high enough on the extortionist hog already? How many more black men have to die to appease blm and antifa’s lust for power or the medias lust for relevancy? How many more black men will sacrifice themselves for a false ideology? Sadly the applicant pool seems vast, deep and willing.

In their mansions I’m sure the leaders of blm, antifa, the mainstream media and their billionaire funders mourn the loss.

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