Monthly Archives: December 2020

Saving America, It’s Very Late But Here’s Some Things You Can Do

It’s becoming clear that the presidential election will be successfully stolen. I won’t go into my reasoning behind that prediction here but, after two weeks of intense investigation on my part it is painfully obvious this election was rigged from the beginning. It is also clear that those doing the rigging committed a cardinal sin, they believed their own press. They made mistakes that are easily discoverable. In fact their mistakes are glaringly obvious. This explains, among other things, the complete failure down ballot of the democrats. This failure in particular is an opportunity we conservatives must take advantage of if America as founded is to survive.

So, given our limited individual ability to affect President Trump’s legal challenges, what exactly can be done? I believe there are two areas that must be addressed vigorously and simultaneously. First and foremost we must begin taking back all the institutions we’ve surrendered in the effort to go along to get along. In the process of that reclamation the word democrat must be made so toxic, in a humorous vein, that no one will vote democrat ever again. This effort can be sub divided into two arenas, political and social.

Politically we start by getting solid conservatives to run for every office, from dog catcher up, and then get them elected. We should focus our efforts specifically on offices like District Attorneys, Mayors, city council members, state representatives and senators, commission members of all kinds and county Sheriffs. Once elected we hold their feet to the fire on conservative principles. We extend our efforts by recapturing the “deep state” and dismantling it’s authority over us beginning by replacing every liberal federal/state HR manager we can. We ensure that only judges that understand and adhere to the Constitution are seated. Where possible we vote out the activist judges, when that is not an option impeachment must be pursued. Just as crucially we retake control of every school board and return our schools to actually teaching and leave the indoctrination to the socialists in other countries. We must target and neutralize groups that seek to undermine or destroy America as founded through education such as the NEA.

Socially we have have much more power than we realize. If all seventy plus million of us that voted for Trump acted in unison we could devastate financially those who seek to turn the greatest country in the history of mankind into yet another socialist hell hole where the rich and powerful live lives of luxury while the rest of us slave away for the dark overlords. Consider what effect we could have on the following.

Abandon all network news casts. The fact is all your network news, even your “local” news, is owned by six corporations, all of whom have anti-American tendencies. Nearly all the major news readers (they are not “anchors” and we should not call them such) and nearly all the minor news readers endorse or support wildly anti-American positions and policies. It is important here that, at the local level, we understand that some of the newsreaders are simply uninformed and could be brought up to speed with careful education. In this vein it is important that advertisers know that one, you no longer watch their program (this affects what the show can charge for advertising rates) and two, you will take your business elsewhere until they stop supporting such hateful causes.

To replace the newly created news vacuum subscribe to the Epoch Times, a weekly newspaper. These guys have what other newspapers used to have, actual journalists. Also sign up for their email newsletter. There are several other excellent news sources to consider. The Blaze, The Wire, One America News Network, American Thinker, Townhall and WND are just a few.

We must more carefully evaluate the companies we do business with. Get everyone you know out of AARP. AARP is a scam to bilk seniors out of billions of dollars in healthcare alone. Join AMAC instead and get all the same benefits without the subversive political agenda. Plus you get an outstanding monthly news magazine that focuses on current events. While you’re at it, abandon Progressive Insurance, the United Way, the ACLU and SPLC. They, among dozens of others, hate America and have been pushing socially destructive policies for years.

Abandon your cell phone carrier. The big four cell carriers all sponsor and fund violent anti-American groups like black lives matter. They also donate millions to planned parenthood to support the murder of millions of babies. Patriot Mobile is a full service phone provider that supports America, the military and law enforcement, the First and Second Amendments and doesn’t fund groups like blm and planned parenthood.

Abandon twitter and facebook. Nearly all the “fact” checkers employed by these organizations are foreign nationals as are many of their top level management. This is difficult for me because there are some games on fb that I have invested as much as eight years in and have accomplished quite a lot. I have never been on twitter and will never be. There have been some suggestions that the majority of twitter users are actually bots, not humans. Parler seems to be a pretty good alternative to twitter.

We must join groups that support America as founded, Groups like the NRA, Accuracy in Media and others. We must take over other groups like the PTA and inject them with American values. Seek out and join/support state and local groups that support traditional American values.

We must also reclaim our churches. It is no longer allowable for church leadership to meet once a year and vote on which parts of the Bible to believe. It is no longer allowable to allow homersexual priests who continue to abuse children to serve in any church capacity. While the churches mission to help the less fortunate should be welcomed and supported it is not their mission to be funded for pushing “refugee” immigration. It is not their mission to subvert the gospel in the advancement of a secular agenda and personal wealth.

Liberal icons must be uncloaked for the vile people they often are. Fonda was happy to see American servicemen killed. Kinsey was a criminal pedophile. Sanger was a racist. Byrd was a major KKK leader. Sharpton and Jackson are phony Reverends and militant racist poverty pimps. Farrakhan, when he isn’t talking to the mothership orbiting the north pole, is building a self described army of ten thousand black warriors to kill every white person they meet. Is a pattern developing for you?

This one is a little more difficult but you need to find and support local businesses that adhere to traditional American values. When you do, let them know why you support them with your dollars. Amazon and it’s subdivisions, are virulently anti-American corporations. While they are very convenient to use they have profited massively by pushing the China Virus shutdowns. Let that sink in.

We must also work to regain control of our election process. The system as it exists now engenders very little confidence in it’s outcomes and is painfully easy to cheat. We must work towards getting the states to return to simple paper ballots counted by simple ballot counting machines for all elections. States should allow only eligible American citizens to vote, the voting period should be no more than two weeks before election day and no voting allowed after election day, require valid ID for voters, ban mail in ballots except for absentee ballots and require those ballots and their envelopes to be retained together for easy identification for two years after election day, ban ballot harvesting of any type, require all electronic voting devices to be quarantined in the event of disputed elections and require poll watchers of both parties have unfettered access to observe ballot counting and signature matching. States must be required to purge their voter rolls of people who have died, moved out of state or become ineligible to vote at least every two years. Elections under these conditions are the most difficult to fake up thus liberals will fight these reasonable reforms tooth and nail.

It’s important that we remember two things.

First we must acknowledge that liberals are now at the end of a nearly sixty year journey through American institutions. They started slowly, carefully and completely disguised. Masked by “love” “tolerance” “concern” and “understanding” they slowly marched their insipid, blood soaked ideology into the “mainstream” of American thought. ( I submit that it’s not really the mainstream of American thought but since in politics perception equals reality I accept the fact that most people believe liberalism is in fact the mainstream of American thought ) It’s a given that we must accept that we cannot undo the damage they have caused overnight. It will take a dedicated group of true Patriots a generation or two of diligent effort to turn the corner and right Americas course. Which leads to the second thing we must remember.

America and her traditional values are so worth the fight. It is a fact that no country in the history of mankind has accumulated more power, military and economic, and abused it less than America. No country in the history of mankind has given more selflessly to others than America. No country in the history of mankind has offered the freedom to advance and achieve to as many people as America. Notice I didn’t claim America is perfect. Perfection is a journey that America has never paused from. If America was actually as terrible a place as your average liberal wants you to believe it is then why are millions of people willing to risk their lives to get here? The answer is obvious, liberals lie, it’s what they do.

There will be some discomfort in the defense of America but you already know that. Know of a certainty that this cause we engage in is honorable and just. Know also that history will remember us, as patriots in the struggle or meek slaves to liberalism, in spite of ourselves. I’ll leave you with the words from two heroes, Captain James T Kirk and Jean Luc Picard.

“Shields up!”


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Filed under civil rights, Culture