Monthly Archives: May 2023

Awake or Woke

It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it. Every day I spend around five hours consuming news. I read and watch from numerous websites stuff that frankly amazes me. I also, as I go about my daily chores, listen to talk radio for five to six hours a day. I marvel at how little some things have actually changed over the years and at how far off the rail other things have gone. One thing though has never changed. If intellectual flexibility was an Olympic sport liberals, democrats and progressives, but I repeat myself, would reign supreme.

For some perspective, I have been studying and following politics since 1972. Over the years I have noticed that some people’s ability to not be aware of the blindingly obvious has metastasized from a condition of convenience into a near fatal addiction both personally and nationally.

The core support of liberal ideology, the ability to ignore the obvious, has been mastered by ninety percent of the media, ninety nine percent of democrats and one hundred percent of those who have “no interest” in politics.

My grandfather, a very wise man from a somewhat simpler time used to say, “Some things are wrong simply because they are wrong.” The current trans/pedo craze sweeping education and popular culture comes to mind.

In a sad indictment of popular culture today that statement of the obvious is considered to be wildly intolerant by every leftist I know. Popular culture as it exists today is deeply malignant and utterly tragic in scope and effect. On the following beliefs liberals will fight you tooth and nail. They will shout you down, call you names, try to intimidate you, deplatform you and get you not only fired but make you un-hirable. But wait, there’s more! Unsatisfied with just attacking you they will go after your family, even your kids. It’s who they are.

Liberals do not believe that adults grooming, sexualizing or having sex with minors is wrong.

Liberals do not believe there are only two genders.

Liberals do not believe that boys don’t belong in girls bathrooms/locker rooms.

Liberals do not believe that stealing, especially if approved by democrat DA’s, is wrong.

Liberals do not believe locking criminals up has any effect on crime and is in fact, racist.

Liberals do not believe that if you are convicted of a crime your skin color is irrelevant.

Liberals do not believe that keeping a database of known gang members is both prudent and not racist.

Liberals do not believe that defending yourself or others is acceptable, especially if you use a gun.

Liberals do not believe in free speech for you, that’s a right they reserve for themselves.

Liberals do not believe in truth as a concept, only truth as they see it, wish it to be or can brow beat you into accepting.

Liberals do not believe hypocrisy applies to them. Sadly, they are so far, correct.

Liberals do not believe the law applies to them, it only applies to you, and only when it’s convenient for them.

Liberals do not believe in religion, except for big government, abortion on demand, BLM, The ACLU, The SPLC, global warming, The 1619 Project, Jan 6th and transgenderism.

Liberals do not believe that Venezuela emptying its prisons and insane asylums into our country is a problem.

Liberals do not believe the Mexican drug cartels now running our southern border is a bad thing.

Liberals do not believe that allowing the mentally ill to remain homeless and living on the streets is cruel. I could go on for days, guns, voter ID, forced vaccinations, the police/surveillance state, public education but I think you get the point.

I admit, it can take a lot of work to be a liberal. After all, when everything is racist, bigoted, misogynistic or offensive the emotional investment alone required to be a liberal must be stupendously high.

Constructing and maintaining a fantasy bubble to live and work in 24/7, not to mention being right about everything 100% of the time, must be exhausting.

Also, I can see where having to deny your lying eyes nearly all the time can become the equivalent of the kids on vacation asking, “Are we there yet?”

Lastly, I can see where having unwanted shards of truth poking holes in your precious and expensively maintained bubble all the time must be infuriating.

Maybe that’s why liberals, democrats and progressives are so angry all the time.

I believe it would be more accurate to say that liberals, democrats and progressives are defined by their love of hate.

Perhaps the most tragic part of all is just how far they will go to prove my point.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, gun control, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

The Diversity Administration – Part 5 Karine Jean-Pierre

Presidential Press Secretary

Where Buttjug was a home run single in the moronic diversity scramble so mindlessly pursued by the Biden administration, Karine Jean-Pierre was a clean triple. She was selected entirely on her three most important qualifications, lesbian, black and female, in that order of importance. Ability and competence were never to be considered. Oh, if she had only been a transgender she! Her appointment would have been a diversity grand slam!

Jean-Pierre’s singular skill consists of looking both incompetent and hopeless at the same time.

I’d ask you to prove me wrong but that wouldn’t be fair.

Her stunning lack of ability is “the emperor has no clothes on” obvious. While she has improved marginally since being promoted dramatically above her ability she is still little more than a book reading bimbo compared to any who preceded her in the job. Consider this typical example of her “performance.”

When she was asked about mounting evidence that Biden and his family benefited financially from son Hunter’s influence peddling operation she offered this stunning defense of her boss.

So, look, uh, you know, um, there’s — there’s some — a little bit of, uh, interesting, uh, you know, kind of, on-brand, uh, thinking here, because, um, you know, congressional Republicans, uh, ran, uh, saying that they were going to fight inflation. Uh, they said they were gonna make that a priority. They were very clear about that these past, uh, several months, and instead, what they’re doing is they’re focusing, uh — you know, they’re focusing — they’re making their top, top priority — they get the majority, and their top priority is actually not focusing on the American families but focusing on the President’s family.”


I can picture my grandfather watching that performance. I can see him shaking his head and saying, “Stupidity at that level does not exist naturally, it must be chosen.”

Like all good democrats Ms. Jean-Pierre is committed to remaining deeply and consistently factually challenged.

This is the women who, while a video of twenty thousand illegal aliens charging across the border plays looks at you and says unflinchingly that “the border is under control.” Okay then, by who because it certainly isn’t being controlled by us.

With the memory of that charge to the welfare hammock still fresh she actually claims Biden has reduced illegal immigration “90%”. When challenged on the 90% number she becomes defensive then claims she was referring to “the parolee program.” In simple English, she lied by omission.

She continues the border control lie by informing us that Biden is sending 1,500 troops to the border to prepare for the building surge of illegals waiting for the May 11 end of Title 42. She wants you to think those troops will be defending Americas border. What she knows and will not tell you is those troops are being sent for the sole purpose of sweeping illegals into America as fast as possible because the visual of tens of thousands of illegals swarming the border cannot be allowed. Simply put, she chooses to not be honest.

Ms. Jean-Pierre isn’t any better when it comes to economics. She made, and then had to retract the following falsehoods concerning the debt ceiling bill.

She claimed that the bill passed by House included cuts to “important programs” and the bill threatened a “default” on the debt. What she knew but refused to admit was, there is nothing in the House bill that specified any such cuts, because the bill has no appropriations in it. In fact, she knew Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) had ruled out the cuts that Ms. Jean-Pierre was attempting to weaponize.

Then, in a chutzpa move worthy of Bill Clinton, she implied that the 2022 election, where democrats lost control of the House, actually gave Democrats a mandate to oppose spending cuts and raise the debt ceiling without any conditions.

Ms. Jean-Pierre continues her parade of falsehoods when, using her common core math skills, she claimed, “According to leading accounts, we witnessed the 201st mass shooting in this country this year. That means we are averaging more than one a day.” She never provided a source for that number. I suspect she knew that a database maintained by the Associated Press-USA Today-Northeastern University showed there were 19 incidents that qualified as a mass shooting between January 1, 2023 and May 2, 2023. Clearly one mass shooting is to many but there is a world of difference between 19 and 201. Further, as Nashville proved, Ms. Jean-Pierre and her boss don’t care about the victims of these events unless they can be utilized politically. Then again maybe she was just thinking of democrat run Chicago where 201 shootings sounds about average.

Finally, consider her past tweets complaining about how Donald Trump and Brian Kemp won their elections via vote fraud. This from the same person who claims being an election denier is worse than being Hitler. I guess being an election denier is just fine if you’re an incompetent, black lesbian complaining about successful white men.

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