Monthly Archives: September 2014

Tidbits 6

Unless you are a truly dedicated news hound like me you may not be aware of the unfolding and dramatic increase in black on white violence. You could be forgiven that lack of knowledge based on the near total blackout of the issue by nearly every major national media source. When these events are reported these same media outlets have chosen to ignore “race” in their coverage. This is supposed to demonstrate that they have achieved the saintly status of “Politically Correct.” I guess their sensitivity training certificates were not good enough for the likes of the race baiting little Barry, Jacksons, Holders and Sharptons of the world.

Given the near (pardon the unintentional pun) blackout it is likely you haven’t seen the surveillance video that showed six black male suspects outside a club in Springfield, Missouri brutally assaulting a white man and his girlfriend.

Well, the Springfield police saw the video and attempted to use it on their Youtube account to see if the public could help identify any of the assailants. In what I can only describe as an act of senseless stupidity Youtube pulled the video and warned the Springfield police department that any similar “violations” could cause them to lose the ability to post videos or even lose their Youtube account.

In defending this racially biased insult to the Springfield police department Youtube offered the following banality, “YouTube is all about sharing, and it can feel great to get positive feedback and attention from the community.” Youtube then continued, “But when users receive comments or videos that attack and bully them, their experience is no longer fun or safe.” I guess all the other Youtube videos showing assaults didn’t offend anyone.

Meet thirteen year old Kyle Bradford. Kyle is a student at Weaverville Elementary School in Weaverville, California. He never imagined as he went through the lunch line one day that he would find himself suspended from school for a simple act of kindness.

On this day young Kyle wasn’t really hungry. Sitting with one of his friends who didn’t like his lunch, Kyle gave him the chicken burrito he had been given. Later Kyle would explain his decision making process this way, “It seemed like he couldn’t get a normal lunch so I just wanted to give mine to him because I wasn’t really that hungry and it was just going to go in the garbage if I didn’t eat it.” His choice to share his lunch got him suspended.

Weaverville Elementary School is part of the Trinity Alps Unified School District. The district has a strict policy against students sharing their lunches. It is, they say, a safety and liability issue. I’m sure that’s how the policy was sold to those who supported it but I think it is just one more cog in the public indoctrination system. Young Kyle must be taught to conform at any cost. I guess Kyle was not aware that feeding people was the governments job and we all know how the government feels about competition.

Kyles mother offered the following, “By all means the school can teach them math and the arithmetic and physical education, but when it comes to morals and manners and compassion, I believe it needs to start at home with the parent.” Well said.

It is well known that politicians love polls because it saves them from having to actually think but this poll is really revealing. After reading this poll I have no doubt these same politicians will be scrambling to find more ways to ensure their job security.

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll showed that 23.9 percent of Americans polled from Aug. 23 through Sept. 16 strongly supported or tended to support the idea of their state seceding from the union. 53.3 percent of the respondents either were strongly opposed or tended to oppose secession.

According to the poll results the desire to sever ties with the current political class cuts across party lines. The poll showed that 29.7 percent of republicans and 21 percent of democrats approve of the idea of having their state seceding. The idea of secession was most popular in the southwest where 34.1 percent support the idea. The New England area, you know where all the government workers live, their was little support for succession. Go figure.

Texas, Colorado and California all have succession or reapportionment movements currently underway. As more and more Americans become aware of just how repressive their government is becoming I expect that trend to continue.

No one who pays attention doubts that the Kenyan little Barry and his minion Eric Holder fight hard and dirty for principles they believe are important. Sadly these principles do not include concepts like free speech, the right to life, the right to not be endlessly spied upon, the right to believe in ones faith (unless you’re an islamist) or a hundred other protections granted to us by the Constitution.

The “right” little Barry and his minions are clamoring for now is, wait for it, the right for people to not have to speak or even know English to work in America. Little Barry and the boys are not just demanding this “right” they have gone so far as to sue a Green Bay, Wisconsin metal and plastics manufacturer. The company is being accused by little Barry’s criminal enterprise, sorry, I meant administration, of discrimination for firing a group of Hmong and Hispanic workers because they could not speak English.

In a clear cut abuse of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, little Barry is insisting that requiring workers to know English in order to perform their jobs and insisting that said workers speak English while working is a violation of the Civil Rights act. It seems the criminal enterprise (there I go again) known as the Obama administration feels it is unnecessary for workers to be able to communicate with their supervisor, understand instructions or even be able to ask for clarification or help. Is this an effort to criminalize the mere concept of understanding? I suppose that if no one can speak English there is a high probability that they would be well insulated from the few outlets of conservative thought that are readily available.

To further harass business owners the Kenyans administration has take legal action against employers who conduct criminal background and credit checks. This they say, is unfair to criminals and people with low credit scores. I guess if you own a business you must now subject your business to the whims of criminals because after all, “you didn’t build that.” One can almost hear little Barry now, “Let me be clear here, the whole character thing doesn’t matter. I just need a permanent underclass dependent on me for the truth.”

I know the Kenyan and his minions hate this country and from a progressive/liberal perspective this all makes perfect sense. To those of us who still have a modicum of common sense though these ideas are really bizarre.

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Filed under civil rights, Kyle bradford

Multiculturalism, Islamic Rape Gangs and the Tip of the Iceberg

Beginning around 1989, in the once great nation of Britain, numerous Sikh fathers were tried and convicted for attacking muslim men. The fathers were responding to the islamic rape gangs running unchecked and unthreatened by the police in their neighborhoods. Their daughters, some as young as 11 years old, had been blackmailed, drugged or intimidated into prostitution. The muslims involved were virtually never charged as the local police, council members and even child welfare organizations refused to see what was happening right before their eyes.

I want to be clear here. Multiculturalism is the process that allows rape gangs to ply their evil trade with seeming impunity. In Britain the vastly over educated, overpaid and over tolerant “diversity” bureaucracy, often chose to blame the victims rather than the criminals. Their position is that only they are “sophisticated” enough too truly understand what is happening so only they can respond appropriately. This is a classic symptom of multiculturalism.

The vile concept of multiculturalism allows two things to happen simultaneously. First it allows the muslim community, which is fully aware of the rape gangs activity and remains silent about it, to threaten race riots if the police act. Second, these same muslims threatened to file racism complaints on anyone who pursues the rape gangs or their members.

Under the concept of multiculturalism, British law and human decency are free to be ignored. In the islamic culture, rape of non-muslims is acceptable so the British, according to the multiculturalist enablers, should just be more accepting. A few children sacrificed in the name of multiculturalism doesn’t seem to bother the multicultural “elites.”

To be fair there have been a few symbolic prosecutions of a few “gang leaders.” It is worth noting that, as far as I can determine, none of thousands of men who have participated in the rape parties have been prosecuted. How do we know there were thousands of men? These rape parties were often filmed. Even Mayberries Barney Fife could find some of these perverts to prosecute.

Another consideration that no one in authority wants to talk about is money. Each of these child prostitutes can be worth as much as $200,000 a year. In Rotherham, England the total number of girls involved so far was 1400. Do the math. That could be as much as $280,000,000 over the last twenty-five years. That could be millions a year. One has to wonder just how much of this money is used to fund the indifference of the local authorities? How much of this money is sent to terrorists? How many people have been murdered by those same terrorists with the weapons purchased by the blood money from Rotherham?

The prevailing opinion of many that have investigated Rotherham is that Rotherham is not unique. They worry that islamic rape gangs are operating all over the United Kingdom. Rotherham they fear is the tip of an iceberg that simply became too large to disguise any longer. One can only wonder how many more “icebergs” will be appearing and where.

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The Gentle Giant And Other Liberal Myths

At least one psychiatrist has determined progressive/liberalism to be a legitimate mental disorder. Another has written a book with the same premise. Having watched liberals over the last forty years I could have told both of them that years ago. While cognitive dissonance plays a huge part in liberal thinking I cant help thinking that, at some point, liberals make a conscious choice to suspend reality in favor of the myths that make them feel better about themselves.

Once adopted, and this is where the cognitive dissonance comes into play. No fact that does not fit the myth will be tolerated. Having fully invested in the myth no objective analysis on their part is possible or even desirable. Any attempt, no matter how factually accurate or reasonable must be dispensed with, often with nothing more than vicious personal attacks. Boil down all the liberal responses to any sort of criticism, real or perceived and you will find one of only three possible responses, you are racist, you are intolerant or the science has been settled.

A question I would love to ask liberals is, “Why do you choose to live in such a small world?” The problem is that they would not understand the nature of my inquiry. Now, on to some of the myths.

Jobs Americans will not do

The Center for Immigration Studies recently released a report that showed of the “the 472 civilian occupations defined by the Department of Commerce, only six are majority immigrant (legal and illegal).” There were other findings in the study that are sure to anger progressives and the republican establishment. The study showed that “51 percent of maids and housekeepers, 63 percent of butchers and meat processors, 64 percent of grounds maintenance workers, 66 percent of construction laborers, and 73 percent of janitors employed are U.S.-born.” So much for the myth that there are jobs Americans will not do. This study shows quite plainly that there simply are not enough jobs for Americans let alone 5 million illegal aliens.

Immigration is a high priority to Latinos

Univision, not exactly a conservative group, recently conducted a poll that found that immigration is not even at the top of concerns among Latino voters. The driving concern over immigration reform seems to be a big-business (facebook, chamber of commerce) desire for cheap labor and liberals seeking to drive up the number of illegal voters. Another national poll showed that the majority of Americans want a pause on the number of immigrants coming into America. The same poll also showed that a large majority of those polled want employers to prefer American workers instead of immigrants.

The fifty percent divorce rate

Harvard-trained researcher and author Shaunti Feldhahn has good news about the state of marriage in America. Her book, “The Good News About Marriage: Debunking Discouraging Myths about Marriage and Divorce,” gives groundbreaking findings from an extensive eight-year study on marriage and divorce in America.

Her research reveals that most marriages succeed. She shows how the divorce rate has never come close to much ballyhooed fifty percent, how most marriages are happy and how small changes in a marriage make a big difference. The real shocker for liberals though is the finding that church goers have a “significantly” lower divorce rate than non church goers. In fact, she shows how since the 1980’s the “shelf life” of marriages in America has risen sharply.

White racism is alive and well

I guess electing a “black” president not once but twice didn’t mean anything. Neither does the accomplishments of people like Oprah, Bill Cosby, Clarence Thomas or any of thousands of highly successful “black” people.

Can we be honest here? Racism drives everything progressives do. The media can edit 911 tapes to make that “white Hispanic” George Zimmerman appear racist without the slightest twinge of guilt. When 59% of whites voted for Mitt Romney that was clear evidence of institutional racism on the part of white Americans but 95% of blacks voting for Obama is not. A “non-white” cop in Salt Lake City, Utah kills an unarmed “white” man and the media cannot even bring itself to notice the event any more than they will report on black flash mobs attacking whites, hispanics and asians in droves around the country or the Shariah “no go” zones that police in certain parts of Michigan avoid. Liberals and their media slaves will not tell you that 53% of murders in the US are committed by the 13% of US the population that is black. Even more sad is the fact that nearly 85% of murder victims are black. On nearly any given week an average of 25 young black men are shot in Chicago alone. In liberal eyes tough law enforcement would be racist because many more blacks than whites would be “targeted.” It is the liberal mindset that allows black folks to continue to die without notice, comment or reflection. Racism (is there another word for this level of callous disregard for human life?) is alive and well in the progressive ranks.

The gentle giant

The media narrative out of Ferguson was both predictable and completely wrong. What happened, from a media perspective is absolute proof that the so-called media has a race biased template through which every story like this is run. There was no effort by that same media that I could discern to determine what had actually happened that day. The cop was white, Brown was black and that’s all it took to prove the entire incident was racially motivated.

Even so, there were some facts available to the media within hours or days. For starters they knew Michael Brown had just allegedly perpetrated a strong-arm robbery, a fact Brown knew and probably thought that’s why he was being stopped. His brutish behavior was captured on video and can not be denied. The following soon became apparent. Wilson struggled with Brown and Brown severely beat the officer trying to escape. Once Brown was free Officer Wilson, showing more courage than any liberal I can think of, followed him and ordered him to stop. Brown turned and charged at Officer Wilson. Only one witness claimed that Brown was shot in cold blood. That was Browns alleged criminal cohort Dorian Johnson, who the police have decided not to charge as an accomplice in the robbery. The media, now trying to regain some credibility, is reporting that Johnson has an outstanding warrant for theft and plead guilty to filing a false police report at least once before. There were a dozen witnesses who corroborated Officer Wilson’s account of the story but the media and the Brown family chose to ignore the facts and pursue their racial bias. (As a parent I feel for the loss of their son but that loss does not entitle you to your own set of “facts.”)

We later learned that blood tests confirm Brown had drugs in his system. While this may be another example of why “recreational” use of pot is stupid, it also shows that Browns decision making skills were greatly compromised at the time. This is Browns fault, all 6 feet 4 inches and 290 pounds of him. Lets be honest here, if you had already been assaulted once by this guy and he decided to come back for more can you honestly tell me you would not fear for your life?

Finally I would like to dispose of the excessive force myth, ie why did Officer Wilson have to shoot him six times. Both in the military and as a private security officer I was always taught that you shoot until the threat is neutralized. Many police officers I have talked with say they are trained the same way. As long as Brown remained on his feet and continued to charge Wilson I would expect the officer to continue firing. I have no doubt that if after the first shot Brown had stopped charging and got on the ground he would be alive today. No matter his skin color Officer Wilson has the right to go home alive and that is just the way it should be.

There are many more liberal myths. Global warming, democrats are for the little guy, multiculturalism, gender inequality, more money in education gives better student performance, the religion of peace, green energy etc, etc. A complete listing of liberal myths would fill a rather large book. In the liberal progressive mind the only thing that counts is intentions. Results are irrelevant to them. I am pretty sure we all know what the road to hell is paved with. The question now is, why are progressives in such a damn hurry to get there?

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