Monthly Archives: April 2024

Islam And Joe Biden’s Coming Bloodbath

At a weekend rally in Dearborn, Michigan, moslems gathered to condemn both Israel for defending herself after the atrocities of Oct 7th and the United States for halfheartedly supporting Israel. Death to America chants rang though the crowd loud and proud with nary a second look by any of the so called American media. Whatever happened to “silence is violence”?

World Kitchen chef Jose Andres, having allowed a lifetime of beating eggs to inflate his machismo to apparently lunatic proportions, trashed both Israel and America because a relief convoy of his was accidentally destroyed by Israel. We mourn the loss of innocent lives but we shouldn’t ignore the fact that they entered an active war zone, at night from what I heard, with a gunman supposedly riding HAMAS style on the roof of one of the vehicles. Never mind that this aid, like all the other aid sent will be taken by force by HAMAS. Little if any will go to its intended recipients and the aid that does make it to them will only be that which is sold to them at exorbitant prices by the HAMAS leadership seeking to enrich themselves, as they always do, on the back of the “people” they claim to represent. In attacking Israel and America, HAMAS’s celebrity Chef is declaring for all to see his support of HAMAS’s actions. The America and Jew hating media is, predictably, droolingly sympathetic.

The Biden administration releases known moslem terrorist illegal aliens into the country while falling over themselves arresting 80 year old grandma’s for standing on a sidewalk by a baby murder mill. Seems like killing American babies is a job not always left to moslem terrorists. The “big guy”, as usual, wants his ten percent.

College miseducated idiots chant “from the river to the sea”, calling for a genocide against Jews whether they know it or not. I expect some of these paragons of virtue don’t really know what “from the river to the sea” actually means (another Jewish genocide) but I think far to many of them do. The media of course mindlessly props the protestors up as “brave”, “courageous” and of course “compassionate”. The useful idiots, sorry, protestors, are in fact none of those things.

One thing all these useful idiots, it’s difficult to think of them as normal people because normal people recoil in horror at what HAMAS did, have in common is they blather mindlessly about Israel over reacting. If Israel had carpet bombed the streets of the Gaza Strip while all the “poor, oppressed Palestinians” were celebrating the Oct 7th actions of HAMAS, parading through the streets with their hostages, murder victims, stolen goods and dancing in the streets, I could at least wrap my head around their argument.

Israel didn’t do that and I can make a better argument that it should have than those who squawk mindlessly about how Israel is over reacting can make supporting their position.

What is even more tragic is that America, while pretending to support Israel publicly, has turned it’s back again on the Jews. Channeling his inner Nazi, Biden now wants everything made by Jews to be marked. I can hear him now, “Come’on man, break out the gold stars, right now man! No joke!” He has also made it virtually impossible for Jewish victims to seek asylum in America. It’s the SS St. Louis all over again. Makes you wonder just how much innocent blood is enough for this puppet and his master.

Biden’s puppet-master The Kenyan Little Barry imported tens of thousands of his fellow militant moslems and deposited them in Dearborn and surrounding cities. He then allowed them to bring in their “close” relatives with some bringing their entire villages with them.

In true moslem form these new transplants promptly isolated themselves, began demanding special accommodations and created no go zones for non moslems, including police. Almost without exception crime rates in surrounding areas began rising as third world mentalities exercised themselves with virtually no restrictions. Non moslems quickly learned the futility of reporting crimes to the police because they wouldn’t, or more often couldn’t, do anything. You know because complaining about a moslem criminal equals a hate crime, islamophobia and white supremacist patriarchy, blah, blah, blah.

Don’t believe me? Look at how brutally the parent of a small child (I think she was 5 at the time) who was filmed being raped by two teen moslem boys in Idaho was vilified, even by the local government. The so called mainstream media essentially ignored the story while the local media fell over themselves to make the rapists the victims. It was pure evil on display. HAMAS and their supporters no doubt blushed with pride.

Biden, following The Kenyan’s orders, began re-funding HAMAS, Iran and numerous fellow terrorist groups on day one of “his” administration.

No one wants to talk about the fact that 70 plus percent of the misnamed Palestinians not only think what HAMAS did on Oct 7 was just fine but continue to support HAMAS and look forward to another Oct 7th style attack on Israel. This is the same HAMAS that, uses “its” people as human shields, uses mosques/schools/hospitals as weapons dumps, launches attacks from schools and hospitals, uses ambulances to transport terrorists to their targets and resupply fighters on the rare occasions they present themselves publicly, steals the international aid sent to relieve “their” peoples suffering and kills or holds hostage the aid workers bringing the aid, sells a tiny portion of that aid to their “people” at black market rates, operates a pay to slay program for the families of suicide bombers (by the way, your tax dollars indirectly fund this) and teaches their children (again, your tax dollars partially fund this) from the cradle how to hate and kill Jews.

This is the HAMAS that, upon “winning” election in 2006 executed it’s political rivals and suspended all future elections.

This is the HAMAS that has launched some 10,000 rockets indiscriminately into Israeli civilian areas, killing and wounding hundreds of innocent men, women and children.

This is the HAMAS that proudly uses mass rape of civilians as a weapon of war.

This is the HAMAS that takes hostages for fun and profit, who they routinely mentally and physically abuse, many times to the point of death.

This is the HAMAS that proudly uses every form of vile torture it can imagine against innocent civilians.

This is the HAMAS that conducts brutal and often public executions.

This is the HAMAS that kills every gay person they identify.

This is the HAMAS that films all the above for public distribution.

This is the HAMAS that keeps tens of millions of aid dollars for their “leaders” so they can live in luxury and fly on their own private jets, provides a trickle of that aid to “it’s” people then uses the rest to fund it’s terrorist operations.

These things are established facts that all the simple minded, loud mouthed “Palestinian” supporters either choose to ignore or quietly support and get angry at you for noticing. I’m looking at you celebrity chef running mouth.

Sadly, everything that happened to Israel on Oct 7 is likely going to happen here in America. I’m guessing sooner rather than later. With Biden trailing in many polls his puppet-master will need some “national security” event to allow him to exercise more fully his fourth term dictatorial instincts.

Remember, like his puppet-master The Kenyan Little Barry, Biden has also imported tens of thousands of militant moslems intent on destroying the Great Satan America. They are given cash, food, four star hotel rooms and get out of jail free cards, all of which they see, properly in my view, as signs of terminal American weakness.

Still, you can’t say we haven’t been warned. Hell, we have watched this exact same movie play out for centuries. Outside of the names and the dates the historical moslem script remains unchanged.

Lebanon used to be a peaceful Christian country known world wide as the Paris of the middle east. It is now little better than an extremist moslem run slum.

Iran, for all it’s problems under the Shah, was a peaceful, moderate, second world country where women could hold jobs and go to school without fear of having acid thrown in their faces or being ritually killed. Now it’s an extremist theocracy intent on the bloody destruction of the world to bring about it’s “Fourth Imam”.

Sweden, despite the governments best efforts to look the other way, became the rape capitol of Europe as moslems practiced their religious beliefs of women as property to be used as they see fit. They have created multiple no go zones governed by Shariah law where even police will not go and legitimate government refuses to intercede.

In England moslem rape grooming gangs operate with little fear of police or prosecution and London, once the crown jewel of the kingdom has become little more the defacto stabbing capitol of Europe. The moslem mayor of London’s response to this, tell everyone to become comfortable with a certain amount of terrorism and tax the wrong cars that dare to enter London. (Wouldn’t he make a great democrat?)

Moslems have invaded, raped, pillaged, tortured their victims, captured slaves and desecrated everything they don’t like everywhere they have ever been. The bloody brutality of moslem history exceeds by far anything any other religion can be accused of. Of course public schools no longer teach this now politically incorrect truth.

Winston Churchill tried to warn us by pointing out, “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. … A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. … the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. …

It seems few listened.

The spiritual among us realize the devil has chosen his team well and, while our so called leaders continue to ignore, manipulate and divide us, evil is in overdrive.

Evil is here in America and it has never been stronger. Our own homegrown evil has willingly been supplemented with a political ideology disguised as a religion that practices honor killings, believes God will reward them for murdering the correct people, to this day practices slavery, trains it’s children to be homicide bombers, insists that women are nothing more than property, routinely executes homosexuals and anyone who does not convert to the moslem faith.

The terrorists are here, en masse, marinated in evil, well fed, well trained, well funded and highly motivated. They see weakness everywhere and sadly, they are correct. From deep in the black heart of Iran, our Oct 7th is coming and no one seems to care about preventing it.

Perhaps one of the saddest parts of this story is that even non spiritual people should be able to see clearly the evil boastfully paraded before them. That they choose not to is perhaps an evil all it’s own.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, education, gun control, Islam, liberals, media, politics

The Coming Bloodbath And Carrots

At a recent campaign event Trump spoke about China’s effort to take over the US EV market. China is building EV manufacturing facilities in Mexico with the idea that they will be able to import their EV’s, tariff free from Mexico. Trump correctly pointed out that if this were allowed to happen there would be an economic bloodbath in the US EV market and, by implication, downstream in our markets in general.

This should be self evident, and it is to anyone with two functional brain cells. Democrats, liberals and progressives, who work so hard to keep their limited intellectual capacity in reserve in case it’s ever needed, seem unable to process anything self evident.

First, some facts. China uses slave labor to procure the raw materials that will be used to manufacture the vehicles in question. Building the vehicles in Mexico provides extremely low labor costs and little to no regulatory or OSHA type safety overhead costs. Also, the Chinese government will heavily subsidize the vehicles production they way they do almost all their export products.

Second, everything Trump said about China’s entry into our EV market and it’s secondary effect on our economy is correct. China’s plan, if implemented, would be the economic equivalent of a bloodbath on American EV manufacturer’s.

This doesn’t even include the fact that these Chinese vehicles will spy on everything we do and say as well as when and where we go. This spying effort also includes everyone in our cars. The back door access built into every chip China produces means it’s entirely possible your shiny new, cheaply built Chinese EV could be disabled remotely at the Chinese governments whim.

I listened in amazement at the massive and undoubtedly well coordinated media assault on Donald Trump because of his use of the word bloodbath. One democrat newsreader after another was spookily trying to hint that Trump was making a threat of political violence should he lose the upcoming election. Each newsreader, having gotten the Democratic National Communist Party memo, gravely repeated and twisted the DNCP word of the day, bloodbath, to the best of their limited acting ability.

As I listened to the allegedly educated news readers I kept wondering how they could so willingly twist such an obvious truth into such a blatantly contorted lie. I get that the newsreaders are a wholly owned branch of the Democratic National Communist Party but, is there no point at which they worry about their personal credibility?



Then I remembered the great carrot cover up.

I’m sure you have never heard about this because of of big carrot and their deeply entrenched influence over the national media.

I hate to be the bearer of more bad news but I recently discovered the carefully hidden fact that nearly everyone who has died recently had consumed carrots at some point in their life. Based on that fact alone it should be clear that carrots, unlike Donald Trump, are a direct threat to humanity. I have to wonder why these deadly instruments of war haven’t been banned, or at least heavily regulated.

As deadly as carrots are shouldn’t we be air dropping them to Hamas terrorists? Maybe put some on a decoy ship for the Huthi terrorists to attack? What about carrot free zones to keep everyone safe? Shouldn’t every school principle that allows carrots to be served in the school cafeteria be charged with attempted murder?

Maybe a good place to start in the governments defense of us carrot consuming rubes would be to have the Department of Justice investigate the links between farmers, grocery stores, packagers and advertisers in the thinly veiled promotion of the use of this deadly vegetable. A couple of CNN covered, early morning, heavily armed SWAT raids on a grocery store manager or farmers bookkeeper should do to raise awareness.

Perhaps the DOT could interrupt Buttjugs highly paid vacation, cleverly disguised as a job, long enough to implement some serious safety regulations concerning the transportation of such deadly instruments. Perhaps repurposing used nuclear fuel transport pods to move carrots safely around the country? Maybe posting armed, specially trained social workers in the produce aisle might help.

Perhaps the IRS should begin implementing a special tax on the production, transportation, sale and consumption of deadly carrots. With 87,000 new revenue agents surely posting one at every cash register shouldn’t be a problem.

Perhaps the BATF should begin collecting a special stamp tax on carrots like they do on certain other weapons. Maybe even implement a national database to register every one of these dangerous vegetables and the unstable rabble that would possibly consume them, share them or advocate for their consumption. Carrot peelers and juicers, given their ability to disguise carrots, should only be issued with the proper BATF background checks and permits.

Perhaps the Treasury Department could implement special regulations on the financial transactions of such dangerous vegetables. Maybe the Treasury could begin de-banking procedures for companies that sell to many carrots. They could also limit the growers, transporters and sellers of carrots ability to access loans. For those addicted to carrots they could issue medical carrot cards.

Perhaps DARPA and their wholly owned and subsidized university research departments could begin a carrot weaponization program so carrots can be employed against our enemies. Research could be done to disguise carrots as, for example, cake, that could be secretly added to our enemies diets.

Perhaps DHS could stop worrying about drugs and human trafficking and focus their efforts on preventing deadly carrots from entering the country. I mean fentanyl only kills 100,000 or so Americans every year while carrots are clearly 100% fatal. As AOC would likely remind us if big carrot would allow her to, 100 percent is mostly more than 100,000, except when it isn’t.

Perhaps the Department of Education could develop a complicated and highly expensive educational effort, straddling that thin line between carrots deadly effects when consumed versus their admirable adult sex aid capacities. (It takes a lot to make a carrot go soft) I’m certain groups like the NEA and PTA would gladly participate in such a noble effort to save our kids, especially if they were paid with government funds to do so.

Perhaps OSHA can require complex and expensive labeling of carrots, explaining to us rubes just how dangerous carrots are when consumed. The benefits of wearing masks and gloves while handling, preparing and consuming carrots can be espoused relentlessly in an effort to save as many Americans as possible.

Tall orders all but clearly needed. I mean, if we can save just one life…

All the other vegetables, the ones known as newsreaders, journalists, congressmen, senators, local politicians, college professor’s, education administrators, union leadership, deep staters and those that reflexively vote democrat year after year, can rest easy. They will continue to be nourished by the endless stream of excrement flowing from government.

You and I will just continue to pay for it.

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Filed under Culture, education, liberals, media, politics