Monthly Archives: July 2023

The Diversity Administration – Part 7 – Ketanji Brown Jackson

Ketanji Brown Jackson Supreme Court Justice – Diversity hire

Consider this exchange from KBJ’s confirmation hearing.

SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN (R-TN): Can you provide a definition for the word woman?

JACKSON: Can I provide a definition?


JACKSON: I can’t.

BLACKBURN: You can’t?

JACKSON: Not in this context. I am not a biologist.

BLACKBURN: The meaning of the word woman is so unclear and controversial that you cannot give me a definition?

JACKSON: Senator, in my work as a judge, what I do is I address disputes. If there is a dispute about a definition, people make arguments, and I look at the law, and I decide.

BLACKBURN: The fact that you cannot give me a straight answer about something as fundamental as what a woman is underscores the dangers of the kind of progressive education that we are hearing about.

Just, wow. Talk about devotion to liberal stupidity. Jackson has an intellectually terminal case.

Not only is Jackson not a biologist but she cannot think either.

In her dissent against racial preferences in college admissions she actually said diversity in education saves lives. Citing no sources she elaborated, “For high-risk Black newborns, having a Black physician more than doubles the likelihood that the baby will live.” The actual black infant survival rate is something like 90% plus but suppose it was only 60%. That would equate to a stunning 40% loss of life that could not be covered up. Still, that’s a 60% survival rate and no amount of diversity could double that.

As a judge she has little experience. With less than one year on the D.C. Circuit she has written on only a handful of cases. With a stunning reversal rate of over 10% her “experience” demonstrates a remarkable lack of competence. She repeatedly demonstrates that incompetence. She refuses to call illegal aliens by the legal term that applies to them, illegal aliens. She has demonstrated her willingness to practice judicial activism by blocking the Trump administrations fast tracking of illegal alien deportations and siding with the government on a case that was overturned because federal courts had no jurisdiction in that area.

Here are a few other things you may not know about Brown.

She was a zealous defender of Guantanamo Bay detainees and chose to defend numerous jihadists that attacked US military forces in Afghanistan. She was an outspoken critic of the administrations detention policies at the time and provided aid and comfort to the enemy by calling the President a war criminal.

In spite of mounting evidence that the so called Russian Dossier was a fake, in 2019 Brown ruled against President Trump repeatedly to force compliance of subpoenas of people around Trump at the time. She based her rulings on information she reasonably knew or should have known, had no basis in fact.

She has a disturbing fondness for pedophiles. She under sentenced them regularly. Her reasoning for going lightly on child predators was, child porn is easy to get. By that logic she should have no problem with murderers either, because there are so many people to choose as victims.

Given her history of reduced sentencing of perverts, she also seems to be just fine with some 100,000 Americans dying from Fentanyl every year. She goes so far as calling the distribution of the killer drug a “victimless crime.” I guess the families of the drugs victims don’t know what they are talking about because what, they aren’t chemists?

Her passion for the unconscionable continues with her helping pass legislation to prevent pro-life protestors from organizing peaceful protests on public property at abortion mills. Apparently this “judge” has little or no understanding of the First Amendment except that it applies to her favored speech.

Jackson will never be anything more than a robot rubber stamp to the ideology that helped secure her position. Sadly, she can’t see that and I suspect that even if she could, it wouldn’t bother her.

In true democrat style Jackson’s qualifications to be a Supreme Court justice are exceeded only by her qualifications as an intellectual paperweight.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, liberals, media, politics

Some Thoughts On Millennials

I just read that something like 50% or more of millennials think so called hate speech should be criminalized. Hate speech according to who? The article didn’t specify. As tragic as this percentage is it doesn’t surprise me. They have been hideously mis-educated on the right to free speech and knowing that on some level, they are just fine with that. Frankly, they are to lazy to do any actual study on the concept preferring to live in their digital echo chambers. It’s easier that way and besides, they are so close to getting that high score on the latest version of Mary Sue Warfare Duty Commander or the ever popular Pronoun Master! (I know, not all millennials are this way but in my experience, as a group, I think far to many are)

This is the generation that walks into Starbucks (a company they know hates America) pays $10 for a cup of coffee. Then they get on their $1000 (slave built) phone to whine about the cost of their third nose ring, twenty-seventh tattoo, daily supply of pot or that their boss actually expected them to show up for work. Karl Marx, another freeloader who never held a job in his petulant life, would be so proud of them.

Amazingly, millennials can bore you to tears with all the things they know. The problem, as the saying goes, isn’t that they know so much, it’s that so much of what they know is completely wrong. Think about millennials for a minute. These are those who will spend thousands of dollars on the perfect cosplay costume but throw an absolute fit if they had to listen to someone they didn’t like give a talk. These are those who honestly believe that words, unless uttered by them, equal actual, physical violence.

Think about them though. This is a generation that has accomplished nothing, They never survived a great depression (although their heroes Biden, Harris, Schumer et al are working hard to correct that), won a world war (saving the planet for real not the phony environmental whacko version), fought and won a cold war (defeating an enemy who no matter how much millennials wanted to emulate would have enslaved them) or even sent a man to the moon.

These are those who despite the fact that we feed much of the world, would shut down every ranch in the country because cows fart.

These are those that wouldn’t allow a six year old to choose his dinner but honestly believe the same child can infallibly determine his “gender”.

These are those who see nothing wrong with a grown man in woman’s lingerie and make up twerking his genitals in front of six year olds.

This generation, despite having invented Facebook and Twitter (near perfect surveillance tools used to perfect their ignorance) and Tinder (a tragic, mindless diversion), instinctively knows they have accomplished nothing of worth. That’s why they invent earth shaking crises to give them purpose and meaning in their lives. Global warming, structural racism and reparations are prime examples The crown jewel in the millennials self serving/loathing olympics though is the ultimate lie, transgenderism.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone who is paying attention that a generation that abandoned family, God and reason would end up like today’s current crop of millennials.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

If I Were King For A Day

On 30 June 2023, in an increasingly rare display of reason, the Supreme Court struck three blows in defense of sanity. Having now been denied their ability to practice legal racism (racial quotas in college admissions), forcing artists to produce works that violate their religious principles (compelling speech) and exercising powers they don’t have (student loan debt forgiveness), liberals squeal in indignation. They correctly see cracks in the foundations they have been so carefully laying for decades beginning to form. Their ability to become kings for life over us is being threatened and they don’t like it.

I suspect we have all had a moment where we thought, “If it were up to me…” or “if I were king for a day…” This is my entry into that realm of fantasy.

A federal judge has decided that the city of St. George, Utah cannot define lewd behavior and must in fact not only allow such behavior, but require it to take place in public, on public property and in front of children. Allow that to sink in. Using the “freedom of speech” cloak a judge is effectively ordering a city to expose it’s citizens and children to the kind of lewd behavior that typically requires entrance into an adults only establishment.

If I was King for a day I would order the Saint George police department to visit the event and, as soon as the “family friendly” strip shows began, arrest the perv… sorry, performers, organizers and any of the audience that interfered with the police. Because the alleged performers advertised what they were going to do I would make them and the organizers pay for the cost of the enforcement action against them in it’s entirety.


The IRS raids a gun store and steals some 5000 background check forms. These forms contain no financial information of any sort so there can be no compelling reason for the agency to have them. The only purpose for stealing these forms is to compile a list of who owns guns and what kind of guns they own.

If I were King for a day the person who ordered this assault on a variety of our rights, the person or persons who carried out this assault on our liberty and anyone they shared that information with, would be in prison. I think one year per illegally obtained federal form should be sufficient.


Well connected career criminal Hunter Biden gets charged with tax evasion and, after having a “friend” pay off his penalty, gets a slap on the wrist. On a gun charge, lying on the background check form, he skates again. You or I would be locked away in a hole so deep someone would have to airmail us daylight. Hunter gets a “diversion” program he’s not legally qualified for.

If I were King for a day Hunter would be getting airmailed daylight for at least twenty years, ten if he spilled the beans on the family criminal enterprise. The “friend” who payed Hunter’s taxes would have his passport confiscated and find himself under a Trump level criminal investigation to find out what that payment of Hunter’s taxes and penalties may have bought.


Five explorer’s perish going somewhere very, very few people have ever been. A great many people on social media seem to celebrate their fate. The fact that someone had, and was willing to spend, enough money to visit the wreck of the Titanic seems to truly offend some people. This public display of envy and spite reveals how pathetic some peoples lives are.

If I were King for a day I would have a chyron scrolling across everyone of these self absorbed losers social media pages reading “I’m an envy ridden hater of people who worked hard and made more money than me.”


The World Economic Forum and European Union are developing plans to essentially eliminate all personal travel by us serfs, in Europe first, then here in America. In the EU there are now plans to shut down all but two airports in a few years. I’m sure the private airports that handle the elites private jets will remain unaffected. To further their goal “saving the planet” they will begin banning internal combustion engines in mass transit, then for personal use. I’m certain there will be an exception for their limos and classic Corvettes. The net effect is you will no longer be able to leave your 15 minute city to go nearly anywhere. Not to worry though, the ban on air conditioning will mean there should be plenty of electricity for everyone.

If I were King for a day I would remove permanently from government service any employee, administrator or elected official who advocated, promoted or implemented such restrictions. I would rescind permanently every policy related to their global control agenda. I would also fine every business that implemented, propagated or advocated these destructive policies daily until they demonstrated both publicly and with decisive action a permanent repudiation of said lunacy. All fines collected would be used to pay the national debt down.

I could go on for pages but I think you have an idea what I mean.

Before anyone accuse me of being unduly harsh consider some of the other things I would be willing to implement as king for a day.

If you want to block a road or intersection to “protest” anything, any injury you sustain from vehicles trying to lawfully use that road or intersection will be deemed legally and entirely your fault. Not only that but any driver affected by you and/or your actions can sue you personally as well as any group or individuals involved in organizing your “protest” activity, for damages to their vehicle, lost wages and mental anguish.


If you want to dress up in your little antifa outfit and hide behind your “I’m so brave” mask to terrorize people law enforcement will be allowed, after a lawful request for you to cease and desist, to use any force necessary to restore order. Any and all injuries you receive after being lawfully asked to disperse, will be deemed legally and entirely your fault. Also, any law enforcement officer responding to your protest may sue for damages and mental anguish, any person that assaults, attempts to assault, injures or attempts to injure him as well as any group or individuals involved in organizing your “protest” activity.


If you want to lead police on a high speed chase any injuries you may sustain in the first five minutes after you get caught will be deemed legally and entirely your fault. Law enforcement officers involved in chasing you down will be allowed to sue you personally for the mental anguish of having to risk their and the public’s lives so you can continue your criminal career. Also, if you kill anyone during your high speed chase it’s an automatic, ie no 25 years of appeals and delays, death penalty.

Well alrighty then. I expect I’ve just irritated every liberal democrat and positively horrified any collaborator republicans that have gotten this far. Too bad.

Americans are, justifiably so, rapidly losing faith in what’s left of the justice system. At the federal level this is understandable as the alphabet agencies be-clown themselves working diligently to institutionalize a two tiered system of justice. Tragically this institutional rot is working it’s way downstream to state and local DA’s and law enforcement.

The thing is, we already have the ability to be “King” for a day.

We just need to remember that every time we cast a ballot.

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Filed under Culture, liberals, media, politics

Happy Birthday America

The fourth of July means many things to many people. For some it’s little more than a day off. For others it’s a time to hang out with friends and get drunk. Some look forward to BBQ’s and fireworks with family and friends. There are even those to whom the holiday means nothing or, even worse, view the day as a tragedy.

As a first generation American I can’t help sometimes but get the feeling that America means more to me than it does to some people whose families reach back generations. I wish that were not so.

As a child I lived in Germany during the terrorist years of the early 1970’s. Courtesy of the U S Navy I traveled the Pacific from Hawaii to Australia and a dozen countries in between. Lovely, interesting and beautiful places all but they cannot hold a candle to America.

I wonder if sometimes America’s critics have lost sight of the fact that the perfection they demand is a journey not a destination. America has never been perfect but what makes her great, at least the way I’ve known her, is that even though we make mistakes, we eventually figure out what went wrong and correct it.

If I wanted to brag I would point out that America, grounded in common sense, lead by rugged individualism and fueled by freedom and opportunity, has accomplished more in her short 250 or so years than countries and cultures that have been around for far, far longer.

Despite China’s 5,000 year head start on us we made it to the moon in 200 years.

Despite Europe’s 5,000 year history we were the first country in the history of mankind to recognize that people had rights the government could not take away form us.

Despite being “5%” of the worlds population we produce enough food to feed some 25% of the world.

Last but not the least we went from horse and buggy to a 1969 Plymouth Barracuda, a pinnacle that with few exceptions has never been reached again.

Notice a trend?

Still, history is never spotless.

We didn’t invent the scientific method, we perfected it. Then we sacrificed it to Covid and the transgender lobby.

We didn’t invent war, we polished it to a high gloss. We fought some just wars and sometimes we just fought.

We didn’t invent slavery and by the standards of the world at the time we were stumbling amateurs at it. We did however fight a war that killed 600,000 of us to end the practice.

We didn’t invent opportunity, we just allowed it to flourish. Despite the poverty that surrounded him all world famous surgeon Dr. Ben Carson needed to succeed was a library card and a mother that loved him enough to push him to realize his dream.

Many will accuse me of being an American apologist. Guilty as charged.

One of the hardest lessons for me to learn was that nothing worthwhile is cheaply or easily obtained.

With a singular exception 2,000 years ago no man will ever be perfect. Likewise it’s doubtful America will ever be “perfect” as defined by her critics.

Even so, in spite of her faults both real and imagined, America is perfect for me.

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