Category Archives: Islam

Islam And Joe Biden’s Coming Bloodbath

At a weekend rally in Dearborn, Michigan, moslems gathered to condemn both Israel for defending herself after the atrocities of Oct 7th and the United States for halfheartedly supporting Israel. Death to America chants rang though the crowd loud and proud with nary a second look by any of the so called American media. Whatever happened to “silence is violence”?

World Kitchen chef Jose Andres, having allowed a lifetime of beating eggs to inflate his machismo to apparently lunatic proportions, trashed both Israel and America because a relief convoy of his was accidentally destroyed by Israel. We mourn the loss of innocent lives but we shouldn’t ignore the fact that they entered an active war zone, at night from what I heard, with a gunman supposedly riding HAMAS style on the roof of one of the vehicles. Never mind that this aid, like all the other aid sent will be taken by force by HAMAS. Little if any will go to its intended recipients and the aid that does make it to them will only be that which is sold to them at exorbitant prices by the HAMAS leadership seeking to enrich themselves, as they always do, on the back of the “people” they claim to represent. In attacking Israel and America, HAMAS’s celebrity Chef is declaring for all to see his support of HAMAS’s actions. The America and Jew hating media is, predictably, droolingly sympathetic.

The Biden administration releases known moslem terrorist illegal aliens into the country while falling over themselves arresting 80 year old grandma’s for standing on a sidewalk by a baby murder mill. Seems like killing American babies is a job not always left to moslem terrorists. The “big guy”, as usual, wants his ten percent.

College miseducated idiots chant “from the river to the sea”, calling for a genocide against Jews whether they know it or not. I expect some of these paragons of virtue don’t really know what “from the river to the sea” actually means (another Jewish genocide) but I think far to many of them do. The media of course mindlessly props the protestors up as “brave”, “courageous” and of course “compassionate”. The useful idiots, sorry, protestors, are in fact none of those things.

One thing all these useful idiots, it’s difficult to think of them as normal people because normal people recoil in horror at what HAMAS did, have in common is they blather mindlessly about Israel over reacting. If Israel had carpet bombed the streets of the Gaza Strip while all the “poor, oppressed Palestinians” were celebrating the Oct 7th actions of HAMAS, parading through the streets with their hostages, murder victims, stolen goods and dancing in the streets, I could at least wrap my head around their argument.

Israel didn’t do that and I can make a better argument that it should have than those who squawk mindlessly about how Israel is over reacting can make supporting their position.

What is even more tragic is that America, while pretending to support Israel publicly, has turned it’s back again on the Jews. Channeling his inner Nazi, Biden now wants everything made by Jews to be marked. I can hear him now, “Come’on man, break out the gold stars, right now man! No joke!” He has also made it virtually impossible for Jewish victims to seek asylum in America. It’s the SS St. Louis all over again. Makes you wonder just how much innocent blood is enough for this puppet and his master.

Biden’s puppet-master The Kenyan Little Barry imported tens of thousands of his fellow militant moslems and deposited them in Dearborn and surrounding cities. He then allowed them to bring in their “close” relatives with some bringing their entire villages with them.

In true moslem form these new transplants promptly isolated themselves, began demanding special accommodations and created no go zones for non moslems, including police. Almost without exception crime rates in surrounding areas began rising as third world mentalities exercised themselves with virtually no restrictions. Non moslems quickly learned the futility of reporting crimes to the police because they wouldn’t, or more often couldn’t, do anything. You know because complaining about a moslem criminal equals a hate crime, islamophobia and white supremacist patriarchy, blah, blah, blah.

Don’t believe me? Look at how brutally the parent of a small child (I think she was 5 at the time) who was filmed being raped by two teen moslem boys in Idaho was vilified, even by the local government. The so called mainstream media essentially ignored the story while the local media fell over themselves to make the rapists the victims. It was pure evil on display. HAMAS and their supporters no doubt blushed with pride.

Biden, following The Kenyan’s orders, began re-funding HAMAS, Iran and numerous fellow terrorist groups on day one of “his” administration.

No one wants to talk about the fact that 70 plus percent of the misnamed Palestinians not only think what HAMAS did on Oct 7 was just fine but continue to support HAMAS and look forward to another Oct 7th style attack on Israel. This is the same HAMAS that, uses “its” people as human shields, uses mosques/schools/hospitals as weapons dumps, launches attacks from schools and hospitals, uses ambulances to transport terrorists to their targets and resupply fighters on the rare occasions they present themselves publicly, steals the international aid sent to relieve “their” peoples suffering and kills or holds hostage the aid workers bringing the aid, sells a tiny portion of that aid to their “people” at black market rates, operates a pay to slay program for the families of suicide bombers (by the way, your tax dollars indirectly fund this) and teaches their children (again, your tax dollars partially fund this) from the cradle how to hate and kill Jews.

This is the HAMAS that, upon “winning” election in 2006 executed it’s political rivals and suspended all future elections.

This is the HAMAS that has launched some 10,000 rockets indiscriminately into Israeli civilian areas, killing and wounding hundreds of innocent men, women and children.

This is the HAMAS that proudly uses mass rape of civilians as a weapon of war.

This is the HAMAS that takes hostages for fun and profit, who they routinely mentally and physically abuse, many times to the point of death.

This is the HAMAS that proudly uses every form of vile torture it can imagine against innocent civilians.

This is the HAMAS that conducts brutal and often public executions.

This is the HAMAS that kills every gay person they identify.

This is the HAMAS that films all the above for public distribution.

This is the HAMAS that keeps tens of millions of aid dollars for their “leaders” so they can live in luxury and fly on their own private jets, provides a trickle of that aid to “it’s” people then uses the rest to fund it’s terrorist operations.

These things are established facts that all the simple minded, loud mouthed “Palestinian” supporters either choose to ignore or quietly support and get angry at you for noticing. I’m looking at you celebrity chef running mouth.

Sadly, everything that happened to Israel on Oct 7 is likely going to happen here in America. I’m guessing sooner rather than later. With Biden trailing in many polls his puppet-master will need some “national security” event to allow him to exercise more fully his fourth term dictatorial instincts.

Remember, like his puppet-master The Kenyan Little Barry, Biden has also imported tens of thousands of militant moslems intent on destroying the Great Satan America. They are given cash, food, four star hotel rooms and get out of jail free cards, all of which they see, properly in my view, as signs of terminal American weakness.

Still, you can’t say we haven’t been warned. Hell, we have watched this exact same movie play out for centuries. Outside of the names and the dates the historical moslem script remains unchanged.

Lebanon used to be a peaceful Christian country known world wide as the Paris of the middle east. It is now little better than an extremist moslem run slum.

Iran, for all it’s problems under the Shah, was a peaceful, moderate, second world country where women could hold jobs and go to school without fear of having acid thrown in their faces or being ritually killed. Now it’s an extremist theocracy intent on the bloody destruction of the world to bring about it’s “Fourth Imam”.

Sweden, despite the governments best efforts to look the other way, became the rape capitol of Europe as moslems practiced their religious beliefs of women as property to be used as they see fit. They have created multiple no go zones governed by Shariah law where even police will not go and legitimate government refuses to intercede.

In England moslem rape grooming gangs operate with little fear of police or prosecution and London, once the crown jewel of the kingdom has become little more the defacto stabbing capitol of Europe. The moslem mayor of London’s response to this, tell everyone to become comfortable with a certain amount of terrorism and tax the wrong cars that dare to enter London. (Wouldn’t he make a great democrat?)

Moslems have invaded, raped, pillaged, tortured their victims, captured slaves and desecrated everything they don’t like everywhere they have ever been. The bloody brutality of moslem history exceeds by far anything any other religion can be accused of. Of course public schools no longer teach this now politically incorrect truth.

Winston Churchill tried to warn us by pointing out, “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. … A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. … the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. …

It seems few listened.

The spiritual among us realize the devil has chosen his team well and, while our so called leaders continue to ignore, manipulate and divide us, evil is in overdrive.

Evil is here in America and it has never been stronger. Our own homegrown evil has willingly been supplemented with a political ideology disguised as a religion that practices honor killings, believes God will reward them for murdering the correct people, to this day practices slavery, trains it’s children to be homicide bombers, insists that women are nothing more than property, routinely executes homosexuals and anyone who does not convert to the moslem faith.

The terrorists are here, en masse, marinated in evil, well fed, well trained, well funded and highly motivated. They see weakness everywhere and sadly, they are correct. From deep in the black heart of Iran, our Oct 7th is coming and no one seems to care about preventing it.

Perhaps one of the saddest parts of this story is that even non spiritual people should be able to see clearly the evil boastfully paraded before them. That they choose not to is perhaps an evil all it’s own.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, education, gun control, Islam, liberals, media, politics

We Have Forgotten Who We Are

Everyone forgets things. It’s human nature. Sometimes people like me simply run out of room in the old and well used memory banks. Other times we no longer assign any value to something and it fades from memory for lack of use. Generally we forget things without meaning to, except when we don’t.

Sometimes though we were never taught, for example, who we were, where we came from or why that knowledge is important.

Americans no longer know who we are.

This is by design. The current flooding of America by 8-10 million illegal aliens in the four years of Biden’s administration is only the recent application of this tactic (it’s been used before by every democratic president in the last 60 years) by those who seek to dismantle America as founded.

Understand, those who are being imported here (and they are being imported, someone is paying for all these people to travel thousands of miles) are not even being asked to assimilate into American culture. Instead these new arrivals are encouraged to recreate the hell holes they claim to be leaving here. Doubt me? Have you seen Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle or any of a dozen other major cities lately? Not only have gangs and drug cartels taken advantage of our wide open border. Many countries are emptying their prisons by sending their thugs, rapists and killers here.

As an aside, I have a small, part time job at a national auto parts store chain. At least two-three times a week I will encounter a Spanish speaker who claims they cannot speak English and actually gets upset when I inform them I do not speak Spanish. Oddly enough, they often know enough English to curse me on the way out the door. Thanks Joe.

To get these illegals here in massive numbers democrats promise them free housing, healthcare, education and cash just for making it across the border. They are being prioritized for care and support over our veterans. This is especially egregious as we owe veterans so much. No veteran should be homeless so an illegal can be put up in a four star hotel complete with meals, internet and a swimming pool.

The drug lords in Mexico are now not only running our border but large parts of many American cities. Untold volumes of drugs cross our border with impunity. Sex slavery and human trafficking are at all time highs. Potentially tens of thousands of terrorists and subversives have entered our country and been dispersed throughout the country by a complicit government. Something like 100,000 Americans die every year from fentanyl overdoses. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are victims of crimes from simple robbery to assault, rape and murder by illegals who are far to often repeat offenders. Millions of illegals, given drivers licenses by states, now vote illegally in our elections. Nearly sixty plus billion dollars are sent out of America every year by illegals to countries of origin, removing those dollars from our economy and going, for the most part, to drug lords, corrupt politicians and gang leaders. I could go on but I think you can start seeing the picture by now.

Mideast terror groups like Hamas have likely infiltrated America. China, in a likely attempt to foster internal sabotage of America in the event of a conflict here or elsewhere (Taiwan), has sent thousands of military aged men across our border.

My grandmother came to America in 1947 from Germany. She was a proud and fierce women (and WWII survivor) who once told someone, “I may have came from Germany but I am American.” While German was frequently spoken at home she never demanded anyone speak German, never flew a German flag and was as law abiding a person as I have ever met. She was proud to show her ID when she voted.

America, out of many one, is being dissolved before our eyes.

We no longer know where we came from.

Actual American history has not been taught since Howard Zinn propagandized it (his “textbooks” were a literal exercise in anti American propaganda) back in the 1970’s. World history, as taught in the public education system, has fared even worse. Students today are, at best, taught to memorize a small set of names and dates. They are discouraged from learning any surrounding historical context. Primary source documents are excluded from study. In some school districts students are no longer taught to read or write cursive. Is this to prevent them from reading documents like the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights in their original form?

Students are openly lied to about our founding fathers, slavery, the civil war, climate change, so called indigenous Americans, so called gender and whatever the current fad dictates. The current fad now is the sexual grooming of our children. Children are now taught that most historical figures of any importance were lgbtq, whether there is evidence to support the claim or not.

We no longer have public school graduates, we have highly indoctrinated public school victims. Sadly, our college graduates fare even worse. Our colleges and universities no longer graduate thinkers, builders and dreamers. Today they produce only deeply flawed and indoctrinated useful idiots.

America is no longer remembered as the country that fought to gain it’s freedom from an oppressive monarchy, sacrificed 600,000 of it’s sons to end the scourge of slavery, turned itself into the economic engine that won world war two, put men on the moon and at least a thousand other amazing accomplishments. As a country we were never perfect but up until the election of The Kenyan little Barry we were constantly improving.

We no longer know what we used to be.

Americans used to be wildly self sufficient. We grew most of our own food, especially in WW II (does anyone remember victory gardens?). We canned the food we grew for hard times. We cooked meals instead of microwaving some over processed food like product. We ate meals together around an actual kitchen table and talked with each other. We repaired things instead of throwing them away. We actually wrote letters, and when we did so we used entire words not a series of disconnected letters. We actually read the newspaper instead of simply glancing over the headlines. We knew that a trip to the “woodshed” was both earned on our part and not a criminal offense on the part of the father we forced by our behavior into administering the discipline. We instinctively understood that men and women were different yet equally to be valued. No one would have dreamed of going out in public in their pajamas. We understood that profanity was the first refuge of the weak mind and 57 tattoos and six pounds of metal in your face was a desperate cry for attention. We learned and valued the proper role and use of firearms. We recognized that the there was a higher power than us and that that wasn’t a bad thing. For many of us that higher power was God and we not only knew, but understood why the Ten Commandments were so very valuable. We understood that education meant not just learning to read, write and do math. We knew that the best education was the one that taught us to reason, to think.

We were explorers, thinkers, innovators, builders and dreamers who created, built, expanded the knowledge of dramatically or perfected the following. Advanced farming. Air conditioning. Antibiotics. Automobiles. Batteries. Blood transfusions. Bluetooth. Chemistry. Computers. Electric light. Elevators. GPS. Heart, lung, kidney etc transplants. Knee and hip replacements. Lasers. Limited government. Microwave ovens. Movies. Plastic. Powered flight. Printing press. Radio. Radar. Railroads. Robots. Sewing machines. Skyscrapers. Space flight. Telephones. Television. The assembly line. The internet. Vaccines. Washing machines. X-ray machines. I haven’t even scratched the surface with this list.

We no longer know what is real.

Starting in the 1970’s a theory known as multiculturalism began to take root in the public education system. In short, multiculturalism says all cultures are of equal value. Under this model islamic cultures that execute gays are no better or worse than American culture where gays must be exalted at any price. Multiculturalism demands that middle eastern cultures that openly practice and support slavery are just as good as any European country that outlawed slavery over a hundred years ago. Governments like the old Soviet Union who routinely terrorized their citizens are just as good as America where everyone is treated equally (I know, that’s not the case anymore) under the law.

This suspension of reality has trundled along virtually unchecked until we find ourselves today being told with straight faces that men can actually become women, that those men belong in women’s showers and locker rooms and must be allowed to compete in sports against actual women. Let me clear, there is no known, medically documented case of a biological male becoming a biological women. When you find one let’s talk. Yet the person who speaks that incontrovertible fact is asking to have abuse heaped upon them in staggering quantities.

The dispensing of reality for fantasy has oozed down deep into our culture.

Far to many of us now believe abortion, the killing of a human for often no other reason than the convenience of the mother, is healthcare. Far to many of us believe that the gruesome selling of those murdered babies parts is called “research”. It’s true, words have power because no one is against healthcare or research, right?

For far to many of us biological sex, a fact since day one, has been switched to gender which is now a choice even five year olds can make.

Far to many of us now believe that we are single handedly are destroying the environment with our insane desire to improve our standard of living. This in spite of the fact that America is the cleanest country environmentally speaking, on the planet.

Far to many of us now believe that the “mostly peaceful” riots of antifa, blm and other hate groups are reasonable expressions of frustration while Jan 6th is the worst terrorist event in American history. The looting (billions of dollars lost by retailers), property damage (billions of dollars worth), the numerous deaths as well as the injuries to over 900 police officers during those blm/antifa riots are to be ignored as if they didn’t happen.

Far to many of us now believe that skin color alone is responsible for all evil and that certain people of color literally cannot be racist or evil.

Far to many of us now believe that words equal violence, that silence equals violence (see what they are doing here, absent total agreement with the current narrative everything is violence), that censorship is healthy and that there is actually such a thing as a hate crime. For the record I believe all crime is an expression of some level of hate. Until you can explain cogently to me why it is more wrong to commit a crime against a black person than a white person, or why a person of one race must be punished more than that of another for the same crime, I will continue to believe that.

Some Final Thoughts

I believe it would be a mistake to think all these examples, and dozen of others I haven’t mentioned, have happened by accident or circumstance. America is being slowly and systematically deconstructed. Those guiding that agenda have over the years incorporated legions of useful idiots and true believers from the ranks of massively mis-educated and highly propagandized Americans. Those Americans who would have resisted this deconstruction have been conditioned to seek security and comfort instead of standing to be counted against the deconstruction efforts.

That effort has been wildly successful so far but, I sense a change in the force. Whether it is to late we will have to wait and see.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, gun control, Islam, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

So It Begins

Editorial note, when it comes to the killers of babies my filter shuts off. This article will be particularly offensive to anyone supporting Hamas baby killers, historically ignorant enough to believe in the myth of the so called “Palestinians” or seriously believes a ceasefire will accomplish anything except give the terrorists breathing room. If political correctness is important to you I suggest you leave now. Read at your own risk. You have been warned. If you choose to continue, grab a snack and a drink. This is going to take a while.

Ordinarily I spend four to six hours a day reading, listening to and curating news. I admit, sometimes it’s difficult. Sadly, I find it impossible not to comment on what may be the opening act of WWIII.

On October 7th Hamas, displaying it’s very public, bloodthirsty hatred, launched thousands of rockets into Israel. The blood worshiping haters followed their cowardly rocket attacks by sending armed, drugged up thugs across the border where they broke into homes, slaughtered entire families and pillaged to their hearts content. Driving down streets they sprayed machine gun fire into crowds at bus stops and pedestrians on sidewalks. They raped untold number of women and burned alive and beheaded some 40 infants. Many of the terrorists livestreamed their actions on their victims cellphones and social media accounts. The last count I heard was around 1400 Israelis dead. Many of those not murdered were taken as hostages. Hamas has said that it plans to sell the women hostages into slavery.

Across the world millions of sick/evil/demented alleged humans celebrated Hamas and urged us to have “compassion” for the Gaza squatters (a term deliberately chosen by me but that as they say, is another article for another time).

If the dust ever settles on this latest act of seventh century barbarism I expect you will find Iranian, likely Russian and possibly even Chinese finger prints all over this.

Of course the people pulling the meat puppet Biden’s strings, the ones who had him give Iran $6 billion in cash, will have kept their names hidden. Some simple deduction in that regard is very revealing but that is also another story.

Israel’s Response?

Israel’s response was totally predictable. Via airstrikes they took out numerous known terrorist sites and continue to do so. All well and good but not nearly enough. The initial retaliatory strikes were planned for by Hamas and their losses, while considerable, were included in their cost/benefit analysis of the attack. Israel needs to also attack Hamas asymmetrically. I suspect they eventually will but it really needed saying.

A while ago the simple minded wondered why Israel hasn’t already gone into the Gaza strip. They said the delay simply gives the terrorists time to prepare booby traps. I hate to break it to you Mr. sports talk guy and CIA paper pusher dude, the traps were set before the attack. I suppose you don’t know that Hamas has been doing this kind of thing for decades. There may be more traps now but there would have been more traps anyway. Unless you know the future the chances that you know the “correct” way for Israel to respond is doubtful at best.

Before Israel entered Gaza she was gathering her forces, obtaining and evaluating intelligence, organizing resources, testing alliances and conducting shaping operations. These things cannot be done to some radio guys time table.

As “brutal” as Israel’s response will be classified as by those who hate her I submit Israel will not go all out. They should. They should empty Gaza and raze it to the ground then open it up for Israeli settlement. They won’t but they should.

You think Israel is being rough now? I don’t but, let’s do a little role play and see what rough could look like.

An Actual Tough Response.

My response, were I in charge, would actually be brutal. After all, the first lesson I learned in Communications class is that for communication to occur both sides must understand the language being used. Since Hamas and the Gaza squatters only understand blood and death, maybe it’s time for Israel to speak their language. Loudly. Clearly.

For starters I would inform the terrorists and squatters in Gaza and the world of a few things. The most important of which is that the Gaza is being permanently annexed by Israel because the squatters living there have proven over 20 plus years they do not desire a homeland of their own. Instead of using the tens of billions in aid they have been given to develop Gaza for the benefit of the squatters living there they have done nothing but enrich their leaders living in foreign countries and wage war against the hand that fed them and willingly offered to lift them out of their self imposed poverty. They were given land, free electricity, clean water and millions of dollars in free healthcare. For this Israel gets Gazan’s parading hostages and dead Israelis through the streets and shouting death to Israel, over ten thousand rockets launched at them from schools, hospitals and mosques in Gaza and finally, October 7th. Gaza could have been transformed into the Paris of the middle east (there actually used to be one, it was called Beruit, but that’s another all to familiar story). There could be more millionaires per capita in Gaza now than anywhere else in the middle east but no, they only want to kill Jews. I would inform the Gaza squatters that, after one weeks notice anyone wishing to remain in Gaza does so at their own risk.

Then, I would ruthlessly implement the following.

First, I would inform the world that I believe all the current hostages are either already dead or soon will be. Thus hostages will play no part in my response. It’s not that I don’t value them it’s just that I know if I allow them to be used as bargaining chips I am only encouraging the taking of more hostages.

The first rule of warfare is never play by the enemy’s rules. Sadly, this is the only way to eliminate the value of the hostage taking tactic.

Second, I would remind everyone of the following concerning the Gaza squatters.

Given that the population in Gaza has nearly doubled over the last generation, the concept of an Israeli genocide is unquestioningly disproven.

Furthermore, hundreds of so called “innocent” Gaza residents accompanied the Hamas terror units that crossed the Gaza fence on October 7, joining gleefully in the atrocities. No one forced them to, they made conscious choices to do so. They are now legitimate combatants and potential war criminals.

Gaza residents voted for Hamas to run the Gaza Strip while knowing full well what Hamas has been doing to Israel. They have been willingly providing aid and support to Hamas for over twenty years. This now qualifies them as combatants and potential war criminals.

Opinion polls in Gaza show more than 80-97% support for Hamas. This now qualifies them accessories to war crimes.

Gaza squatters willfully and cheerfully (watch their videos) participated in mass celebrations in Gaza with the terrorists, dragging live and dead hostages through the streets.

For these reasons alone there is no longer an opportunity to claim immunity from my response by the so called “innocent” squatters of Gaza (they are not Palestinians, prior to 1963 only Jews were called Palestinians). The squatters in Gaza, like the Nazi supporters in WWII, have actively chosen to remove any “noncombatant status” they pretended to have.

Third, Gaza squatters have now willingly participated in the commission of what, declared war or not, are internationally recognized war crimes. For that reason they are now recognized as legitimate combatants and war criminals. I would inform any Gazan’s remaining in Gaza that any further celebrations will designated military targets and subject to attack. I suspect that after the first carpet bombing they would get the message.

Fourth, Israel is making, I believe, a mistake by allowing moslem countries to send in “humanitarian” aid. I would capture and control the entry points from Gaza to Egypt and inspect every package coming through. Every, single, one. Every item would be inspected, stored and distributed by the IDF. Every contraband item/weapon found would close the border to humanitarian supplies for three days. A terrorist bombing or attack there would close the border to “humanitarian” aid permanently. I would shut off all public utilities in Gaza. I would remind the Gaza Strip squatters to leave as soon as possible with the understanding that, because of their long standing support of Hamas and their obvious war criminal/combatant status, they no longer have any claim to Gaza and will never be allowed to return.

Fifth, I would identify, locate and arrest every “civil” and religious leader in Gaza and extract information from them. Place any of them who supported or participated in any way the Oct 7th attack in chains and drop them into the sea. This applies to every terrorist captured during the war.

Sixth, I would search every hospital, school and religious institution in Gaza. Display in public all weapons and contraband captured. Identify, locate and terminate (same conditions as listed above) anyone who was involved with any weapons found there.

Seventh. Anyone choosing to remain in Gaza after annexation will provide photographs, fingerprints and DNA for a state issued identity card. They will be resettled into an area of Gaza of Israel’s choosing and subject to Israeli governance until such time as they have left Gaza or are eventually deported.

Eighth, locate and assassinate leadership of Hamas living lives of luxury in foreign countries.

Ninth, I would privately inform Iran that they have 24 hours to completely and publicly withdraw their support of Hamas and Hezbolla or they will be deprived of their only real source of income. They will of course refuse so I would then anonymously inform the shipping industry that the Iranian harbors have been mined although I wouldn’t mine them just yet. If that failed to get their attention, several oil wells would mysteriously explode. If Iran still insisted on supporting terrorists an oil refinery would suddenly explode. If that doesn’t get their attention, some pipelines and oil transfer facilities dockside would begin exploding. If that didn’t work then I would mine the harbors and inform the shipping industry while random parts of Iran’s oil infrastructure began exploding. While the total destruction of Iranian oil industry is feasible the purpose here is just to disrupt Iran enough that they cease focusing on terror and spend their time trying to save their worthless political asses from a terrorized and abused population that might begin sensing weakness.

Iran will undoubtedly respond violently here because terror and killing is all they know (how do you think the mullahs have remained in power for so long, they are almost universally reviled inside Iran). When they do, I would take out Iran’s military command structure by bombing its headquarters and Republican Guard barracks. Then I would take out Iran’s air defense network. I would launch an all out propaganda campaign inside Iran explaining to it’s citizens that the government is being attacked for it’s murderous actions around the world. The main purpose of the campaign would be to inform the citizens of Iran that when the regime is no more and the country renounces it’s support of terrorism, the attacks will cease and aid will flow in (use the humanitarian aid captured in Gaza for this purpose). Inform the populace that if they choose to revolt we will supply them with whatever they might need providing a true democratic republic replaces the mullahs. Revolution isn’t required here as the mullahs will see it forming whether is is there or not. When forced to choose between killing Jews or maintaining their lavish lifestyles and protecting their sorry asses, I believe their lifestyles and asses will win.

Tenth, I would without hesitation and as soon as possible destroy every Iranian nuclear site and research facility. Even the “bomb proof” facilities have entrances. Bomb them too. Maybe some quality time trapped in a bunker with nuclear waste would change some minds on the value of nuclear weapons.

My final act would be the vapor bombing of the Hamas tunnel system. Many have talked about flooding the tunnels and I’m fine with that but flooding takes time and time allows Hamas to evacuate both personnel and weapons. A vapor bomb, if done with deodorized natural gas as an example, would be especially devastating. The vapors spread farther, faster and deeper than water could. Unless special equipment was installed Hamas would not be able to detect the presence of the gas until it was detonated. Massive sections of tunnels would be collapsed killing many Hamas thugs and most likely burying countless munitions and weapons. The tunnels themselves would focus and direct the blast wave far beyond the original explosion. Many of the tunnels have entrances in homes, schools, religious buildings etc, and this type of explosion would further reveal previously unknown tunnels and networks.

Brutal enough? When dealing with terrorists and their supporters I don’t think so. In fact I think I have been remarkably restrained.

Back To The Real World.

Let us depart from fantasy and suffer a dose of reality.

This level of response would lead to a worldwide uproar against Israel. Not only because of the actions themselves but because of the threat to so many countries energy grids. To which I say, how’s that greenie BS your local commies sold you on working for you now? Maybe it’s time you stopped your environmentalist whacko virtue signalling and actually started caring for your own people America, Europe, Central America, Asia etc.

The price of gas would go through the roof. It’s an open question as to whether or not other Arab countries would move in to pick up the slack (and profits) but it may serve as an impetus for America to reclaim the energy independence the meat puppet Biden gave away on day one of his alleged presidency.

I also wonder, despite all the public blustering that would occur, just how deeply the worlds “outrage” would run. I suspect very few world leaders actually support terrorism (outside of virtue signalling and those using terror to maintain their own grips on power) and removing the worlds largest state sponsor of terror would have some clear benefits to all the sane world leaders.

It saddens me to note that America would never allow Israel to actually help save the world from the evil of Iran and it’s lunatic mullahs. The meat puppet Biden (in an obvious attempt to improve terrorist working conditions) has already told Israel that they cannot have any more American rifles unless Israel promises not to allow civilians have have access to them. As stupid as this is it makes sense when you realize that virtually all of the Kenyan moslem little Barry’s Israel haters are still in the government and doing their level best, even now, to make life for Israel as difficult as possible.

Despite saying Israel has a right to defend herself, the American government has taken the line that Israel should now go out of it’s way to keep from harming “innocent” civilians (Gaza squatters). They are also now insisting Israel implement a “humanitarian” ceasefire. Let’s be clear, ceasefire is simply a term used by Israel haters to save Hamas terrorist lives. It is a thinly disguised attempt to get Hamas some breathing room and time to reorganize and resupply. Israel should ignore any ceasefire request that doesn’t include the immediate release of all hostages and the return of all dead hostages. Once the hostages are safe Israel should treat Hamas they way Hamas treats them, resume the all out killing of Hamas terrorists as fast as they can be found, continue the destruction of their operational abilities and the worlds opinion be damned. This action only furthers the lesson to Hamas and other terrorists observing that the taking of hostages is of no benefit.

Now Some Tragic Truths.

Then there is this utterly disheartening news, in America:

63% of millennials and Gen Zers asked didn’t know that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.

48% of millennials and Gen Z couldn’t name one single concentration camp.

56% of millennials and Gen Z were unable to identify Auschwitz.

11% of millennials and Gen Z believe that Jews caused the Holocaust.

49% of millennials and Gen Z have seen holocaust denial on social networks.

You can thank a teacher for this tragic lack of knowledge.

Millions of so called Palestinian supporters worldwide have stopped demanding a two state solution and are now demanding that Palestine be free of Jews “from the river to the sea.” English translation, all the Jews must be eliminated.

Despite some public sympathy for Israel the United States is rapidly moving to support Hamas and it’s sponsor state Iran. The Biden administration just released another ten billion dollars that Iran has promised to use as they see fit. English translation, funding more terror world wide.

The Biden administration is currently pressuring Israel behind the scenes to stop it’s destruction of Hamas, often citing the lunatic concept of Israel limiting itself to a proportional response. Like Israel would murder babies, rape women and take hostages.

The Biden administration and the moronic American media keep quoting so called death figures from the Hamas run health care ministry as if they are the Gospel truth. You know, the “ministry” that the media knows has routinely and reliably lied about everything since it’s inception.

Hamas has now raised three generations to virulently hate Jews. Children in Gaza are taught from day one that Jews are animals, that Jews are to be killed at will and that Jews are the oppressors. Beginning in what would be kindergarten in America, Hamas teaches children how to kill Jews. The indoctrination continues throughout the child’s life. What better example can be found than one of the Oct 7th terrorists calling his parents to boast that he had killed ten Israelis with his own hands and listening to his parents gloat with him. After a lifetimes indoctrination and brainwashing I seriously question just how many of these adults or “children” can successfully be deprogrammed without a .45 caliber conversion.

Finally, Some History.

Some twenty plus years ago Israel gave Gaza to the squatters living there in an effort to use land for peace. It was an honest attempt at a two state solution that cost Israel dearly. The squatters were given state of the art green houses that grew a wide variety of produce and huge water desalination plants to make fresh water. They were given the homes of the thousands of Israeli citizen the Israeli government forcibly removed from Gaza. Since then Israel has supplied free electricity, water, employment opportunities and millions (in addition to the billions given by other governments) in humanitarian assistance. The radical jihadist terrorist group Hamas pushed out the terrorist PLO/PLA and took control of the government. Hamas uses and exploits Gaza as a terrorist base camp to further it’s openly stated goal of annihilating the Jews in an actual genocide. They freely admit that, outside of enriching their top leadership, they have no other plans.

Part of eliminating Hamas is killing them as fast as they are found. It should also include denying them any logistical support including operating bases. The simple fact is that since Gaza was given away it has never been anything but a forward operating base for a group of bloodthirsty butchers called Hamas and their willing and compliant supporters. It’s high time Gaza was recognized for what it is, a forward operating base for terrorists and that it was treated as such.

Finally, just think how happy you could make all the brave moslem warriors hiding behind their cute little masks and human shields by sending them to paradise to meet their 72 virgins.

The terrorists believe God is great and I believe we should arrange their meeting.

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Filed under Islam, liberals, media, politics

When You Understand Islam Afghanistan Makes Perfect Sense

It’s an open secret that Joe Biden is a puppet president. He has been a walking shell of a man since before the presidential campaign. How he was installed into the oval office is another article. The point of this one is to consider the idea that it’s former president, The Kenyan little Barry, a moslem deep in the religious practice of taqiyya, calling the shots with the end goal of establishing the dominance of islam everywhere possible. He has even gone on record saying that the Biden administration was simply a continuation of his presidency.

A proper analyses would take a book length effort. Remember though, he spent his entire presidency assisting, enriching and surrendering to islamic extremists. He only agreed to kill Bin Laden to save his political career. He bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, said the moslem call to prayer was the sweetest sound on earth and killed domestic energy production to force us to buy middle east oil knowing full well many of those dollars would end up funding terrorism. He insisted that Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, be allowed to have nuclear weapons, which they will use on Israel. The pattern should be clear.

I offer some points to consider.

Point. “Biden” has installed dozens of The Kenyan little Barry’s moslem/communist fellow travelers in key positions throughout “his” administration. The key being Susan Rice.

Secondary point. The Kenyan had eight years to fill the government with deep state actors loyal to him and his agenda. The vast majority of them remain in place today.

Who benefits. Deep staters, new world order types, America haters, moslem terrorists and third world dictators to name a few.

Point. While “Biden” claims to be tied to Trump’s withdrawal date he in fact isn’t.

Who benefits. The Taliban by taking over Afghanistan unopposed, democrats by pretending they are following “Trump’s” plan which they know they aren’t. Moslem terror groups who now have a safe haven to train, plan and operate in.

Point. “Biden” needlessly surrendered Bagram Airbase to the Taliban in the middle of the night, denying the Afghan military the opportunity to use the base in the defense of their country. Bagram, a crown jewel that cost us a fortune in blood and treasure, was given away without cost to our sworn enemy.

Secondary point. This allowed the release of thousands of terrorists held in prison there.

Who benefits. Without firing a shot the Taliban deprived the Afghans of one of their most important assets in the defense of their country. Numerous terrorist groups can now reconstitute themselves overnight, America has lost it’s ability to monitor terrorism in country/region and now must respond to terrorism threats/actions from “over the horizon”

Point. “Biden” and his co-conspirators in this atrocity have repeatedly and publicly placed America in the subservient position to a group of cave dwelling murderers who claim allegiance to a murdering rapist pedophile.

Who benefits. The Taliban gets the propaganda victory of humiliating America on the world stage. They get to show the “superiority” of seventh century islam over the modern western world. In practical terms this means terrorist groups will be able to fund-raise hundreds of millions of dollars, recruitment of terrorists will accelerate and terrorism against us and the western world will resume in earnest.

Point. “Biden” made it a point to deliberately and publicly abandon American citizens in Afghanistan.

Who benefits. The Taliban will turn these Americans into hostage situations. While many will no doubt be ransomed off others will held for political gains such as stopping military aid to Israel and releasing terrorists from club Gitmo.

Point. “Biden” had our military openly harass our allies as they tried to get their civilians out of Afghanistan.

Who benefits. This one mainly benefits our other global enemies, China, Iran and Russia. These actions will cause much distrust between us and our allies who now openly question whether America can be trusted. Sadly, the people of Taiwan, Israel and Ukraine may end up paying the ultimate price for this.

Point. The “Biden” led state department openly fought private charities trying to get American citizens and Christian Afghans marked for death by being burned alive out of the country. The state department went so far as to force at least one plane full of refugees that had left Afghanistan to return and actually threatened countries that had agreed to accept those refugees.

Who benefits. The Taliban gets to demonstrate the futility of working with the west. They get to impose their version of religion on anyone who dared depart from islam by publicly enforcing the death penalty on them, deterring anyone who may harbor thoughts of resisting them in the future. They claim the propaganda victory of islam over Christianity.

Point. “Biden” surrendered billions of dollars in modern American weapons, equipment and technology to the Taliban.

Who benefits. The Taliban gained overnight and without any effort a modern military arsenal becoming in one fell swoop, better equipped than many nations. All the weapons they decide not to use will be sold to those who will use them against us or our allies. Some of our most secret technology will be sold or given to our global enemies, degrading our and our allies that use the same technology, ability to defend ourselves

Point. “Biden” made sure a list of every American left behind and every Afghan who helped or worked with America was provided to the Taliban.

Who benefits. The Taliban as the Americans will soon be hostages. The Afghans will be hunted down and, along with their families, tortured and killed as a warning to any who would think to oppose them. This warning will be broadcast clearly throughout the middle east and the world.

I think by now you understand the concept. Only the truly bad guys won here and no one was more supportive of these particular bad guys ( moslems ) than the Kenyan little Barry.

Some will defend Biden saying it was just some mistakes. If that were true then, statistically speaking, some of those mistakes would have benefited America or those desperately trying to save their and their families lives. Even a cursory glance at the last two weeks will show no benefits to America in any way.

The evidence is clear. Everything you saw was done on purpose. Every. Last. Bit. Of. It.

Someone, using Biden as the public face, was able to use Afghanistan to shiv America in the back.

And the Kenyan little Barry smiles.

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Filed under Culture, Islam, liberals, politics, taqyiyya

The Rape Of Afghanistan

Today, 16 August 2021, is a date which will live in infamy. On this day America, through the device of democrat “leadership”, surrendered unconditionally to the terrorist organization known as the Taliban. Democrats have never met a bloodthirsty, totalitarian regime they didn’t love.

Never a truer word has been spoken.

Because of Biden’s “leadership” women in Afghanistan will now be reduced to sex slave status. Given democrat proclivities (Bill Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, Anthony Wiener, Barney Frank et al) it’s little wonder democrats see no problems here.

During Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution it was said to be common for anyone who wore eyeglasses to be tortured and killed because they were viewed as having been corrupted by western thought. Following Mao’s lead women in Afghanistan who have been educated, learned to read, had jobs outside the home and learned to think for themselves, will be forcibly “re-educated” by the Taliban. The Taliban will use such modern teaching tools as endless rapes, beatings and other “inventive” teaching concepts such as beheading women in front of their children. Those who cannot be “saved” from “western contamination” will be publicly executed. Feminists and democrats, but I repeat myself, could not seem to care less.

As we speak Taliban thugs are going door to door kidnapping girls as young as twelve to be “married” off to Taliban fighters. English translation, given as sex slaves. The brutal raping of twelve year old’s is coming true in all it’s awful horror. Feminists and democrats, but I repeat myself, remain silent.

The Taliban do not limit themselves to twelve year old girls. In a long held “tradition” I refuse to name, Taliban fighters take boys, as young as nine, dress them like girls, make them dance suggestively, then rape them. Democrats remain silent and the gay pedophile mafia ( “if a boy hasn’t had sex with a man by age nine he is ruined”, NAMBLA ) is insane with jealousy.

Speaking of gays, they can now be legally thrown off rooftops to their deaths again. Yes, tolerance runs deep in the Taliban. I have yet to hear GLAAD complain.

Lest you think I am as obsessed with sex as much as the average Taliban thug consider what they have planned when they are not raping the night away.

As we speak Taliban thugs are searching out anyone who may have helped America in any form. The executions, tortures and beheadings of these people will begin in earnest as soon as the Taliban have finished confiscating everyone’s weapons.’

That’s right. They are going door to door, searching everywhere and taking every weapon they can find. Soon armed resistance will not be possible. Democrats are wetting themselves in envy.

Word has already gone out to every terrorist group on the planet, come here for all your training and safe haven needs. Not to mention all the American weapons the Taliban can now sell to terror groups around the planet. By the time the Taliban is finished the blood will be knee deep. No democrat will care about that and no “mainstream” media will allow you to know that.

Did I mention the Taliban has released thousands of terrorists from prison. Democrats call that “restorative justice.” Remember that if you are one of their future victims.

As all of this occurs the traditional thuggish behavior of ordinary looting and pillaging continues unabated. After the summer of “love” democrats tolerated here in cities like Seattle, Portland etc, they clearly see no problems with such behavior. They probably just fret that there are no white owned businesses to ravage.

Tragically it’s not like this could not be predicted. Under the Kenyan little Barry the decision was made to not “de-Taliban” the country. In fact, Taliban leaders and fighters were mandated to be included in every aspect of governance, from city councils to police forces to the military to national leadership positions. This was undoubtedly done with today’s abject surrender in mind. The result was today and it was blindingly predictable. The only other way I can think to explain what happened would be to compare it to 1945 Germany. This is what would have happened had we not de-nazified the German government and civil institutions after the surrender.

In unrelated ( yeah, right ) news, Biden has just given China the green light to invade Taiwan, Iran to nuke Israel and Russia to invade Ukraine. If these events come to pass, and I can see no way around them now, millions will die.

Our enemies now no longer fear us. Even worse, our friends no longer trust us and no thinking person can blame them.

Fear not loyal citizen, your glorious military has been properly trained in both the correct hatred of all things white and the use of correct pronouns.

Thanks democrats.

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Filed under Islam, liberals, politics

Never Forget, Never Again

Another 9-11 anniversary has come and gone. It has been now 17 years since that tragic day awoke a sleeping giant in nearly the same way December 7, 1941 did. Unlike the day that will “live in infamy” the giant this time, sadly, soon went right back to sleep.

Today far to many people have no idea of the scope of what actually happened that day. That is a tragedy in and of itself. Compounding that sad reality is the fact that many of our “leaders” are just fine with that.

In Sandy, Utah, not far from my home a memorial service is held every year. It’s called “The Healing Field.” In short, it is a field of soft, green grass, with the majestic Rocky Mountains as the background, planted with a single flag for every one lost on that horrible day. Each flag carries a picture of the person who was murdered that day along with a short biography. Standing in the midst of all those flags, the true enormity of what happened that day is overwhelming. In a moment of silence one can almost hear the victims whispering to you in the flapping sounds of all those flags. No picture, no description will, or can, do it justice. It must be seen, and felt, in person.

The volunteers who man this testament to the lives stolen tell everyone that, if a flag touches you while you are walking around it is because that person wants you to get to know them. I suspect there is more truth to that than we can imagine. I have gotten to know many of the victims.

For a very short while after the attack, we were all Americans. Liberals, democrats and progressives (there is virtually no difference between them) ran to America’s defense, only to abandon her days later. That abandonment was swift, brutal, total and typical of how liberals, democrat and progressives think and act.

The poor souls who died in the towers were called “little Eichmans”, a hideous and completely fabricated NAZI reference whose only intent was to demean, or perhaps endorse, their murder.

We allowed our sworn enemy to blind us with the meaningless propaganda of “islamophobia.” We not only tolerated but accepted the inane concept that accurately describing islam made us “racists.” For the record islam is a religion not a race. (It is a sad indictment of our education system that something so blinding obvious needs to be explained)

Despite a complete lack of evidence, we have allowed ourselves to be browbeaten into accepting that hate crimes against moslems are at an all time high. In fact, nearly every “hate” crime reported ends up being an islamic perpetrated hoax. Even then, we are not allowed notice that fact.

Instead of mourning the hideousness of what was perpetrated in the name of their god, our alleged fellow citizens, the aforementioned liberals, democrats and progressives, have intentionally concocted a swirling, white hot mass of anti American vitriol which they spew with glee. For them, 9-11 is simply another “crisis” that must not be allowed “to go to waste.”

They have placed their cards on the table. They hate the country I love, the country me, my father and grandfather all served proudly. They actively despise the one country that has done more good for the entire world than any other country in the planets history. I get it. You are entitled to your opinion, however misguided, misinformed or evil it may be.

I have placed my cards on the table as well. I am just as pissed off over what happened 17 years ago now as I was then. I will not forget. I will do everything I can to be certain that something like that never happens again. I will point out at every opportunity the vapid stupidity of the America haters alleged facts. The victims, their families and those who survived 9-11 deserve nothing less.

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Filed under Culture, Islam

Islam And Some Non-PC Facts

I have never tried to hide my disdain of islam. Having studied it for the last several years I can find literally no good in it. It is a vile political system of subjugation that not only tolerates evil but demands its followers perpetuate evil in hope of salvation. I am sick of hearing how islam has been “hijacked” by extremists. As Col. Potter would say, “Pigeon pellets!” All one has to do is read the quran and the hadith to understand that the supposed hijackers of the religion of peace are actually the devout moslems allah seeks. I know because I have read the books. Have you?

Don’t take my word for it, read the books. Just be aware that the moslem group CAIR has released a sanitized, cleaner and much happier version of the quran. This is simply propaganda. I suggest you read the actual quran. A word of caution. In the beginning you will find much that seems to be common with Christianity. In fact, Christianity and islam have nothing in common. Later in the quran, if your not a hollywood liberal, rap loving creep or murderous Chicago drug dealer you will be shocked and disturbed at the pure evil espoused by this so called scripture.

Many want to try and hide the face of islam by ascribing a great history of science, art and innovation to the so called religion of peace. Really? Name the current literary moslem masterpiece. You can’t because moslems only read two books, the quran and the hadith. Name the last Oscar winning moslem film. What is the latest moslem innovation in healthcare (I don’t mean AK 47 painkillers). When was the last moslem designer trend (burkinis are not a fashion trend, they are a symbol of subjugation) featured in a Paris fashion house? Are there any gay moslem interior designers left that haven’t been thrown to their deaths off the rooftops of Gaza, Pakistan etc?

Yes, islam has a history. It is a violent, dark and bloody history. Just since 9/11 moslems have launched 29,955 terror attacks world wide. Still, that history runs much longer than just since 9/11. Allow me to partially refresh your memory.

The Shoe bomber was a moslem.

The Beltway snipers were moslems.

The HaSharon mall killer was a moslem.

The Nice, France killer was a moslem.

The Fort Hood shooter was a moslem.

The TWA flight 847 hijackers/killers were moslems.

The underwear bomber was a moslem.

The U-S.S. Cole bombers were moslems.

The Khobar Towers bombers were moslems.

The Orlando nightclub killer was a moslem.

The Madrid train bombers were moslems.

The Charlie Hebdo killers were moslems.

The Bali nightclub bombers were moslems.

The killers of Lee Rigby were moslems.

The London subway bombers were moslems.

The Luxor, Egypt killers were moslems.

The Moscow theater attackers were moslems.

The Boston Marathon bombers were moslems.

The Pan-Am flight #93 bombers were moslems.

The Air France Entebbe hijackers were moslems.

The Brussels, Belgium airport killers were moslems.

The Iranian Embassy takeover, was by moslems.

The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were moslems.

The Libyan U.S. Embassy attack was by moslems.

The Little Rock, Ark recruiting office killer was a moslem.

The Buenos Aires suicide bombers were moslems.

The Israeli Olympic team attackers were moslems.

The Kenyan U.S. Embassy bombers were moslems.

The Paris, France music hall killers were moslems.

The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were moslems.

The Beslan Russian school attackers were moslems.

The first World Trade Center bombers were moslems.

The Peshawar, Pakistan school killers were moslems.

The Bombay & Mumbai India attackers were moslems.

The Achille Lauro cruise ship hijackers were moslems.

The September 11th 2001 airline hijackers were moslems.

The Chattanooga recruiting center shooting was a moslem.

I know diversity and tolerance are the liberal watchwords of today. How do these concepts apply in the non moslem world? Let’s think about the following for a minute.

Buddhists don’t seem to have a problem living with Hindus.

Hindus don’t seem to have a problem living with Christians.

Hindus don’t seem to have a problem living with Jews.

Christians don’t seem to have a problem living with Shintos.

Shintos don’t seem to have a problem living with Confucians.

Confucians don’t seem to have a problem living with Baha’i’s.

Baha’i’s don’t seem to have a problem living with Jews.

Jews don’t seem to have a problem living with Atheists.

Atheists don’t seem to have a problem living with Buddhists.

Buddhists don’t seem to have a problem living with Sikhs.

Sikhs don’t seem to have a problem living with Hindus.

Hindus don’t seem to have a problem living with Baha’i’s.

Baha’i’s don’t seem to have a problem living with Christians.

Christians don’t seem to have a problem living with Jews.

Jews don’t seem to have a problem living with Buddhists.

Buddhists don’t seem to have a problem living with Shintos.

Shintos don’t seem to have a problem living with Atheists.

Atheists don’t seem to have a problem living with Confucians.

Confucians don’t seem to have a problem living with Hindus.

Isn’t that interesting? Seems like nearly everyone except the moslems have got this tolerance and diversity thing down. Not that all these comparisons suggest perfect peace and harmony but when is the last time you heard about a Christian suicide bomber, a Hindu airline hijacker or Shinto sniper?

It is a demonstrable fact that moslems have a problem living with Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Baha’i’s, Shintos and Atheists. Moslems have a huge problem living with other moslems.

So, where are some of the places moslems are unhappy?

They don’t seem to be happy in Afghanistan, Egypt, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria or Yemen.

As Mr. Spock would say, “Fascinating.” Moslems are not happy anywhere they are in charge. Who do they blame for this problem? Not their islamic ideology that demands of them to hate, rape, torture, enslave and kill in the name of their god. Not their hate spewing, wealth grabbing, intolerant and hypocritical leadership. Not themselves for willingly joining in and perpetuating the hate in the hopes of gaining the services of 72 virgins. They blame the countries they claim to be happy in.

None of this should be surprising considering they are simply following the edicts of their perfect man, Mohammed. Don’t know much about him? Here is a short primer. He was a polygamist warlord who launched some thirty military campaigns, leading many of them himself. After his victories he allowed, even encouraged, his armies to rape, murder, pillage and enslave to their hearts desire. He was a thief who raided caravans. He was a slave owner and trader. He ordered over a dozen massacres, employed torture at every opportunity and killed anyone who dared to disagree with him. From this comes the religion of peace?

So, where are moslems happy?

Seems they’re mostly happy in Australia. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Belgium. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Canada. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in England. Except when they are rioting, raping or killing.

Seems they’re mostly happy in France. Except when they are rioting and killing.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Germany. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in India. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Italy. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Norway. Except when they are rioting or raping.

Seems they’re mostly happy in Sweden. Except when they are rioting/raping in mass.

Seems they’re mostly happy in the USA. Except when protesting nearly everything.

Is it just me or is this religion way to comfortable with rape? Where is a feminist when you need one? Gloria Steinham, Whoopie, Lena Dunham et al, where are you?

Still, isn’t it interesting that moslems claim they are happy in almost every country that is not islamic. How do they respond to this sudden influx of happiness? After they attach themselves to the welfare teat of their host, they begin to try and force changes in their country of choice to make it resemble the islamic country they came from. So, I can’t help but wonder, if it was so bad there, why change where you are now to be an exact copy of where you left? Hint, it is the islamic principle of birth rate invasion.

So, how do moslems attempt to affect the required changes. Outside of political correctness, they do it with two kinds of organizations, military and civil, and two kinds of actions, out breeding the local population and engaging in legal and not so legal harassment and intimidation.

The military wings of islam are, but not limited to:

Abdullah Azzam Brigades: A militant offshoot of al Qaeda.

Abu Sayyaf: A small and violent islamic jihadist group/terror organization.

Al-Badr: An islamic militant group/terror organization.

Al-Nusra: Front for the Conquest of the Levant. An islamic terror organization.

Ansaru: An islamic terror organization.

Al-Qaeda: An islamic terror organization.

Boko Haram: An islamic terror organization.

Islamic Jihad: An islamic terror organization.

ISIS: An islamic terror organization.

Jemaah Islamiyah: An islamic terror organization.

Hamas: An islamic resistance movement/terror organization.

Hezbollah: The party of allah, an islamic terror organization.

Lashkar-e-Taiba: An islamic terror organization

Muslim Brotherhood: An islamic terror organization.

Palestine Liberation Front: An islamic terror organization.

Taliban: An islamic terror organization disguised as a government.

The Palistinian Authority. An islamic terror organization disguised as a government.

The civilian wings of islam are, but not limited to:

CAIR, U.S Council of moslem Organizations, The moslem Student Association, United moslem Relief, Islamic Circle of North America, The moslem Sisterhood, The Alianza islamica, The moslem Lawyers Association, The moslem American Society, The North American islamic Trust, The Association of moslem Social Scientists, The Association of moslem Scientists and Engineers, The islamic Medical Association, Moslem Youth of North America and the Moslem Businessmen Association to name a few.

For every one of these national groups there are one or more state or city equivalents throughout the nation. Here is just a sample.

The moslem Bar Association of Chicago, The islamic Society of Dayton and the moslems in New York City Project.

So now a thoughtful person must now wonder, is it possible for a devout moslem be good Americans? The short answer is no. Here is a partial explanation of why.

Theologically. No, because his allegiance is first and foremost to allah, The moon

god of Arabia.

Religiously. No, because no other religion is tolerated or accepted by allah except

islam. (quran, 2:256)(koran)

Scripturally. No, because a moslems allegiance is to the five pillars of islam and the

quran over all else.

Geographically. No, because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he must turn

towards and pray to five times a day.

Socially. No, because the quran forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

He is in fact required to either kill Christians and Jews wherever he may find them or

enslave them.

Politically. No, because he must submit to the imams and mullahs (spiritual leaders),

who teach annihilation of Israel and in particular, the destruction of America, the

great Satan.”

Domestically. No, because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (quran 4:34 )

Intellectually. No, because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is

based on biblical principles. Islamic teachings insist the bible is a corrupted book.

Philosophically. No, because islam, mohammad, and the quran do not allow for the

freedom of religion or expression. Islam demands that democracy and islam cannot

co-exist. Every moslem government is either a theocracy, dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually. No, because the Christian’s God is loving and kind, while allah is not

once referred to as Heavenly Father, nor is he even called love in the quran’s 99

excellent names.

Because of what we have learned so far, and after much study and careful deliberation, perhaps we should be very suspicious of any moslems in America. It is readily apparent the devout moslem cannot be both a ‘good’ moslem and a ‘good’ American. Your acceptance of that last statement is not required for it to be true. The moslems have openly and repeatedly said they will destroy us from within. For the devout moslem this is a religious duty/war. Again, your acceptance of that last statement is not required for it to be the truth.

In many European countries (England, France, Sweden to name a few in the news lately) there are already dozens, if not hundreds of designated moslem no go zones. In these pits of darkness hell, in the form a sharia law, reigns. Local police and prosecutors will not intervene, arrest or prosecute anyone violating their countries laws in these deadly no go zones. Let’s take a moment and learn about peaceful sharia.

An introduction to sharia law:

Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand.

Criticizing or denying any part of the quran is punishable by death.

Criticizing or denying that mohammad is a prophet is punishable by death.

Criticizing or denying allah, the moon god of islam, is punishable by death.

A moslem who becomes a non-moslem is punished by death.

A non-moslem who leads a moslem away from Islam is punished by death.

A non-moslem man who marries a moslem woman is punished by death.

A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.

Girls’ clitoris should be cut (per mohammad’s words in Book 41, kitab al-adab, hadith 5251).

A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives; mohammad can have more.

A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband’s consent to divorce.

A man can beat his wife for insubordination.

Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.

A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).

A woman’s testimony in court, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a man’s.

A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.

A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).

A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.

Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been sacrificed to allah – i.e., be halal.

Moslems should engage in Taqiyya (the islamic principle that allows one to lie, cheat, steal and even deny ones islamic faith in the advancement of islam) towards non-moslems.

The above list is no where near complete. Examples, a women needs a mans permission to receive an education, to work outside the home and needs a male escort anytime she leaves the home. Don’t even get me started on so called “honor” killings. Study sharia law and prepare to be sickened.

It is difficult to understand why supposedly intelligent people would flock to such a religion. What is even harder to understand is why we would import hundreds of thousands of these ideological primitives every year. Rational, sane people should not stand for this.

The short version is simply that if you are a brutal sixth century thug with more teeth than brain cells who enjoys raping (both women and little boys), pillaging, terrorizing, enslaving, murdering and being totally unaccountable for such actions, islam is for you.

God help us all.

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Clash Of Civilizations

Much has been made of Donald Trumps “plans” to halt moslem immigration into the United States. It is a solid idea whose time is long past. The death worshiping cult of islam now has one full standing army on our soil and the Kenyan is desperately trying to double that before he gets out of office. Parts of Michigan now have moslem no go zones where men and women are segregated even in public. (Hello ACLU, SPLC where are you now?) Terrorist recruiting stations, otherwise known as mosques, are proliferating thanks to hundreds of millions of Saudi dollars being pumped into the subversion of America. Knowing this, the Kenyan smiles.

So why is this a big deal? Isn’t islam the religion of peace? Consider this fact before you cling bitterly to the safe, comforting delusion the Kenyan offers you. Moslems have been killing themselves and non-moslems as fast as they can for the last 1,400 years. Some estimates place the death toll over that time at 270 million. Let that sink in for a minute, then tell me islam is a religion of peace.

What further cements the danger of islam to normal, civilized life is that the koran is immutable. It is the only book they read. Moslems believe it is the verbatim word of allah. This means that the koran is absolutely perfect. Because it is already perfect anyone who seeks to “reform” islam is by definition an apostate. The koran provides only one punishment for apostasy, death. Because of this the cult of islam is reform proof. Let that sink in as well.

Some say that the Kenyan is simply not aware of the damage he is causing. He and his minions they say are simply practicing deep held believes of diversity and compassion. I expect they are correct although they have misidentified just who the Kenyans compassion runs deeply for, ie not America. Those of us who are not blinded by the liberal gobbledygook of the hate America first multiculturalism set saw this from the beginning. The Kenyan did not sit in a “church” that preached hate for twenty years by accident. Hate is an integral part of his psychological makeup, but that is another article.

Hate is also an integral part of islam. In the beginning of the koran, and yes I have read the filthy novel in its entirety, mohammed is all love and peace. Those words were written before the pedophilia loving mass murder garnered much of a following. Once his status as as prophet was secured by a ravenous, murderous army he revealed his true colors. To clear up any confusion about why he was “kind and gentle” in the beginning and a butchering child rapist in the last part of the koran, he simply wrote that his last word on any matter was the correct position. To make a long story short, the last half of the koran entirely repudiates the first half. The only use for the first half of the koran now is purely as propaganda.

The Kenyan and his accomplices have given the purest form of islam, ISIS etc, vast swaths of land from which to safely operate as well as weapons, oilfields and millions of priceless historical relics/artifacts with which to raise funds. The priceless treasures ISIS cannot sell they blow up. ISIS, following the islamic model of some twenty arab states engages in slavery and torture. According to ISIS genocide of Jews and non-believers is a high priority.

So what are we doing to “combat” ISIS? Aside from denying local fighters the weapons needed to defeat ISIS and the occasional show strikes, not much. Remember, at its core we are in a battle of ideologies. ISIS fighters do not mind dying as it is their only path to paradise. What is important to know is that the Kenyan does absolutely nothing to combat the ideology of ISIS. In 2011 the Kenyan sent out a memo ordering the removal of terms like jihad or any kind of linking of terror to islam be excised completely from the training materials of all federal law enforcement, military intelligence and agencies like the CIA and FBI. The Kenyan said this was done out of concern for multiculturalism. Right, and I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. This was done strictly to try and blind the public and hide the progress of his ideological brothers in arms.

Unsatisfied with the pace of Americas subversion the Kenyan accelerated a process started in the last Bush administration, that of eliminating those in government who understood the islamic threat and were actually dedicated to fighting it. Hundreds of Generals, Admirals, Navy Captains, Army and Air Force Colonels have been quietly booted out of the military to make way for more like minded minions. In the government proper anyone in open opposition to islam is removed while dozens of highly sensitive positions have been given to militant moslem brotherhood members. The amazing thing here is that none of this is a secret. It seems no one but the Kenyan, his vile minions and folks like me really cares.

It is also no secret that the vast majority moslems who have recently come to America refuse, sometimes violently, to assimilate. Assimilation is not their goal. They practice a stealth form of jihad. You need only to look at Dearborn, Michigan to see how it works. They create their own exclusive community then out breed everyone else. When you are allowed four wives who are all fed by welfare it isn’t as difficult as you might think. The infidels who will not leave right away are often harassed until they do leave. Once these invaders have created their no go zone they take over the local government. This allows them to further and more efficiently intimidate the remaining non believers. Once they are in control of local government they are safe to plan their terror acts knowing full well the Kenyans administration will do little to impede them.

So, the cult of islam is trying to militarily defeat us. It is trying to bury us in a wave of inbred murderous religious ideologues. The Kenyan, using the power of government he has and many powers he doesn’t have, forces the ISIS agenda on us at will. What can be done about it?

While Donald is not my guy, if he will actually stop importing terrorists into America, that would be a great start. I would go farther though. Much farther. Remember, this is a battle for civilization itself. If you are comfortable with unlimited brutality, rape, torture, raging unbridled hatred, animal sacrifice (halal meat), slavery, so called honor killings, murderous intolerance and pedophilia, just to name a few of islams ideal behaviors then you need do nothing, the Kenyan will cover for you.

I think any moslem who wants to remain in America and wants to proclaim the koran as the word of God needs to publicly and in writing sign a total refutation of the islamic principle of Tyqquia, the right and duty of the moslem to lie, cheat and steal from infidels in the advancement of islam. They then must publicly and in writing completely repudiate sharia law. Any who refuse these two commonsense measures should be deported instantly and their citizenship/naturalization/green cards etc permanently stripped from them. Any moslem found violating their commitment should suffer the aforementioned consequences. This should be a one strike and you’re out policy.

Furthermore, I would ban any immigration from any country that practices sharia law at any level, funds terrorism at any level, provides aid/comfort to terrorists at any level or harms Israel in any measurable way. I would work overtime to get as many other civilized countries in the world to follow our model as possible. Any country that did so would be rewarded by a thankful America.

I would also ban the blaring calls to prayer in public as well as any form of prayer that disrupts the public, ie filling a public street/sidewalk with asses in the air.

I would ban the cruelty to animals known as Halal meat.

In the public education system islam would be identified as the death worshiping cult that it is. The true and correct history of the worlds bloodiest religion would be taught without regard to “cultural sensitivity.” Having gone on a 1400 year murder spree this death cult deserves no sympathy.

Some will doubtlessly consider my ideas harsh. I admit they are and deservedly so. This is a war and unlike so many of the Kenyans supporters I don’t want to coexist with raping murderous suicide bombers. I prefer not to fight but when I have to fight, I fight to win. Whether you like it or not islam has declared open season on western civilization, that means you and your I-phone. They seek to drag you and me back the the place they have never left, the 6th century. I have no desire to go there or to force my grandchildren to live in such a hideous place or under such an evil “religion”. So I fight everywhere I can and with whatever I can. So should you.

And because I am so cruel no, you don’t get to cover your face with your burka on your drivers license photo. Get over it or get the hell out of my country.


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