Monthly Archives: December 2023

We Have Forgotten Who We Are

Everyone forgets things. It’s human nature. Sometimes people like me simply run out of room in the old and well used memory banks. Other times we no longer assign any value to something and it fades from memory for lack of use. Generally we forget things without meaning to, except when we don’t.

Sometimes though we were never taught, for example, who we were, where we came from or why that knowledge is important.

Americans no longer know who we are.

This is by design. The current flooding of America by 8-10 million illegal aliens in the four years of Biden’s administration is only the recent application of this tactic (it’s been used before by every democratic president in the last 60 years) by those who seek to dismantle America as founded.

Understand, those who are being imported here (and they are being imported, someone is paying for all these people to travel thousands of miles) are not even being asked to assimilate into American culture. Instead these new arrivals are encouraged to recreate the hell holes they claim to be leaving here. Doubt me? Have you seen Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle or any of a dozen other major cities lately? Not only have gangs and drug cartels taken advantage of our wide open border. Many countries are emptying their prisons by sending their thugs, rapists and killers here.

As an aside, I have a small, part time job at a national auto parts store chain. At least two-three times a week I will encounter a Spanish speaker who claims they cannot speak English and actually gets upset when I inform them I do not speak Spanish. Oddly enough, they often know enough English to curse me on the way out the door. Thanks Joe.

To get these illegals here in massive numbers democrats promise them free housing, healthcare, education and cash just for making it across the border. They are being prioritized for care and support over our veterans. This is especially egregious as we owe veterans so much. No veteran should be homeless so an illegal can be put up in a four star hotel complete with meals, internet and a swimming pool.

The drug lords in Mexico are now not only running our border but large parts of many American cities. Untold volumes of drugs cross our border with impunity. Sex slavery and human trafficking are at all time highs. Potentially tens of thousands of terrorists and subversives have entered our country and been dispersed throughout the country by a complicit government. Something like 100,000 Americans die every year from fentanyl overdoses. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are victims of crimes from simple robbery to assault, rape and murder by illegals who are far to often repeat offenders. Millions of illegals, given drivers licenses by states, now vote illegally in our elections. Nearly sixty plus billion dollars are sent out of America every year by illegals to countries of origin, removing those dollars from our economy and going, for the most part, to drug lords, corrupt politicians and gang leaders. I could go on but I think you can start seeing the picture by now.

Mideast terror groups like Hamas have likely infiltrated America. China, in a likely attempt to foster internal sabotage of America in the event of a conflict here or elsewhere (Taiwan), has sent thousands of military aged men across our border.

My grandmother came to America in 1947 from Germany. She was a proud and fierce women (and WWII survivor) who once told someone, “I may have came from Germany but I am American.” While German was frequently spoken at home she never demanded anyone speak German, never flew a German flag and was as law abiding a person as I have ever met. She was proud to show her ID when she voted.

America, out of many one, is being dissolved before our eyes.

We no longer know where we came from.

Actual American history has not been taught since Howard Zinn propagandized it (his “textbooks” were a literal exercise in anti American propaganda) back in the 1970’s. World history, as taught in the public education system, has fared even worse. Students today are, at best, taught to memorize a small set of names and dates. They are discouraged from learning any surrounding historical context. Primary source documents are excluded from study. In some school districts students are no longer taught to read or write cursive. Is this to prevent them from reading documents like the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights in their original form?

Students are openly lied to about our founding fathers, slavery, the civil war, climate change, so called indigenous Americans, so called gender and whatever the current fad dictates. The current fad now is the sexual grooming of our children. Children are now taught that most historical figures of any importance were lgbtq, whether there is evidence to support the claim or not.

We no longer have public school graduates, we have highly indoctrinated public school victims. Sadly, our college graduates fare even worse. Our colleges and universities no longer graduate thinkers, builders and dreamers. Today they produce only deeply flawed and indoctrinated useful idiots.

America is no longer remembered as the country that fought to gain it’s freedom from an oppressive monarchy, sacrificed 600,000 of it’s sons to end the scourge of slavery, turned itself into the economic engine that won world war two, put men on the moon and at least a thousand other amazing accomplishments. As a country we were never perfect but up until the election of The Kenyan little Barry we were constantly improving.

We no longer know what we used to be.

Americans used to be wildly self sufficient. We grew most of our own food, especially in WW II (does anyone remember victory gardens?). We canned the food we grew for hard times. We cooked meals instead of microwaving some over processed food like product. We ate meals together around an actual kitchen table and talked with each other. We repaired things instead of throwing them away. We actually wrote letters, and when we did so we used entire words not a series of disconnected letters. We actually read the newspaper instead of simply glancing over the headlines. We knew that a trip to the “woodshed” was both earned on our part and not a criminal offense on the part of the father we forced by our behavior into administering the discipline. We instinctively understood that men and women were different yet equally to be valued. No one would have dreamed of going out in public in their pajamas. We understood that profanity was the first refuge of the weak mind and 57 tattoos and six pounds of metal in your face was a desperate cry for attention. We learned and valued the proper role and use of firearms. We recognized that the there was a higher power than us and that that wasn’t a bad thing. For many of us that higher power was God and we not only knew, but understood why the Ten Commandments were so very valuable. We understood that education meant not just learning to read, write and do math. We knew that the best education was the one that taught us to reason, to think.

We were explorers, thinkers, innovators, builders and dreamers who created, built, expanded the knowledge of dramatically or perfected the following. Advanced farming. Air conditioning. Antibiotics. Automobiles. Batteries. Blood transfusions. Bluetooth. Chemistry. Computers. Electric light. Elevators. GPS. Heart, lung, kidney etc transplants. Knee and hip replacements. Lasers. Limited government. Microwave ovens. Movies. Plastic. Powered flight. Printing press. Radio. Radar. Railroads. Robots. Sewing machines. Skyscrapers. Space flight. Telephones. Television. The assembly line. The internet. Vaccines. Washing machines. X-ray machines. I haven’t even scratched the surface with this list.

We no longer know what is real.

Starting in the 1970’s a theory known as multiculturalism began to take root in the public education system. In short, multiculturalism says all cultures are of equal value. Under this model islamic cultures that execute gays are no better or worse than American culture where gays must be exalted at any price. Multiculturalism demands that middle eastern cultures that openly practice and support slavery are just as good as any European country that outlawed slavery over a hundred years ago. Governments like the old Soviet Union who routinely terrorized their citizens are just as good as America where everyone is treated equally (I know, that’s not the case anymore) under the law.

This suspension of reality has trundled along virtually unchecked until we find ourselves today being told with straight faces that men can actually become women, that those men belong in women’s showers and locker rooms and must be allowed to compete in sports against actual women. Let me clear, there is no known, medically documented case of a biological male becoming a biological women. When you find one let’s talk. Yet the person who speaks that incontrovertible fact is asking to have abuse heaped upon them in staggering quantities.

The dispensing of reality for fantasy has oozed down deep into our culture.

Far to many of us now believe abortion, the killing of a human for often no other reason than the convenience of the mother, is healthcare. Far to many of us believe that the gruesome selling of those murdered babies parts is called “research”. It’s true, words have power because no one is against healthcare or research, right?

For far to many of us biological sex, a fact since day one, has been switched to gender which is now a choice even five year olds can make.

Far to many of us now believe that we are single handedly are destroying the environment with our insane desire to improve our standard of living. This in spite of the fact that America is the cleanest country environmentally speaking, on the planet.

Far to many of us now believe that the “mostly peaceful” riots of antifa, blm and other hate groups are reasonable expressions of frustration while Jan 6th is the worst terrorist event in American history. The looting (billions of dollars lost by retailers), property damage (billions of dollars worth), the numerous deaths as well as the injuries to over 900 police officers during those blm/antifa riots are to be ignored as if they didn’t happen.

Far to many of us now believe that skin color alone is responsible for all evil and that certain people of color literally cannot be racist or evil.

Far to many of us now believe that words equal violence, that silence equals violence (see what they are doing here, absent total agreement with the current narrative everything is violence), that censorship is healthy and that there is actually such a thing as a hate crime. For the record I believe all crime is an expression of some level of hate. Until you can explain cogently to me why it is more wrong to commit a crime against a black person than a white person, or why a person of one race must be punished more than that of another for the same crime, I will continue to believe that.

Some Final Thoughts

I believe it would be a mistake to think all these examples, and dozen of others I haven’t mentioned, have happened by accident or circumstance. America is being slowly and systematically deconstructed. Those guiding that agenda have over the years incorporated legions of useful idiots and true believers from the ranks of massively mis-educated and highly propagandized Americans. Those Americans who would have resisted this deconstruction have been conditioned to seek security and comfort instead of standing to be counted against the deconstruction efforts.

That effort has been wildly successful so far but, I sense a change in the force. Whether it is to late we will have to wait and see.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, gun control, Islam, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

Orphaned With A Will To Survive

My brothers and sisters and I are orphans. We have been orphans for quite some time now. In fact, we have been orphaned for so long now we have become, to some extent, accustomed to our status. We have become sadly incapable of recognizing our situation, at least overtly. Instinctively we realize something is wrong but often we struggle to put a name on the cause of our discontent.

Many orphans find themselves thrust suddenly into their orphaned status. As unpleasant as that can be at least we understand that something has happened to us. With others it happens in clearly recognized stages allowing, for some at least, a time to prepare for and adjust to likely or anticipated changes. Our orphanage happened slowly, gradually. In what I think is a cruel twist of fate I believe that many of us orphans still do not realize that we have been orphaned.

As orphans we struggle with all the same things most orphans do. We wonder who we are, where we came from and what could our futures hold for us. We look around and do not understand what is happening both to us and around us. We worry, how can we fit into the world we are living in? Is there even a place for us? When we look to those who are in charge we find little hope for substantive answers to our sincerely asked questions. When they bother to answer us we are offered all knowing smiles, condescending looks and generally meaningless platitudes. If we are deemed to persistent in our questioning we are shadow banned, de-platformed or otherwise menaced or intimidated. Otherwise we are mostly we are ignored.

When we seek to learn about where we came from we are actively discouraged. We are told our past is filled with villains and scoundrels and this is to disturbing for us to understand. Even worse we are told, ideas from the past may infect us with vile or evil concepts. When we ask why this is we are told not to worry about it because our best interests are being looked out for by people we have never met and don’t know.

When we instinctively try to protect our wives, sisters and daughters we are berated as part of the male patriarchy.

When we work hard, save money and buy nice things we are called elitists.

When we express an opinion different from the approved orthodoxy we are branded as extremists.

When we express a desire for law and order to be applied equally across the board we are branded seditious revolutionaries.

When we ask that ability and character matter more than skin color we are branded racist.

When we ask that our children actually learn to read, write, do math and learn actual history we are branded as domestic terrorists.

Over the last one hundred years many of our leaders have slowly orphaned us from the values and principles that made us who and what we were. We have been the greatest country in the history of mankind. We were the shining city on the hill that everyone knew and respected. We fed much of the world. As a people our charity exceeded any bounds that could be named. We freed the world from nazism, landed men on the moon and created more innovative, useful and highly demanded new products than any country in the world.

Now, fully orphaned, millions of Americans see the country they instinctively love approaching a fork in the road of history.

If we continue our lurch leftward we descend into the destructive form of government called by various names, socialism, communism or totalitarianism. We will be forced to live under the ever watchful eye of an over bloated, uncaring, domineering government whose ever present secret police will enforce every governmental edict without thought, question, compassion or mercy. Our lives will be observed, managed and directed in every way by those who care least about us. Dissent or protest will not only not be tolerated but will in fact, be punished. Pushed into electronic cages we will even be denied our very cognitive freedom at which point, completely unable to distinguish propaganda from reality, we will be owned by our government lock, stock and barrel.

If we turn right we find ourselves returning to a place we have been before. Our guiding light will again be the U. S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We will return to a government that knows it’s only two functions are to defend the country and our rights with equal diligence. We will again understand that our Constitution is fit only for a moral people and that while adherence to religion is not a requirement for citizenship the principles known as the Ten Commandments are a solid guide for a meaningful, good and happy life.

On some level we instinctively miss the things we know worked in the past. Things like:

Saying thank you. Gracefully admitting when you’re wrong. Apologizing sincerely when you’re wrong. Being nice to everyone. Showing up on time. Honoring commitments. Listening without interrupting and talking with instead of at people. Following your dreams. Being a mentor. Calling people by name. Holding doors open for people. Always doing your best. I think you can see where this is leading.

We comprehend the following concepts in ways we don’t often fully understand, because these concepts are so often maligned.

We realize that a stable two parent family is extremely beneficial to our children and is the foundation of a healthy society.

We realize that a solid education of reading, writing, math and history (in the context of it’s time) produces children that can name more plants and animals than celebrities or Tic Toc videos and provides a solid foundation for our children to build their future on.

We know that alcohol is dangerous and drugs are deadly and not just for children.

We remember on some level that hard work is both the foundation of success and sometimes even its own reward.

We know that trust is carefully built over time and once broken is seldom rebuilt completely and always with tremendous difficulty.

We are beginning to remember how important self sufficiency was to our grandparents.

We understood how having a sense of shame served as a valuable guardrail to protect us from some of our worst instincts.

In spite of all the disadvantages thrust upon us, of all the forces diligently arrayed against us from what currently appears to be every possible angle, we have a deep and profound will to not only survive, but to thrive. We instinctively seek not equality of outcome but equality of opportunity. We understand that each of us is as much different as we are the same and that no single mold can satisfy, or contain, all of us.

We all have an innate and sometimes overwhelming desire to try our wings and fly as we will. We understand that, as we leap from the nest to stretch our wings, our desired outcome is not assured but we have the right to try.

To all those seeking to control, own, manipulate, dominate, rule or subdue us I say, let us fly!

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Filed under Culture, politics

I Notice Things

I am cursed.

I have what some of my family and friends term an annoying ability to notice things that most people don’t. I have had this “ability” for as long as I can remember. Sometimes the things I notice are trivial. Sometimes the things I notice are just plain strange. I don’t know why I notice the things I do. Sometimes I try not to notice things but I can’t help myself.

The first thing I remembered noticing in this vein was when I was learning about the President Kennedy assassination. I was a teenager and I remember seeing a photo of LBJ being sworn in on Air Force One. I noticed Kennedy’s wife standing with LBJ. She looked numb and I suspect was still in a state of shock. I thought that was such an awful thing for LBJ to do, have her stand there, still wearing her husbands blood, as if she was condoning his accession to the presidency. Then I noticed it. The thing that no one ever saw, or if they did, never comment on. If you look at the photo you can see the LBJ is glancing at a man standing in the near background. The thing that caught my attention is that, to me at least, the man he’s looking at seems to be fighting off a smile. I may be completely wrong but, to this day, it makes me wonder.

On the lighter side I am a fan of classic television. One of the shows I routinely watch is “Alice”. The characters are stereotypical but endearing. My grandkids introduced me to “Sponge Bob Square Pants” and I had to watch numerous episodes. It occurred to me one night that Sponge Bob is simply a remake of Alice. The analogies are to perfect. The story takes place in a “dive” of a restaurant. Mel (always focused on money) is clearly Mr. Crabs. Alice (a recent move in and intelligent) is a good stand in for Sandy. Vera (utterly harmless and often times quite simple minded) is a dead ringer for Patrick. Flo (and all who replaced her) filled the role of the wise cracking Squidward. Plankton is a solid representation of several of Mel’s competitors. The name of Plankton’s restaurant, “The Chum Bucket” is a great stand in for some of Mel’s competitors like “Shea Chug A Lug” or “Barney’s Burger Barn.” Mel’s chili recipe is as big a secret as the Crabby Patty formula. I’m not sure who fits the part of Spongebob or Alice’s son Tommy but no analogy is ever perfect.

Then there was the Apollo 11 press conference. I watched as Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins sat at a table and answered the press’s questions. Here were three men who should have been as giddy as a valley girl at a new mall. Instead they looked like, as my grandpa would say, they had just come back from a visit to the wood shed. You went to the moon! You walked on the moon! How can you sit there looking like your sitting on thumb tacks? I would sure like to know just what happened up there because whatever it was it managed to suck out any of the overwhelming joy these men should have felt.

I can’t help but notice that the “judges” in the Trump trials have set their trials to line up in such a way as to keep President Trump in court and off the campaign trail for essentially the remainder of the campaign starting next next year. If one “judge” had done this I could not have seen such an action as a conspiracy, even though it may have been one. When two “judges” do this it raises all kinds of red flags. When three then four “judges” engage in this behavior it passes from conspiracy to fact.

I can’t help but notice that young adults in America are being groomed to not own things. Young people today are conditioned to rent everything. From renting their apartments instead of buying a home to getting their entertainment from streaming services. No one owns DVD’s or CD’s any more. Fewer and fewer people actually read, let alone read physical books anymore preferring their phones, pads or ereaders instead.

In a similar vein people are being conditioned to have more and more done for them. As an example you can have nearly all your shopping done for you and delivered to your home. Want a meal, jump on the internet and have it delivered. There is even a company that will pick out and ship your clothes to you. Need to write an email, there’s a program to check your spelling, punctuation and even tone. Don’t want to work that hard, AI will write it for you. Who needs all those spelling and grammer rules anyway?

I’m not arguing against convenience, just the dependence and intellectual laziness that this type of lifestyle breeds. After all, if you constantly avail yourself of these ‘services’ are you exercising convenience or capitulation?

As I sit writing this at the local coffee shop I notice that the Uber Eats drivers have come and gone several times….

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Filed under Culture, liberals