Category Archives: The Gay Agenda

The 2024 Campaign – Some Thoughts

Thanks to the democrat love of chicanery this election cycle has been, and will continue to be, the most atypical in the history of American elections.

Some thoughts on the candidates.

Ron DeSantis

The victim of some very bad advice, DeSantis should have never entered the race. A fabulous Governor, he should have finished securing Florida while laying the groundwork to secure the 2028 nomination. If done correctly, which I believe he could have pulled off, he would have been unstoppable. He would make a great Attorney General for a Trump administration and the position would allow him to lay the groundwork for a 2028 run where he could do for America in eight years what he did for Florida.

Nikki Haley

Another victim of bad advice and perhaps more than a little bit of ego Nikki, despite what the media blathers on about, never had a serious opportunity to grab the nomination. She was a decent enough governor and as United Nations Ambassador was capable of doing as she was instructed. None of that especially qualifies her to be president. The fact is that her campaign was on life support until several dark, deeply leftist donors started pumping money into her campaign. She hasn’t worked very hard to distance herself from the full on commie goals of her financial backers and with a history of some really questionable comments one begins wondering just how much of her “conservative” persona is legitimate. In times as dangerous as these we can longer afford to speculate in that arena.

Viveak Ramaswamy

Like an unexpected breeze that flings a window open Viveak burst into the political scene. As a first generation American myself I can appreciate his love of America. He is clearly highly intelligent, has sincere conservative beliefs and has one of the most valuable assets I can think of, he never accepts the liberal premise when offered. In every arena I have seen him in the man is fearless. This is his first experience in full immersion politics and he has misstepped occasionally but that shouldn’t be surprising. I think Trump should make him Treasury Secretary. Should he continue on in politics I think the sky is the limit for him.

Chris Christie

Lets be honest here, this campaign was nothing more than a vanity project. It was perhaps the only thing that could pull him out of his favorite restaurant. Given the personal animus of Christie towards Trump his “campaign” was essentially a vehicle for him to exercise his leftist attack muscles while auditioning for a gig on CNN or PMSNBC. Never a real conservative he, like the lapdog he tends to be, did his democrat light friends (ie never Trumpers) work for them, attacking Trump in hopes of peeling off some of Trumps supporters.

Donald Trump

There is a theory that Trump as a candidate was on his way to the exits until democrats decided to make him prisoner number 6. The indictments, one after the other, on what many legal scholars consider spurious or highly suspicious charges, served to cement in the mind of many Americans the perception that only Trump could turn America around. After all, he had done it before and looking around them, they find themselves hoping he can do it again.

None of the other Republican primary hopefuls were remotely viable so I’m not going to cover them. The democrats essentially abandoned their primary process by fighting among each other to remove any challenger to Biden from the primary process.

Some political events.

The human wave assault on our border is at the top of nearly every survey taken about what concerns America the most. It should be because without a border you no longer have a country. Despite the medias best efforts to hide it, Americans instinctively understand that 10 million people from some 80 countries don’t randomly and suddenly decide to pull up stakes and bum rush the border. It takes money, a lot of money, to pay for the buses, planes, trains, food, water, maps and legal assistance to move that many people that quickly. It gets even thornier when Chinese military age men are waved in without so much as a cursory examination. The fact is no one, and I mean no one, gets out of China without permission. In China you cannot even leave your home without your cell phone or the police will track you down and your social credit score will take a massive hit. So just exactly how did those thousands of Chinese men get here?

The economy is another area where Americans have tremendous concerns. Most people instinctively understand that, despite what the Biden administration claims, jobs that were forced to disappear during covid are not newly created jobs when they come back after the restrictions are eliminated. They understand that inflation is at record high levels because even though their wages may have gone up slightly they are able to purchase less and less with those “larger” paychecks.

The charging of Trump over a series of imaginary or incredibly minor potential process crimes turned on the neon sign showing just how deep the corruption ran in both the government, media and in a surprise to many, academia. While it took some time for Americans to process all the charges flying around Trump they came to realize that charging Trump was simply an act of desperation in the save Joe Biden saga.

Which brings us to Joe Biden. His cognitive ability was always in question to anyone who was paying the least bit of attention. He survived the 2020 campaign basically on the political equivalent of muscle memory and press/deep state witness protection programs. He has spent his entire presidency being led by the nose by all the Kenyan little Barry’s minions that he kept in the government. The undeniable fact about cognitive decline is that it never gets better, one only continues to deteriorate. Biden, it would appear, is rapidly reaching the point where the medication that gives him moments of lucidity are no longer working. His public appearances are becoming fewer and shorter in length. He is increasingly calling a lid on his days earlier and earlier and his number of vacation days is rising quickly. For the shadow people running Biden it is now a race to see if they can drag him across the finish line before what’s left of his mind is completely gone and that fact can no longer he successfully hidden.

The power mad administrative state under Biden is running amuck in the lives of ordinary Americans and it can no longer be hidden or even partly covered up anymore. People are starting to understand that much, if not all, of the government has been successfully weaponized against them.

Some examples.

The IRS does not need 87,000 new, armed agents to pursue ten or twenty thousand millionaires.

The Border Patrol should not be a welfare/travel agency for illegals.

What is the value in gutting the military while the world starts the fires of war everywhere?

Exactly why does the Social Security Administration need paramilitary SWAT teams?

Why are the resources of the Veterans Administration being given to illegals when there is a backlog of nearly a million veterans in need?

Why is the government so deeply involved (with their partners in crime Google, Facebook etc) in the censorship of free speech of ordinary Americans?

Why does the FBI, now a widely considered a corrupt agency, need a massive new headquarters cathedral.

Why is the government so fiercely determined to put men in women’s bathrooms and locker rooms and pornography in grade schools?

Why is buying a Bible, the most popular book in history, considered a radical act by the government?

Why are peaceful, nonviolent abortion protestors facing a decade or more in prison time while thugs who assault police officers, shoplift tens of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise or are violent rioters given a total get out of jail free card?

I could go on and on but I think you can see the picture. America as founded is perniciously under siege and being slowly and methodically deconstructed.

Donald Trump was never my first choice. In fact I consider myself politically homeless. However, after comparing Trumps first term to the meat puppets first term, I will vote Trump without hesitation because a vote for anyone else is nothing more than the acceptance of a national suicide pact.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

We Have Forgotten Who We Are

Everyone forgets things. It’s human nature. Sometimes people like me simply run out of room in the old and well used memory banks. Other times we no longer assign any value to something and it fades from memory for lack of use. Generally we forget things without meaning to, except when we don’t.

Sometimes though we were never taught, for example, who we were, where we came from or why that knowledge is important.

Americans no longer know who we are.

This is by design. The current flooding of America by 8-10 million illegal aliens in the four years of Biden’s administration is only the recent application of this tactic (it’s been used before by every democratic president in the last 60 years) by those who seek to dismantle America as founded.

Understand, those who are being imported here (and they are being imported, someone is paying for all these people to travel thousands of miles) are not even being asked to assimilate into American culture. Instead these new arrivals are encouraged to recreate the hell holes they claim to be leaving here. Doubt me? Have you seen Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle or any of a dozen other major cities lately? Not only have gangs and drug cartels taken advantage of our wide open border. Many countries are emptying their prisons by sending their thugs, rapists and killers here.

As an aside, I have a small, part time job at a national auto parts store chain. At least two-three times a week I will encounter a Spanish speaker who claims they cannot speak English and actually gets upset when I inform them I do not speak Spanish. Oddly enough, they often know enough English to curse me on the way out the door. Thanks Joe.

To get these illegals here in massive numbers democrats promise them free housing, healthcare, education and cash just for making it across the border. They are being prioritized for care and support over our veterans. This is especially egregious as we owe veterans so much. No veteran should be homeless so an illegal can be put up in a four star hotel complete with meals, internet and a swimming pool.

The drug lords in Mexico are now not only running our border but large parts of many American cities. Untold volumes of drugs cross our border with impunity. Sex slavery and human trafficking are at all time highs. Potentially tens of thousands of terrorists and subversives have entered our country and been dispersed throughout the country by a complicit government. Something like 100,000 Americans die every year from fentanyl overdoses. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are victims of crimes from simple robbery to assault, rape and murder by illegals who are far to often repeat offenders. Millions of illegals, given drivers licenses by states, now vote illegally in our elections. Nearly sixty plus billion dollars are sent out of America every year by illegals to countries of origin, removing those dollars from our economy and going, for the most part, to drug lords, corrupt politicians and gang leaders. I could go on but I think you can start seeing the picture by now.

Mideast terror groups like Hamas have likely infiltrated America. China, in a likely attempt to foster internal sabotage of America in the event of a conflict here or elsewhere (Taiwan), has sent thousands of military aged men across our border.

My grandmother came to America in 1947 from Germany. She was a proud and fierce women (and WWII survivor) who once told someone, “I may have came from Germany but I am American.” While German was frequently spoken at home she never demanded anyone speak German, never flew a German flag and was as law abiding a person as I have ever met. She was proud to show her ID when she voted.

America, out of many one, is being dissolved before our eyes.

We no longer know where we came from.

Actual American history has not been taught since Howard Zinn propagandized it (his “textbooks” were a literal exercise in anti American propaganda) back in the 1970’s. World history, as taught in the public education system, has fared even worse. Students today are, at best, taught to memorize a small set of names and dates. They are discouraged from learning any surrounding historical context. Primary source documents are excluded from study. In some school districts students are no longer taught to read or write cursive. Is this to prevent them from reading documents like the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights in their original form?

Students are openly lied to about our founding fathers, slavery, the civil war, climate change, so called indigenous Americans, so called gender and whatever the current fad dictates. The current fad now is the sexual grooming of our children. Children are now taught that most historical figures of any importance were lgbtq, whether there is evidence to support the claim or not.

We no longer have public school graduates, we have highly indoctrinated public school victims. Sadly, our college graduates fare even worse. Our colleges and universities no longer graduate thinkers, builders and dreamers. Today they produce only deeply flawed and indoctrinated useful idiots.

America is no longer remembered as the country that fought to gain it’s freedom from an oppressive monarchy, sacrificed 600,000 of it’s sons to end the scourge of slavery, turned itself into the economic engine that won world war two, put men on the moon and at least a thousand other amazing accomplishments. As a country we were never perfect but up until the election of The Kenyan little Barry we were constantly improving.

We no longer know what we used to be.

Americans used to be wildly self sufficient. We grew most of our own food, especially in WW II (does anyone remember victory gardens?). We canned the food we grew for hard times. We cooked meals instead of microwaving some over processed food like product. We ate meals together around an actual kitchen table and talked with each other. We repaired things instead of throwing them away. We actually wrote letters, and when we did so we used entire words not a series of disconnected letters. We actually read the newspaper instead of simply glancing over the headlines. We knew that a trip to the “woodshed” was both earned on our part and not a criminal offense on the part of the father we forced by our behavior into administering the discipline. We instinctively understood that men and women were different yet equally to be valued. No one would have dreamed of going out in public in their pajamas. We understood that profanity was the first refuge of the weak mind and 57 tattoos and six pounds of metal in your face was a desperate cry for attention. We learned and valued the proper role and use of firearms. We recognized that the there was a higher power than us and that that wasn’t a bad thing. For many of us that higher power was God and we not only knew, but understood why the Ten Commandments were so very valuable. We understood that education meant not just learning to read, write and do math. We knew that the best education was the one that taught us to reason, to think.

We were explorers, thinkers, innovators, builders and dreamers who created, built, expanded the knowledge of dramatically or perfected the following. Advanced farming. Air conditioning. Antibiotics. Automobiles. Batteries. Blood transfusions. Bluetooth. Chemistry. Computers. Electric light. Elevators. GPS. Heart, lung, kidney etc transplants. Knee and hip replacements. Lasers. Limited government. Microwave ovens. Movies. Plastic. Powered flight. Printing press. Radio. Radar. Railroads. Robots. Sewing machines. Skyscrapers. Space flight. Telephones. Television. The assembly line. The internet. Vaccines. Washing machines. X-ray machines. I haven’t even scratched the surface with this list.

We no longer know what is real.

Starting in the 1970’s a theory known as multiculturalism began to take root in the public education system. In short, multiculturalism says all cultures are of equal value. Under this model islamic cultures that execute gays are no better or worse than American culture where gays must be exalted at any price. Multiculturalism demands that middle eastern cultures that openly practice and support slavery are just as good as any European country that outlawed slavery over a hundred years ago. Governments like the old Soviet Union who routinely terrorized their citizens are just as good as America where everyone is treated equally (I know, that’s not the case anymore) under the law.

This suspension of reality has trundled along virtually unchecked until we find ourselves today being told with straight faces that men can actually become women, that those men belong in women’s showers and locker rooms and must be allowed to compete in sports against actual women. Let me clear, there is no known, medically documented case of a biological male becoming a biological women. When you find one let’s talk. Yet the person who speaks that incontrovertible fact is asking to have abuse heaped upon them in staggering quantities.

The dispensing of reality for fantasy has oozed down deep into our culture.

Far to many of us now believe abortion, the killing of a human for often no other reason than the convenience of the mother, is healthcare. Far to many of us believe that the gruesome selling of those murdered babies parts is called “research”. It’s true, words have power because no one is against healthcare or research, right?

For far to many of us biological sex, a fact since day one, has been switched to gender which is now a choice even five year olds can make.

Far to many of us now believe that we are single handedly are destroying the environment with our insane desire to improve our standard of living. This in spite of the fact that America is the cleanest country environmentally speaking, on the planet.

Far to many of us now believe that the “mostly peaceful” riots of antifa, blm and other hate groups are reasonable expressions of frustration while Jan 6th is the worst terrorist event in American history. The looting (billions of dollars lost by retailers), property damage (billions of dollars worth), the numerous deaths as well as the injuries to over 900 police officers during those blm/antifa riots are to be ignored as if they didn’t happen.

Far to many of us now believe that skin color alone is responsible for all evil and that certain people of color literally cannot be racist or evil.

Far to many of us now believe that words equal violence, that silence equals violence (see what they are doing here, absent total agreement with the current narrative everything is violence), that censorship is healthy and that there is actually such a thing as a hate crime. For the record I believe all crime is an expression of some level of hate. Until you can explain cogently to me why it is more wrong to commit a crime against a black person than a white person, or why a person of one race must be punished more than that of another for the same crime, I will continue to believe that.

Some Final Thoughts

I believe it would be a mistake to think all these examples, and dozen of others I haven’t mentioned, have happened by accident or circumstance. America is being slowly and systematically deconstructed. Those guiding that agenda have over the years incorporated legions of useful idiots and true believers from the ranks of massively mis-educated and highly propagandized Americans. Those Americans who would have resisted this deconstruction have been conditioned to seek security and comfort instead of standing to be counted against the deconstruction efforts.

That effort has been wildly successful so far but, I sense a change in the force. Whether it is to late we will have to wait and see.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, gun control, Islam, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

Joe Biden And The Unthinkable Administration

Thousands of people, college mis-educated young adults mainly (if photos of their celebrations of the murder, rape and torture of innocent people are any indication) demand Israel do nothing about Hamas’ recent murder/hostage taking spree. Our “leaders” and media tacitly support them. These, both perpetrators and supporters, are sick people. And I don’t want to hear about the “innocent” civilians in Gaza. Go watch the videos of the Gazan’s celebrating, cheering and dancing in the street while naked bodies of Israeli victims and live hostages are being dragged behind vehicles. They are so happy, so proud, so exuberant. Look at those videos and show me who the noncombatants are. I’ll help you, the noncombatants are the victims being dragged behind the vehicles. I don’t know why Israel didn’t carpet bomb those celebrations.

And then there’s Joe Biden and the unthinkable administration.

Biden allegedly got 81 million votes, combined with the votes for Trump that represented something like 90% voter turnout. Never happened before, I believe it didn’t happen then (I was a poll worker and poll manager for 16 years, the closet we ever got was 65%). Vote counting was stopped in multiple states for the first time in history. Sometimes counting was stopped for reasons which turned out to be lies.

Biden opens the border and the government waves in illegals from 160 plus countries. Criminals, the diseased, terrorists, malcontents, come on down. Collect your free phone, food, healthcare and housing benefits, no questions asked. Just remember to vote democrat.

Biden ended America’s energy independence on day one so he and his minions can send billions of our dollars to countries that hate us, put hundreds of thousands of highly paid, often unionized, Americans out of work and raise the cost of everything.

Biden worked overtime to push inflation from around 2% in 2020 to, when measured correctly, 14% so today so your dollar is more and more worthless. Poor people are much easier to control.

Biden allowed the gay/trans mafia to end the military’s ability to actually fight and win wars. They finished The Kenyan little Barry’s purge of the military of every officer and enlisted man that has any conservative values. They have changed the military’s mission from defense of America to paying for abortions, sex change surgeries and indoctrinating the troops on systemic racism and correct pronoun usage.

Biden emptied the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help democrats get elected in the mid terms, then left it empty so that in a time of crisis, like the coming world war, we will have nothing to fall back on.

Biden is forcing the lgbt/trans agenda into every public grade school/college and uses the power of the DOJ to intimidate anyone who disagrees.

Biden manufactured an “insurrection” to further weaponize the DOJ, FBI, IRS and other federal agencies so they can “protect” America’s elitists like him from “extremist Americans” whose goals include such terrorist actions as fiscal responsibility, energy independence and keeping pedophiles out of schools and girls bathrooms.

Biden depleted Americas military equipment stockpile by giving 80 billion worth of weapons, ammo, vehicles and gear to a terrorist state. He gave massive amounts of ammo and gear to Ukraine without making any significant attempts to speed up its replacement.

Biden has turned grade schools into indoctrination centers for supposed systemic racism and blm recruiting centers.

Biden began the unprecedented practice of taking and abusing political prisoners. Using cell phone data the now tragically misnamed Department of Justice has gone after everyone who was anywhere near the capitol on Jan 6th. These people are arrested, charged, imprisoned and denied bail and then typically suffer abuse from the media and their jailers for sometimes years. Two years after the alleged event, approximately 80 Americans remain in prison awaiting the right to a speedy trial.

Biden promotes the unprecedented policy of having Americans spy and inform on each other during a manufactured plandemic.

Biden has created and implemented a “Department of Truth.” They call it the disinformation board. You will be told what to think.

Biden supports local District Attorneys who implement the policy of shoplifting amounts under $950 as not being a crime and no cash bail for criminals of the appropriate skin color.

Biden locks America into virtually useless “green energy” deals and gives hundreds of billions of your tax dollars to green energy projects owned and operated by democratic donors.

Biden creates The Office of Environmental Justice. Because every tin plated dictator needs additional weapons to use against the peasants.

Biden continues to lie to America about Covid, the failure of the vax and how government officials that forced Americans to take the dangerous vax made millions of dollars in royalties.

Biden supports “big tech” in their efforts to silence, demonetized and demonize anyone who disagrees with the liberal/lgbt/trans/racist/green/new world order agenda.

Biden couldn’t be bothered to help in disasters like East Palestine or the wildfire in Hawaii.

When Jews in America are being threatened and targeted by terrorist lovers, Biden tells us to worry about “islamophobia.”

Biden allowed a publicly declared enemy nation to operate a high tech surveillance device over some of our most sensitive military establishments. Then shot down the device over the ocean where we would never be able to learn anything significant about it if we could even recover parts of it.

Biden allows the Federal Reserve to develop a programmable digital currency to replace cash. Once implemented the fed can program your money any way they want, limiting you in ways you haven’t even thought of, but they have.

Biden hired a crossdressing luggage thief to manage our nuclear waste and a demented crossdressing pediatrician as U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health.

Biden issued an executive order, then made it secret, for every agency in the government to register and turn out democrat voters only.

The rot in this administration runs from top to bottom and may be incurable. As long as this article has gotten I haven’t even scratched the surface of the unthinkable things this administration has done.

We always have the chance to reclaim things at the ballot box but even that is being taken away from us. The sad thing is how few seem to notice and how even fewer seem to care.

Thanks to islamic terrorists it’s a terrifying time to be a Jew, even in America. Thanks to Joe Biden it’s a scary time to be an American. Both Biden and the islamists are working diligently to eliminate the people they hate. Sadly, many of their victims still can’t see the forest because the trees are in the way.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

Hell Must Be Empty Because All The Demons Are Here

Just a couple of days ago my sister in law and her husband had their house broken into while they were at work. They are both committed liberals who live in, and work for, Washington state. Being a victim of burglary twice myself I have great sympathy for what they must be going through right now. Then it occurred to me. They should be comforted by the fact that if the criminals are caught they will be released without bail and likely never face any real consequences. After all, my sister in law is very progressive. I’m certain she’s voted for every liberal running that state and pushing the fraudulent “no cash bail” nonsense. Maybe instead of being a victim she is simply doing her part to right the many wrongs of America. Somehow I don’t think she would appreciate my “intellectual” approach to her loss.

As I contemplated what had happened to her I thought about all the lawlessness being accepted by Soros backed district attorneys and state attorneys generals across the country right now. That’s when the thought occurred to me, hell must be empty because it sure seems like all the demons are running amuck here.

A demon is defined as an evil spirit, a person who does a particular activity with great skill or energy, a person who behaves very badly, an evil influence, mythical monster or spirit, a cruel or fiendish person or a wicked or inhumane person.

Looking around at society and government today you could be excused for thinking every demon in hell has been released into America today.

An evil spirit.

It’s been said that the greatest trick ever performed was the one the Devil used to convince people he wasn’t real. I’ll buy that. Consider that today there are mainstream churches that hold yearly votes on which parts of the Bible to believe. There are churches who ignore the plain spoken words of God about sins of every nature. There are churches (sadly, mine included) who “resettle” illegal aliens for profit. Churches today remain silent about Canada’s new policy allowing the state to assist children to kill themselves without any parental involvement (they are already killing adults at an astonishing rate). Churches today remain silent on the sexual grooming of children in order, I suppose, to be the last one eaten by the alligator. God is present in the world but I doubt very much he is in very many churches today.

A person who does a particular activity with great skill or energy.

I can’t help but think of our so called education system and the vile groomer activists who disguise themselves as teachers. Children are routinely being groomed and sexually abused in record numbers almost as official school policy. Children are programmed to lie to their parents, to snitch on parents who will not tolerate the schools abusive sex policies or endorse the misguided concept that children can be any of the 72 “genders” they want. The purple haired, nose ringed over inked minions of the DNC are obvious in their threats to children. It’s the quiet ones who don’t drape themselves in the trans/rainbow flags that may end up being the worst of the bunch. Either way, I suspect God is going to need a lot of millstones.

A person, or group of persons, who behaves very badly.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of unpleasant looking, fat, hairy gay men in woman’s makeup wearing nuns habits certainly give off a demonic vibe. In a similar vein, the males (they can’t be classified as men, real men do not behave this way) who believe they have the right to dress up as ugly women and twerk their genitals in front of six year olds also have a demonic air about them. In a more sane time a man who shoved his junk in the faces of children would have been taught a very painful lesson about decency by real men. Sanity I’m afraid, is in short supply.

An evil influence.

The intentionally misnamed Planned Parenthood is certainly an evil influence. This is an organization that believes in the “right” to dismember babies (and sell the body parts), even in the last week of pregnancy. This is an organization that has recently become the leading supplier of transgender hormones to the children they have indoctrinated into believing a gender change is possible. Talk about creating a market. I guess Planned Parenthood needed something to do when they weren’t convincing children to have sex with each other and then “come on down” for that convenient abortion. As an aside, you give them around $400 million of your tax dollars every year. Don’t you just feel special now?

A mythical monster or spirit.

“We’re from the government and we’re here to help.” At one time there may have been a very small measure of truth in that statement. Those days are long, long past. The government of today has two missions, expand it’s power and deepen it’s reach. Period. Everything done by the government is simply to further it’s missions or cover it’s abuses. For a hardcore 20-40% of Americans the government has replaced God or any other authority figure they might have once adhered to. Like an omniscient God, the government today looks and listens to everything you say or do. You are tracked in minute detail by your cell phone, laptop and car. Alexa and her evil twins record everything said in your home. The government now has approved providers of knowledge, speech and a growing cadre of hyperventilating thought police. To cement it’s permanent and total dominance over you it is working on a programmable digital currency so it can exercise the ultimate level of control, how, where and on what you can spend your money on. Do you remember voting for that? (Actually, if you voted democrat, you did)

A cruel or fiendish person.

The democratic party is full of these kinds of people. People like Jill Biden perpetrating elder abuse of Joe so she can be the pretend president. Or Diane Feinstiens staff, dragging her around “Weekend at Bernies” style and making her do their bidding. Or John Fettermans wife who like Jill Biden, abused her husband for power and position. Or the democratic DA’s who believe no black criminal should be punished or that theft under $950 is not a crime. Or the judge who ruled that 12 year olds have a right to permanently disfigure themselves with so called gender affirming surgery and that parents have no say in the matter. Or Joe Biden and Merrick Garland for instituting the taking of political prisoners as government policy for the first time since another democrat (Roosevelt) did the same thing to Japanese Americans. Or Georgia Governor Kemp who pretends to honor his oath of office while selling himself to the highest democrat bidder. Or Mitt “the twit” Romney who pretends to care about America but stabs the country in the back every chance he gets so the media won’t be mean to him. Or the democrats and Vichy republicans who allow the drug cartels to make billions of dollars on human smuggling, sex and drug trafficking while hundreds of illegal aliens are abused, raped, robbed or killed by the cartels or simply die of exposure. I include in this the shadowy people organizing and funding this invasion. Six million people (so far, with millions more on the way) is not a spontaneous event.

A wicked or inhumane person.

A German family threatened with imprisonment and having the state steal their children from them for the “crime” of homeschooling emigrated to America some 15 years ago. Since arriving here they have, unlike the millions of illegal aliens pouring across the border since Biden took office, been model citizens. They are not a burden on the state, having jobs and supporting themselves. They have no criminal record and have worked hard to rebuild their lives in a foreign country because their home country chose to persecute them. Since arriving here they have had additional children. Their older children have married American citizens and had children of their own. An altogether amazing immigrant success story. However someone in the Biden administration cannot allow this to stand. They have ordered the entire family, even the children and grandchildren born in America deported. There is no legitimate justification for this action. The government knows that the parents will face prison time in Germany for homeschooling their children. The children, who have passed all the state education requirements, will not have their completion of primary education recognized by the German government meaning they cannot attend college or even get a decent job. All this while we are forced to spend hundreds of billions of dollars we don’t have on criminals (if you are here illegally you are by definition a criminal) who shouldn’t be here. Someone in the government made the decision to assault this good and decent family. Others have accepted and worked to further the deportation process. Anyone involved in this deportation effort people is a vile, wicked and inhumane person. I try not to get angry when I learn about such evil as this but, if you are participating in the forced removal of this family, who may be more reflective of what makes America great than you, a part of me hopes that every evil thing that can be visits you as often as possible.

Sadly, not all demons have purple hair, nose rings and are covered with tattoos. Many of them today wear three piece suits, are well spoken, have ivy league degrees and only your best interests at heart. Providing your best interest is allowing them to dominate your life as they see fit.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, gun control, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

America Deconstructed – By Design

The ATF now wants anyone who sells even a single firearm to be forced to register as a firearms dealer. This means you would have to meet all the requirements of a dealer and, most importantly, perform and send to the ATF, background checks showing who bought what. This is compounded by the fact that the ATF, in violation of both the law and the Constitution has collected and saved every background check since 2002. This is a defacto gun registration that will allow them to not only confiscate said firearms, but prosecute anyone who sold a gun without ATF’s permission. Think they won’t do it? History shows otherwise. Pre WWII Germany, post war Russia did similar things. More recently countries like England, Ireland and Australia have confiscated the weapons of their citizens. Calling these actions a “buybacks” changes nothing. You are still disarmed and now at the mercy of criminals who by definition do not follow the laws and a government that can now do any evil thing that takes their fancy. Japanese (Covid) internment camps anyone?

Over six million (known, possibly another million gotaways) illegals have poured through our undefended borders since the meat puppet Biden took over the White House. Tens of thousands of these are known criminals and gang members. Thousands more are known terrorists or on the terrorist watchlist. These are just the ones we know about. This is an assault on America on so many ways. The criminals are allowed to wreak havock inside American cities while hundreds of thousands of illegal alien school age children are being forced into already overburdened school systems. Virtually all of these illegals are being paid tens of thousands of your tax dollars in cash, subsidies, transportation, medical care and housing. Recent Department of Labor statistics show that American citizens lost 1.2 million jobs, 700,000 of them were taken by illegals working for lower pay and few or no benefits. Compounding the damage, these illegals will wire over 56 billion dollars out of our economy to their countries of origin, including the cartels that transported many of them here. This doesn’t even take into consideration the cost of millions of anchor babies that will be born here.

America’s history is being radically rewritten or outright destroyed. The Civil War, Columbus, The Healing Monument at Arlington National Cemetery and the founding fathers are just the tip of the iceberg of the cultural assassination taking place. The well document fraud of the 1619 Project (now taught in hundreds of school districts) seeks to redefine slavery. The concept of anti racism seeks to ingrain racism as an immutable trait based on skin color. All of this is funded in part or in whole by your tax dollars.

America’s public education system has morphed into indoctrination centers for the LGBTQWTF community. Pedophilia is normalized and forced into grade schools as curriculum early as kindergarten. The tradition of marriage between a man and a women is actively maligned and assaulted. Children are taught they can change their sex as often as they wish and kids as young as seven are allowed to make permanent life changing medical decisions. In those same schools children are taught that it’s just fine to lie to their parents. In states like California a parent questioning their childs gender confusion will lose custody of their child to the state.

To cement its decline into banana republic status, America has begun taking political prisoners. Over 80 Jan 6th protestors remain in prison, uncharged, denied bail, often in solitary confinement for months at a time and often denied legal counsel as well. They are abused not just by the legal system but their jailers, who face no consequences for their malicious actions. The ones who have actually been tried face years in prison for simply being at the Capitol on that day. Many of them were hunted down using their cell phone data, provided by America hating cell phone giants to ingratiate themselves to a tyrannical government.

Using the same cell phone data the corrupt Department of Justice used True The Vote was able to document massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. The movie “2000 Mules” offers brutally effective evidence of their accusations. When the tragically misnamed Justice Department uses cell phone data to politically persecute ordinary Americans exercising their First Amendment rights, the media orgasms all over itself. When TTV uses the exact same methodology they are branded conspiracy theorists and election deniers. You are not allowed to notice the difference.

RINO republicans in Texas did the bidding of their democrat masters by eliminating the state Attorney Generals ability to prosecute voter fraud. Let that one sink in. Now it’s up to George Soros (a vile Nazi lover who admits that he both hates America and thinks of himself as God) funded local DA’s to “prosecute” the very same people who are getting them elected. Pretty nice work if you can get it.

The feds have been caught welding open doors in the border fence. Apparently unsatisfied with the results they then cut away a section of razor wire the state of Texas put up to secure it’s borders. That last act allowed some 15,000 illegals to cross over in a single day. Process that. 15,000 mostly single, unvetted military aged men waved into the country in open, deliberate violation of the law. If those illegals wore uniforms their actions would be called an invasion and you would be pissed. Well, they do wear a uniform of sorts. They pretend to be in fear of their lives in their home country. They dispose of their home country identity cards so they can’t be traced. They wear old clothes to give the appearance of poverty. They repeat well rehearsed stories about how they qualify for refugee status. They demand “rights” they are not entitled to and that you and I pay for them. Every single democrat agrees with them.

I could go on and on about the deconstruction of America.

How congress has surrendered it’s rightful duties to an army of unelected bureaucrats.

How the government has engaged a willing private sector to censor unapproved ideas.

How the Fed has illegally brought the dollar to the brink of extinction by recklessly printing money and how they plan to replace it with a programmable digital currency they can use to control every aspect of your life.

How the government spys on virtually everything you do or say and keeps permanent records of everything.

I hope it’s not to late for Americans to wake up and realize they have been, at times, willing victims of a malevolent ideology posing as compassion. That they have surrendered the greatest country in the history of mankind to a base ideology of greed, corruption, an unhealthy desire to have sex with children and lord their superiority over you.

The hour grows late.

The enemy has penetrated the gates.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, gun control, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

Consider Who Is Targeting Who

There is an old saying that goes “you know you’re over the target when you start taking flack.” Another way to say the same thing is, “if you weren’t a threat they wouldn’t be attacking you.”

I find it sadly fascinating that the supposed defenders of freedom and democracy, democrats, liberals and progressives (but I repeat myself) and their supporters and defenders have managed to elude the far more correct label of demonic oppressors. You can thank both the media and a teacher for that. A quick survey of the current political landscape proves frightfully revealing for those who are willing to see.

Liberals and their media toadies now target for personal destruction parents who do not want their grade school kids exposed to pornography and the transgender recruiting efforts now so prevalent (and often done in secret) in public and even some private schools today. Oppose your children being treated as sex objects and showering with the opposite sex and you will face the wrath of school officials, the DOJ, media and demented organizations like NAMBLA and GLADD.

Point out the irrefutable facts that masking not only provides no benefits but was in some cases actually harmful, that the MnRA vaccine was not only totally useless but may in fact be deadly and that many in the government that mandated you get the shot profited from that mandate and fought to keep those profits secret from you and you will be assaulted by the media, demented Karens, professional organizations and state licensing boards, the medical establishment and the DOJ.

Point out the fact that the FBI will target you for simply being on the capitol grounds (not entering the building or doing anything violent, just being there) on Jan 6. Once identified the government will lock you up, abuse you, deny you council, refuse you bail (or make it so astronomically high you can’t afford it), place you in solitary confinement, delay your trial (in some cases for nearly two years and counting) and in far to many cases allow you to be abused by your jailers. Point out the fact that the government is not even attempting to identify or locate fence cutting man, scaffold commander, the pipe bomber or any of the others also on camera egging people to enter the capitol building. Point out the fact that none of the protestors were armed so it wasn’t an armed insurrection, that the only person killed that day was an unarmed women (her killer went free, a hero to democrats), that no police officers were killed that day (although an astounding number committed suicide not long afterwards, why?) and you will be brutally attacked by democrats, DOJ and the media as a MAGA insurrectionist.

Point out the fact that the Biden Crime Family had something like twenty plus shell companies whose sole purpose was to launder and funnel foreign money to the Bidens, that the Hunter Biden laptop was real and the information on it was damning in dozens of ways, that Ashley Biden’s diary was real and lunch bucket Joe is in all probability a pedophile and you will be assaulted by democrats, their media and social media lackies as a fringe conspiracy theorist.

Point out the fact that ICE has documented thousands of potential terrorists being released into America through the southern border under Bidens outrageous pay illegals to come here policies, that 97% of those crossing the border are not actual asylees, they are simply coming here for improved economic circumstances or the nearly unlimited welfare benefits, that thousands of illegals are known criminals who continue their crime sprees on our side of the border with impunity knowing that the Biden administration and the media will cover for them, or that certain NGO’s are paid millions of dollars by the government to “re-settle” alleged refugees then turn around and donate millions of those dollars back to democrats, and you will be attacked as a racist, bigot hate monger by democrats and their media lapdogs.

Point out that Donald Trump is being targeted with the most bizarre legal assaults imaginable and stand back for the inevitable all out assault. Democrats point out Trump paid to settle a dispute with a bimbo who claimed that she had an affair with him then, after cashing the check, went on Twitter denying she ever had an affair with him. Democrats squeak this payment should have been claimed as a campaign expense even though the money came from Trumps personal account not his campaign funds. Democrats whine that Trump mishandled secret documents (those documents were in a Secret Service secured facility guarded 24/7) that the Supreme Court (Navy v Egan) says he had unlimited ability to have and declassify. Democrats whine that while discussing potential voter fraud with compromised Georgia officials Trumps pointing out that if they found a certain number of fraudulent ballots, that would change the outcome of the election. Duh! Finally, democrats believe that Trump urging his supporters to march peacefully to the capitol is an overt act of insurrection. Say these things in public and prepare to be excoriated by all the usual suspects.

Point out that no one is reporting on over a hundred food processing facilities being torched (a massive increase over previous years) over the last year and a half and you will be accused of wearing a tinfoil hat.

Point out that wind turbines, electric cars and solar panels are, at scale, unsustainable (toxic mining operations, child and slave labor based mining, expired batteries/solar panels/turbine blades toxifying landfills) and you will be called a climate denier.

Point out that with an unconstitutional wave of their magic wand the ATF created overnight millions of felons who owned previously legal pistol braces.

What do these examples and the hundreds more I could offer have in common? The short answer is…You.

You, the extremist who believes in the rule of law and supports both the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

You, the extremist who accepts personal responsibility for your life, work hard, play by the rules, pay your taxes and want to believe that your government will do the right thing.

You, the extremist who knows that skin color is irrelevant compared to ability.

You, the extremist who believes in God and has no problem with a mass delivered in traditional Latin.

You, the extremist who knows that your rights do not come from government.

You, the extremist who knows the only function of the government is to protect your rights.

You are being assaulted at every level, in every way at every opportunity. Democrats, the gay mafia, climate change lunatics, BLM racists, ANTIFA lunatics, hate groups like the SPLC, covid crybaby tyrants, media/social media companies, the educational complex, a federal government focused only on it’s growth and power and billionaires with delusions of Godhood all have you in their sights. At some point they will turn on each other but sadly, that won’t happen until you and I are out of the way.

We are long past the left vs right phase of history.

There is no left anymore. They have been co-opted by lunatics and those who fund/guide them for their own purposes.

There is almost no right anymore. They have been dominated by the surrender caucus and the Chamber of Commerce get rich/stay rich club.

We are now in the right vs wrong phase of history.

America is being carefully, methodically and maliciously deconstructed and it’s long past time that the “right” stood up and be counted.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, gun control, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

Some Thoughts On Millennials

I just read that something like 50% or more of millennials think so called hate speech should be criminalized. Hate speech according to who? The article didn’t specify. As tragic as this percentage is it doesn’t surprise me. They have been hideously mis-educated on the right to free speech and knowing that on some level, they are just fine with that. Frankly, they are to lazy to do any actual study on the concept preferring to live in their digital echo chambers. It’s easier that way and besides, they are so close to getting that high score on the latest version of Mary Sue Warfare Duty Commander or the ever popular Pronoun Master! (I know, not all millennials are this way but in my experience, as a group, I think far to many are)

This is the generation that walks into Starbucks (a company they know hates America) pays $10 for a cup of coffee. Then they get on their $1000 (slave built) phone to whine about the cost of their third nose ring, twenty-seventh tattoo, daily supply of pot or that their boss actually expected them to show up for work. Karl Marx, another freeloader who never held a job in his petulant life, would be so proud of them.

Amazingly, millennials can bore you to tears with all the things they know. The problem, as the saying goes, isn’t that they know so much, it’s that so much of what they know is completely wrong. Think about millennials for a minute. These are those who will spend thousands of dollars on the perfect cosplay costume but throw an absolute fit if they had to listen to someone they didn’t like give a talk. These are those who honestly believe that words, unless uttered by them, equal actual, physical violence.

Think about them though. This is a generation that has accomplished nothing, They never survived a great depression (although their heroes Biden, Harris, Schumer et al are working hard to correct that), won a world war (saving the planet for real not the phony environmental whacko version), fought and won a cold war (defeating an enemy who no matter how much millennials wanted to emulate would have enslaved them) or even sent a man to the moon.

These are those who despite the fact that we feed much of the world, would shut down every ranch in the country because cows fart.

These are those that wouldn’t allow a six year old to choose his dinner but honestly believe the same child can infallibly determine his “gender”.

These are those who see nothing wrong with a grown man in woman’s lingerie and make up twerking his genitals in front of six year olds.

This generation, despite having invented Facebook and Twitter (near perfect surveillance tools used to perfect their ignorance) and Tinder (a tragic, mindless diversion), instinctively knows they have accomplished nothing of worth. That’s why they invent earth shaking crises to give them purpose and meaning in their lives. Global warming, structural racism and reparations are prime examples The crown jewel in the millennials self serving/loathing olympics though is the ultimate lie, transgenderism.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone who is paying attention that a generation that abandoned family, God and reason would end up like today’s current crop of millennials.

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Awake or Woke

It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it. Every day I spend around five hours consuming news. I read and watch from numerous websites stuff that frankly amazes me. I also, as I go about my daily chores, listen to talk radio for five to six hours a day. I marvel at how little some things have actually changed over the years and at how far off the rail other things have gone. One thing though has never changed. If intellectual flexibility was an Olympic sport liberals, democrats and progressives, but I repeat myself, would reign supreme.

For some perspective, I have been studying and following politics since 1972. Over the years I have noticed that some people’s ability to not be aware of the blindingly obvious has metastasized from a condition of convenience into a near fatal addiction both personally and nationally.

The core support of liberal ideology, the ability to ignore the obvious, has been mastered by ninety percent of the media, ninety nine percent of democrats and one hundred percent of those who have “no interest” in politics.

My grandfather, a very wise man from a somewhat simpler time used to say, “Some things are wrong simply because they are wrong.” The current trans/pedo craze sweeping education and popular culture comes to mind.

In a sad indictment of popular culture today that statement of the obvious is considered to be wildly intolerant by every leftist I know. Popular culture as it exists today is deeply malignant and utterly tragic in scope and effect. On the following beliefs liberals will fight you tooth and nail. They will shout you down, call you names, try to intimidate you, deplatform you and get you not only fired but make you un-hirable. But wait, there’s more! Unsatisfied with just attacking you they will go after your family, even your kids. It’s who they are.

Liberals do not believe that adults grooming, sexualizing or having sex with minors is wrong.

Liberals do not believe there are only two genders.

Liberals do not believe that boys don’t belong in girls bathrooms/locker rooms.

Liberals do not believe that stealing, especially if approved by democrat DA’s, is wrong.

Liberals do not believe locking criminals up has any effect on crime and is in fact, racist.

Liberals do not believe that if you are convicted of a crime your skin color is irrelevant.

Liberals do not believe that keeping a database of known gang members is both prudent and not racist.

Liberals do not believe that defending yourself or others is acceptable, especially if you use a gun.

Liberals do not believe in free speech for you, that’s a right they reserve for themselves.

Liberals do not believe in truth as a concept, only truth as they see it, wish it to be or can brow beat you into accepting.

Liberals do not believe hypocrisy applies to them. Sadly, they are so far, correct.

Liberals do not believe the law applies to them, it only applies to you, and only when it’s convenient for them.

Liberals do not believe in religion, except for big government, abortion on demand, BLM, The ACLU, The SPLC, global warming, The 1619 Project, Jan 6th and transgenderism.

Liberals do not believe that Venezuela emptying its prisons and insane asylums into our country is a problem.

Liberals do not believe the Mexican drug cartels now running our southern border is a bad thing.

Liberals do not believe that allowing the mentally ill to remain homeless and living on the streets is cruel. I could go on for days, guns, voter ID, forced vaccinations, the police/surveillance state, public education but I think you get the point.

I admit, it can take a lot of work to be a liberal. After all, when everything is racist, bigoted, misogynistic or offensive the emotional investment alone required to be a liberal must be stupendously high.

Constructing and maintaining a fantasy bubble to live and work in 24/7, not to mention being right about everything 100% of the time, must be exhausting.

Also, I can see where having to deny your lying eyes nearly all the time can become the equivalent of the kids on vacation asking, “Are we there yet?”

Lastly, I can see where having unwanted shards of truth poking holes in your precious and expensively maintained bubble all the time must be infuriating.

Maybe that’s why liberals, democrats and progressives are so angry all the time.

I believe it would be more accurate to say that liberals, democrats and progressives are defined by their love of hate.

Perhaps the most tragic part of all is just how far they will go to prove my point.

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The Diversity Administration – Part 3 Pete Buttigieg

Transportation Secretary

Having proven a near total failure as a man, mayor Pete decided to go gay and get himself a husband. How very brave of him.

Their can be no doubt that Pete got his gig because of his over hyped gayness. The celebration of his elevation was long, loud and in some instances, positively putrid. He certainly wasn’t placed in his current position because of his ability or skill. Like his twin, California’s Governor Gruesome, his only skill, such as it is, is self promotion.

Is there a more massively incompetent narcissist who sincerely believes he is the most impressive, talented and smartest person in any room he occupies than Buttjug? (Question, is Buttjugg his name or occupation?) As Mayor of South Bend, Indiana he couldn’t get a single pothole fixed. As Transportation Secretary he has redoubled his efforts at being both useless, pointless and far to often, invisible.

Consider some of his accomplishments to date.

This is the moron who drives his massive SUV to work, hides it, then publicly rides his bike a hundred yards to show how much he cares for the environment. In democrat circles this is known as devotion to a cause.

When supply chain disruptions created mass shortages of food and basic necessities he had no answers.

When a rail strike threatened to shut down interstate traffic, he was AWOL.

When the FAA grounded air traffic because of a system breakdown, he couldn’t be bothered to show up.

Similarly, when Southwest Airlines systems broke down, he popped up long enough to mouth a few platitudes then disappeared.

When a baby formula shortage was revealed, he went dark in a hurry.

When Los Angeles rail traffic was being looted his only concern was that no BIPOC have their looting interrupted or be prosecuted for participating in restorative justice.

Remember the pictures of hundreds of ships sitting off the coast of California during the supply chain crisis? He could never be bothered to deal with that because he needed his two month “maternity” leave. You know, all the stress of having someone handle an adoption proceeding and then raising a child for you.

Most disturbing of all was his deliberate mishandling of the rail disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. With toxic clouds rolling over the town requiring everyone to evacuate, Pete yawned. Why bother helping all those icky Trump voters. When he finally deigned to interrupt his privileged existence, Buttjug blabbed, “We’re constrained by law on some areas of rail regulation,” and cited “the braking rule withdrawn by the Trump administration in 2018 because of a law passed by Congress in 2015.” This was an outright lie and both he and the media that covered him knew it. With the potential of poisoned groundwater in East Palestine what worries him most is the idea that to many white people may be holding construction jobs. He continued his display of concern for the people of East Palestine by condemning mass shootings and bloviating about Chinese spy balloons.

Since doing his job doesn’t seem to be important to him it is reasonable to ask, just what is?

Well, he has to flaunt his gayness every chance he gets, because you know, not only is that his most important qualification, that qualifies him for anything.

He is concerned about getting cities to install more bike lanes because like him, everyone needs to get rid of their gas guzzling SUV’s and ride bikes for at least a few yards once in a while.

He claims, with a straight face, that highway designs in America are racist. Damn you southern, right wing concrete! He went on to boast, again with a straight face, that the Biden infrastructure bill will fix that.

He talks up racism, you know, because he knows it’s the defining characteristic of the America he loves to hate while collecting his government check for his no show job. In his defense, he don’t get out of his safe space much.

He wants to tax you by the mile for driving your car because you know, environment and stuff.

He wants to send the cost of electricity through the roof by shutting down as many power plants as possible, you know, because racism and stuff. All the birds chopped up by his windmills and fried by his solar farms are just a bonus.

Now, let’s be good little liberal drones and not bother his gayness anymore. He needs to catch a government plane so he can watch a soccer game in Europe. You know, because he’s so oppressed.

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Filed under Culture, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

So There’s This Guy…

Suppose I told you there was a man in your neighborhood teaching your children how to have sex with adults. Suppose I told you he was teaching your ten year old daughter how to safely have anal sex. Suppose I told you he was teaching your first grade son how to masturbate, both himself and his boy friends. Suppose I told you he was teaching your son he was actually a girl. Suppose I told you he was encouraging your daughter to be the boy she really was. Suppose I told you he was taking your child to a gender affirming clinic for counseling or treatment without your knowledge or approval. Suppose I told you he was telling your children to hide these things from you. How would you feel about that Would you be outraged?

Suppose this man had a friend who taught your children they were nothing more than a skin color. Suppose he taught them that all whites were irredeemably racist and there was nothing they could ever do about it. Suppose he taught your children that all blacks were perpetual victims. Suppose he told your children they owed black people reparations? How would you feel about that? Would you be outraged?

I suspect that you wouldn’t stand for any of the above, nor should you. Except that you do because the school you send your children to is likely doing all those things and more.

Under the disguise of acceptance, tolerance, understanding and equity teachers and administrators across the country are indoctrinating your kids into all this vile drivel through the cult devices of CRT, SEL, the 1619 Project and other vehicles. Even worse, when these devices are forced out of the schools educators simply rename them and continue their foul indoctrination attempts. Many alleged teachers even go on platforms like Tik Tok and brag that they will continue the indoctrination no matter what. These cultists impersonating educators face little to no consequence for violating what is sometimes state law. Florida is a prime example. For all the good Ron “Heavy D” DeSantis has accomplished in this regard far to many Florida teachers continue down the indoctrination path facing no consequences at all. (Perhaps instead of looking towards the presidency Heavy D should finish bulletproofing Florida. When America finally falls I would like someplace to retreat to.)

There is an unfortunate tendency for to many of us to look to government for solutions to these kinds of problems even though it was government that created these problems. The fact is, we could solve these issues if we wanted to without any government help. When it comes to schools you simply have to retake the school boards, local and state, back from the insane individuals currently running them. It is helpful to have a legislature, attorney general and a governor as back up but in the end they are not required.

There are other steps that will help. Stop hiring blue haired, nose ringed liberal activists as teachers and administrators. Require all lesson plans to be made publicly and timely available. Place cameras and microphones in the classroom. Mandate all school board meetings be public and open with penalty free parental involvement. Allow parental observers in all classrooms. The thing is these are, for the most part, simply verification measures. They are helpful but to truly change the broken education system you must own the command structure.

An additional and just as important step would be to remove unions, who long ago outlived their usefulness, from the equation. Let’s be honest here. For all their flummery, the purpose of a union is three fold. First, ensure it’s president has a 6,000 square foot redwood deck on the back of her mansion and unlimited access to a private jet. Second, fund the campaigns of politicians who will not threaten their status or endless growth. Third, indoctrinate children into the cults of CRT, global warming, green energy and LGBTQWTF while ensuring the coming generations inability to think outside their skin color or genitals. Anything else unions do is purely window dressing.

The dumbing down of students over the last twenty years has been well established. The American education system has been, often times, forcibly mutated into a self destructive virus used to infect its victims, your children, into bizarre and sometimes insane cults. It’s long past time to bust out your “medical” skills and defend the children from those who would use and abuse them for their own nefarious ends.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, liberals, politics, The Gay Agenda