Monthly Archives: October 2020

Financing Your Own Destruction

It’s nearly election time. The bad guys it seems are winning.

At least that’s the way it feels. Everywhere we turn we see haters and losers taking over in politics, media, business, sports, social media and ecducation. We are inundated with the “peaceful” rioting of blm and antifa. We are browbeaten into accepting the false premise that all white people and cops are inherantly racist.

In every crisis many will seek comfort on the fence, hoping to simply make it through the problems of the day by “going” with the flow. There are others though, that will rise to the occasion. They recognize that they are afraid but they do not allow that fear to control them. They understand that for evil to triumph good men must remain silent. These men and women will bow to no terrorist, blm hatemonger, antifa thug or rogue government agent. Sadly this article is not about them. What we are going to learn today is just who the cowards of the business world are and what their cowardice means to you and me.

Sadly blm, antifa and their ilk, as well as their deep pocketed supporters require only two things for their violent, racist, hate driven agenda to succeed, your ignorance (lack of knowledge) and your willingness to be intimidated (lack of courage). Tragically, there are so called “American” companies that are falling all over themselves to demonstrate both pathetic qualities.

These companies, now essentially enemies of traditional American values, are everywhere today and you are about to find out just how willing they are to fund hate and insurruection, with your money.

GoogleHas committed $12 million to blm.

Facebook and Amazon – Are donating $10 million to various groups allegedly fighting “racial injustice.”

AmazonPledged $100 million to a new “Racial Equity and Justice Initive.”In other words, they are funding the propaganda that says all white people are evil.

Walmart – Will donate $100 million over five years to create a “Center For Racial Equity.”

Target– Is setting aside $10 million to advance “social justice.”

Home Depot – Gave $1 million to “Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law”, a group that believes some people, the ones with the correct skin color, are more equal than others.

EA Games – Is giving $1 million to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

Square Enix – gave $250,000 and promised to mathc employee contributions to blm.

Ubisoft – Donated $100,000 to the NAACP and blm.

Etsy – Donated $1 million to black “social justice” groups and promised to match employee donations to such groups.

If you think you’re starting to get the picture, you would be dramatically wrong. A gushing torrent of blood money is flowing to the hate America crowd. I’ll say it again, it’s your money that is being used against you. As I was pointing out…

H&M – $500,000. Everlane – $75,000. Toms Shoes – $100,000. Spanx – $200,000. Levis – $200,000..

GAP brands – $200,000. Warby Parker – $1 million. Lululemon – $250,000. Nike – $40 million.

McDonalds – $1 million. Wendy’s – $500,00. Coca Cola – $2.5 million. Honest Beauty – $100,000.

Anastasisa Beauty – $1 million. Glossier – $500,000. United Health Group – $10 million.

Whoop – $20,000. Peloton – $500,000. DoorDash – $500,000. Deckers – $500,000.

Gatorade – $500,000. Microsoft – $250,000. Glossier – $500,000. 23 and Me – Undisclosed amount.

Air BnB – $500,000. Unilever (Axe and Degree brands) – $350,000. Bungie – undisclosed amount.

Nabisco – $500,000. Dropbox – $500,000 plus matching of employee donations.

Fitbit – undisclosed amount. Devolver Digital – $65,000. Skillshare – Undisclosed amount.

Square Enix – $250,000. Thatgamecomapny – $40,000. Tinder – Undisclosed amount.

Pokemon Company – $100,000. Atlantic Records – Undisclosed amount.

Warner Records – Undisclosed amount. Pusheen – Undisclosed Amount.

The thing that must be understood here is that the groups being funded by these giants of moral cowardice and anti-Americanism are determined to destroy America as founded and rebuild it in the blood soaked communist model with themselves as our “tolerant” overlords. Those tolerant overlord wannabes are those who have orgasms when recalling:

Che Guevara gleefully executing homersexuals and anyone who opposed him.

Pol Pot murdering one million of his people to create a perfect society.

Chinese Chairman Mao executing anyone ( estimated 20 million ) who he believed was “tainted” by western exposure or values.

Fidel Castro giving everyone in Cuba a pot to cook the food they didn’t have in.

Hugo Chavez turning the richest, most modern and successful country in south America into a third world hell hole..

Iranian mullahs providing training and materials used to kill American troops in Afghanistan.

The Chinese “re-education” camps filled with political prisoners and religious minorities for the purpose of harvesting and selling their organs or the slave labor camps where abused slaves build that Iphone your addicted to overpaying for.

While it is tempting to suggest things like boycotts ( one of the only things these companies understand is their balance sheet ) the simple fact is there are to many otherwise good folks addicted to their stuff. That doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t boycott them. If you are willing I think that’s just fine.

The better option in my mind is to make their money worthless. If you can buy the product used instead of new, do so. Do not elect, at any level, the politicians they support. Do not donate to groups they support and let those groups know why you are not contributing. Do not participate in events they are a part of, instead hold a competing event if possible. Hold them, as a company, to the highest standards both publically and privately. Make them play by the same rules you and I have to live with. When they or their employees cross the line, make everyone aware of it. If possible become a shareholder and participate in shareholder meetings. Encourage as many of your friends and co workers as possible to follow your lead. Finally, when the company or its leadership insists on forcing their ideology of anti-Americanism on everyone, ridicule is an effective weapon.

The thing so many people understand on some level but do not want to admit is that win lose or draw the democrats have already put in place a plan for riots, protests and endless court challenges. They see groups like blm and antifa as useful tools to force unwanted changes on and consolidate their power over Americans. They seek the kind of changes that have not or would not survive on a ballot and the kind of power the U.S. Constitution does not provide for. Once elected democrats believe they can control or redirect blm/antifa. The problem is blm and antifa see their democratic supporters the same way. Should the democrats win the presidency, the senate and retain the house these two super villains will have a battle royale to determine which group reigns supreme. No matter who wins that fight, America as founded will end up being the ultimate sacrifice.

The are only a few questions you should answer before you vote.

Are you ready to be sacrificed for the creation of yet another socialist hellhole?

Are you willing to continue the subversion of truth in the hope of creating the illusion of unity?

Are you willing to accept the democratic foundational belief that some people are more equal than others?

Finally, and perhaps the most important, are you willing to continue to fund your own enslavement?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then, keep America burning, vote democrat.

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