Monthly Archives: October 2017

Sometimes You Gotta Play Hurt

I don’t remember exactly where I heard this axiom but I believe it is more true for us conservatives now than it has ever been. To better understand this we must look at where we have come from, where we are now and what possibilities the future holds.

Sometime in the nineteen fifties liberals, communists, socialists (they are branches of the same foul tree so from now on I will refer to them all as liberals) realized they could not win elections by being honest about what they wanted. Having united to throw off a great depression, win a world war and deeply in the process of rebuilding the countries we destroyed, few Americans were willing to tolerate being called the focus of evil in the world.

In the fifties Americans were brought unashamedly face to face with the amazing potential for goodness and greatness that we had, as a people, always possessed. Notice I didn’t mention perfection. As a country we knew there were struggles remaining to be fought, civil rights for example, but we also knew by then that there was no problem big enough to destroy us. The Nazis couldn’t do it. The Japanese couldn’t do it. The great depression couldn’t do it. Americans knew of a surety the only limits they would face would be self imposed. Thanks to the likes of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini, the liberal, communist, socialist ideal had taken a brutal beating. Instead of giving up, liberals, communists and socialists decided to play hurt.

Their two prong plan was deceptively simple; first, attack from inside the “systems” of America, education, media, news, government, the courts and crucially, religion; second, never give up.

The first and arguably most important step was the gradual takeover of the public education system. None of the other arenas could be usefully penetrated without properly educated individuals. They started at the colleges and have since worked their way down to pre-school. Doing this allowed for the white wash of liberal, socialist, communist histories of brutality and failure. It also allowed for the direct and most effective indoctrination of millions of Americans at the lowest possible cost. It was accepted that results would, at first, be slow in coming. Those who had been successfully indoctrinated in college would then spread out into government, politics, education, media and even the scientific community. The cycle would be, once a critical mass was reached, self sustaining by its very nature.

At this point I can hear you shouting at me, “But Sailor, that is some huge conspiracy. How does all this get coordinated?” Allow me an example. A coworker of mine likes to talk about a grand lame stream news conspiracy. He envisions a secret conference call every morning to decide who and what gets reported on as well as how it is spun. I surprised him by saying I agreed with him but not in a way he probably thought I would. There is no need for any kind of direct coordination because these news types all went to the same schools, were taught and influenced by the same professors, read the same books, talk to the same people and live in the same places. They have a template of what is and what should be. They have been taught to believe that practicing confirmation bias is actually how news should be reported. It is, in that respect, the perfect conspiracy in that it is decentralized, its participants are highly motivated and it is self reinforcing.

Even if the takeover of public education and the news media is a huge, directed conspiracy it actually needs little coordination. Gentle proddings, not to mention lots of cash, from people like Soros or Gates will suffice. The simplicity of the “conspiracy” (your word not mine) is its reliance on human nature. Talk to any true believer and you will soon see how little “coordination” is required. The conspiracy is simply that these people all believe the same things and refuse to accept, much less allow you to accept, anything different.

Fast forward to today. Liberals now brazenly flaunt their hatred of America in the open. Antifa and blm are the latest incarnations of Stalin and Hitler approved by millions of successfully indoctrinated public education victims. As an example lets examine the black community. Liberals, after having successfully decimated the nuclear black family, have convinced blacks to welcome a life of welfare servitude, to tolerate a roughly 97% black on black murder rate, to celebrate a gangster/drug culture, to segregate themselves in colleges, to demand reparations for conditions they never experienced from people who had nothing to do with slavery, to demand their own nation within the borders of the United States, to allow the open call for ten thousand black warriors to begin killing every white person they can find and refusing to prosecute high profile black criminals simply because of their skin color. The black community routinely denigrates successful conservative blacks for being either not black enough or acting to white. While the black community lunges headlong into anarchy and self destruction liberals continue to make excuses revolving around how evil America is.

In the hispanic community liberals are having almost as much success. Realizing that the hispanic population will soon outnumber the black community, liberals continue their push for open borders and voter fraud. They seek to expand the hispanic population as rapidly as possible through illegal actions like DACA, birthright citizenship and chain migration. They continue to peddle their racist America routine by changing the language, exploiting the sympathies of Americans and outright displays of hate towards anyone who disagrees with them. They fund and support groups like “La Raza” (literally, The Race) and its violent para military arm MECH-A. They create sanctuary cities to protect illegal alien criminals from deportation and spend hundreds of billions in taxpayer dollars to provide legal aid, welfare, housing, medical and education to those who have no legal right to such services. They even teach that hispanic “victims” of America have the right to violently oppose conservatives that support the rule of law.

Then we have the importation of a standing moslem army into America in the names of tolerance, multiculturalism and compassion. These are often violently militant “religious” (islam is not a religion it is a political system disguised as a religion) fanatics. The vast majority of these individuals have no intention of assimilation or being tolerant of their new countries laws, rules, customs or traditions. Their “religious” duty is to subjugate us non believers. That’s it. They have no other goals.

By now you, the careful reader, doubtlessly have a question. “Sailor, I thought you said the liberal, communists, socialists were trying to take over the country. It sounds like maybe they are trying to destroy it instead of take it over.”

Great observation and thank you for paying attention to such a depressing subject. You are correct. Let me explain. At the outset liberals knew there were only two possible outcomes (failing was never considered) for their strategy. History shows that these sort of people seldom come into power (outcome 1) peacefully. They gain their thrones almost always (outcome 2) by the spilling of blood.

Recent elections have shown the liberals that option 1 may no longer be possible. The republican takeover of the house was the first shot fired by Americans tired of being the focus of evil in the modern world. Liberals wrote it off as a white male temper tantrum. When the republicans gained control of the senate alarm bells began going off in the minds of liberals everywhere. The guarantee of Hillary winning the presidency was their only hope of capping off their long march. When she lost a sense of urgent desperation took over and the restraints came off.

Now under what they perceive as a direct threat, every option is on the table. No critic of liberalism is to be spared any form of derision, attack or personal destruction. The true nature of liberals has been ripped out from under their benign sounding political correctness for all to plainly see. We are treated daily to the cesspools of public education, popular culture and political corruption. The open endorsement of hate and violence towards conservative and Christian Americans by the left is both stunning to behold and ugly beyond belief. The constant attacks on America itself are, to me, the vilest sort of evil.

I said it before and I will say it again, Trump was not my guy. Still, while he has disappointed me on several occasions, he has pleasantly surprised me on others. He has proven to anyone paying attention that you can play, and win, while hurt. It is time for conservatives to “play hurt” and finish the job of taking our country back. We will be assaulted for this in every way liberals can conceive of but that threat must not dissuade us. The level of their anger towards us should be seen, properly I might add, as confirming the correctness of our actions. The more successful we are in reclaiming America from the liberal tyrants doing their best to destroy her, the louder they will cry and the more brutal their assaults on us will become.

Once upon a time the cry “Give me liberty or give me death,” roused a nation of fine and decent people to secure their freedoms. There is no way to improve on that call. All I can add is, sometimes you gotta play hurt.

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Everything You Thought You Knew About Language Is Wrong

I have probably listened to Michael Savage a total of fifteen minutes in my whole life. I have read some of his books and columns. When he talks about losing the language he is spot on. Without language we are left with virtually no tools to frame a concept, produce a counter argument or even describe a concept or principle. Controlling the language was every bit as important to the liberal (well intentioned or devoted fascist) as running academia, the media and popular culture. Consider how far from the plain meaning of words we have gotten.

Bipartisanship. This touchstone of liberals does not mean to them what it means to you, me and most likely, the vast majority of good intentioned but misinformed liberals. The average public school victim, I mean graduate, hears this golden word and thinks of a group of legislators gathered around the well of the House with the well being of America as their sole concern. Alternatively some people think of a group of legislators meeting and compromising until something, generally good, and politically expedient is worked out. In this fantasy scenario, everyone gets a little of what they wanted but no one “wins” completely. Liberals desperately want for you to believe both of these scenarios. In reality nothing could be further from the truth. History proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

While many republicans (RINOS all) have swallowed these myths and desperately continue trying to make them reality, the fact is that liberals only have one definition of bipartisanship, my way or the highway. I first became aware of their duplicity when the promise, codified in law, to support the South Vietnamese Army after Americas withdrawal, was ruthlessly ignored. Estimates vary but millions were murdered, tortured, raped and sent to concentration camps. Liberals knew about the murders, executions, rapes and torture but simply didn’t care. The victims of the NV communist regime were acceptable collateral damage to the liberal democrats and their supporters at the time. The press knew about the carnage but covered for their liberal pals as best and as often as they could. In the end their narrative survived and that was all that mattered. As an aside, Ken Burns continues the cover up with his alleged documentary on the war.

The process or “bipartisanship” was continued with the mythical border enforcement promised for Reagan’s signature on the misguided amnesty he signed off on, with the never intended budget cuts promised to Bush senior for his tax increase, all the way to today’s current “gun control” arguments (just one more law will stem the tide of violence in this country). As further, and unnecessary proof of my argument, can anyone name a true conservative bill that the Kenyan little Barry ever signed off on during his illegal presidential term? Bipartisanship is like the mirage of water to the lost man in the desert, and produces for America, the same results.

Migrant, Migrants, Refugees. These terms are virtually indistinguishable from one another. These terms are used precisely because of the images they invoke, good, warmhearted, poor, honest, downtrodden people fleeing poverty and persecution, willing to work hard for their version of the American dream. The term migrant, which conveys an unspoken sense of legitimacy, is the current evolution of the highly accurate term illegal alien. We are led to believe that these migrants are, for example, the poor abused unwanted of our southern neighbors. We are told they only want a better life for them and their children. If this is true then why do these migrants work so desperately to recreate in America the slums they left? Why do they send back to Mexico alone billions of dollars every year? This money ends up in the pockets of Mexican drug lords and corrupt south of the border politicians. Why do they overwhelmingly support a group “La Raza, (translation, The Race) dedicated to “returning” much of America to Mexico? If they are so hardworking why are so many of them on welfare? If they are so invested in the American dream why do they so often refuse to learn and use English? Why do they so often self segregate? Interwoven among the “migrant” community are the DACA “children” many, if not most of them over the age of 19, including known gang members and enough criminals to scare the daylights out of reasonable people. Liberals still refer to them as children so they can blast people like me for reminding everyone that the simple fact is, these people have no legal right to be here.

Refugee is the current PC term for the militant moslem America haters being imported by both the government and churches as fast as the government can pay the churches for doing so. The term also carries with it a sense of moral duty. These, we are lectured at, are the brutally oppressed that we must care for. This is also total Barbara Streisand. The vast majority, around 99%, are devout and often militant moslems intent on “converting” America into their caliphate. The real oppressed, Christians in the middle east, are being routinely murdered, raped and tortured en masse by our refugees brethren and studiously ignored by the very churches who claim to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. These “poor” moslem refugees demand special accommodations at every turn, harbor violent and brutal criminals, mutilate young girls, teach that their men have the right and duty to rape non moslem women, engage in the horrific act of honor killings and, for now, have turned parts of the once great state of Michigan into a non moslem no go zone.

Liberals and democrats accept all this economic and personal carnage because the two classes, migrant and refugee, vote (nearly always illegally) almost exclusively democrat. This isn’t to say that liberal leadership is unaware of the evil they support, they just believe that once they fully gain control, they can scale back the destruction. This is a delusion of mind numbing proportions.

There are many other words liberals and democrats have corrupted.

Investing means simply raising taxes to spend more money we do not have on things and agencies we do not need.

Education means the indoctrination of yet another generation into the glories of socialism, perversion (disguised as sex education), revisionist history and anti American hatred.

Integrity means the ability to not get caught violating the letter and spirit of the law and if you do get caught, avoiding any consequences.

No reasonable, thinking person should allow themselves to be sucked into this linguistic mumbo jumbo.

The liberal way of thinking is created by the twisted definition of words. It produces, then covers for sick people like Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner and Bill Clinton. It creates bizarre concepts like social justice. It produces facts like blacks can’t, by virtue of their skin color, be racist. It manufactures crisis like the current college rape epidemic. It thrives on lies like “hands up, don’t shoot” and “I can’t breathe.” It encourages, sorry, it demands the hubris of transgenderism.

Eventually, many liberals end up realizing just how shallow and vacuous their liberalism is and just how far from reason and reality they have strayed. Because they have so often invested their education, career, even their entire lives into their liberalism, change for them is quite difficult. A great many never even attempt to change. It’s easier to accept black lives matter, CNN or antifa as reasonable reactions to any who disturb their convoluted world view.

The lies that have to be believed to live this way are truly a burden unto themselves. Congratulations, you earned it.

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