Monthly Archives: February 2018

2017 The Year in Review Part 1: Democrats And Blood In The Streets

I believe that in a very short time we will look back at 2017 and understand it to be the extremely pivotal year that, in ways that many may have not noticed, it really was.

One of the most tragic and destructive legacies of the Kenyans reign over America has been the institutionalization and normalization of lawlessness at nearly every level of society. From the Nation of Islam to The New Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter and even Antifa, liberals have actively and openly stoked the flames of racial hatred and division and, with the exception of the election of Trump, suffered not the slightest consequence of importance. Under the Kenyans tutelage even thoughts were deemed criminal if they did not comport to the supreme leaders ideology.

It has become blindingly obvious to anyone willing to look that the DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, INS and a host of other federal agencies have been turned against conservative Americans. One can only hope that Trump is able to restore a sense of law and order to a deeply weaponized American government.

Among many things that became clearly apparent in 2017 was the absolute bloody history of the democratic party. After some fifty years spent successfully hiding their Jim Crow legacy behind the bodies of its victims, the carnage wrought by the policies of the party of the “little guy” are becoming to massive to conceal any longer. Only the most mind numbed liberal can be satisfied that Kate Stienlie’s killer got off with time served, that the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that it is fine for black males to run from cops, that the “knock out” game was so very carefully ignored by everyone but it’s victims or that the Portland, Oregon Police Department has decided to stop identifying gang members and purge the gang member database it has developed over the last two decades to appear non racist. Similar symptoms of liberal idiocy, are appearing throughout America and are praised by liberals as good and decent things. Make no mistake, liberals will continue to deny the painfully obvious and the media will maintain its news blackout of the carnage even as the number of bodies and victims is beginning to reach a critical mass that even they can no longer conceal.

In 2016, the latest figures I was able to find, the FBI reported there were 1.2 million violent crimes committed in America. This represents a 4.1% increase over 2015. It is the second year in a row violent crimes have risen. To put some perspective on this the current crime level represents 386 violent crimes for every 1000 people.

The good news, if you can call it that, is that much of the continuing spike in violent crime comes from a relatively few and, almost exclusively democrat led and managed, cities. In order, here are the top ten offenders.

Detroit, Michigan: 2,047 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, 303 murders.
St. Louis, Missouri: 1,913 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, 188 murders.
Memphis, Tennessee: 1,820 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, 196 murders.
Baltimore, Maryland: 1,780 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, 318 murders.
Rockford, Illinois: 1,659 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, 26 murders.
Kansas City, Missouri: 1,655 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, 129 murders.
Cleveland, Ohio: 1,631 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, 135 murders.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 1,533 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, 141 murders.
Little Rock, Arkansas: 1,531 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, 42 murders.
Oakland, California: 1,426 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, 85 murders.

I bet you were surprised that Chicago wasn’t on the list. I wouldn’t take much comfort from that fact. In 2015, Chicago reported 478 homicides, leading all other American cities. In Chicago this year people are still getting shot in insanely high numbers. By the middle of October, 2017, 1,000 more people were shot than at the same time last year. Of the 3,500 shooting victims this year so far nearly 600 died. In Chicago the murder rate tends to be concentrated in a few areas. Two neighborhoods, Burnside and Fuller Park, have homicide rates of more than 100 per 100,000 residents. Similarly, 45 percent of shootings in St. Louis this year have been clustered in just eight neighborhoods. New Orleans reports a similar finding.

Consider these trends as an ancillary to the Ferguson Effect and another of the Kenyan’s legacies, the war on cops. In many large cities cops are now extremely hesitant, and not without good reason, to engage in proactive policing. Far to often they are harassed or assaulted by bystanders when exercising their duties. Police have even been openly targeted for assassination on multiple occasions. The criminals know that liberal city and/or county prosecutors, state administrations, a corrupt judiciary and politically correct press will spend more effort “understanding” and “commiserating” with them as “victims” of racism or white privilege, than prosecuting them for actual crimes committed.

There are few places where the Ferguson Effect is more pronounced than in New York City. The self avowed communist mayor there has abandoned the policies that made NYC once one of the safest large cities in America. The mayor, his administration, a complicit judiciary and media as well as the thugs, gangs and organized criminal enterprises operating in and around the city have either bought hook, line and sinker the lie that cops are gunning down black men at will, are all closet racists or have decided to use these false narratives to their advantage. The fact that the vast majority of murdered blacks are killed by blacks is not only well known but decisively and studiously ignored by liberal leaders and their media and judicial accomplices. Simply observing that undeniable fact causes one to be labeled a racist.

This evil strategy, blaming fictional institutional racism for every ill, real or perceived, experienced by black people has been an article of faith to liberals for the last couple of decades. The newly invented “white privilege” was created to disguise the highly developed sense of black (and to a slightly lesser degree, hispanic and moslem) self entitlement created and nurtured by liberals. Consider the following cities as prime examples of where liberal policies on not just crime but poverty have been running unchecked for a very long time.

Baltimore. Democrat mayors with 18,000 consecutive days in charge. Poverty rate: 23.6%.

Chicago. Democrat mayors with 30,000 consecutive days in charge, city council 90% democrat. Poverty rate 24.7%.

Detroit. Democrat mayors with 30,000 consecutive days in charge, city council 90% democrat. Poverty rate: 39.3%.

Philadelphia. Democrat mayors with 20,000 consecutive days in charge, city council 90% democrat. Poverty rate 31.4%.

St. Louis. Democrat mayors with 15,000 consecutive days in charge, city council 90% democrat. Poverty rate: 28.5%.

I can hear all you statisticians saying correlation does not always equal causation. After all, everyone who ate a carrot a hundred and fifty years ago died. True, but this is just a tiny sample from a much larger pool of dramatically similar evidence. Sometimes correlation does equal causation.

As if there are not enough criminals in America liberals insist on importing as many more as fast as they can. I understand that not every “refugee” or illegal alien is a “criminal” but honesty requires me to acknowledge that a high percentage of them are and often of the most heinous type. By definition anyone here illegally is already a criminal and I can come up with no sane reason to accept and reward (cash welfare, medical, housing, food stamps, child tax credit, drivers licenses, in state college tuition etc) people who have chosen to violate the law. One cannot help but note that, in the importation of islamic “refugees” the vast majority (up to 90% depending on which period you evaluate) are males age 17-45. If you are wondering why this could be important consider that I have just given you the demographic of every standing army on the planet.
As a first generation American I am certainly not against legal immigration. However, I am against importing by the millions people who adamantly and sometimes violently, refuse to assimilate. These are the “immigrants” or “refugees” whose main function seems to be converting the most successful, inventive, tolerant, prosperous and freest country in the history of mankind into the hell hole they “fled”.
Liberals accept the importing of hundreds of thousands of moslems without question. They do so knowing full well that moslems generally refuse to assimilate and they will attempt to force their religion on everyone by threat, intimidation, force and lawfare. As moslems, many will rape, kill and plunder because their religion allows it (in the koran I read these actions are demanded from a devout moslem as part of his religious duties to further the influence of islam) and the moslems know the liberals will cover for them.
It is a sad fact that for the last several years virtually every “major” media outlet has refused to list the ethnicity/immigration status of criminals unless they are white males. They have taken this strategy to the absurd extreme of labeling, for example, a Mexican illegal alien as white if he has or uses an anglo sounding name. This strategy has been used to effectively cover up what amounts to a rape epidemic by so called “immigrants” of, as far as I can tell, unparalleled proportions in American history. The main perpetrators seem to come from south of the border countries, African countries and islamic countries.
The average moslem “refugee” and average illegal alien share some common attributes highly valued by liberals. Both tend to have less than a high school education, virtually no marketable skills, little to no understanding of or ability or even desire to use the English language, commit a wide variety of crimes at a much higher rate that native born citizens and are heavily welfare dependent. They each demand special accommodations at every turn. Subtract the language component and you have the demographic of your average street thug. Hey, no worries. Liberals believe that once the America so many of us grew up in has been destroyed by these “immigrants” they can rebuild it correctly.
Until then as long as the illegal aliens/refugees vote democratic and work cheaply for the Chamber of Commerce no one in government will do anything substantive to solve the problem. Remember dear reader you and I, like Kate Stienle, are a sacrifice liberals are willing to make.

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