Monthly Archives: June 2021

America Under Siege

A friend of mine that works at a national chain of auto parts stores recently told me about an experience he had with a Latino customer. This customer walked in asking for another employee, who was also Latino, by name. That employee was off that day and the customer was so informed. This seemed to upset the customer, although since he spoke only in Spanish, my friend wasn’t sure. The customer kept waving an auto part around and saying “warranty.” My friend asked the customer if he wanted a warranty exchange. In Spanish the customer said yes and handed the part to my friend. To access warranty files my friend needed his phone number. When he asked for it the customer rattled it off in Spanish. My friend asked for the number in English. The customer said, “No.” My friend asked, ”No?” He said the guy stared at him then repeated, “No.” It was explained that without the phone number my friend had no way to exchange the part. Apparently this angered the customer who began yelling at my friend in Spanish. My friend said, “Okay I can’t help you then” handed the part back to him and walked away. The customer continued his tirade until he realized that my friend was not going to spend any more time with him, at which point he left. I hear more and more stories of this kind of entitlement mentality lately.

KGO-TV reporter Lyanne Melendez recently shared a video. The video, taken in a San Francisco Walgreens, shows a man riding into the store on a bicycle, calmly loading up a garbage bag with merchandise and leaving the store. A store security guard makes a half hearted attempt to take the stores property back but fails completely. California’s Proposition 47, passed in 2014, along with the D.A.’s refusal to prosecute, incentivizes this kind of theft. Organized crime has moved in and is now committing organized retail theft in stunning proportions.

Lauren Witzke, a Wells Fargo client, recently discovered that her bank account had been closed. Wells Fargo offered no reason for it’s actions outside of a blunt we can shut down any account at any time. So, who is Lauren Witzke? Michelle Malkin describes her this way, “an outspoken Christian conservative activist and supporter of former President Donald Trump who peacefully exercised her First Amendment rights at the Jan. 6 Capitol rally. She has not been charged with any crime. She was, however, suspended on Twitter for peacefully opposing mass migration and violent refugee criminals in Europe. She was banned completely from the platform in March for peacefully expressing her opinion that a transgender activist, who tweeted that little girls were kinky, was ‘demonic.’ She has organized peaceful election integrity efforts in Georgia through her work with the Hold the Line PAC. She has been a fierce and peaceful advocate for ‘America First’ principles protecting the traditional nuclear family, supporting an immigration moratorium and combating Big Tech censorship.”

The once vaunted but now riddled with upper level corruption FBI has staged what can only be called the greatest bank heist in American history. The agency accused the owners of a private bank vault service of criminal activity. Under that thin excuse the agency moved in and confiscated the contents of every single depositor. They made off with cash, jewels, precious metals and other items currently valued at somewhere near $85 million. Understand, none of the depositors have even been accused of a crime yet their property has, in practical effect, been stolen from them. Hopefully a court will reverse this travesty and the FBI will have enough honesty left to return everything they made off with. I won’t hold my breath on either account.

All across America the vile diatribe known as critical race theory has taken root in the education system, news room and corporate boardroom. Children as young as kindergarten are being taught that nothing is more important than their skin color. They are learning that if they are white they are irredeemably evil and personally responsible for any and every evil, real or imagined, perpetrated in the history of America. They are taught that if they are black they are perpetual victims with no hope of ever bettering themselves. The children trapped in these public indoctrination centers disguised as public schools are taught the contents, oozing like the slime it is, of the fevered imaginations of gleeful haters like Ibrham Kendi and Robin Diangelo. These alleged human beings make millions perpetrating hate, which tells you a little something about just how far our distinctly American culture has been “fundamentally changed.”

America’s southern border is under a full fledged invasion. Drug, sex and human traffickers are making millions of dollars a week at your expense. Consider the untold damage being done not just to America but the untold number of victims of liberal democrat border policies. Hundreds of illegal immigrants die attempting to get here. Some three hundred people a week die from drug overdoses. Thousands of children and adults are sex trafficked. Identity theft, to provide illegals with SSN’s to work, is rampant. Hundreds of billions of your dollars are given away in housing, food assistance etc while our homeless veterans suffer. Crimes committed by illegals in many jurisdictions are not even prosecuted.

I could go on and on. Big tech censorship, the corrupt national media, defund the police, antifa and blm running amuck, I’m certain you get the point. America is truly under siege. The question is what is to be done?

I have written much about how to respond to the total destruction of America as founded and I won’t rehash it all here. The point is that we must no longer stand by and watch as the country so many of us served, fought for and died for, is taken from us by lying, hate filled sociopaths pretending to be paragons of virtue and consideration. Saving America is no longer a spectator sport. The time to sit on the sidelines and wait for rescue is past. Whether we like it or not, if we make no choice, which side of the fence we end up on will be decided for us. At that point it may be to late to do much of anything.

Paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln the following quote seems appropriate, “The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion……we cannot escape history. We … will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.”

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, liberals, media, politics

Challenge Accepted

The last year or so has treated Americans to a variety horror show of uninterrupted insanity and depravity. As an example the defund the police movement has produced some stunning results. Consider just two facts.

One, from 2019 – 2020 the number of police officers murdered in the line of duty went up some 90%. With over 20 police officers killed already this year, the trend shows no signs of slowing down. (as an exercise, try finding a blue state public official that is worried about that trend)

Two, as of May 25, 2021 note the murder rates in the following cities, Philadelphia up 40%, Minneapolis up 56%, Portland up 800%, New York City up 22%, Chicago up 22%, Los Angeles up 27% and Washington DC up 35%.

Bonus facts, places like Los Angeles and New York City are emptying out their prisons. Murderers, rapists, pedophiles and muggers are being sent out to ply their trade at your expense. To keep things fair most of those who are arrested now no longer need to post bail. They are simply released with a promise to show up at their arraignment. Liberals call this process “restorative justice.” Normal folks call it stupidity in action.

Feeling safer yet?

The horror show continues in the arena of education with so called Critical Race Theory. Children as young as kindergarten are being taught that the most important thing in the world is their skin color and if that happens to be white, they are irredeemably evil. How exactly is this not child abuse?

The evil continues with the gay lobby attempting to mandate that those same kindergarten children, you know, the ones who cannot yet distinguish fantasy from reality, be taught the joys of anal sex and be allowed to transition from one biological sex to another.

On the medical front the communist dominated AMA has decided that skill and ability in doctors must now take a back seat to skin color. Comforting isn’t it?

I could go on and on. How about the medically useless mask mandates and lock downs? What about the opening of the border allowing anyone, including drug dealers, human traffickers, terrorists, pedophiles and other assorted criminals, unimpeded access to you, your children and your tax dollars. Have you seen the price of gasoline or lumber lately? Don’t even get me started on the Kancel Kulture Klub.

I think you see the trend. Isn’t it wonderful?

The thing is that even with today’s outright censorship by so much of the democratic party media and social media platforms everything I have said is easily knowable. Liberals, to quote Glen Beck, have finally ripped the mask off. They not only want to run your life from cradle to grave but they now want you to know they are entitled to do so.

So what is a reasonable, thinking person to do? I believe solutions can only come from two directions, top down or bottom up. Until we can vote liberals and their ilk out of positions of power and authority (that includes idiots like Romny, Kinsinger etc) and elect leaders who understand the U. S. Constitution any solutions will have to come from where the rubber meets the road. That’s you and me folks.

I hear you now saying, “But sailor what exactly does that mean?”

I won’t go into the obvious things like never voting for a democrat again or stop doing business with companies that actively work to end America as founded. I’ve written that article before and will doubtlessly write about it again.

Today I am writing about what you can do just by talking with people. First, some ground rules.

Stop talking only to people that agree with you. This is the key to everything that follows.

Don’t automatically accept the premise being offered (ie all conservatives are white supremacists), especially when you know it to be false.

Never be afraid to say you don’t know something.

One of the hardest things for many people to accept is that virtually no one is ever going to say “Wow, you just changed my entire world view” even if you did exactly that.

You need to understand that you will influence far more people than you will ever know by simply being who you are.

Any time you enter a conversation to “win” you have already lost.

Liberals operate almost exclusively on the emotional level. Don’t go there unless you have to. If you do, use emotion rarely and carefully as it can easily and rapidly spin out of control.

Now, lets flesh those rules out a bit.

In every conversation your goal should be to present evidence by asking fact based questions whose factually correct or reasonable answers validate your point. It is vitally important that those you converse with be allowed to reason through to their own conclusions. Those who are intellectually honest will weigh the evidence and reach the appropriate conclusions.

The true believers are not likely to be reached by this process but you should apply it none the less. Another good choice with the true believer is to run his position to it’s absurd conclusion and firmly but politely allow him to defend the indefensible. Example, he tells you his three year old boy wants to be a girl and he’s okay with transitioning him. Then logically, if his three year old daughter wanted to be a mermaid he would have her legs sewn together and have her living in an aquarium after all, fair is fair. Present the absurdity with gentle humor because anger will only cloud his already impeded reasoning process.

Speaking of anger understand that once skippy realizes he is sounding like a complete moron he may become angry or try to make you angry. Just be aware that this is a defensive tactic used to cover the unreasonableness of his position. Do not respond in kind. Allowing him to make you angry is a choice you make. Develop a thick skin and resolve that, outside of threats of violence, you will take nothing personally.

Finally, remember that when you are conversing with someone you are also conversing, to a limited extent, with the audience around you. This is especially true when you find yourself engaged with a true believer. Many times those not directly involved in the conversation will be watching how you act and react as well as listening to what you have to say. It is supremely important that they see you as well informed, common sense oriented and fair minded. Do not allow yourself to be readily stereotyped as rude, mean or obnoxious by anyone observing the conversation.

There is so much more I could add but this gentle reader, is a short primer on how to talk with people, the gospel according to sailor I suppose you could call it.

I truly believe that once you separate the small number of true believers and remove the emotion from the mix, most people want basically the same things. I also believe that we as a people are not as divided as some would have you believe.

Lets run with that.

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Filed under Culture, liberals