The Treason Against Reason – The Trial Of Donald Trump

The trial of Donald Trump in New York, especially when seen through the lens of coordination with the white house and numerous democratic officials and legislators, should be properly seen as an overt act of treason against the rule of law specifically and equal justice generally.

Lets unpack what the diversity hire D.A. Bragg has actually done.

First. The basis of the “crime” was a bookkeeping “error” made by an accountant loosely under the employ of Trump.

Second. The “crime” was a state misdemeanor, not the felony diversity hire Bragg has charged.

Third. When informed of the alleged “crime” the Department of Justice refused to take the case. Diversity hire Bragg himself originally passed on the case when it came up.

Four. The state Statute of Limitations had expired on the alleged crime long before diversity hire Bragg filed his current charges.

Five. Once he decided to charge Trump, diversity hire Bragg dramatically and likely illegally over charged Trump by charging each invoicing and bookkeeping entry etc as an individual felony. This is the equivalent of charging a drug dealer with a crime every time he touched his drugs.

Six. Diversity hire Bragg used highly questionable legal theory to twist a state misdemeanor into a federal election felony by claiming the original misdemeanor was a precursor to a federal election felony. By doing so diversity hire Bragg has inserted himself into federal election law where he legally has no authority to be. He has also refused to tell Trump what the second, more serious crime facilitated by the bookkeeping charge was.

Seven. The bookkeeping charges are the only charges in the indictment against Trump yet diversity hire Bragg and Judge Merchan are, in what reeks of coordination, actually trying to force the jury try the case as a conspiracy to influence the 2016 election. (The bookkeeping actions in question here happened after the election. Let that sink in.)

Eight. The Judge refuses to allow Trump to inform the jury that the Justice Department refused to prosecute him over the alleged errors.

Nine. The jury is not allowed to know that Non Disclosure Agreements like the one in question here are entirely legal. I also believe the jury has been denied the knowledge that the porn actress involved denied in writing that she ever had an affair with Trump. Interestingly enough though that didn’t stop her from taking the money.

Ten. A large part of the evidence in this case will consist of testimony from Michael Cohen. Mr. Cohen’s relationship with the truth has been, at best, questionable in prior legal proceedings.

Eleven. Judge Merchan is allowing diversity hire Bragg to introduce irrelevant evidence concerning Trump’s alleged affair with Karen McDougal. This is a blatant, unethical and legally untenable attempt on both diversity hire Bragg and Marchan’s part to sway the jury.

Twelve. Judge Merchan is in direct violation of New York states judicial ethics code that requires him to step aside in this case. His daughter is a radical democrat activist who is using her fathers positions as the trial judge to fund-raise millions of dollars for democrat causes.

Thirteen. The coordination of trial dates between the liberal judges to schedule trials and require the presence of Trump in court are direct election interference by keeping the leading candidate off the campaign trail as much as physically possible.

Thirteen. Judge Merchan has placed, and enforced, an unconstitutional gag order on Trump preventing him and several of his associates, from defending himself in the court of public opinion while allowing the prosecution and their witnesses free reign in public.

To say that democrats have stacked the deck against Trump would be the understatement of the century.

Both the diversity hire Bragg and the alleged judge Merchan have to know they have botched this trial so badly it will never survive its appeal. Maintaining the conviction isn’t the only goal here. The democrats have several goals.

First, because they have no effective response to Trump’s ability to rally his supporters, is to keep Trump off the campaign trail as much as possible.

Second, every dollar Trump spends in court related expenses is a dollar he can’t use to campaign with.

Third, the compliant media can continue their in kind campaign contributions to the Biden campaign by pummeling Trump incessantly. This has the side benefit of having the media to busy to report on the tragedy that is Bidenomics. Not that they would anyway but this provides the fig leaf of cover they can use to CYA on the issue.

Finally, having Trump labeled a felon for the campaign ads that have already been written is just an added bonus. Trump should make a campaign ad lampooning his “felon” status.

What I can’t wait to see is the infighting that will happen when both diversity hires, Bragg and James, run for the New York state governorship they both think they so richly deserve. They do not understand that they are simply useful idiots to be consumed by the party. The sense of betrayal they will experience will be delightful to contemplate and all to familiar to the people they claim to represent.

Democrats have presented a master class in how justice can be perverted.

Returning to the US Constitution and defending and following it faithfully is the only hope we have to save America from becoming the third world hell hole of democrat dreams.

The Constitution of The United States does not need to be re-imagined, it needs to be re-read, understood and re-implemented.

When the part about treason comes up, well, that speaks for itself.

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Islam And Joe Biden’s Coming Bloodbath

At a weekend rally in Dearborn, Michigan, moslems gathered to condemn both Israel for defending herself after the atrocities of Oct 7th and the United States for halfheartedly supporting Israel. Death to America chants rang though the crowd loud and proud with nary a second look by any of the so called American media. Whatever happened to “silence is violence”?

World Kitchen chef Jose Andres, having allowed a lifetime of beating eggs to inflate his machismo to apparently lunatic proportions, trashed both Israel and America because a relief convoy of his was accidentally destroyed by Israel. We mourn the loss of innocent lives but we shouldn’t ignore the fact that they entered an active war zone, at night from what I heard, with a gunman supposedly riding HAMAS style on the roof of one of the vehicles. Never mind that this aid, like all the other aid sent will be taken by force by HAMAS. Little if any will go to its intended recipients and the aid that does make it to them will only be that which is sold to them at exorbitant prices by the HAMAS leadership seeking to enrich themselves, as they always do, on the back of the “people” they claim to represent. In attacking Israel and America, HAMAS’s celebrity Chef is declaring for all to see his support of HAMAS’s actions. The America and Jew hating media is, predictably, droolingly sympathetic.

The Biden administration releases known moslem terrorist illegal aliens into the country while falling over themselves arresting 80 year old grandma’s for standing on a sidewalk by a baby murder mill. Seems like killing American babies is a job not always left to moslem terrorists. The “big guy”, as usual, wants his ten percent.

College miseducated idiots chant “from the river to the sea”, calling for a genocide against Jews whether they know it or not. I expect some of these paragons of virtue don’t really know what “from the river to the sea” actually means (another Jewish genocide) but I think far to many of them do. The media of course mindlessly props the protestors up as “brave”, “courageous” and of course “compassionate”. The useful idiots, sorry, protestors, are in fact none of those things.

One thing all these useful idiots, it’s difficult to think of them as normal people because normal people recoil in horror at what HAMAS did, have in common is they blather mindlessly about Israel over reacting. If Israel had carpet bombed the streets of the Gaza Strip while all the “poor, oppressed Palestinians” were celebrating the Oct 7th actions of HAMAS, parading through the streets with their hostages, murder victims, stolen goods and dancing in the streets, I could at least wrap my head around their argument.

Israel didn’t do that and I can make a better argument that it should have than those who squawk mindlessly about how Israel is over reacting can make supporting their position.

What is even more tragic is that America, while pretending to support Israel publicly, has turned it’s back again on the Jews. Channeling his inner Nazi, Biden now wants everything made by Jews to be marked. I can hear him now, “Come’on man, break out the gold stars, right now man! No joke!” He has also made it virtually impossible for Jewish victims to seek asylum in America. It’s the SS St. Louis all over again. Makes you wonder just how much innocent blood is enough for this puppet and his master.

Biden’s puppet-master The Kenyan Little Barry imported tens of thousands of his fellow militant moslems and deposited them in Dearborn and surrounding cities. He then allowed them to bring in their “close” relatives with some bringing their entire villages with them.

In true moslem form these new transplants promptly isolated themselves, began demanding special accommodations and created no go zones for non moslems, including police. Almost without exception crime rates in surrounding areas began rising as third world mentalities exercised themselves with virtually no restrictions. Non moslems quickly learned the futility of reporting crimes to the police because they wouldn’t, or more often couldn’t, do anything. You know because complaining about a moslem criminal equals a hate crime, islamophobia and white supremacist patriarchy, blah, blah, blah.

Don’t believe me? Look at how brutally the parent of a small child (I think she was 5 at the time) who was filmed being raped by two teen moslem boys in Idaho was vilified, even by the local government. The so called mainstream media essentially ignored the story while the local media fell over themselves to make the rapists the victims. It was pure evil on display. HAMAS and their supporters no doubt blushed with pride.

Biden, following The Kenyan’s orders, began re-funding HAMAS, Iran and numerous fellow terrorist groups on day one of “his” administration.

No one wants to talk about the fact that 70 plus percent of the misnamed Palestinians not only think what HAMAS did on Oct 7 was just fine but continue to support HAMAS and look forward to another Oct 7th style attack on Israel. This is the same HAMAS that, uses “its” people as human shields, uses mosques/schools/hospitals as weapons dumps, launches attacks from schools and hospitals, uses ambulances to transport terrorists to their targets and resupply fighters on the rare occasions they present themselves publicly, steals the international aid sent to relieve “their” peoples suffering and kills or holds hostage the aid workers bringing the aid, sells a tiny portion of that aid to their “people” at black market rates, operates a pay to slay program for the families of suicide bombers (by the way, your tax dollars indirectly fund this) and teaches their children (again, your tax dollars partially fund this) from the cradle how to hate and kill Jews.

This is the HAMAS that, upon “winning” election in 2006 executed it’s political rivals and suspended all future elections.

This is the HAMAS that has launched some 10,000 rockets indiscriminately into Israeli civilian areas, killing and wounding hundreds of innocent men, women and children.

This is the HAMAS that proudly uses mass rape of civilians as a weapon of war.

This is the HAMAS that takes hostages for fun and profit, who they routinely mentally and physically abuse, many times to the point of death.

This is the HAMAS that proudly uses every form of vile torture it can imagine against innocent civilians.

This is the HAMAS that conducts brutal and often public executions.

This is the HAMAS that kills every gay person they identify.

This is the HAMAS that films all the above for public distribution.

This is the HAMAS that keeps tens of millions of aid dollars for their “leaders” so they can live in luxury and fly on their own private jets, provides a trickle of that aid to “it’s” people then uses the rest to fund it’s terrorist operations.

These things are established facts that all the simple minded, loud mouthed “Palestinian” supporters either choose to ignore or quietly support and get angry at you for noticing. I’m looking at you celebrity chef running mouth.

Sadly, everything that happened to Israel on Oct 7 is likely going to happen here in America. I’m guessing sooner rather than later. With Biden trailing in many polls his puppet-master will need some “national security” event to allow him to exercise more fully his fourth term dictatorial instincts.

Remember, like his puppet-master The Kenyan Little Barry, Biden has also imported tens of thousands of militant moslems intent on destroying the Great Satan America. They are given cash, food, four star hotel rooms and get out of jail free cards, all of which they see, properly in my view, as signs of terminal American weakness.

Still, you can’t say we haven’t been warned. Hell, we have watched this exact same movie play out for centuries. Outside of the names and the dates the historical moslem script remains unchanged.

Lebanon used to be a peaceful Christian country known world wide as the Paris of the middle east. It is now little better than an extremist moslem run slum.

Iran, for all it’s problems under the Shah, was a peaceful, moderate, second world country where women could hold jobs and go to school without fear of having acid thrown in their faces or being ritually killed. Now it’s an extremist theocracy intent on the bloody destruction of the world to bring about it’s “Fourth Imam”.

Sweden, despite the governments best efforts to look the other way, became the rape capitol of Europe as moslems practiced their religious beliefs of women as property to be used as they see fit. They have created multiple no go zones governed by Shariah law where even police will not go and legitimate government refuses to intercede.

In England moslem rape grooming gangs operate with little fear of police or prosecution and London, once the crown jewel of the kingdom has become little more the defacto stabbing capitol of Europe. The moslem mayor of London’s response to this, tell everyone to become comfortable with a certain amount of terrorism and tax the wrong cars that dare to enter London. (Wouldn’t he make a great democrat?)

Moslems have invaded, raped, pillaged, tortured their victims, captured slaves and desecrated everything they don’t like everywhere they have ever been. The bloody brutality of moslem history exceeds by far anything any other religion can be accused of. Of course public schools no longer teach this now politically incorrect truth.

Winston Churchill tried to warn us by pointing out, “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. … A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. … the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. …

It seems few listened.

The spiritual among us realize the devil has chosen his team well and, while our so called leaders continue to ignore, manipulate and divide us, evil is in overdrive.

Evil is here in America and it has never been stronger. Our own homegrown evil has willingly been supplemented with a political ideology disguised as a religion that practices honor killings, believes God will reward them for murdering the correct people, to this day practices slavery, trains it’s children to be homicide bombers, insists that women are nothing more than property, routinely executes homosexuals and anyone who does not convert to the moslem faith.

The terrorists are here, en masse, marinated in evil, well fed, well trained, well funded and highly motivated. They see weakness everywhere and sadly, they are correct. From deep in the black heart of Iran, our Oct 7th is coming and no one seems to care about preventing it.

Perhaps one of the saddest parts of this story is that even non spiritual people should be able to see clearly the evil boastfully paraded before them. That they choose not to is perhaps an evil all it’s own.

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The Coming Bloodbath And Carrots

At a recent campaign event Trump spoke about China’s effort to take over the US EV market. China is building EV manufacturing facilities in Mexico with the idea that they will be able to import their EV’s, tariff free from Mexico. Trump correctly pointed out that if this were allowed to happen there would be an economic bloodbath in the US EV market and, by implication, downstream in our markets in general.

This should be self evident, and it is to anyone with two functional brain cells. Democrats, liberals and progressives, who work so hard to keep their limited intellectual capacity in reserve in case it’s ever needed, seem unable to process anything self evident.

First, some facts. China uses slave labor to procure the raw materials that will be used to manufacture the vehicles in question. Building the vehicles in Mexico provides extremely low labor costs and little to no regulatory or OSHA type safety overhead costs. Also, the Chinese government will heavily subsidize the vehicles production they way they do almost all their export products.

Second, everything Trump said about China’s entry into our EV market and it’s secondary effect on our economy is correct. China’s plan, if implemented, would be the economic equivalent of a bloodbath on American EV manufacturer’s.

This doesn’t even include the fact that these Chinese vehicles will spy on everything we do and say as well as when and where we go. This spying effort also includes everyone in our cars. The back door access built into every chip China produces means it’s entirely possible your shiny new, cheaply built Chinese EV could be disabled remotely at the Chinese governments whim.

I listened in amazement at the massive and undoubtedly well coordinated media assault on Donald Trump because of his use of the word bloodbath. One democrat newsreader after another was spookily trying to hint that Trump was making a threat of political violence should he lose the upcoming election. Each newsreader, having gotten the Democratic National Communist Party memo, gravely repeated and twisted the DNCP word of the day, bloodbath, to the best of their limited acting ability.

As I listened to the allegedly educated news readers I kept wondering how they could so willingly twist such an obvious truth into such a blatantly contorted lie. I get that the newsreaders are a wholly owned branch of the Democratic National Communist Party but, is there no point at which they worry about their personal credibility?



Then I remembered the great carrot cover up.

I’m sure you have never heard about this because of of big carrot and their deeply entrenched influence over the national media.

I hate to be the bearer of more bad news but I recently discovered the carefully hidden fact that nearly everyone who has died recently had consumed carrots at some point in their life. Based on that fact alone it should be clear that carrots, unlike Donald Trump, are a direct threat to humanity. I have to wonder why these deadly instruments of war haven’t been banned, or at least heavily regulated.

As deadly as carrots are shouldn’t we be air dropping them to Hamas terrorists? Maybe put some on a decoy ship for the Huthi terrorists to attack? What about carrot free zones to keep everyone safe? Shouldn’t every school principle that allows carrots to be served in the school cafeteria be charged with attempted murder?

Maybe a good place to start in the governments defense of us carrot consuming rubes would be to have the Department of Justice investigate the links between farmers, grocery stores, packagers and advertisers in the thinly veiled promotion of the use of this deadly vegetable. A couple of CNN covered, early morning, heavily armed SWAT raids on a grocery store manager or farmers bookkeeper should do to raise awareness.

Perhaps the DOT could interrupt Buttjugs highly paid vacation, cleverly disguised as a job, long enough to implement some serious safety regulations concerning the transportation of such deadly instruments. Perhaps repurposing used nuclear fuel transport pods to move carrots safely around the country? Maybe posting armed, specially trained social workers in the produce aisle might help.

Perhaps the IRS should begin implementing a special tax on the production, transportation, sale and consumption of deadly carrots. With 87,000 new revenue agents surely posting one at every cash register shouldn’t be a problem.

Perhaps the BATF should begin collecting a special stamp tax on carrots like they do on certain other weapons. Maybe even implement a national database to register every one of these dangerous vegetables and the unstable rabble that would possibly consume them, share them or advocate for their consumption. Carrot peelers and juicers, given their ability to disguise carrots, should only be issued with the proper BATF background checks and permits.

Perhaps the Treasury Department could implement special regulations on the financial transactions of such dangerous vegetables. Maybe the Treasury could begin de-banking procedures for companies that sell to many carrots. They could also limit the growers, transporters and sellers of carrots ability to access loans. For those addicted to carrots they could issue medical carrot cards.

Perhaps DARPA and their wholly owned and subsidized university research departments could begin a carrot weaponization program so carrots can be employed against our enemies. Research could be done to disguise carrots as, for example, cake, that could be secretly added to our enemies diets.

Perhaps DHS could stop worrying about drugs and human trafficking and focus their efforts on preventing deadly carrots from entering the country. I mean fentanyl only kills 100,000 or so Americans every year while carrots are clearly 100% fatal. As AOC would likely remind us if big carrot would allow her to, 100 percent is mostly more than 100,000, except when it isn’t.

Perhaps the Department of Education could develop a complicated and highly expensive educational effort, straddling that thin line between carrots deadly effects when consumed versus their admirable adult sex aid capacities. (It takes a lot to make a carrot go soft) I’m certain groups like the NEA and PTA would gladly participate in such a noble effort to save our kids, especially if they were paid with government funds to do so.

Perhaps OSHA can require complex and expensive labeling of carrots, explaining to us rubes just how dangerous carrots are when consumed. The benefits of wearing masks and gloves while handling, preparing and consuming carrots can be espoused relentlessly in an effort to save as many Americans as possible.

Tall orders all but clearly needed. I mean, if we can save just one life…

All the other vegetables, the ones known as newsreaders, journalists, congressmen, senators, local politicians, college professor’s, education administrators, union leadership, deep staters and those that reflexively vote democrat year after year, can rest easy. They will continue to be nourished by the endless stream of excrement flowing from government.

You and I will just continue to pay for it.

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Shaping Operations

When Hamas brutalized Israel on Oct 7th a friend asked me, “How long before Israel invades Gaza?” I said I wasn’t sure they would invade Gaza but if they were going to you would know if you detected shaping operations. I then had to explain what shaping operations are.

I have no doubt that the IDF, being the professionals they are, had numerous operational plans for dealing with the Gaza strip should open hostilities occur. These plans, no matter how well laid out and thoughtfully prepared, must be reviewed and adjusted in real time by current military, political and logistical considerations.

Once the decision to invade has been made, intelligence must be gathered, coordinated and interpreted. Resources must be spun up, allocated and positioned based on whatever plans or goals are being considered. Target’s need to be identified, located and prioritized. In some cases allies need to be informed, consulted or queried for support.

In some cases covert operations may be implemented, sleeper cells activated and propaganda prepared and disseminated. Selected pre-emptive strikes may be carried out. These things are called shaping actions.

If one is paying attention it is possible to know that shaping operations are being carried out right now against us in America.

Against Hamas, Israel did these things in record time. To the observant, Israel merely repeated what China has been doing to America for decades.

China, playing the long game, has been infiltrating America at every level for at least a generation. The simple fact that more Chinese single, military age men are now crossing the southern border than Mexicans is a neon sign that shaping operations are being conducted. Remember, no one leaves China without permission, let alone travels across the planet without some kind of support. At last count we know that 133,000 Chinese males 18-36 years old (the demographic of every standing army on the face of the planet by the way) have been waived into America. There is now way to know how many got a ways have made it into America. Once here they make their way to a known network of safe houses and are supported by, among other things, numerous Chinese run and supported NGO groups.

Their standing army nearly in place here, China is now well placed to use all the intelligence it has accumulated through sources like Senator Diane Feinstiens driver, Rep Eric Swalwell’s honeypot, vile America haters like the squad, the Biden crime family and thousands of sleeper agents in every government agency and university as well as their defense department research efforts.

It is well known that the Chinese military has hundreds of thousands of cyber spy’s attempting to hack into every computer system in America, daily. The Pentagon reports their systems are attacked hundreds of times a day. Every single day power grids, banking systems, water systems, transportation infrastructure and businesses of all sizes are attacked and penetrated. Just the last two weeks alone I have received several notices that my information was subject to a data breech. How many of those data breeches were implemented by the Chinese military? How many computers are now infected and will implement some hidden program at a hidden signal?

Another sign shaping operations are occurring is Chinese coordination with other hostile regimes like Venezuela, Russia, Iran, numerous terrorist groups and the drug cartels in Mexico and South America.

It’s no secret that the fentanyl crisis in America is almost entirely of Chinese origin. China provides the precursor chemicals to the drug cartels, shipping them on Chinese ships to a Chinese controlled port in Mexico. They manufacture the drug using Chinese nationals at a Chinese operated and supported single purpose built city in Mexico. China sold the presses used to make fentanyl pills to the cartels at cost. In fact, China essentially created the Senaloa cartel.

While it is important that we focus on the overdose deaths, drugs, human smuggling and sex trafficking we should also consider the fact that these cartels build criminal organizations inside America. These are often paramilitary level armed groups that can be used against soft and semi soft targets inside America. Contemplate this, China doesn’t need to control every gang in the country. Just one or two gangs in a couple of major cities could send America into a panic by taking out the power grid, shutting down an airport or blowing up government buildings. Or all of the above. What if it’s not two cities but five, or ten. Starting to see the threat yet?

It is only a matter of time before America is hit with another internal terrorist attack. I suspect that once it becomes clear Donald Trump is going to win re-election, China and her allies, Russia, Iran, North Korea and others will strike. America will be at her weakest point in generations and if they wait until Trump is inaugurated, it may be to late.

Once China and her allies make their move, the world will likely explode. Many smaller countries not directly involved will try to even scores with enemies real or perceived and grab land or resources while the “big” boys are distracted. Inside America the Great Depression will look like a summer picnic in the park. Outside America World War Two is going to look like a schoolyard sandbox dustup.

Fully invested in the “let no crisis go to waste” vein of thought, I suspect the Chinese owned and operated democratic leadership is okay with a major terrorist attack on America. They know they will not be specifically targeted only us, the great unwashed, will face the terrorist bombs and bullets. Knowing the media will parrot whatever nonsense democratic leadership spouts, said leadership prepares their talking points about white supremacy, the patriarchy and begins enforcing “solutions” to either nonexistent problems or problems they themselves have created.

These so called leaders will use whatever crisis ends up revealing itself to finish forcing us into the Chinese version of America. Your life will be governed by your social credit score. Your money will be both digital and programmable meaning you can only spend money when allowed and on what you are authorized to buy. You will be told where and when to live and work. Your speech will be strictly monitored and punished accordingly. All news and entertainment will be government approved. If, as it is now in China, you leave your home without your cell phone, you will be hunted down and prosecuted.

China will have spent untold amounts of money, caused untold levels of human suffering and tragedy yet, they will have conquered America without firing a shot.

What those fellow travelers in America do not know is that they will face the same fate as Mao’s Red Guard. After terrorizing China into accepting Mao’s bloody version of communism, Mao rewarded his most ardent supporters by executing them. Chairman Ji will be no different. A fitting punishment for such a horrible crime against humanity.

Sadly, those executions may be the only bright spot in this future.

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Some Thoughts On Illegal Immigration And Solutions

Grab a drink and a snack, this is going to take a while. Also, read this at your own peril.

The massive invasion at our southern border can no longer be successfully hidden by the mainstream media. While it is possible to physically deport the forty million plus illegals (not just the ten million waived in since the meat puppet Biden was installed in the white house) now occupying America, our current “leadership” is to gutless or outright owned by the drug cartels or dark money contributors to ever actually do that.

Fun fact. The Eisenhower administration deported over a million illegals but as a public school victim you didn’t know that.

To understand just how dangerous the wide open border is consider this. Some 30,000 plus military aged Chinese nationals, almost exclusively males, have crossed into America. Those are just the ones that we know about. There are undoubtedly thousands of got a ways we don’t know about. This should not worry you, it should terrify you. Why? Glad you asked.

First, no one leaves China without permission. Ever.

Second. One of China’s well known military strategies is called desintigration warfare, ie, destroying a target from the inside. They even published a book about it. Planting 30,000 plus sleeper agents inside America allows them, at the time of their choosing, to take out our power grid, water supplies, transportation and communication infrastructure, medical facilities and leadership at all levels. The beauty of this plan, from the Chinese perspective, is their attacks don’t have to be one hundred percent effective. A thirty percent success rate will plunge America into a full blown panic. Once this is accomplished we will be so busy just trying to contain the chaos we won’t be able to stop China from doing anything, anywhere.

Third, and you haven’t been told this but in China you cannot leave your house without your cell phone. If you do you will be hunted down by the police using the ever present surveillance network of cameras. If you are lucky you will simply be escorted to your home to retrieve your phone and given a ticket. If you’re not lucky you can end up in a slave labor camp making I-phones or Nikes for liberals in America. But wait! There’s more!

Not only will your social credit score take a major, possibly lethal, hit but so will the scores of everyone in your home at the time. Everyone you come into contact with, no matter how innocently, will be deemed potentially “infected” by the state and their social credit scores will be impacted as well. The more “diligent” state operatives will, during their investigation of your transgression, extend this “contamination” backwards in time as much as 24 hours. Talk about job security!

Conservatives find this horrifying while democrats, liberals and progressives are orgasming in their pants just thinking about having that much control over you.

So again, exactly how are 30,000 plus military aged Chinese men getting here from literally across the face of the planet when they literally have no control over their money or ability to travel? As an added bonus, tens of thousands more military aged men from a dozen other countries that actively hate us have also been waived through by the Biden administration.

Did I mention Venezuela emptying it’s prisons and Biden, knowing this, waving all those convicts right on in?

How compassionate.

Regaining control of our border is a two step process.

First, closing the border physically is crucial. Finish and fully man the fence. States should be allowed to use their National Guard units to defend their border and if a state refuses to defend the border the US military will be given the task on that states border. That solves a part of the problem.

The second is removing the illegals already here. Yes we should deport them as soon as we find them. We can also motivate illegals self deport. In many ways this is the preferred solution. Lets consider some options in that regard. The main component of such a plan would be the removal of the incentives and protections (magnets) that illegals have come to expect and now openly and sometimes violently demand.

Everything you are about to read is written through the factual lens of non citizens having extremely limited rights. The Constitutional protections we enjoy are specifically granted only to US citizens. There is no legal, ethical or moral burden upon us as victims of a crime, illegally crossing the border is a crime, to ensure the comfort and prosperity of those criminals. Nor should we allow those criminals to, as they now do, use our well deserved sense of fairness and compassion against us.

Now for the “mean” stuff.

No illegal alien arrested anywhere can be released from custody. Illegally releasing said illegal alien will be a federal crime subject to a one year minimum prison term for everyone involved in the commission of the crime. Solve the predicted prison overcrowding system by immediate deportation of those charged with minor offenses. Reasonably suspected gang affiliation equals a life time ban on being able to obtain any legal status in the US.

Another important area to start with is addressing anyone who hires illegals in any capacity, this includes under the table work. Start with minimum mandatory fines of $50,000 per alien employed. Second offense adds a 5 year minimum prison term for the person hiring or responsible for hiring, per illegal employed to the same level of fines. Any illegal caught in these situations is not only deported but loses the ability to apply for any official status in the US for a minimum of 5 years. Mandate no illegals on any federal contracted or subcontracted jobs under penalty of loss of contract, forfeiture of any income derived from said contract, inability to bid on future contracts for at least one year, automatic IRS audit of previous years business tax returns and the fine structure listed above. A side benefit is those new 87,000 armed IRS agents will now have a worthwhile reason to exist.

Ban the use of federal welfare programs by illegals. No food stamps, housing assistance, medical care (outside of stabilization), daycare, federally recognized form of ID, education, nothing. Any state that grants any of the above listed welfare to illegals using federal dollars (even if those dollars are shifted around to mask their intent) pays a penalty to the federal government in the amount the federal government determines was actually spent on illegal alien welfare support payments. States are free to spend all their money they want on supporting illegals, just not federal dollars.

Any city, county or state that declares itself officially or unofficially through it’s ordinary, regular and everyday actions, a sanctuary for illegals will have it’s elected officials responsible for the sanctuary status become sue-able civilly and criminally in federal court by anyone injured by an illegal alien. Sanctuary status achieved through any electoral process, executive order, official policy, rule or order etc. will be no shield for said officials. No class action suits will be allowed, the suits will be individually brought and pursued.

Place a 50% tariff on any goods imported from countries that support, encourage or assist, in any way, illegal immigration to the United States at any level. Tariffs will continue until the country in question demonstrates effective efforts at eliminating the transiting illegals through their country to the US for one year. You allow that caravan, train, bus convoy etc to pass through your country, pay up. All tariff funds will be used to pay for immigration enforcement or banked for the sole purpose of future immigration enforcement costs.

Place a 100% tax on all remittances to all countries that support, encourage or assist illegal immigration, in any way, to the United States. All said funds (63 billion currently), instead of being sent out of the country to corrupt politicians and drug lords, will be used to pay for immigration enforcement or banked for the sole purpose of future immigration enforcement costs.

End all special tax treatments of illegal aliens. No Child Tax Credits, no standard deductions etc. All illegals must apply for an ITIN to file a tax return and will pay a flat 40% rate. Any illegal caught not paying timely taxes are subject to up to 5 years in prison, deportation upon release and inability to obtain any status (green card, visa etc) in the US for 5 years.

Charge illegals for the actual cost of their capture, incarceration and prosecution. This includes, but is not limited to, seizing assets at the time of arrest and seizing tax refunds. Impose full, actual restoration costs on any illegal who has caused property, financial or personal damages while inside American borders.

End the outright fraud of birthright citizenship both going forward and retroactively to anyone whose parents were here illegally.

Issue green cards/visas to only legal immigrants. All others given a 30 day window, then green status is permanently vacated.

Allow state and local police agencies to determine citizenship at every interaction and require that information be submitted to a federal database made readily available to any law enforcement agency. Any illegal convicted of a crime loses the right to apply for any official status per the following time table. No charges allowed to be plea bargained down. Misdemeanors get an automatic 5 year ban, felonies 10 year ban. Cases of murder, manslaughter, rape, child pornography, sexual abuse of children or use of a deadly weapon in the commission of any crime, the ban is lifetime. Make the death penalty automatic for repeat offenders of murder, manslaughter, rape, child pornography, sexual abuse of children or use of a deadly weapon in the commission of any crime.

Any NGO that facilitates illegal immigration in any way loses it’s tax exempt status until it remains in compliance of immigration law for two years. Yet another worthwhile purpose for those 87,00 armed IRS agents. Allow individuals to sue personally any NGO personnel (in addition to federal, state and local officials) for damages done to them by an illegal alien the NGO assisted in any way. This includes church sponsored NGO’s.

End federal government supported translation services. This includes any reimbursements by the federal government to state or local authorities, business entities and NGO’s. If they think these services are important they can pay for them.

Drug and human smuggling cartels must be designated active military combatants engaged in open warfare against the US and actively engaged, wherever they hide, by the US military. That’s a nice mansion you got there Mr. Drug Lord. Sure be a shame if anything happened to it. That’s a nice jet you fly in, be a shame if it got shot down. Anyone that fires on us at the border should be met with overwhelming military force by the US military. Cartel financial assets to be seized at every opportunity and used to fund operations against them or banked for similar future use. Cartel physical operations should be targeted and eliminated at every opportunity.

Every person caught trying to cross the border will be bio-metrically identified (photo, fingerprints, DNA etc) then immediately sent back across the border. They can go back to their home country the same way they got to the border.

Eliminate illegals from counting in the census. This eliminates democrats ability to pack the House of Representatives with leftist reps.

Once these magnets are gone most illegals will self deport because contrary to popular opinion, they are not actually refugees. With the border fully secure we can even offer one way return flights to illegals willing to leave. The main benefit though will be the ability of law enforcement to focus on finding and removing those illegals who are here as operational members of the drug cartels, human traffickers and enemy agents.

Now that I have offended everyone let me add one last thing. We must reclaim the language. These are not immigrants. Immigrants come through the front door. Immigrants come here to be Americans not recreate the hell holes they left. If you do not come into America through the front door, the way my parents did, you are a criminal classified correctly as an illegal alien and should so be identified by everyone. Always.

This doesn’t mean we have to be abusive but honestly, all an illegal alien is entitled to is three meals a day and a cot to sleep on until he is returned home. Emergency life saving medical care is a given but his transgender drugs and surgery he can pay for in his home country. That’s it. No luxury hotel rooms, free meals, taxpayer funded lawyers and cell phones, endless welfare benefits or $10,000 prepaid debit cards.

Reclaiming America will not be easy. There will be much wailing and nashing of teeth. Evil and hate will rear their ugly heads at levels yet unseen by those claiming their compassion, justice and fairness is both above reproach and far superior to anything conservatives have to offer. Those of us who actually love America will be called every name in the book. I know because we already are being called every name in the book. This should not deter us. We should defend ourselves with humor and wear their assaults proudly as a badge of honor.

Yes there are rules to get here.

No it shouldn’t be easy to enter America illegally because it’s our country and we deserve to choose who comes into our home.

Yes there is a great big wall but, if you look closely, under all the bluster, misinformation, lies and propaganda, you will see a big, beautiful door.

All we ask is that you use it.

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Some Thoughts on Natalie Cline

I have been hearing about how State School Board member Natalie Cline allegedly harassed a young girl she mistook as a transgender by posting a meme on her Facebook account. I haven’t seen the meme so I can’t comment on it specifically. I am forced to rely on so called news reports as to the meme’s contents. This is worrisome as the medias relationship with the truth is generally strained and often just plain absent.

I can’t help but get the feeling we are being stampeded by groups that have a vested interest in targeting Natalie, the politicians she routinely exposes as frauds and the dark money that supports so much of her opposition. Using a willing and narrative complicit media they throw out as many highly and emotionally charged statements as they can cram into their reports. Apparently they have two overriding goals with this strategy. Getting rid of Natalie is first. Second, stop people from thinking. As my MMA instructor always taught, if you end up in a fight make your opponent so mad that he makes mistakes for you to use against him. Those opposed to Natalie want us unthinkingly mad.

Those who are not deep state or dark money actors and attack Natalie do so under two false premises.

The first is that Natalie purposely posted a meme to get a “transgender” person harassed because she is a hateful person. There is no history of malice on Natalie’s part that I have been able to locate. She has apologized and removed the post as soon as she discovered her error. In other words, she acted responsibly.

The second is that, by driving Natalie from the school board they are doing good. This is as far from reality as it is possible to be. Natalie has revealed the bias, racism, blatant sexualization of children and outright hate in our public educators by revealing their own words, programs and social media posts. She has not, as far as I’m able to tell, ever made anything up. Unlike her opposition, she is not some fiction writing, anonymous keyboard “warrior”.

Full disclosure here, I have followed Natalie’s FB page for about a year now. From what I have observed Natalie has done more in the defense of Utah’s children than all the elected leaders now trashing her combined. I find the accusation that she would target someone for harassment to be suspicious. It doesn’t fit the pattern of behavior I have become familiar with. This of course doesn’t mean targeting didn’t happen, it just means that it would feel like an extraordinary outlier based on my experience.

Apparently everyone is deeply and appropriately offended by Natalie’s brief post. The fact that she removed the meme as soon as she realized her mistake and apologized means nothing to those who value power over reason.

I suppose all those deeply offended people can rest assured they never made any social media mistakes. I suppose their perfection in that regard should be impressive. Maybe they can give us rubes lessons?

I listened to so called news reports on KRNS. Everyone they interviewed was so, insert dramatic voice, appalled, shocked, offended etc. I found myself hoping they didn’t get so worked up that they fell off their white horse as that long a fall could prove fatal.

The young lady in question was apparently the victim of further harassment by others after being identified. There is no excuse for that and I heavily condemn such harassment, assuming it’s true. I can hear the gender studies degree crowd exploding with indignation right now. That’s fine, just remember, the news over the last few years has been more interested in clicks and narratives than facts. I’m an evidence based person. Outside of the media saying so I have seen no evidence of any harassment of the young lady in question. I will stipulate that some harassment may have occurred but I will then have to then ask, what steps are being taken to identify and discipline the harassers? I say this as the father of a daughter who was brutally bullied in grade school and virtually no effort was made by her schools administrators to put a stop it even though her assailants were publicly known. Are any efforts in this direction being made by authorities? If no efforts in this regard are being made, does that not tell you something?

Apparently all the disgusted, appalled and oh so angry virtue warriors want Natalie held responsible for the alleged actions of others. While that is SOP for liberals, democrats and progressives, but I repeat myself, I find such reasoning highly disturbing and intellectually problematic. After all, using that standard we should imprison our RINO Governor and Lt. Governor every time some state employed flunkie makes off with state funds or send mom the ticket when junior runs a red light. What about the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot up the congressional baseball practice? Should Bernie be in prison for that? I know, haters find consistency annoying.

Since when, exactly, has it been okay to persecute someone for the actions of others? Is that a standard you are willing to apply to you? Or only to those you disagree with?

I used the word persecute specifically. Natalie has been an effective thorn in the side of those who believe books teaching grade schoolers how to have sex with adults not only belong in school, but should be required reading. Those are the same “educators” who believe parents have no right to know what their kids are being exposed to in school. Natalie routinely exposes them with their own words, documents and social media posts. The groomers, haters and race baiters hate her with a passion for that reason alone.

It strikes me as painfully obvious that all the hyped up, bloviating virtue signalers like Spencer “please invite me to the big kids table” Cox, Lt. Governor Deidre “don’t make me pull out my blue hair” Henderson and all the pompous, oh so concerned (about their campaign contributions from radical liberals that is) legislators are using the girl in question as a weapon just as they claim Natalie did.

This innocent girl has now been turned by the glorified, pearl clutching virtue signalers into a weapon to be used against the one voice of reason they could not otherwise silence. These individuals, along with a narrative compliant media, will continue to massage the story until they get the result they want, your children turned over to Equality Utah for values and sex education and Planned Parenthood for the requisite abortions and transition hormones.

The calls for Natalie’s head are multiplying like roaches at a greasy spoon. Many will only be satisfied with the complete destruction of Natalie’s professional and personal life. Some of these “good” people even claim to be Christians. Before you hide behind your Bible remember this caution, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

Another truism is that you don’t start taking flack until you’re over the target. Demonstrating more courage than any of our elected leaders have and most people could contemplate, Natalie has been “over the target” for a long time. She has ripped the mask of decency and normalcy off those who would sexualize our children under the guise of education, tolerance and understanding. She has also called out those who would indoctrinate children into the fraud of critical race theory.

Utah is clearly being tested at this moment and we are failing in spectacular fashion. Our RINO, deep state supported, dark money funded funded Governor and Lt. Governor along with dozens of local politicians and an often fact challenged media are being willingly led by their nose rings by pressure groups like Equality Utah. The politicians sense an easy opportunity to virtue signal by feigning their outrage. Groups like Equality Utah see an opportunity to silence one of the most devastatingly effective and revealing voices against what I believe are their indoctrination efforts aimed at children.

Sadly, Natalie may very well be sacrificed, by a mob conditioned to feel instead of think, to the false gods of the deep state, dark money and gay mafia because there is one last truism to mention.

No good deed goes unpunished.

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The 2024 Campaign – Some Thoughts

Thanks to the democrat love of chicanery this election cycle has been, and will continue to be, the most atypical in the history of American elections.

Some thoughts on the candidates.

Ron DeSantis

The victim of some very bad advice, DeSantis should have never entered the race. A fabulous Governor, he should have finished securing Florida while laying the groundwork to secure the 2028 nomination. If done correctly, which I believe he could have pulled off, he would have been unstoppable. He would make a great Attorney General for a Trump administration and the position would allow him to lay the groundwork for a 2028 run where he could do for America in eight years what he did for Florida.

Nikki Haley

Another victim of bad advice and perhaps more than a little bit of ego Nikki, despite what the media blathers on about, never had a serious opportunity to grab the nomination. She was a decent enough governor and as United Nations Ambassador was capable of doing as she was instructed. None of that especially qualifies her to be president. The fact is that her campaign was on life support until several dark, deeply leftist donors started pumping money into her campaign. She hasn’t worked very hard to distance herself from the full on commie goals of her financial backers and with a history of some really questionable comments one begins wondering just how much of her “conservative” persona is legitimate. In times as dangerous as these we can longer afford to speculate in that arena.

Viveak Ramaswamy

Like an unexpected breeze that flings a window open Viveak burst into the political scene. As a first generation American myself I can appreciate his love of America. He is clearly highly intelligent, has sincere conservative beliefs and has one of the most valuable assets I can think of, he never accepts the liberal premise when offered. In every arena I have seen him in the man is fearless. This is his first experience in full immersion politics and he has misstepped occasionally but that shouldn’t be surprising. I think Trump should make him Treasury Secretary. Should he continue on in politics I think the sky is the limit for him.

Chris Christie

Lets be honest here, this campaign was nothing more than a vanity project. It was perhaps the only thing that could pull him out of his favorite restaurant. Given the personal animus of Christie towards Trump his “campaign” was essentially a vehicle for him to exercise his leftist attack muscles while auditioning for a gig on CNN or PMSNBC. Never a real conservative he, like the lapdog he tends to be, did his democrat light friends (ie never Trumpers) work for them, attacking Trump in hopes of peeling off some of Trumps supporters.

Donald Trump

There is a theory that Trump as a candidate was on his way to the exits until democrats decided to make him prisoner number 6. The indictments, one after the other, on what many legal scholars consider spurious or highly suspicious charges, served to cement in the mind of many Americans the perception that only Trump could turn America around. After all, he had done it before and looking around them, they find themselves hoping he can do it again.

None of the other Republican primary hopefuls were remotely viable so I’m not going to cover them. The democrats essentially abandoned their primary process by fighting among each other to remove any challenger to Biden from the primary process.

Some political events.

The human wave assault on our border is at the top of nearly every survey taken about what concerns America the most. It should be because without a border you no longer have a country. Despite the medias best efforts to hide it, Americans instinctively understand that 10 million people from some 80 countries don’t randomly and suddenly decide to pull up stakes and bum rush the border. It takes money, a lot of money, to pay for the buses, planes, trains, food, water, maps and legal assistance to move that many people that quickly. It gets even thornier when Chinese military age men are waved in without so much as a cursory examination. The fact is no one, and I mean no one, gets out of China without permission. In China you cannot even leave your home without your cell phone or the police will track you down and your social credit score will take a massive hit. So just exactly how did those thousands of Chinese men get here?

The economy is another area where Americans have tremendous concerns. Most people instinctively understand that, despite what the Biden administration claims, jobs that were forced to disappear during covid are not newly created jobs when they come back after the restrictions are eliminated. They understand that inflation is at record high levels because even though their wages may have gone up slightly they are able to purchase less and less with those “larger” paychecks.

The charging of Trump over a series of imaginary or incredibly minor potential process crimes turned on the neon sign showing just how deep the corruption ran in both the government, media and in a surprise to many, academia. While it took some time for Americans to process all the charges flying around Trump they came to realize that charging Trump was simply an act of desperation in the save Joe Biden saga.

Which brings us to Joe Biden. His cognitive ability was always in question to anyone who was paying the least bit of attention. He survived the 2020 campaign basically on the political equivalent of muscle memory and press/deep state witness protection programs. He has spent his entire presidency being led by the nose by all the Kenyan little Barry’s minions that he kept in the government. The undeniable fact about cognitive decline is that it never gets better, one only continues to deteriorate. Biden, it would appear, is rapidly reaching the point where the medication that gives him moments of lucidity are no longer working. His public appearances are becoming fewer and shorter in length. He is increasingly calling a lid on his days earlier and earlier and his number of vacation days is rising quickly. For the shadow people running Biden it is now a race to see if they can drag him across the finish line before what’s left of his mind is completely gone and that fact can no longer he successfully hidden.

The power mad administrative state under Biden is running amuck in the lives of ordinary Americans and it can no longer be hidden or even partly covered up anymore. People are starting to understand that much, if not all, of the government has been successfully weaponized against them.

Some examples.

The IRS does not need 87,000 new, armed agents to pursue ten or twenty thousand millionaires.

The Border Patrol should not be a welfare/travel agency for illegals.

What is the value in gutting the military while the world starts the fires of war everywhere?

Exactly why does the Social Security Administration need paramilitary SWAT teams?

Why are the resources of the Veterans Administration being given to illegals when there is a backlog of nearly a million veterans in need?

Why is the government so deeply involved (with their partners in crime Google, Facebook etc) in the censorship of free speech of ordinary Americans?

Why does the FBI, now a widely considered a corrupt agency, need a massive new headquarters cathedral.

Why is the government so fiercely determined to put men in women’s bathrooms and locker rooms and pornography in grade schools?

Why is buying a Bible, the most popular book in history, considered a radical act by the government?

Why are peaceful, nonviolent abortion protestors facing a decade or more in prison time while thugs who assault police officers, shoplift tens of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise or are violent rioters given a total get out of jail free card?

I could go on and on but I think you can see the picture. America as founded is perniciously under siege and being slowly and methodically deconstructed.

Donald Trump was never my first choice. In fact I consider myself politically homeless. However, after comparing Trumps first term to the meat puppets first term, I will vote Trump without hesitation because a vote for anyone else is nothing more than the acceptance of a national suicide pact.

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I’m Joe Biden…And I Don’t Approve This Ad

Recently, alleged President Biden was asked by a reporter, “What’s your outlook on the economy next year?”

The meat puppet replied: “All good.  Take a look.  Start reporting it the right way.”

English translation, “report the news the way we spin it if you know what’s good for you, you lying dog-faced pony soldier.”

Joe Biden is a prime example of the democrat strategy of “failing upwards.”

I believe a major part of meat puppets life was decided when he was nearly kicked out of law school for plagiarizing. He fought hard to keep himself from being tossed out of law school and was ultimately successful. Instead of learning a lesson about hard work or diligent study, he ended up finishing near the very bottom of his class.

After graduating and in what I speculate was a rare moment of clarity, Joe the plagiarist and law school bottom feeder realized he had no ability in the practice of law and no desire to actually work for a living. Looking around his “home” state of Delaware he fostered a corrupt bargain. Going to the credit card companies, all of which were headquartered there, I’m guessing he said something like, “Get me elected and I’ll do anything you want me too.” Tragically for America and the all who have been abused by him since then, that strategy worked and is even now paying dividends to the credit card companies.

A career liar he still, to this very day, insists his first wife was killed by a drunk truck driver. He, and the media who dutifully and with crocodile tears repeat the lie, know perfectly well that the truck driver was not only not drunk but alcohol was not involved at all. The judge in the case reported that fact in an interview which is important because, surprise, surprise, surprise, the police report on the accident has disappeared. (As an aside, just how does a police report walk out of a police department? My guess is not without inside help.) The meat puppet now gets to hide behind the sympathy card while dropping his own crocodile tears to get people not paying attention to vote for him.

In a similar vein he constantly harps on his oldest sons cancer death as if the poor man died single handley saving a battalion of men under desperate siege by an overwhelming enemy. Having had cancer run in my family (including an 18 month old granddaughter) I feel for anyone who suffers. His son, yes he was a veteran, did not die in the line of duty, of a service related injury or even while on active duty. As a parent I sympathize but only to a point. I could never use the death of my child as a political talking point. The meat puppet has made a career out of it since his sons death.

In a related issue, seeing him checking his watch as the caskets of thirteen Americans, who were far more honorable than him, pass by him is exactly revealing of the meat puppets character. In a rare moment the Kenyan little Barry must have been so proud of Joe. He is so self centered, so egotistical that he is incapable of understanding just how vile that image, and the attitude that allowed it to happen, is. Especially to veterans like me. After a lifetime of moments like this what I don’t understand is why his behavior surprised anyone. (I know, the media routinely covers for him so few actually know just how reprehensible a person he truly is)

The meat puppets feelings towards ordinary Americans can best demonstrated by the current increase in social security he is recommending of a whole 3.2%. Average Americans have to get by on an average of around $1,800 of Social Security a month. The raise Biden is approving works out to, on average, $60 a month or about $700 a year. Federal government employees however are going to get, by executive order no less, on average $400 a month or on average $5,000 a year. Given that ordinary Americans have turned on the meat puppet (his approval ratings at the time of this writing are in the mid 30% range) and government employees vote overwhelmingly democrat, who exactly does Joe care about? The answer is self evident.

Then there is the whole Biden Crime Family thing. For simplicity simply consider the following in relation to Biden and his son Hunter.

First we are told the meat puppet never talked to Hunter about his alleged business dealings.

Then the story changed to, the meat puppet never talked to Hunter’s business associates.

Then the story changed to, the meat puppet never went into business with Hunter or his associates.

Then the story changed to, the meat puppet never took any money from Hunter or his alleged business associates.

Then the story changed to, the meat puppet never did anything for the money he got from Hunter or his alleged business associates.

The meat puppet did use one billion dollars to bribe the Ukrainian government to fire a special prosecutor that was investigating the company his son Hunter had an $80,000 a month, no show job at. He is on video bragging about it.

The meat puppet is owned lock, stock and barrel by the Chinese and it is so apparent only the willfully blind cannot see it. He allowed the Chinese to fly a spy balloon over many of our most sensitive areas. Instead of shooting it down in the hinterlands of Alaska before it could have learned anything of value, and possibly inconveniencing a random reindeer, the meat puppet tried to hide the very existence of the spying on us from us. When he finally decided, because of mounting political pressure, to shoot the thing down he waited until it had completed its mission and would fall into the ocean where the most sensitive parts would be safe from our recovery efforts.

He has stood silently by while his Chinese masters buy up farmland and land surrounding sensitive military bases.

He has recently instructed Border Patrol to essentially wave in Chinese military age men crossing the southern border in record numbers.

To further the Chinese goal of gutting our military he has pushed the BLM and LGBTQWTF agendas down the throats of our services. Recruiting goals are down. Experienced and highly trained soldiers are leaving the services or are being purged in record numbers and their commanders are more focused on DEI than winning the coming wars.

On day one of his alleged presidency the meat puppet gleefully destroyed Americas energy independence. The fact that he killed hundreds of thousands of good paying union jobs meant nothing to him. His Chinese masters had given him his orders and like the owned fool he is, he did as he was told. Then, when it came time for the midterms he drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, you know, the oil we saved for our military to use in a time of crisis, to buy votes for democrats by artificially pushing the price of gas down until after the election. Lost in the shuffle was the fact the meat puppet sold millions of barrels of that same oil to his Chinese masters and did so at a discount.

By killing Americas oil industry he forced us to give billions of dollars in oil purchases to terrorist regimes that both hate us and fund terrorists.

To further complete the destruction of America as founded he has, since day one, not only removed the border from existence but advertised for illegals to get here as fast as they can. He has morphed the U S Border Patrol from a law enforcement agency into a combination welcome wagon/processing organization/travel agency for illegals. He has gone so far as to have airlines fly un-named, un-screened illegals to anywhere they want to go. He is suing the state of Texas to stop the state from arresting illegals for trespassing and deporting them. He has ordered Border Patrol to cut open doors in the border wall that were welded shut and cut razor wire that Texas used to control a portion of the border.

Spitting in the face of American veterans he has now ordered the Veterans Administration to divert its resources to help illegals. Sorry veterans, that illegal alien MS13 gang member in Baltimore gets your healthcare.

I won’t go into Joe’s apparent pedophile tendencies (including with his daughter) and unseemly physical behavior with women throughout the years. He has been credibly accused of rape at least once. I won’t go into the fact that he has kept, in violation of numerous laws and in unsecured locations, numerous top secret documents since his earliest days in government.

Today Biden says the correct things publicly concerning Israel. Privately he insists that Hamas is acceptable as a governing body in Gaza and deserves to be recognized and further supported. He knows Hamas makes its living killing innocents, putting infants in ovens, raping women indiscriminately takes and tortures hostages and steals virtually every dollar of aid sent by the world help the squatters in Gaza. Somehow, he is just fine with that.

Joe Biden is, in the vein of this article, is a target rich environment. This alleged man has spent fifty years engaging in this type of behavior. This alone proves that his actions are innate, an integral part of him. While I could, and probably should, fill a book about the meat puppet and his grifting, hate mongering deconstruction of America, I won’t do it here.

Nothing I have talked about here concerning the meat puppet is remotely untrue. The facts of everything I have written about are easy to find. Yet the meat puppets supporters will blast me as a racist hater, a purveyor of the patriarchy or some kind of evil right wing extremist. Some of the more devoted (mentally ill?) supporters will accuse me of lying or intentionally misunderstanding Biden and his actions. I have done neither. I have simply allowed the meat puppets actions to speak for themselves.

Reasonable people can draw reasonable conclusions from clearly evident facts. Liberals, leftists and democrats, but I repeat myself, cannot tolerate the slightest exposure to the truth. When it comes to the meat puppet Biden they will lose their tiny little minds at the possibility of anyone bursting the carefully constructed bubble of delusions they have chosen to live in.

The reality apparently has that effect on liberals.

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We Have Forgotten Who We Are

Everyone forgets things. It’s human nature. Sometimes people like me simply run out of room in the old and well used memory banks. Other times we no longer assign any value to something and it fades from memory for lack of use. Generally we forget things without meaning to, except when we don’t.

Sometimes though we were never taught, for example, who we were, where we came from or why that knowledge is important.

Americans no longer know who we are.

This is by design. The current flooding of America by 8-10 million illegal aliens in the four years of Biden’s administration is only the recent application of this tactic (it’s been used before by every democratic president in the last 60 years) by those who seek to dismantle America as founded.

Understand, those who are being imported here (and they are being imported, someone is paying for all these people to travel thousands of miles) are not even being asked to assimilate into American culture. Instead these new arrivals are encouraged to recreate the hell holes they claim to be leaving here. Doubt me? Have you seen Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle or any of a dozen other major cities lately? Not only have gangs and drug cartels taken advantage of our wide open border. Many countries are emptying their prisons by sending their thugs, rapists and killers here.

As an aside, I have a small, part time job at a national auto parts store chain. At least two-three times a week I will encounter a Spanish speaker who claims they cannot speak English and actually gets upset when I inform them I do not speak Spanish. Oddly enough, they often know enough English to curse me on the way out the door. Thanks Joe.

To get these illegals here in massive numbers democrats promise them free housing, healthcare, education and cash just for making it across the border. They are being prioritized for care and support over our veterans. This is especially egregious as we owe veterans so much. No veteran should be homeless so an illegal can be put up in a four star hotel complete with meals, internet and a swimming pool.

The drug lords in Mexico are now not only running our border but large parts of many American cities. Untold volumes of drugs cross our border with impunity. Sex slavery and human trafficking are at all time highs. Potentially tens of thousands of terrorists and subversives have entered our country and been dispersed throughout the country by a complicit government. Something like 100,000 Americans die every year from fentanyl overdoses. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are victims of crimes from simple robbery to assault, rape and murder by illegals who are far to often repeat offenders. Millions of illegals, given drivers licenses by states, now vote illegally in our elections. Nearly sixty plus billion dollars are sent out of America every year by illegals to countries of origin, removing those dollars from our economy and going, for the most part, to drug lords, corrupt politicians and gang leaders. I could go on but I think you can start seeing the picture by now.

Mideast terror groups like Hamas have likely infiltrated America. China, in a likely attempt to foster internal sabotage of America in the event of a conflict here or elsewhere (Taiwan), has sent thousands of military aged men across our border.

My grandmother came to America in 1947 from Germany. She was a proud and fierce women (and WWII survivor) who once told someone, “I may have came from Germany but I am American.” While German was frequently spoken at home she never demanded anyone speak German, never flew a German flag and was as law abiding a person as I have ever met. She was proud to show her ID when she voted.

America, out of many one, is being dissolved before our eyes.

We no longer know where we came from.

Actual American history has not been taught since Howard Zinn propagandized it (his “textbooks” were a literal exercise in anti American propaganda) back in the 1970’s. World history, as taught in the public education system, has fared even worse. Students today are, at best, taught to memorize a small set of names and dates. They are discouraged from learning any surrounding historical context. Primary source documents are excluded from study. In some school districts students are no longer taught to read or write cursive. Is this to prevent them from reading documents like the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights in their original form?

Students are openly lied to about our founding fathers, slavery, the civil war, climate change, so called indigenous Americans, so called gender and whatever the current fad dictates. The current fad now is the sexual grooming of our children. Children are now taught that most historical figures of any importance were lgbtq, whether there is evidence to support the claim or not.

We no longer have public school graduates, we have highly indoctrinated public school victims. Sadly, our college graduates fare even worse. Our colleges and universities no longer graduate thinkers, builders and dreamers. Today they produce only deeply flawed and indoctrinated useful idiots.

America is no longer remembered as the country that fought to gain it’s freedom from an oppressive monarchy, sacrificed 600,000 of it’s sons to end the scourge of slavery, turned itself into the economic engine that won world war two, put men on the moon and at least a thousand other amazing accomplishments. As a country we were never perfect but up until the election of The Kenyan little Barry we were constantly improving.

We no longer know what we used to be.

Americans used to be wildly self sufficient. We grew most of our own food, especially in WW II (does anyone remember victory gardens?). We canned the food we grew for hard times. We cooked meals instead of microwaving some over processed food like product. We ate meals together around an actual kitchen table and talked with each other. We repaired things instead of throwing them away. We actually wrote letters, and when we did so we used entire words not a series of disconnected letters. We actually read the newspaper instead of simply glancing over the headlines. We knew that a trip to the “woodshed” was both earned on our part and not a criminal offense on the part of the father we forced by our behavior into administering the discipline. We instinctively understood that men and women were different yet equally to be valued. No one would have dreamed of going out in public in their pajamas. We understood that profanity was the first refuge of the weak mind and 57 tattoos and six pounds of metal in your face was a desperate cry for attention. We learned and valued the proper role and use of firearms. We recognized that the there was a higher power than us and that that wasn’t a bad thing. For many of us that higher power was God and we not only knew, but understood why the Ten Commandments were so very valuable. We understood that education meant not just learning to read, write and do math. We knew that the best education was the one that taught us to reason, to think.

We were explorers, thinkers, innovators, builders and dreamers who created, built, expanded the knowledge of dramatically or perfected the following. Advanced farming. Air conditioning. Antibiotics. Automobiles. Batteries. Blood transfusions. Bluetooth. Chemistry. Computers. Electric light. Elevators. GPS. Heart, lung, kidney etc transplants. Knee and hip replacements. Lasers. Limited government. Microwave ovens. Movies. Plastic. Powered flight. Printing press. Radio. Radar. Railroads. Robots. Sewing machines. Skyscrapers. Space flight. Telephones. Television. The assembly line. The internet. Vaccines. Washing machines. X-ray machines. I haven’t even scratched the surface with this list.

We no longer know what is real.

Starting in the 1970’s a theory known as multiculturalism began to take root in the public education system. In short, multiculturalism says all cultures are of equal value. Under this model islamic cultures that execute gays are no better or worse than American culture where gays must be exalted at any price. Multiculturalism demands that middle eastern cultures that openly practice and support slavery are just as good as any European country that outlawed slavery over a hundred years ago. Governments like the old Soviet Union who routinely terrorized their citizens are just as good as America where everyone is treated equally (I know, that’s not the case anymore) under the law.

This suspension of reality has trundled along virtually unchecked until we find ourselves today being told with straight faces that men can actually become women, that those men belong in women’s showers and locker rooms and must be allowed to compete in sports against actual women. Let me clear, there is no known, medically documented case of a biological male becoming a biological women. When you find one let’s talk. Yet the person who speaks that incontrovertible fact is asking to have abuse heaped upon them in staggering quantities.

The dispensing of reality for fantasy has oozed down deep into our culture.

Far to many of us now believe abortion, the killing of a human for often no other reason than the convenience of the mother, is healthcare. Far to many of us believe that the gruesome selling of those murdered babies parts is called “research”. It’s true, words have power because no one is against healthcare or research, right?

For far to many of us biological sex, a fact since day one, has been switched to gender which is now a choice even five year olds can make.

Far to many of us now believe that we are single handedly are destroying the environment with our insane desire to improve our standard of living. This in spite of the fact that America is the cleanest country environmentally speaking, on the planet.

Far to many of us now believe that the “mostly peaceful” riots of antifa, blm and other hate groups are reasonable expressions of frustration while Jan 6th is the worst terrorist event in American history. The looting (billions of dollars lost by retailers), property damage (billions of dollars worth), the numerous deaths as well as the injuries to over 900 police officers during those blm/antifa riots are to be ignored as if they didn’t happen.

Far to many of us now believe that skin color alone is responsible for all evil and that certain people of color literally cannot be racist or evil.

Far to many of us now believe that words equal violence, that silence equals violence (see what they are doing here, absent total agreement with the current narrative everything is violence), that censorship is healthy and that there is actually such a thing as a hate crime. For the record I believe all crime is an expression of some level of hate. Until you can explain cogently to me why it is more wrong to commit a crime against a black person than a white person, or why a person of one race must be punished more than that of another for the same crime, I will continue to believe that.

Some Final Thoughts

I believe it would be a mistake to think all these examples, and dozen of others I haven’t mentioned, have happened by accident or circumstance. America is being slowly and systematically deconstructed. Those guiding that agenda have over the years incorporated legions of useful idiots and true believers from the ranks of massively mis-educated and highly propagandized Americans. Those Americans who would have resisted this deconstruction have been conditioned to seek security and comfort instead of standing to be counted against the deconstruction efforts.

That effort has been wildly successful so far but, I sense a change in the force. Whether it is to late we will have to wait and see.

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Filed under civil rights, Culture, gun control, Islam, liberals, media, politics, The Gay Agenda

Orphaned With A Will To Survive

My brothers and sisters and I are orphans. We have been orphans for quite some time now. In fact, we have been orphaned for so long now we have become, to some extent, accustomed to our status. We have become sadly incapable of recognizing our situation, at least overtly. Instinctively we realize something is wrong but often we struggle to put a name on the cause of our discontent.

Many orphans find themselves thrust suddenly into their orphaned status. As unpleasant as that can be at least we understand that something has happened to us. With others it happens in clearly recognized stages allowing, for some at least, a time to prepare for and adjust to likely or anticipated changes. Our orphanage happened slowly, gradually. In what I think is a cruel twist of fate I believe that many of us orphans still do not realize that we have been orphaned.

As orphans we struggle with all the same things most orphans do. We wonder who we are, where we came from and what could our futures hold for us. We look around and do not understand what is happening both to us and around us. We worry, how can we fit into the world we are living in? Is there even a place for us? When we look to those who are in charge we find little hope for substantive answers to our sincerely asked questions. When they bother to answer us we are offered all knowing smiles, condescending looks and generally meaningless platitudes. If we are deemed to persistent in our questioning we are shadow banned, de-platformed or otherwise menaced or intimidated. Otherwise we are mostly we are ignored.

When we seek to learn about where we came from we are actively discouraged. We are told our past is filled with villains and scoundrels and this is to disturbing for us to understand. Even worse we are told, ideas from the past may infect us with vile or evil concepts. When we ask why this is we are told not to worry about it because our best interests are being looked out for by people we have never met and don’t know.

When we instinctively try to protect our wives, sisters and daughters we are berated as part of the male patriarchy.

When we work hard, save money and buy nice things we are called elitists.

When we express an opinion different from the approved orthodoxy we are branded as extremists.

When we express a desire for law and order to be applied equally across the board we are branded seditious revolutionaries.

When we ask that ability and character matter more than skin color we are branded racist.

When we ask that our children actually learn to read, write, do math and learn actual history we are branded as domestic terrorists.

Over the last one hundred years many of our leaders have slowly orphaned us from the values and principles that made us who and what we were. We have been the greatest country in the history of mankind. We were the shining city on the hill that everyone knew and respected. We fed much of the world. As a people our charity exceeded any bounds that could be named. We freed the world from nazism, landed men on the moon and created more innovative, useful and highly demanded new products than any country in the world.

Now, fully orphaned, millions of Americans see the country they instinctively love approaching a fork in the road of history.

If we continue our lurch leftward we descend into the destructive form of government called by various names, socialism, communism or totalitarianism. We will be forced to live under the ever watchful eye of an over bloated, uncaring, domineering government whose ever present secret police will enforce every governmental edict without thought, question, compassion or mercy. Our lives will be observed, managed and directed in every way by those who care least about us. Dissent or protest will not only not be tolerated but will in fact, be punished. Pushed into electronic cages we will even be denied our very cognitive freedom at which point, completely unable to distinguish propaganda from reality, we will be owned by our government lock, stock and barrel.

If we turn right we find ourselves returning to a place we have been before. Our guiding light will again be the U. S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We will return to a government that knows it’s only two functions are to defend the country and our rights with equal diligence. We will again understand that our Constitution is fit only for a moral people and that while adherence to religion is not a requirement for citizenship the principles known as the Ten Commandments are a solid guide for a meaningful, good and happy life.

On some level we instinctively miss the things we know worked in the past. Things like:

Saying thank you. Gracefully admitting when you’re wrong. Apologizing sincerely when you’re wrong. Being nice to everyone. Showing up on time. Honoring commitments. Listening without interrupting and talking with instead of at people. Following your dreams. Being a mentor. Calling people by name. Holding doors open for people. Always doing your best. I think you can see where this is leading.

We comprehend the following concepts in ways we don’t often fully understand, because these concepts are so often maligned.

We realize that a stable two parent family is extremely beneficial to our children and is the foundation of a healthy society.

We realize that a solid education of reading, writing, math and history (in the context of it’s time) produces children that can name more plants and animals than celebrities or Tic Toc videos and provides a solid foundation for our children to build their future on.

We know that alcohol is dangerous and drugs are deadly and not just for children.

We remember on some level that hard work is both the foundation of success and sometimes even its own reward.

We know that trust is carefully built over time and once broken is seldom rebuilt completely and always with tremendous difficulty.

We are beginning to remember how important self sufficiency was to our grandparents.

We understood how having a sense of shame served as a valuable guardrail to protect us from some of our worst instincts.

In spite of all the disadvantages thrust upon us, of all the forces diligently arrayed against us from what currently appears to be every possible angle, we have a deep and profound will to not only survive, but to thrive. We instinctively seek not equality of outcome but equality of opportunity. We understand that each of us is as much different as we are the same and that no single mold can satisfy, or contain, all of us.

We all have an innate and sometimes overwhelming desire to try our wings and fly as we will. We understand that, as we leap from the nest to stretch our wings, our desired outcome is not assured but we have the right to try.

To all those seeking to control, own, manipulate, dominate, rule or subdue us I say, let us fly!

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