Monthly Archives: March 2016

And The Kenyan Smiles

In the Kalampete village in the Kibuku District of eastern Uganda, Mamwikomba Mwanika experienced first hand the tolerance of islam. Unless you are someone like me who delves deep into “news” websites you will have never heard of this mother of eight. While it doesn’t surprise me it is sad.

It seems after having failed to “convert” her brother in law to islam the peaceful followers of the bearded rapist killed him. The amount of innocent blood on their hands was apparently unsatisfying so this tolerance mob showed up at Mwanikas home. When she also refused to convert to islam the mob reacted. In front of her 13-year-old child the moslem thugs dragged Mwanika into the street and hacked her to pieces.

Given his devotion to islam and hatred of Christianity, the Kenyan hears of this and smiles.

Emma Thompson, an allegedly talented white actress has proposed a solution to having to many white people winning Oscars. This mindless liberal zombies solution, kill all the old white people.

Not being old or all white, the Kenyan hears this and smiles.

Another person you may have never heard of is Brig. Gen. Christopher M. Short, commander of the 57th Wing at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. This bastion of liberal reasoning said recently that pilots of the world famous Thunderbirds flying demonstration team needed to work harder to find women and minorities to fly the F-16 Falcon used by the team. The exact quote goes as follows, “I am asking for your help in finding the right pilots for next year’s Thunderbirds team.” He went on to add, “While we have several qualified candidates that many of you submitted, I am lacking the depth in talent we’ve seen in previous years and I am lacking in diversity of gender, ethnicity and background.” Just to be certain no one misunderstood, the General added he needed pilots who “don’t necessarily look like each of you.” Apparently being one of the best pilots in the Air Force is now subject to gender and or skin color.

Being an expert at using gender/skin color to divide people, the Kenyan hears this and smiles.

At a “Save the Black Church” rally held close to the Mother Emanuel AME Church where Dylann Roof allegedly murdered nine people Malik Zulu Shabazz urged the crowd of blacks attending to rise up and commit mass murder. Shithead, (damn predictive spelling!) uhm sorry, Shabazz, leader of the New Black Panthers told the group of about 200 they needed to “finish the mission” of killing “slave masters” and their families.

Having convinced his “black brothers” they are oppressed beyond all measure, the Kenyan hears this and smiles.

At Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, some 60 mentally deranged faculty and staff members signed a petition demanding that the Catholic college keep a mural of cop killer Joanne Chesimard (also an FBI designated terrorist) on a wall in the colleges Gender and Sexuality Resource Center. The former Black Panther and member of the Black Liberation Army executed New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster with his own gun during a traffic stop in 1973. As a wounded Foerster lay on the ground she picked up his gun and shot him twice in the head. Having appropriately changed her name to Ass, (damn predictive spelling again) uhm I mean Assata Shakur, she escaped prison and has been living comfortably in the workers paradise of Cuba.

Hating police as much as Asshat, I mean Assata (damn predictive spelling) and knowing all about comfortable living, the Kenyan hears this and smiles.

The longstanding U.S. military tradition of never leaving anyone behind cost the lives of six brave Americans while trying to locate moslem piece of trash Bowe Bergdahl. After realizing no more men would die looking for his fellow traitor the Kenyan promptly exchanged five of our highest-valued terrorist detainees for the deserter and terrorist sympathizer. To maximize the injury to the military and the families of those six brave Americans the Kenyan did this after personally refusing to lift a finger to rescue Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. He preferred to watch his fellow moslems murder these brave souls in Benghazi in real time. (Reality TV Kenyan style?)

As a professional hater of the US military, the Kenyan fondly remembers this triumph and smiles warmly.

Dr. Paul Church, who has been on staff of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston for nearly 30 years and a member of the faculty of Harvard Medical School has been fired from BIDMC for publicly speaking the truth about the dangers of the LGBT lifestyle. He offered the following in response to the hospital’s promotion of gay pride events, “Although it has declined over the past few decades, two-thirds of all new HIV/AIDS infections in the U.S. are the result of men having sex with men. Fifty percent of ‘gay’ men will be infected with HIV by age 50.” The statistics come from the federal Centers for Disease Control. The CDC has also documented that people who engage in LGBT sexual practices have increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, anal cancer and parasitic infections. According to the panty licking homersexuals running the hospital, these statements were so “offensive” Dr. Church had to be fired. In case you’re wondering about the good Doctor consider the following. The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons points out that, “There were no issues related to patient care, and no accusations of discriminating against anyone. As previously noted by AAPS, Dr. Church had simply used the hospital’s communication system to warn of undisputed health risks and to protest the hospital’s promotion of unhealthy behavior and lifestyles.”

Given his deep-seated appreciation of the homersexual lifestyle, the Kenyan hears of this and smiles.

And so it goes. I could fill several large volumes with examples like these. The point is the Kenyan has been doing a lot of smiling lately. He, his moslem mentors and cohorts along with millions of useful idiots who continue to support him, have been slowly strangling the life from the once great nation known as America.

My newest granddaughter was born just a few days ago. She came into this world owing $1,000,000 of national debt, a potential future moslem rape victim, a target for assassination by black liberation theology goons, a subject of government sponsored homersexual brainwashing and subject to the overwhelming pressure of white guilt/privilege being pushed by today’s progressive hatemongers. It is these sinister sock puppets causing the Kenyan to smile who are responsible for the culture that makes such insanity possible. Oddly, the Kenyan is not the cause of the problem, he is the end result of the problem. The problem consists of equal parts of liberalism, progressivism and multiculturalism. This sick ideological sludge is more than a problem it is a national tragedy. It is time this tragedy was stopped. It needs to be stopped quickly, efficiently, completely. In the arena of political ideas liberalism, progressivism and multiculturalism need to be quashed as brutally as they were forced upon us. This nation, now unrecognizable to its founders, simply cannot survive much longer. As of this moment, the United States of America has more yesterdays than tomorrows. That realization is sad beyond measure.

Years from now, assuming some government lackey doesn’t “disappear” me for writing columns like this one, my country will either be a free republic once again or a socialist run hell hole. Either way, when my grandchildren ask me what I did here and now I will tell them I fought like hell to restore America to her guiding principles. I fought like hell because my grankids were worth it, because they deserved a better America than the one they were born into. I fought like hell because it was the right thing to do. Even when I had to go it alone. I never surrendered. I never gave up. I never gave in.

What are you going to tell your grandkids?

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