Monthly Archives: April 2017

San Jose and the Value of Social Justice

I have always found “social justice” to be, politely put, a bizarre concept. A theory that would require me to pay reparations to blacks just because I was born “white” simply cannot stand the test of reason. Never mind that I am a first generation American whose family comes from Germany and Spain or that no black person alive today has been victimized by institutionalized, government sanctioned slavery (aside from the government sugar daddy welfare types that is but that is another story for another time) in living memory.

One of the more curiouser and curiouser (to quote Alice) concepts to ooze out of the “social justice” quagmire is the so called sanctuary city. The “social justice” warriors claim the compassionate moral high ground by granting special status and protections to people who have already broken the law and often openly admit their racial preferences and refusal to assimilate into American culture. As an aside, why is someone deserving of the title “warrior” when they are almost always immune to the consequences of their actions?

Some time ago, exactly how long escapes me, the wise and benevolent city fathers of San Jose, California refused to apply the law to a Stanford swimmer for raping an incapacitated woman. The social justice crowd that day reasoned the rape victims rights were far less important than skippys career. This seemed odd to me. As a life long observer of the delusional left I waited in vain for the feminists to either crucify skippy the rapist or the “leaders” who gave him what was essentially a pass. Instead, crickets. After the Clinton years I suppose rape is only a crime when a conservative or republican is the perpetrator or Lena Dunham is the victim. Although I suppose having sex with her would be punishment enough.

Fast forward to just recently. Setting, again the liberal socialist workers paradise of San Jose. This time instead of rape it is an ongoing case of seemingly severe spousal abuse. The perp, an immigrant from India who obviously never heard of a fellow named Ghandi. The victim, the thug’s wife. Apparently, having been much and frequently abused by this “tolerant”, “peace loving” immigrant who only wanted to “better his life” she recorded one of his abuse sessions on her cell phone. Then she had the unmitigated gall to turn the thug into the police.

You dear reader could be forgiven for thinking you knew the outcome of this tragic situation, ie the law exercises its duty to protect and defend. The lowlife wife beater spends five years in prison (perhaps serving as a wife himself) then gets sent back to India to study the writings of that Ghandi guy. As I always told the students in my basic tax preparation class, “Be careful applying reason where it is not warranted.” As in the swimmer case before, reason was abandoned for the power of the dark side.

Assistant District Attorney Steve Fein was assigned to prosecute the case. What he did instead was allow the wife beater to plead to an “accessory after the fact” charge. This is the highest charge that could be leveled without running the risk of wife beater being deported. DA Fein told the press that his boss Santa Clara District Attorney Jeff Rosen, tries to avoid such deportations. Really?

I can’t help but wonder, what’s the magic here? Do these “social justice warriors” like wife beaters? Or do they only like immigrant wife beaters? How can these two alleged men, Fein and Rosen be considered anything but the embodiment evil after such callous behavior? What other possible explanation for their actions can there be? Anyone who votes for them now is, like the wife beater, an accessory after the fact in every crime committed by the thugs these two mollycoddle.

This is a clear case of the “value” of “social justice” or how to make yourself feel better at the expense of others. Living in their doubtlessly gated communities “social justice warriors” like Fein, Rosen and their ilk will never have to come face to face with the thugs they allow to run amok in the communities they are sworn to protect and defend. In the social justice world an immigrant wife beater is far to important to “sacrifice” over some clearly racist and intolerant women. Perhaps even more sad is the fact that many of the future victims of these same thugs buy into the social justice nonsense spouted by Fein and Rosen types. Bizarre indeed.

As I finish up here I can not give the media a pass on this one. It seems their only concern was how dare the “rich” and “successful” victim record her beating! Surely she was guilty of a crime by recording him beat her without his permission. On the whole they presented the outcome here as justice at its finest. I wonder if any of the heartless media “social justice warriors” will feel even a pang of guilt should, as far to often happens, the wife beater kills his wife and/or kids? I doubt it. These wannabe humans have traded their souls for the ability to signal to the world their “virtue” over the great unwashed. Truly the so called media has much to answer for.

To even the most simple minded observer it is clear that in San Jose your immigration status is far more important than the law. Mexican drug lords and ISIS terrorists must be salivating at the thought of their newfound safe haven. Fein, Rosen and their media accomplices have sent the message loud and clear. In San Jose, if you are an “immigrant”, there are few crimes that will get you deported, unless you get caught voting republican. In that case you are screwed.

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