Monthly Archives: July 2021

Any Heroes Out There?

Some observations.

The White House admits to coordinating with big tech on what people are allowed to know about the China virus and vaccines. What else are they coordinating?

The media openly lies to your face (Russia collusion, Armed insurrection etc) and if you notice they call you names.

GLAAD and the rest of the gay mafia use well indoctrinated teachers and government funding to force kindergarten students to learn not only the joys of anal sex with each other but how to change their genders.

Men who couldn’t compete as men declare themselves women and dominate in women’s sports.

The Minnesota Freedom Fund and its most famous booster, Heels Up Harris, routinely bail out rioters, looters, arsonists, violent felons and anyone willing to torch an Autozone in their “grief.”

Militant teachers are going to indoctrinate your children about the evils of white skin color and the infallibility of people of color, including how you owe reparations, come hell or high water.

Career thugs and drug addicts like Brown and Floyd are celebrated as heroes while police officers are assassinated.

Some questions.

Is there no one in the police departments of places like New York, Philadelphia, Seattle, San Francisco etc that is tired of watching their cities devolve into little more than rival gang territories?

Is there no one at the NSA that is tired of spying on ordinary Americans whose only crimes are avoiding groupthink and wearing MAGA hats?

Is there no one at ICE that is tired of being forced to allow human trafficking, drug smuggling and the hundreds of needless deaths of illegals that didn’t survive the attempt to break into America?

Is there no one at BLM that is tired of a few loudmouth bullies making off with all the money, buying mansions and enjoying exceedingly luxurious vacations while black men kill each other at record rates?

Is there no one in GLAAD that is repulsed by the targeting and grooming of children for sex?

Is there no one in the Minnesota Freedom Fund that has a problem turning violent career thugs loose on society?

Is there no one in any of the teachers unions that thinks forcing the vile poison called critical race theory on children serves no legitimate purpose?

Is there no one in the so called mainstream media that is tired of lying to America?

Is there no one in government like the city halls of Baltimore or Philadelphia that is tired of these once great cities becoming essentially domestic terrorist encampments?

Is there no one in San Francisco’s D.A.’s office that is tired of turning a blind eye to crime provided the perpetrator has the correct skin color?

Is there no one in the once vaunted FBI that is tired of seeing the FBI turned into a liberal criminal support operation at the expense of fidelity, bravery and integrity?

Is there no one in the so called Justice Department that is tired of a two tiered justice system, one for the “right” people and one for everyone else?

I’ll wait.

We are told by our betters, the hate filled ivory tower intellectual pygmies that currently infest our governments, education system, media and entertainment industries that:

Syrup is racist.

Being white is racist.

Arresting and prosecuting black criminals is racist.

Math is racist.

Supporting the Constitution is racist.

Showing up on time is racist.

Equality of opportunity instead of equality of outcome is racist.

Studying diligently is racist.

Doing your best is racist.

The word “picnic’ is racist.

I just have one question. Where are our hackers, our moles? Where are the whistleblowers?

Where are the good and decent people who used to stand up at times like this. Where are the leaked memos revealing all the sordid details of legal and ethical malfeasance? Where are the lists of donors to groups that are determined to undermine and destroy America? Where are the supporting documents showing just how far embedded into the body politic career political criminals have become? Where is the evidence of media/political collusion? Where are the corruption files? The cooked books? The illicit affairs? Hunter Biden’s laptop anyone?

In the old days a whistleblower would go to the media. While that still exists as a very limited option today’s heroes have to find other ways. If you’re contemplating blowing the whistle there are many things to consider. I’m no expert but, as a writer of fiction, including a political thriller, I can apply reason and common sense to the problem.

First and foremost, I do not advocate breaking constitutionally valid laws.

In my stories when the protagonist accesses forbidden data he leaves as few clues as possible to the fact that he did so. He is always alert for opportunities to access the type of information that would shed light on illegal or questionable conduct or collusion or cooperation to perpetrate illegal activities. He knows that random opportunities can show up at any moment and he makes it a point to always be ready.

As a first line of defense my protagonist makes several copies of the purloined info and distributes them to distant locations. He never keeps any of the information in his possession. If he ends up like the real life Phillip Haney (a true American hero who was murdered for trying to save his country) he knows there are at least three other options for the information to be released.

My protagonist understands that he is always under some form of surveillance. When he does anything important he carries his smart phone in a Faraday case or leaves it at home because even turned off it is a beacon that can be easily located or followed. If he needs to drive he does not use his car. He knows the computers of all cars built since around 2010 have numerous back doors installed for various purposes. His vehicle is a neon sign advertising everywhere he goes. He knows that his car is bluetooth enabled and it, like his cell phone, can be turned on to listen to his conversations without his knowledge. He calls for a ride share service on someone else’s phone, gets picked up far from home and always pays in cash. He does not own an Alexia or similar device.

He isn’t paranoid but he understands that everything he does can only be known by him. It’s not so much that there is no one he can trust it’s simply that he knows that no one understands how deeply embedded into everything the governments ability to spy is. He tells no one anything, ever.

My protagonist always uses unique ways to distribute his information. For example, a one time email blast using a purchased email list of ordinary citizens and every reporter, blogger and podcaster he could get an email for. The email would be sent from an email account he would use only once, using a purchased second hand computer on a public wifi network where no cameras were present. Of course he left his phone at home and used a ride share service to get there. The computer was then disposed of at the bottom of a nearby lake. Another time he hacked an electronic bill board at one of the heaviest traveled roads in the city. Then there was the creative use of drones. His goal is to have the information released as widely as possible in ways that cannot be controlled by anyone.

In my story the hero, knowing his only chance at success is absolute secrecy, never tells anyone what he is doing or has done, ever. As difficult as it was to do he never even dropped so much as a hint about what he knew and did. In the end, having made his mark, he fades quietly into the wood work. He never sought fame nor fortune, only justice.

It’s a story, what can I say?

I just have one last question.

Are there any heroes out there?

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Filed under Culture, politics