Monthly Archives: January 2019

They Are Going To Hate You Anyway

As a young player on my high school football team I would practice running pass routes over what we affectionately called “the middle”. In this area anyone trying to catch a pass is going to get hit by at least one defender, often hard, often by more than one defender, and usually you are in a vulnerable position when you do get hit. It is somewhat natural when you know the hit is coming to lose some of your focus on the ball to “prepare” yourself for the coming collision. My coach, recognizing that tendency in me called me out one day with a short but simple demand, “You might as well catch the ball, they are going to hit you anyway.”

I suppose it is an intrinsic need of all humans to seek approval. We seek it from our parents, friends, coworkers and, to some extent, even people we don’t even know. If you have ever moderated something you wanted to say because you worried about what people would say or think, you know what I am talking about.

As a conservative I am routinely under assault in one form or another because I refuse to moderate my pronouncements because of what someone might think. While I routinely upset many snowflakes and establishment swamp dwellers I work very hard to keep my positions grounded in both facts and common sense. The great offended typically place themselves under no such restrictions.

One of the most difficult things for me to accept early on was that I would be despised, sight unseen, by the great practitioners of tolerance, liberals. I soon learned that this intolerance would rapidly descend into outright hatred if I insisted on maintaining my beliefs. It gets even worse when you point out their hypocrisy.

I am sometimes accused of making blanket accusations. Where they apply I admit to doing so. Liberals, especially those in leadership positions, are dedicated practitioners of hate towards anyone they disagree with but especially conservatives. Don’t believe me? Allow me to inform you of some history that, as a public school victim, you were likely never taught.

Remember how evil Richard Nixon was? He caved to liberal demands far to often. He gave them the thuggish EPA and nearly tanked the economy by giving into liberal demands for wage and price controls. How was he rewarded for his compliance?

Remember what a senile dunce Ronald Reagan was? He trusted liberals when they promised him they would secure the border if he granted amnesty to 3 million plus illegal aliens. Have you seen the border lately?

Remember George H. Bush? He also trusted liberals when they promised him $3 in spending cuts for every dollar he raised our taxes. They not only never cut spending in any way shape or form, they spent so much that we are still paying for that travesty today.

Then there was George W. Bush. Remember how utterly evil he was? He gave liberals Medicare Part D, a massive expansion of a government program that was already teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. He gave liberals the TSA, a massive new union created for the sole purpose of creating a new revenue stream for democrat fundraising, suffering at the time because of declining union membership. How was he rewarded for such deliberate malfeasance? Liberals tried convincing America that he personally steered a hurricane onto New Orleans because the black population there did not vote for him.

The point is, no matter what you give to liberals, it is never enough. No matter how much you comply that compliance is never exactly enough. The masters of the moving goal post only want one thing, complete and absolute control over you, your life and your money. Their smiling faces, innocent requests and “devotion” to “tolerance” are a smokescreen created for the sole purpose of misleading you.

A current analogy would be the “Palestinian” demands to negotiate with Israel. Since the “Palestinians” only want one thing, the death of every Jew on the planet, what is there for Israel to negotiate? Would liberals and “Palestinians” be happy if Israel committed to a timetable for the extermination of their race? I suspect they would then castigate the Jews for not killing themselves off quickly enough. It seems to be the way liberals think today.

So, here we are today, a great many so called conservatives trying to thread the needle of reason by balancing their beliefs on the head of the liberal pin. I reject that posturing and you should too. This doesn’t mean we are mean or evil. It means we simply accept that reality exists and is not subject to the vagaries of human imagination.

It means that we have to acknowledge that:

There are not 12, 45 or 92 genders.

That, at the political level, we have a two tiered justice system, one for conservatives and one for liberals.

That four year old boys cannot “know” that they are actually little girls.

That voter fraud not only exists in stunning proportions but is almost exclusively democrat in origin.

That there is nothing wrong with being proud of America.

That not all cops are evil racists.

That if you commit a crime the color of your skin should have no bearing on if you are charged.

That there is in fact no such thing as “white privilege”.

That “toxic masculinity” is an invention to make certain angry women feel better about themselves.

That “gender studies” are in fact nothing but political propaganda disguised as education.

That illegal aliens have no “right” to be here or to have access to our tax dollars though welfare or tax refunds from Earned Income or Child Tax credits.

That so called hate crimes laws (more appropriately named thought crimes) are in themselves expressions of hate.

That actual journalism is dead.

That the government and major corporations have no right to collect, mine and store all our data.

That a very large group of Americans are just fine with all of the above.

Boy could I go on and on and on…

Merely bringing these talking points up for consideration will mark me as the focus of evil in the modern world by every liberal and “conservative” swamp dweller that may read this. In fact, many so called conservatives will blast me for such “insensitive” thinking. In their desperation to gain the approval of their liberal “friends” they will attempt to portray themselves as understanding and tolerant by pointing out all the “errors” in my logic. In the end though, despite all their efforts to destroy, I mean correct me, those so called conservatives will still be hated by those same liberals they seek approval from.

I live in reality. I am not governed by my feelings but by simple, eternal truths. I screen my passions through the filter of my principles. I will always defend the truth, remembering what coach said, “Catch the ball, they are going to hit you anyways.”

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Filed under Culture, liberals

Fat Dumb And Happy

First, let me welcome the year 2019 here and wish each and everyone the very best for the coming new year!

As I contemplated what 2018 meant and what 2019 might bring I suddenly heard a voice from my past. It came from some 30 plus years ago where, as an 18 year old Machinist Mate in the U. S. Navy, I had just finished a heavy lunch of double cheeseburgers and fries. After lunch I made my way down to the engine room to stand my watch. I stood at the ships throttle, unable to move more than a foot or so in either direction due to the headphones I was wearing. Standing motionless, with a full stomach in the 100+ degree heat and gentle swaying of the ship I soon found myself dozing on my feet. This was not good since I could miss a call from the bridge. I was saved from such misfortune by my ever observant Chief Petty Officer who was on watch with me. Grabbing me by the shoulder he shook me awake then, once assured I was conscious, proceed to inform me at a slightly higher decibel volume than the engines around us that there would be no “fat, dumb and happy” sailors on his watch. Needless to say, the adrenaline rush I experienced kept me alert the rest of the watch.

It was those words, fat, dumb and happy, that struck me as I pondered the demented conglomeration of nonsense, stupidity, lying, injustice, perversion and even outright evil that paraded before us in 2018. At the time I didn’t understand what my Chief meant. Some time later I asked him what he meant by the term “fat, dumb and happy”. The Chief never missed a teaching moment and this was no exception.

“In short,” he said “when you are fat, dumb and happy, that’s when bad things happen.” I nodded my head in agreement but didn’t really fully understand where he was going. Sensing this he continued. “Suppose I had allowed you to doze at the wheel the other day. What do you think would have happened if a speed change had come through and you didn’t respond?”

“Oh, that’s easy Chief, I would be in big trouble.”

“You and me both,” he added. “But it’s not just that one example. Being fat, dumb and happy is the end result of a sailor who simply isn’t paying much attention to himself, his surroundings or what is going on. It’s the state of mind that comes from having everything you think you need and not having much you feel the need to worry about.”

Okay, I thought. He wants me to pay attention, focus on the job etc, etc. I said, “Sure thing Chief, it won’t happen again” hoping to end the conversation. Inside I knew he was correct. As a member of the ships firefighting team I knew, or thought I already knew, the lesson he wanted to impart. Still, I reasoned it was difficult to be fat, dumb and happy when you were tasked with entering a smoke filled compartment to put out a fire when your ship was somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I knew because I had recently experienced just that opportunity. From the look on his face Chief however, wasn’t convinced that I understood what he was getting at.

“Almost everything bad that happens happens because someone was fat, dumb and happy. It makes you careless or worse.” He stopped for a minute, I thought, to gather his next thoughts.

Curious about the “worse” part, I interjected, “What’s worse than careless, Chief?”

“Not thinking sailor. If you are not observing and thinking, bad things will happen and will continue to happen until you stop being fat, dumb and happy. Then, you get to deal with the consequences and sometimes, that’s the worst part.”

As I relived that moment in time the feeling that 2018 was the year of “fat, dumb and happy” Americans solidified in my mind. It seems to be the perfect description of people who are:

Mesmerized by their Chinese slave built I-phones.

Entertained by or take seriously the racist/misogynistic “music” known as rap.

Patting themselves on the back for their “tolerance” demonstrated by allowing any criminal in the world to walk across our border, be given tens of thousands of dollars in welfare and granted blanket immunity from legitimate criticism.

Convinced that a violent, pathological ideology disguised as a religion (islam) must not only be tolerated and accepted but indoctrinated as normal acceptable behavior in public schools.

Accepting that a two tiered justice system is just dandy as long as the “right” people are the only ones subjected to it.

Happy to throw money (tax dollars) at “social problems” without requiring any actual progress be demonstrated.

Ignoring the destruction of the fundamental building block of a healthy society, the nuclear family, because the whole “family thing” interferes with them pursuing their pleasures.

Unconcerned about speech codes or so called hate crimes laws because it doesn’t affect them.

Convinced that thinking in sound bites constitutes actual intelligence.

Absolutely certain that firearms kill more people than people do.

I could list a hundred other examples but I’m guessing you get the picture. While these folks exist on both sides of the political isle they are far more prevalent on the left than the right. By and large they are well meaning and dramatically (often by choice) uninformed. These people have built up soft, safe and comfortable cocoons, woven from sound bites, propaganda disguised as news and reinforced by their rigidly enforced echo chamber of friends and associates. They refuse to look past, let alone exit, their cocoons for any period of time. They allow nothing to disturb their sure and certain knowledge of the “other side” or their contentedness. They seek nothing more than the extension of their comfort and pleasure and will allow as little as possible, a job is about all some of them can tolerate, to interfere. As long as the internet is up, Starbucks is open and the EBT card works they are fine.

These people, incorrectly I believe, seem to have become the majority of opinion makers. They have chosen, whether they want to admit it or not, to be led by the nose by those who are not fat, dumb and happy. The chains they have willingly attached to themselves are being ever so carefully and cleverly manipulated with the end goal being the total destruction of America as we knew it. The greatest, most productive, most innovative and most compassionate country in Earths history (notice I didn’t say perfect) along with the ideals America was founded on are the long held targets of those manipulating those chains.
Over the last sixty years the chain pullers have made dramatic progress. They have taken over education at all levels, the media, hollywood, corporate boardrooms and launched thousands of non profits to perpetuate their ideology of massive government exercising total control over its meaningless subjects ie, you and I. Not even comedy was immune from their grasping efforts.

The last two years however have been a complete shock for them. That sixty plus million Americans would vote against them took them, in their arrogance, completely by surprise. They will not abandon their efforts though. Power is the only thing they understand and absolute power is all they seek. They will continue their efforts, redoubled in strength and ferocity. Like the wounded animal they are, they are now exceedingly dangerous. Once they are convinced words and activist judges will no longer advance their agenda they will resort to any means necessary. Witness BAMN, antifa, riots at schools who have had the audacity to schedule a conservative speaker, the neutering of police, the dozens of cases of voter fraud and manipulation being uncovered, revamped gun control efforts and the endless fixation on race except when illegals or moslems kill, rape and maim Americans.

As turbulent as today may seem I fear this is the calm before the storm. The chain pullers play for keeps and we conservatives, constitutionalists, patriots and free thinkers stand in their way. They will not fade quietly into the night if they believe they are losing. They will continue to target each and every one of us until they win or are completely humiliated and discredited on a national scale.

To prevent that discrediting and humiliation, you, me, the Constitution and everything that made America great are acceptable collateral damage. Let that sink in.

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