Monthly Archives: October 2023

Joe Biden And The Unthinkable Administration

Thousands of people, college mis-educated young adults mainly (if photos of their celebrations of the murder, rape and torture of innocent people are any indication) demand Israel do nothing about Hamas’ recent murder/hostage taking spree. Our “leaders” and media tacitly support them. These, both perpetrators and supporters, are sick people. And I don’t want to hear about the “innocent” civilians in Gaza. Go watch the videos of the Gazan’s celebrating, cheering and dancing in the street while naked bodies of Israeli victims and live hostages are being dragged behind vehicles. They are so happy, so proud, so exuberant. Look at those videos and show me who the noncombatants are. I’ll help you, the noncombatants are the victims being dragged behind the vehicles. I don’t know why Israel didn’t carpet bomb those celebrations.

And then there’s Joe Biden and the unthinkable administration.

Biden allegedly got 81 million votes, combined with the votes for Trump that represented something like 90% voter turnout. Never happened before, I believe it didn’t happen then (I was a poll worker and poll manager for 16 years, the closet we ever got was 65%). Vote counting was stopped in multiple states for the first time in history. Sometimes counting was stopped for reasons which turned out to be lies.

Biden opens the border and the government waves in illegals from 160 plus countries. Criminals, the diseased, terrorists, malcontents, come on down. Collect your free phone, food, healthcare and housing benefits, no questions asked. Just remember to vote democrat.

Biden ended America’s energy independence on day one so he and his minions can send billions of our dollars to countries that hate us, put hundreds of thousands of highly paid, often unionized, Americans out of work and raise the cost of everything.

Biden worked overtime to push inflation from around 2% in 2020 to, when measured correctly, 14% so today so your dollar is more and more worthless. Poor people are much easier to control.

Biden allowed the gay/trans mafia to end the military’s ability to actually fight and win wars. They finished The Kenyan little Barry’s purge of the military of every officer and enlisted man that has any conservative values. They have changed the military’s mission from defense of America to paying for abortions, sex change surgeries and indoctrinating the troops on systemic racism and correct pronoun usage.

Biden emptied the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help democrats get elected in the mid terms, then left it empty so that in a time of crisis, like the coming world war, we will have nothing to fall back on.

Biden is forcing the lgbt/trans agenda into every public grade school/college and uses the power of the DOJ to intimidate anyone who disagrees.

Biden manufactured an “insurrection” to further weaponize the DOJ, FBI, IRS and other federal agencies so they can “protect” America’s elitists like him from “extremist Americans” whose goals include such terrorist actions as fiscal responsibility, energy independence and keeping pedophiles out of schools and girls bathrooms.

Biden depleted Americas military equipment stockpile by giving 80 billion worth of weapons, ammo, vehicles and gear to a terrorist state. He gave massive amounts of ammo and gear to Ukraine without making any significant attempts to speed up its replacement.

Biden has turned grade schools into indoctrination centers for supposed systemic racism and blm recruiting centers.

Biden began the unprecedented practice of taking and abusing political prisoners. Using cell phone data the now tragically misnamed Department of Justice has gone after everyone who was anywhere near the capitol on Jan 6th. These people are arrested, charged, imprisoned and denied bail and then typically suffer abuse from the media and their jailers for sometimes years. Two years after the alleged event, approximately 80 Americans remain in prison awaiting the right to a speedy trial.

Biden promotes the unprecedented policy of having Americans spy and inform on each other during a manufactured plandemic.

Biden has created and implemented a “Department of Truth.” They call it the disinformation board. You will be told what to think.

Biden supports local District Attorneys who implement the policy of shoplifting amounts under $950 as not being a crime and no cash bail for criminals of the appropriate skin color.

Biden locks America into virtually useless “green energy” deals and gives hundreds of billions of your tax dollars to green energy projects owned and operated by democratic donors.

Biden creates The Office of Environmental Justice. Because every tin plated dictator needs additional weapons to use against the peasants.

Biden continues to lie to America about Covid, the failure of the vax and how government officials that forced Americans to take the dangerous vax made millions of dollars in royalties.

Biden supports “big tech” in their efforts to silence, demonetized and demonize anyone who disagrees with the liberal/lgbt/trans/racist/green/new world order agenda.

Biden couldn’t be bothered to help in disasters like East Palestine or the wildfire in Hawaii.

When Jews in America are being threatened and targeted by terrorist lovers, Biden tells us to worry about “islamophobia.”

Biden allowed a publicly declared enemy nation to operate a high tech surveillance device over some of our most sensitive military establishments. Then shot down the device over the ocean where we would never be able to learn anything significant about it if we could even recover parts of it.

Biden allows the Federal Reserve to develop a programmable digital currency to replace cash. Once implemented the fed can program your money any way they want, limiting you in ways you haven’t even thought of, but they have.

Biden hired a crossdressing luggage thief to manage our nuclear waste and a demented crossdressing pediatrician as U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health.

Biden issued an executive order, then made it secret, for every agency in the government to register and turn out democrat voters only.

The rot in this administration runs from top to bottom and may be incurable. As long as this article has gotten I haven’t even scratched the surface of the unthinkable things this administration has done.

We always have the chance to reclaim things at the ballot box but even that is being taken away from us. The sad thing is how few seem to notice and how even fewer seem to care.

Thanks to islamic terrorists it’s a terrifying time to be a Jew, even in America. Thanks to Joe Biden it’s a scary time to be an American. Both Biden and the islamists are working diligently to eliminate the people they hate. Sadly, many of their victims still can’t see the forest because the trees are in the way.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

Hell Must Be Empty Because All The Demons Are Here

Just a couple of days ago my sister in law and her husband had their house broken into while they were at work. They are both committed liberals who live in, and work for, Washington state. Being a victim of burglary twice myself I have great sympathy for what they must be going through right now. Then it occurred to me. They should be comforted by the fact that if the criminals are caught they will be released without bail and likely never face any real consequences. After all, my sister in law is very progressive. I’m certain she’s voted for every liberal running that state and pushing the fraudulent “no cash bail” nonsense. Maybe instead of being a victim she is simply doing her part to right the many wrongs of America. Somehow I don’t think she would appreciate my “intellectual” approach to her loss.

As I contemplated what had happened to her I thought about all the lawlessness being accepted by Soros backed district attorneys and state attorneys generals across the country right now. That’s when the thought occurred to me, hell must be empty because it sure seems like all the demons are running amuck here.

A demon is defined as an evil spirit, a person who does a particular activity with great skill or energy, a person who behaves very badly, an evil influence, mythical monster or spirit, a cruel or fiendish person or a wicked or inhumane person.

Looking around at society and government today you could be excused for thinking every demon in hell has been released into America today.

An evil spirit.

It’s been said that the greatest trick ever performed was the one the Devil used to convince people he wasn’t real. I’ll buy that. Consider that today there are mainstream churches that hold yearly votes on which parts of the Bible to believe. There are churches who ignore the plain spoken words of God about sins of every nature. There are churches (sadly, mine included) who “resettle” illegal aliens for profit. Churches today remain silent about Canada’s new policy allowing the state to assist children to kill themselves without any parental involvement (they are already killing adults at an astonishing rate). Churches today remain silent on the sexual grooming of children in order, I suppose, to be the last one eaten by the alligator. God is present in the world but I doubt very much he is in very many churches today.

A person who does a particular activity with great skill or energy.

I can’t help but think of our so called education system and the vile groomer activists who disguise themselves as teachers. Children are routinely being groomed and sexually abused in record numbers almost as official school policy. Children are programmed to lie to their parents, to snitch on parents who will not tolerate the schools abusive sex policies or endorse the misguided concept that children can be any of the 72 “genders” they want. The purple haired, nose ringed over inked minions of the DNC are obvious in their threats to children. It’s the quiet ones who don’t drape themselves in the trans/rainbow flags that may end up being the worst of the bunch. Either way, I suspect God is going to need a lot of millstones.

A person, or group of persons, who behaves very badly.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of unpleasant looking, fat, hairy gay men in woman’s makeup wearing nuns habits certainly give off a demonic vibe. In a similar vein, the males (they can’t be classified as men, real men do not behave this way) who believe they have the right to dress up as ugly women and twerk their genitals in front of six year olds also have a demonic air about them. In a more sane time a man who shoved his junk in the faces of children would have been taught a very painful lesson about decency by real men. Sanity I’m afraid, is in short supply.

An evil influence.

The intentionally misnamed Planned Parenthood is certainly an evil influence. This is an organization that believes in the “right” to dismember babies (and sell the body parts), even in the last week of pregnancy. This is an organization that has recently become the leading supplier of transgender hormones to the children they have indoctrinated into believing a gender change is possible. Talk about creating a market. I guess Planned Parenthood needed something to do when they weren’t convincing children to have sex with each other and then “come on down” for that convenient abortion. As an aside, you give them around $400 million of your tax dollars every year. Don’t you just feel special now?

A mythical monster or spirit.

“We’re from the government and we’re here to help.” At one time there may have been a very small measure of truth in that statement. Those days are long, long past. The government of today has two missions, expand it’s power and deepen it’s reach. Period. Everything done by the government is simply to further it’s missions or cover it’s abuses. For a hardcore 20-40% of Americans the government has replaced God or any other authority figure they might have once adhered to. Like an omniscient God, the government today looks and listens to everything you say or do. You are tracked in minute detail by your cell phone, laptop and car. Alexa and her evil twins record everything said in your home. The government now has approved providers of knowledge, speech and a growing cadre of hyperventilating thought police. To cement it’s permanent and total dominance over you it is working on a programmable digital currency so it can exercise the ultimate level of control, how, where and on what you can spend your money on. Do you remember voting for that? (Actually, if you voted democrat, you did)

A cruel or fiendish person.

The democratic party is full of these kinds of people. People like Jill Biden perpetrating elder abuse of Joe so she can be the pretend president. Or Diane Feinstiens staff, dragging her around “Weekend at Bernies” style and making her do their bidding. Or John Fettermans wife who like Jill Biden, abused her husband for power and position. Or the democratic DA’s who believe no black criminal should be punished or that theft under $950 is not a crime. Or the judge who ruled that 12 year olds have a right to permanently disfigure themselves with so called gender affirming surgery and that parents have no say in the matter. Or Joe Biden and Merrick Garland for instituting the taking of political prisoners as government policy for the first time since another democrat (Roosevelt) did the same thing to Japanese Americans. Or Georgia Governor Kemp who pretends to honor his oath of office while selling himself to the highest democrat bidder. Or Mitt “the twit” Romney who pretends to care about America but stabs the country in the back every chance he gets so the media won’t be mean to him. Or the democrats and Vichy republicans who allow the drug cartels to make billions of dollars on human smuggling, sex and drug trafficking while hundreds of illegal aliens are abused, raped, robbed or killed by the cartels or simply die of exposure. I include in this the shadowy people organizing and funding this invasion. Six million people (so far, with millions more on the way) is not a spontaneous event.

A wicked or inhumane person.

A German family threatened with imprisonment and having the state steal their children from them for the “crime” of homeschooling emigrated to America some 15 years ago. Since arriving here they have, unlike the millions of illegal aliens pouring across the border since Biden took office, been model citizens. They are not a burden on the state, having jobs and supporting themselves. They have no criminal record and have worked hard to rebuild their lives in a foreign country because their home country chose to persecute them. Since arriving here they have had additional children. Their older children have married American citizens and had children of their own. An altogether amazing immigrant success story. However someone in the Biden administration cannot allow this to stand. They have ordered the entire family, even the children and grandchildren born in America deported. There is no legitimate justification for this action. The government knows that the parents will face prison time in Germany for homeschooling their children. The children, who have passed all the state education requirements, will not have their completion of primary education recognized by the German government meaning they cannot attend college or even get a decent job. All this while we are forced to spend hundreds of billions of dollars we don’t have on criminals (if you are here illegally you are by definition a criminal) who shouldn’t be here. Someone in the government made the decision to assault this good and decent family. Others have accepted and worked to further the deportation process. Anyone involved in this deportation effort people is a vile, wicked and inhumane person. I try not to get angry when I learn about such evil as this but, if you are participating in the forced removal of this family, who may be more reflective of what makes America great than you, a part of me hopes that every evil thing that can be visits you as often as possible.

Sadly, not all demons have purple hair, nose rings and are covered with tattoos. Many of them today wear three piece suits, are well spoken, have ivy league degrees and only your best interests at heart. Providing your best interest is allowing them to dominate your life as they see fit.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, gun control, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda