Tag Archives: multicultural

Multiculturalism and the Death of a Nation

One of the recurring complaints about Common Core (a hideous attempt to complete the destruction of the public education system) by concerned parents is its slavish devotion to a tragic concept known as multiculturalism. In the liberal/progressive pantheon of sad ideas this is one of their favorites. It is clung to by liberal/progressives far more bitterly than any “conservative” clings to his religion or her guns. To understand the importance of that statement I should make sure you and I subscribe to the same definitions of the word, multiculturalism.

To the true believer, a liberal/progressive unwilling to question the gospel of the church of progressivism, multiculturalism is the single best way to make a crucial liberal point. That is, they are more tolerant, understanding and sophisticated than you.

The basic tenant of multiculturalism is that all cultures are equal. Recognizing the value of one culture over another is seen as intolerant, arrogant or even, dare I say it, racist. It is one of those sappy liberal truisms that sounds much better than it actually turns out to be in practice. Consider the current mandate that we must accept culture of the “religion” of peace.

In an outright fantasy the Kenyan wants Americans to contemplate how moslems were instrumental in our nations founding. Outside of piracy, the cult of islam is found nowhere in, near or around the founding of America. In his effort to perpetuate the religion of peace’s cultural fantasy he demands we remember all the good the cult of islam has accomplished. We are led to believe that islams self described long, uninterrupted brutal and bloody history is nothing but propaganda dreamed up by opponents of islam.

In islamic culture there are some pretty dramatic requirements not the least of which is absolute and literal devotion to the koran. Thus it is impossible to separate the “culture” of islam from their unholy book. Here are some islamic facts. The devoted molsem must kill the unbeliever. An unbeliever (if he refuses to convert to islam) can, technically, avoid death by paying a tax, in gold, to his moslem superior. The superior is then theoretically obligated to protect the unbeliever. That obligation though, is not iron clad. The unbeliever can be killed at anytime, for any reason, even if he is current in his “taxes.” The moslem superior will face no legal, criminal or spiritual consequences for the murder. A women who is raped will be put to death for having sex outside of marriage unless she can find four male witnesses to her rape. Men are allowed to rape, have sex with children and even animals. A moslem can lie, cheat and steal to advance islam without civil, criminal or religious consequence. Slavery is quite legal under islamic doctrine and still practiced in numerous moslem countries. It is required of a father to kill any of his children that transgress islam. This ungodly act is known in the culture as “Honor” killing. Some moslem clerics are still teaching that the world is flat. In a final display of tolerance, moslems routinely kill homosexuals and crucify Christians (even children are not immune from crucifixion.)

The so-called culture of islam is far worse than I have listed but I hope by now you can see the pattern and will be motivated to do your own research. If you are related to Jim Jones or a psychopathic killer then this culture will hold great appeal, otherwise it takes a stunning amount of hubris to maintain that islamic culture is equal to or better than traditional American culture. None of the examples listed above is legal or tolerated in America. Nor should they be. Anywhere. Ever. Honestly, you have to be a special kind of stupid to believe there is any kind of moral equivalency between these two cultures.

Militant black leadership latched on to multiculturalism early on. As an instrument of control/change/propaganda its value was seen, correctly, as immense. Consider so called “black” culture today. Rap music is a constant call to abuse women, do drugs, commit crime, kill cops and assault anyone who is either not black or not black enough. Many of the most radical and even the not so radical in the black population, have taken to adopting their “African” heritage. This presents both an interesting dilemma on their part and an example of the fallacy of multiculturalism. Allow me to elaborate.

The dilemma is obvious to see. The inner city Chicago young black man who decides to change his name and adopt his “African” heritage must make a choice. He is undoubtedly several generations removed from Africa and has likely no idea where in Africa he “came” from. How then is he to choose a “culture”? Africa is not a monolithic culture. It is a culturally diverse continent with a wide variety of languages, customs, traditions and beliefs. Coming, most likely, from a failed public education system the only “African” culture he likely knows is what he learns from rap and poverty pimps like Jackson and Sharpton. He has learned that welfare, crime and drug addiction are valid career options. From other so called leaders like Farrakhan who, when he is not communicating with the mothership over the north pole, demands he be part of a race war. A psychologist might describe these as limiting behaviors. Choosing to limit yourself because of your skin color is a clear demonstration of the fallacy of multiculturalism and about as anti-American as you can get.

While communicating with the mothership is not, strictly speaking, an anti-American value, the American ideals of hard work, education and self-sufficiency are about as far removed from black lives matter culture as they can be. Before multiculturalism the black family was a stable and productive institution. Typically the father and mother were married, the father worked, the family attended church and education was seen as highly desired. Solidly American values all. Even though the black families of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s were in a tough place they lacked the reflexive animosity that black “culture” is so steeped in today. That same family maintained a dignified struggle for their civil rights. That family survived racism, poverty, Jim Crow and even slavery. It took the liberal/progressive assassin known as multiculturalism to finally strangle the life out of one of the best options a young black man could have in his life, a stable family.

Since we are being forced to indulge the Mexican governments desire to re-conquer much of the western United States we must consider the cultural values of Mexico. This could be difficult as there is so much dis-information being pumped out by both the Mexican and Kenyans administrations. The devoutly Catholic, raise yourself by the bootstraps, family oriented Mexican family was largely supplanted at least a generation ago by a culture of invasive, large scale corruption. The simple fact is that vast portions of Mexico are now run by the drug lords. There is virtually no where in Mexico that corruption does not generate a safe, comfortable existence. That level of corruption, being imported from Mexico now on a mind numbingly vast scale, is taking root in America. This is demonstrated to me in my work on a nearly daily basis.

It works this way. Juan is an illegal alien. He lives with his American girlfriend and they quickly have three (the number three is important) kids. Juan and his babe, Missy, refuse to get married. Both will work a part time job but will be careful not to make enough money to endanger their welfare benefits but still make enough to try and max out the Earned Income Credit. At tax time they will file taxes separately and split the three kids, the maximum you can claim for Earned Income Credit, and Child Tax Credit between them. Add in food stamps, housing, daycare and medicade and this “family” will cost you and me tens of thousands each year. Yes Juan and Missy are “working” but they have chosen a welfare hammock over old-fashioned American self-sufficiency. Several of my friends who own businesses repeat this same story. Their “employees” will only work a certain amount of hours, period. In my experience, limited though it may be, this is standard operating procedure for illegal aliens in America. Couple this with a pervasive, intense and sometimes radical refusal to assimilate and the problems presented by such a “culture” should be self-evident. Militant moslems recognizing a good thing when they see it have adopted the same strategy.

This slavish devotion to a failed concept, multiculturalism, produces some amazing examples of what I would deem criminal stupidity. Consider these multicultural, liberal approved actions.

The Connecticut Democratic Party voted unanimously to remove the names of founding father Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson from its annual fundraising dinner.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that appears to use hate to make its founder wealthy, has published what can only be described as a “hit list” targeting twelve women (Ann Counter, Jeanine Pirro, Pamela Geller and Laura Ingraham among others) who have the temerity to point out the fraudulent and dangerous nature of multiculturalism.

The Oath of Allegiance that people recite as they become American citizens was simply too juicy a target to be passed up. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will no longer require incoming American citizens to pledge that they will “bear arms on behalf of the United States” or “perform noncombatant service” in the Armed Forces of America as part of the naturalization process.

Principal Lena Van Haren of Everett Middle School, San Francisco, was so distraught that four out of ten student body leader spots were won by her racially non-preferred candidates that she withheld the election results for over a week. She believes to many white and Asian students won. The concept of democracy apparently eludes this so-called caring but politically (multiculturally) correct educator.

Whether it is a Marine denied the right to fly the flag he fought for, the insidious insertion of islamic dietary requirements in schools, students banned from wearing red, white and blue at school or colleges installing moslem foot baths while denying Christians the right to pray, multiculturalism is evil incarnate disguised as tolerance. Its pernicious tentacles are not content to stop with the examples listed. Public and private enterprises must now be conducted in dozens of officially recognized languages. Traditional American holidays are now being substituted with more “culturally diverse” and politically acceptable holidays, Indigenous Peoples day anyone? This propaganda continues even to the point of the holiday being a complete fiction, Kwanza anyone? Through multiculturalism the United States of America, the shining city on the hill, is being slowly converted to a third world slum.

Traditional American culture was and remains special. No country in the history of the world has accomplished so much good in so little time as America. No people in the world have ever been as charitable as we Americans are. No country in the world has ever liberated as many people from evil regimes as America. No country in the world, after liberating so many, has ever asked for so little in return. America, like every single person who has ever lived, has her faults. Unlike many of the cultures the liberal/progressives seek to force us to accept as equals, America has sought to address her faults. Sometimes the progress has been slow. Nearly always the progress has been painful in some way, but progress we have. The level of perfection promised by multiculturalism is only available in the next life.

Now, some 230 years later the United States of America, the best hope for humanity faces organized self-destruction. We have allowed those who serve only their desires to lord over us. Afraid of being labeled or thought ill of, far to many good, decent patriots cower in needless fear. This is a tragic mistake for two simple reasons. First, our ideas are proven better than theirs. Second, we patriots outnumber liberal/progressives overwhelmingly.

The Kenyan and his henchmen, consolidating years of efforts by fellow travelers before them, have finished building the gallows upon which America now stands. As we speak he is gleefully attaching the rope to that same gallows. The black hood of multiculturalism is being slowly lowered over our collective heads by many of those who claim to represent us. In another time but facing a similar threat Ronald Reagan once pointed out that when America is gone there will be nowhere else to flee to. This is as correct today as it was then. There is really only one question left. What are you going to do now?

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