Tag Archives: gay marriage

PRIDE And The Selling Of Love

It is the sad time of the year. It is the time of the year when every sexual deviation is shoved down our throats by the smiling, condescending purveyors of love and tolerance. At every turn we are inundated with the “joys” and “beauty” of homersexuality. Vapid, stupidly grinning news readers (there is no such thing as a news anchor) extol the virtues of “love” homersexual style.

The rainbow flags flown everywhere by “fucking normals” (I’m quoting one of the leaders of the PRIDE event I worked a few years ago) in an attempt to virtue signal their tolerance and acceptance are little more than a visual assault on reason and normalcy.

It is the time of the year when that most protected class of individuals vociferously lay claim to the twin mantles of love and tolerance. They claim breathlessly to possess each in overwhelming abundance. Unless you do not enthusiastically endorse their behavior or ask them to stop recruiting in grade schools. Then their much vaunted love and tolerance are suddenly and brutally missing in action. Their claimed mantle of endless victimhood is simply a given, not to ever be questioned, even when the “victims” are ruthlessly crushing anyone who dares to disagree with them.

I can hear you now. Come on Sailor, aren’t you being a little bit harsh? Dear God, I wish I was.

You see, I’ve been to and in these so called PRIDE events. I’ve written about my experiences before but allow me to remind you of just what I learned.

I worked as security for two PRIDE events in Salt Lake City. Both times I spent most of my time in the Administration building where considerable sums of money were brought in throughout the day. Those who worked in the administration building were the militant, hardcore homersexual activists. As an example there were several individuals there who bragged about having unprotected sex with dozens of people in one night. It was apparently a form of competition for them. It was from these people that I learned the true functions of PRIDE events. Prepare to learn.

The first and foremost function of these events is to “normalize” their behavior. They know and understand full well that they are an extreme minority. PRIDE events are simply a public effort to place a pleasant aroma around the fetid (before you complain about the term fetid, remember the bodily orifice they are attracted to) practice of homersexuality. Many of the homersexuals I saw attending PRIDE seemed to have missed the memo as they seemed to spend all their time chasing sex and hitting on any and everyone.

The second function of PRIDE is to recruit and legitimize recruiting. In the PRIDE events I worked children were the prime targets. Sadly, there seemed to be no lower age limit on who could be recruited. As vile as that was to watch then I have no reason to doubt this practice has since diminished in any way.

The third function is to raise money from us “fucking normals” (their quote not mine), to “buy politicians, business leaders and authority figures” (again their quote not mine) and continue the propaganda war. And yes, they viewed their campaign to impose normalcy on their behavior as a war. Anyone who cannot be bought they agreed, should be compromised or preferably, destroyed. A message, they maintained, must be sent.

Finally they use the opportunity as a massive photo op. Look at all the happy homersexuals! How bad can it be? Hint, they are trying to get you to confuse lust with love.

The one thing all these objectives have in common is that they revolve around the selling of love. After all, Love wins right? Wrong, at least in the sense they use the word love. As understood for millennia, homersexuals have little use for “love.” If their “marriages” were an exercise in love they wouldn’t need some one hundred sex partners a year on average. Using the concept of love as understood for ages the homersexuals have successfully weaponized our compassion against us. Sadly, we allow it. Don’t believe me? Consider how far they have come in a short few years.

We surrendered control of the language thus losing the ability to argue. Marriage is a prime example of this surrender. For six thousand years of written human history and most likely even before then, marriage was the union of a man and a women. The homersexual lobby managed in just a few short years to change that age old and entirely reasonable understanding to a union of two people. Soon it will be just a union between people. Then, who knows? Hell, we already have people marrying themselves, pets and even trees. The homersexual destruction of the “limiting” concept of marriage is nearly complete, culturally speaking.

We allow homersexuals to recruit in our schools down to kindergarten. Children as young as five years old are now being regularly recruited and trained into the homersexual lifestyle. These poor kids who, at ages 5-7 have not fully developed the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality, are now being brainwashed with state and sometimes even parental permission into the homersexual lifestyle. A lifetime of inner torment and confusion awaits these victims of “love wins”. Weep for these poor children.

We allow militant homersexuals and the pushers of this lifestyle to punish anyone who dares to point out the very real and well studied risks, higher suicide, STD’s, substance abuse and mental illness rates to name a few, associated with the lifestyle. Yes, it is a lifestyle. Until they find the “gay gene” it will remain a lifestyle. This would seem to be painfully obvious as there are lots of former homersexuals. So much for being “born that way.”

Allow me to be clear. I don’t care how many shit covered dicks you want to put in your mouth or how many rectums you feel the need to insert your tongue into. I simply refuse to accept such behavior as generically normal. I understand such behavior might seem normal to you, in which case, based on the sheer nastiness of the aforementioned acts, I recommend getting some professional help. As an aside, just how sad is it that the sheer grossness of the above mentioned activities must be pointed out. If anything was ever self evident those would seem to qualify.

I also refuse to allow such behavior to be taught under the guise of normalcy to kids of any age, let alone 5 year old children. I consider such actions a profound act of child abuse.

If acceptance of these behaviors must be coerced, by threat or law, just how popular, good or healthy can they be?

One of the greatest hoax’s of the twentieth century was that the homersexual version of love won.

If love truly won, homersexuals would not need endless brainwashing attempts, countless normalization efforts as well as corrupt legislators and judges to enforce their deeply unpopular agenda on the rest of us.

Now you know.

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What Gay Agenda?

In 1987 Steve Warren, a militant homersexual advocate, published a chilling article titled, “Warning to the Homophobes.” I say chilling because as you read it you can see just how much of his agenda has come to pass.

Henceforth, homosexuality will be spoken of in your churches and synagogues as an“honorable estate.” Today there are, sadly, churches who actually vote on which parts of the Bible to believe. These alleged ecclesiastical leaders actively tolerate and promote homersexuality as a normal and acceptable lifestyle.

You can either let us marry people of the same sex, or better yet abolish marriage altogether. You will be expected to offer ceremonies that bless our sexual arrangements…You will also instruct your people in homosexual as well as heterosexual behavior, and you will go out of your way to make certain that homosexual youths are allowed to date, attend religious functions together, openly display affection, and enjoy each others sexuality without embarrassment or guilt. Does this really need elaboration?

If any of the older people in your midst object, you will deal with them sternly, making certain they renounce their ugly and ignorant homophobia or suffer public humiliation. Homersexuals now actively try to destroy peoples careers, businesses and families on a regular basis for no other reason than they disagree with the homersexual agenda.

You will also make certain that laws are passed forbidding discrimination against homosexuals and heavy punishments are assessed…. The over riding goal of the democratic party today is the enforced, by force of law, endorsement and celebration of homersexuality.

Finally, we will in all likelihood, want to expunge a number of passages from your Scriptures and rewrite others, eliminating preferential treatment of marriage and using words that will allow for homosexual interpretation of passages describing biblical lovers such as Ruth and Boaz or Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The homersexuals, with the help of liberals, have been actively rewriting history for the last thirty years to make as many good and decent historical figures as possible “gay” and to clean up the filthy record of actual homersexuals like Harvey Milk.

Warning: If all these things do not come to pass quickly, we will subject Orthodox Jews and Christians to the most sustained hatred and vilification in recent memory. Don’t believe him? Try not baking a cake, arranging flowers or not wanting to photograph a homersexual wedding. Many devout Christians are even today in America, being actively persecuted for nothing more drastic than not wanting to be part of a homersexual “wedding.”

We have captured the liberal establishment and the press. We have already beaten you on a number of battlefields. Homersexuals now actively and freely preach the gospel of homersexuality in the schools down to kindergarten, hollywood and even so called pop culture.

You have neither the faith nor the strength to fight us, so you might as well surrender now.” I believe he is correct about far to many people. I am not one of them.

So, what does all this mean? Well…

A few days ago the Democratically controlled House of Representatives voted 236-173 to pass the grossly mislabeled “Equality Act.”

Tragically, eight so called Republicans (cowards all) crossed party lines and voted for this travesty of a bill. I hope each and everyone is successfully primaried.

So what exactly is this “Equality” bill? The bill amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” a protected characteristic under federal anti discrimination law.

I can hear you now. Big deal sailor. What harm could possibly come from making everyone equal? If you honestly can’t answer that question I suggest getting a refund for that useless public education you were given.

Here is an easy answer for your question. The first visible result will be in boys in women’s locker rooms and bathrooms. Men claiming to be women will invade about the only private space women have left. As TARGET found out during their pathetic virtue signaling campaign, the perverts will appear in droves. Do you really want to give said perverts the cover of law? Liberals do.

Or how about this. This bill requires female athletic teams to include biological males who identify as transgender girls. Every girl athlete who dreams of pushing herself toward excellence will now potentially have compete against males with their inherent biological advantages. As a careful perusal of the news would show, this is already happening in women’s sports at many levels.

In an April 29 Washington Post op-ed three elite female athletes, Martina Navratilova, Doriane Coleman and Sanya Richards-Ross warned that the so called “Equality Act” will wreak havoc on women’s sports. “The legislation would make it unlawful to differentiate among girls and women in sports on the basis of sex for any purpose. For example, a sports team couldn’t treat a transgender woman differently from a woman who is not transgender on the grounds that the former is male-bodied,” the athletes warned.

Under this identity driven travesty men who think they are women and women who think they are men would become a “protected class” by law. Many “transgenders (by the way, there is no such thing as a transgender) can and do change their minds on their perceived sex often. I know of one case locally who changes his mind up to several times a day. This bill allows him, and others like him, to gain protected class status on a whim. This doesn’t even take into account all the fraudsters that will claim protection under the new law to insulate them from what would otherwise be crimes.

As bad as this all is, it gets worse.

This deliberate assault on reason, science and logic opens the doors of litigation and potentially drastic damages with attorneys’ fees paid by the loser. Anyone found “in violation” would be subject to fines, penalties, court orders, Justice Department prosecutions and/or a whole host of other severe enforcement measures. So much for keeping the government “out of our bedrooms.”

I think it is time Americans abandoned the much ballyhooed and completely mythical fantasy of gay tolerance towards normal Americans. And yes I used the N word. By definition 1% to 2% of anything is out of the range of normalcy. If that bothers you may I suggest spending more time in the real world.

I think it is time we stopped allowing our compassion to be weaponized against us by the militant and hateful gay lobby.

I think it is time we stood up to the deniers of biological science. There are only two “genders” and nothing you can sew on or chop off will ever change that.

I think it is time we stopped supporting groups that hate us simply because we choose not to endorse their lifestyle..

I think it is time we stopped allowing homersexuals to recruit our children in schools and public libraries. Let them breed like everyone else.

I think it is far past time that we publicly recognized the thoroughly documented pitfalls of the homersexual lifestyle and taught them to our children so they can make an informed choice.

Some will accuse me of being a “hater.” In the context they offer such nonsense, that is incorrect as anyone who knows me will attest. Even so, I do hate being lied to and lied about. You should too.

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Filed under Culture, The Gay Agenda

The Gay Agenda Forced me To Create A New Word

Someone recently posted on facebook a picture showing two Mormon missionaries knocking on a door. The caption reads, The Gay Agenda? When was the last time a gay person knocked on your door asking if you would like to hear the good news of Elton John? Sadly, this is what passes for informed opinion. There is so much wrong with the aforementioned question and the thought process that would generate it that I almost don’t know where to start. So, lets examine just a couple of concepts involved with this post.

I will start with the obvious targeting of Christians via Latter Day Saint missionaries. Full disclosure here, I am a member of the LDS faith and have been for forty years. For the record missionaries are taught to not be rude or overbearing. The easiest way to rid your self of an LDS missionary is to politely ask them to leave. It works every time. A no soliciting sign will accomplish the same thing if you are afraid to talk with young men or women who believe in God enough to sacrifice two years of their lives to share their stories with others.

If you think having a polite conversation or hanging a sign out is to much to ask then you should try being the owner of a pizza shop that doesn’t want to cater a gay wedding. The homosexual community saw the vile hatred poured upon on those poor folks as not only being justified but as being a required response. No real Christian/LDS missionary could even contemplate such a mindset, let alone act in such a reprehensible manner. How about instead of getting your opinions of Christians/LDS missionaries from politically correct sources you try the unthinkable, actually talk with them.

Second, let us be honest here, the gay community doesn’t need to knock on our doors. Their friends in hollywood and the media are in slavish overdrive trying to convince the 98.4% (CDC numbers not mine) of Americans who are not gay that being a homosexual is all that and a bag of chips. Add the muslim in chiefs forcing the preference of gays throughout the military and you have just begun to scratch the surface of the gay agenda. Yes Virginia, there is a gay agenda.

The federal government is now well into actively forcing the gay agenda into the schools. In this regard, schools today are an especially dangerous place for children.

Example, in Virginia, the states largest school district has begun expanding its “non-discrimination policy” to accommodate transgender teachers and students. The policy applies to students as early as preschool and allows teachers to stay in the classroom if they declare themselves to be a different gender and conduct themselves accordingly. When made aware of the coming change in district policy many parents became rightfully outraged. The school district, modeling the Kenyan little Barrys policy of transparency, promptly excluded the parents from school board meetings on the issue. The opposing parents are rightly concerned for privacy of their kids should “transgender” adults or students be allowed access to locker rooms and restrooms opposite of their biological gender.

In California, a state which abandoned reason decades ago, and Colorado, a state whose leadership seeks to emulate California, so called “School Bathroom” bills have been passed. In a nutshell these lunatic state legislators have decided that it is perfectly acceptable for a 14-year-old boy to just “declare” himself a girl and use the girls bathrooms. As a former 14 year old boy who had many 14 year old boys as friends and father of girls I don’t need a graduate degree to tell me there will be no good coming out of this stupidity. Careful examination of who supported, funded and pushed for these assassins of decency disguised as tolerance to become law has militant gay fingerprints all over it. Apparently teaching kindergarten age boys that anal sex with other boys is a normal tendency wasn’t enough for these perverts (sorry but teaching kindergarten boys how to have anal sex is perverted in my book). The absolute right to indoctrinate and recruit your children into a deviant lifestyle is a part of the gay agenda that must not be questioned.

Of course the practicing homosexual judge in California who ignored the will of the voters that passed Proposition 8 had no agenda. He just happened to be presiding over a case where he could benefit from his ruling, ie deciding that prop 8 was unconstitutional. Lawyers not beholden to the gay lobby call that a conflict of interest and correctly point out that the judge should have recused himself. That this judge chose his ideology over sound legal judgment and reasonable ethical practice should surprise no one paying attention. This judges sole intention from the beginning was to force normalcy on his chosen lifestyle. That too, is part of the agenda.

The gay agenda, if it isn’t clear enough yet, becomes unavoidable when considering the plight of decent God fearing Christians. We Christians must be destroyed en masse by the gay lobby because they are painfully aware that there is simply no scriptural support for their deviant lifestyle. After years of diligent study they can’t even find a scripture to misinterpret as supporting their lifestyle. There are plenty of scriptural condemnations of their behavior though. God makes it perfectly and unambiguously clear, homosexuality is not just wrong but vilely wrong.

The conduct of radical gay activists has gone from simple activism to, at times, out right terrorism. Even today words mean things. Based on their actions alone I have been required to come up with a more accurate term to describe them, homoterrorist. The homoterrorist lobby is a growing, often federally funded and actively militant group that does not seek tolerance. They demand unconditional endorsement. Don’t believe me, then consider the following.

Aloha Bed & Breakfast. A Hawaiian Christian owned business, The Aloha Bed & Breakfast was targeted by a pair of alleged homoterrorists Taeko Bufford and Diane Cervelli when the owner stated she wasn’t comfortable having the lesbians stay together in her home due to her religious beliefs.

Arlene’s Flowers. Florist Barronelle Stutzman owner of Arlene’s Flowers in Richland, Washington was fined $1,001 for refusing to provide flowers for a gay wedding. To further demonstrate his hatred of Christians the judge (and apparent coconspirator), Alex Ekstrom has opened Stutzmans savings, personal possessions and even her home up as a sacrifice to the apparent homoterrorist couple. Alleged homoterrorists Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed were referred to several other willing florists and were even offered free flowers. It seems obvious that getting flowers for the sad event was not their intent. Apparently, getting their sorry faces in the news by attacking a grandmother seems to have been the goal here. The money being extorted from this poor women by the state is just a bonus I’m sure.

Benham Brothers. The popular and successful Benham brothers Jason and David were well into the creation of a new HGTV television show called “Flip it Forward” when the homoterrorist lobby began their crying campaign over the brothers belief in the biblical definition of marriage. In a stunning lack of corporate courage (or apparent coconspirator status?) the network canceled the show.

Brendan Eich. Being rich and powerful is also no protection from the homoterroist. Remember Brendan Eich, CEO of Mozilla, the company that created Firefox. In 2008 he gave $1,000 in support of proposition 8, a marriage-definition initiative that was approved by the majority of California voters. Mr. Eich was brutally attacked and eventually lost his job. Yet one more sacrifice to the homoterrorists.

Brian Klawiter the mechanic. When Brian Klawiter of Grandville, Michigan, said he would decline to provide service to openly homosexual customers it didn’t take the homoterrorists long to demonstrate their version of tolerance. Death threats against him and his family, posting gay porn shots on his Facebook page, spray painting graffiti on his vehicles and home and at least one rock thrown through a window are the minim response required by the homotolerance brigade.

Craig James. Even the so-called conservative media isn’t immune to homoterrorism. Fox Sports Southwest broadcaster Craig James was fired after a GOP debate tape surfaced showing him expressing Christian beliefs in opposition to homosexual marriage.
Elane’s Photography. Jonathan and Elaine Huguenin, owners of Elane Photography in New Mexico were told by the states highest court that they do not have the right to refuse to photograph gay weddings. Exercising it’s Stalinist tendencies and illustrating its ignorance of the constitution (and displaying its coconspirator status?) the court said sacrificing ones religious beliefs was, “the price of citizenship.”

Hitching Post Wedding Chapel. Pastor Knapp and The Hitching Post wedding chapel in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, were targeted by the city for refusing to perform gay weddings. The case is back in court after the city refused to allow the pastor to exercise his mainstream religious beliefs.

Just Cookies. In Indiana the owners of “Just Cookies” were charged with discrimination under their city’s “sexual orientation” law for refusing to fill a special order for “rainbow cookies” for a homosexual group.

Liberty Ridge Farm. Cynthia and Robert Gifford, owners of Liberty Ridge Farm in upstate New York were fined $10,000 and assessed $1,500 in damages for not allowing a pair lesbians to use their home for a wedding. Apparent homoterrorists Jennifer McCarthy and Melisa Erwin were upset that the Giffords would allow a reception but not a wedding on their property. In a mind bending display of intellectual gymnastics, Administrative Law Judge (and apparent coconspirator) Migdalia Pares said the Giffords’ home is a place of public accommodation thus subject to the New York Human Rights law. “The fact that the Giffords also reside at Gifford Barn does not render it private,” said Pares.

Masterpiece Cakeshop. Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop was ordered by The Colorado Civil Rights Commission to celebrate homosexual unions with the baking of wedding cakes in violation of his Christian beliefs. Last I heard the case is on appeal in the courts. State commissioner (and apparent co-conspirator) Diann Rice, illustrated her tolerance toward Christians by equating them to slave owners and Nazis.

Memories Pizza. Owners of family-owned Memories Pizza in Indiana Kevin and Christie O’Connor experienced homoterrorism up close and personal when they declined to cater a hypothetical gay wedding. Death threats against the family and threatened destruction of property caused the family to close their pizzeria. In what can only be seen as a resounding repudiation of the homoterrorists an internet campaign generated some $840,000 for the terrorized family in just a few days.

North Carolina Magistrates. Even being protected by a state constitution does not deter the homoterrorist. North Carolina Magistrates Gilbert Breedlove and Thomas Holland have sued in Wake County Superior Court over direct orders to perform gay weddings and threats to be removed from the bench and or prosecuted criminally by the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts if they don’t. Unknown to the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts the state constitution protects those who live by their faith. It is a sad testament to the effectiveness of the homoterrorist that a magistrate should be forced to sue his state to remind them of their constitutional duties. The two magistrates are asking the state to follow its own constitution, return them to their jobs with an acknowledgment that they are not required to perform same sex weddings.

Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association. History is also no protection against the homoterrorist. Established in 1869, Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association was created to be a place for Christian meetings and assemblies. This made it a very attractive target for two apparent homoterrorists, Harriet Bernstein and Luisa Paster. Because of these two and their apparent accomplice, Solomon A. Metzger of the state’s Office of Administrative Law, the location no longer is used for weddings.

Phil Robertson. When evangelical Christian and “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson had the audacity to say in an interview that he believed homosexuality is a sin the homoterrorists slipped into their high heels and went into overdrive. In another shining example of corporate cowardice (or conspirator status?) A&E network tried to suspend him from the show indefinitely. A massive public firestorm in support of Phil caused the network to reinstate him.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa. Bakery owners Aaron and Melissa Klein of, Gresham, Oregon were forced to close their storefront, Sweet Cakes by Melissa, in 2013 shortly after a pair of apparent lesbian homoterrorists filed a civil rights complaint against them for declining to bake them a cake. Same-sex marriage was not legal in Oregon at the time. To reward the homoterrorists and I suspect ensure funding for the next round of attacks an Oregon administrative law judge (and apparent coconspirator?) ordered the Kleins to pay $135,000 in fines to their attackers for “emotional, mental, and physical suffering.”

Twilight Room Annex. Chris Penner, the owner of the Twilight Room Annex bar in Portland, was fined $400,000 under the Oregon Equality Act. His crime? He began excluding transsexual men who dressed as women and were using the women’s restroom. This understandably upset and worried the real women who also used the bathroom. Members of the apparent homoterrorist association (11 members) going by the name of the “T-girls” will get awards from $20,000 to 50,000 each. Oregon is clearly engaging in its own version of the war on women.

Walders. Jim and Beth Walder, Christian Bed and Breakfast owners in Illinois, are being sued by apparent homoterrorist Todd Wathen because they will not abandon their Christian beliefs on marriage.

Wildflower Inn. The Wildflower Inn in Vermont paid a settlement and shut down its wedding reception business after the homoterrorist enabling ACLU won a $10,000 civil penalty for a pair of lesbians. The inn’s owners are required to place $20,000 in a charitable trust so the lesbians can celebrate their victory over Christianity with what I can only describe as legally extorted funds.

There are more examples but I think the trend is clear. Compare the actions of these apparent homoterrorists to that of former pastor Joshua Feuerstein. Cut the Cake in Longwood, Florida, is a bakery that advertised it services on gay supportive websites. When asked to provide a cake that opposed gay weddings Cut the Cake declined. Rather than sue Joshua Feuerstein said in a tv interview, “You know what, I actually believe that Cut the Cake has every right as an American to refuse to print that on a cake.” This is exactly how tolerance works. The pastor is not offended by the denial of service he is simply pointing out the homoterrorist hypocrisy. The homosexual baker of course, is contemplating suing for damages.

There is a gay agenda. It is the state sanctioned, federal government approved targeting of Christians and their beliefs. The model has been worked and perfected once already with so called hate crimes. One of the main homoterrorist goals now is to criminalize those who adhere to their religious beliefs. These one per centers will not be stopped. There will soon be a whole new category of crimes, faith crimes. Only the blind can not see the writing on the wall and I honestly believe that level of blindness cannot exist naturally, it must be chosen.

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What Really Happens When You Redfine Marriage

It is a truism that every once in a while you come across an article that really grabs you. You know, the kind of article that confirms your beliefs in a way you had not considered before, changes your perspective or provides an epiphany. I will on occasion, re-post those kind of articles. The following piece is one of those.

Janna Danelle: Redefining marriage hurts women, children

By Janna Danelle

The push to present a positive image of same-sex families has hidden the devastation on which many are built. My children and I suffered great losses because of my former husband’s decision to identify as a gay man and throw away his life with us.

Every time a new state redefines marriage, the news is full of happy stories of gay and lesbian couples and their new families. But behind those big smiles and sunny photographs are other, more painful stories. These are left to secret, dark places. They are suppressed, and those who would tell them are silenced in the name of “marriage equality.”

But I refuse to be silent.

I represent one of those real-life stories that are kept in the shadows. I have personally felt the pain and devastation wrought by the propaganda that destroys natural families.

The divorce

In the fall of 2007, my husband of almost 10 years told me that he was gay and that he wanted a divorce. In an instant, the world that I had known and loved — the life we had built together — was shattered.

I tried to convince him to stay, to stick it out and fight to save our marriage. But my voice, my desires, my needs — and those of our two young children—no longer mattered to him. We had become disposable, because he had embraced one tiny word that had become his entire identity. Being gay trumped commitment, vows, responsibility, faith, fatherhood, marriage, friendships and community. All of this was thrown away for the sake of his new identity.

Try as I might to save our marriage, there was no stopping my husband. Our divorce was not settled in mediation or with lawyers. No, it went all the way to trial. My husband wanted primary custody of our children. His entire case can be summed up in one sentence: “I am gay, and I deserve my rights.” It worked: the judge gave him practically everything he wanted. At one point, the judge even told my husband, “If you had asked for more, I would have given it to you.”

I truly believe that judge was legislating from the bench, disregarding the facts of our particular case and simply using us—using our children— to help influence future cases. In our society, LGBT citizens are seen as marginalized victims who must be protected at all costs, even if it means stripping rights from others. By ignoring the injustice committed against me and my children, the judge seemed to think that he was correcting a larger injustice.

My husband had left us for his gay lover. They make more money than I do. There are two of them and only one of me. Even so, the judge believed that they were the victims. No matter what I said or did, I didn’t have a chance of saving our children from being bounced around like so many pieces of luggage.

A new same-sex family — built on the ruins of mine

My ex-husband and his partner went on to marry. Their first ceremony took place before our state redefined marriage. After it created same-sex marriage, they chose to have a repeat performance. In both cases, my children were forced — against my will and theirs — to participate. At the second ceremony, which included more than twenty couples, local news stations and papers were there to document the first gay weddings officiated in our state. USA Today did a photo journal shoot on my ex and his partner, my children, and even the grandparents. I was not notified that this was taking place, nor was I given a voice to object to our children being used as props to promote same-sex marriage in the media.

At the time of the first ceremony, the marriage was not recognized by our state, our nation, or our church. And my ex-husband’s new marriage, like the majority of male-male relationships, is an “open,” non-exclusive relationship. This sends a clear message to our children: what you feel trumps all laws, promises, and higher authorities. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want — and it doesn’t matter who you hurt along the way.

After our children’s pictures were publicized, a flood of comments and posts appeared. Commenters exclaimed at how beautiful this gay family was and congratulated my ex-husband and his new partner on the family that they “created.” But there is a significant person missing from those pictures: the mother and abandoned wife. That “gay family” could not exist without me.

There is not one gay family that exists in this world that was created naturally.

Every same-sex family can only exist by manipulating nature. Behind the happy façade of many families headed by same-sex couples, we see relationships that are built from brokenness. They represent covenants broken, love abandoned and responsibilities crushed. They are built on betrayal, lies and deep wounds.

This is also true of same-sex couples who use assisted reproductive technologies such as surrogacy or sperm donation to have children. Such processes exploit men and women for their reproductive potential, treat children as products to be bought and sold, and purposely deny children a relationship with one or both of their biological parents. Wholeness and balance cannot be found in such families, because something is always missing. I am missing. But I am real, and I represent hundreds upon thousands of spouses who have been betrayed and rejected.

If my husband had chosen to stay, I know that things wouldn’t have been easy. But that is what marriage is about: making a vow and choosing to live it out, day after day. In sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, spouses must choose to put the other person first, loving them even when it’s hard.

A good marriage doesn’t only depend on sexual desire, which can come and go and is often out of our control. It depends on choosing to love, honor and be faithful to one person, forsaking all others. It is common for spouses to be attracted to other people — usually of the opposite sex, but sometimes of the same sex. Spouses who value their marriage do not act on those impulses. For those who find themselves attracted to people of the same sex, staying faithful to their opposite-sex spouse isn’t a betrayal of their true identity. Rather, it’s a decision not to let themselves be ruled by their passions. It shows depth and strength of character when such people remain true to their vows, consciously striving to remember, honor and revive the love they had for their spouses when they first married.

My children deserve better

Our two young children were willfully and intentionally thrust into a world of strife and combative beliefs, lifestyles and values, all in the name of “gay rights.” Their father moved into his new partner’s condo, which is in a complex inhabited by 16 gay men. One of the men has a 19-year-old male prostitute who comes to service him. Another man, who functions as the father figure of this community, is in his late sixties and has a boyfriend in his twenties. My children are brought to gay parties where they are the only children and where only alcoholic beverages are served. They are taken to transgender baseball games, gay rights fundraisers and LGBT film festivals.

Both of my children face identity issues, just like other children. Yet there are certain deep and unique problems that they will face as a direct result of my former husband’s actions. My son is now a maturing teen, and he is very interested in girls. But how will he learn how to deal with that interest when he is surrounded by men who seek sexual gratification from other men? How will he learn to treat girls with care and respect when his father has rejected them and devalues them? How will he embrace his developing masculinity without seeing his father live out authentic manhood by treating his wife and family with love, honoring his marriage vows even when it’s hard?

My daughter suffers too. She needs a dad who will encourage her to embrace her femininity and beauty, but these qualities are parodied and distorted in her father’s world. Her dad wears makeup and sex bondage straps for Halloween. She is often exposed to men dressing as women. The walls in his condo are adorned with large framed pictures of women in provocative positions. What is my little girl to believe about her own femininity and beauty? Her father should be protecting her sexuality. Instead, he is warping it.

Without the guidance of both their mother and their father, how can my children navigate their developing identities and sexuality? I ache to see my children struggle, desperately trying to make sense of their world.

My children and I have suffered great losses because of my former husband’s decision to identify as a gay man and throw away his life with us. Time is revealing the depth of those wounds, but I will not allow them to destroy me and my children. I refuse to lose my faith and hope. I believe so much more passionately in the power of the marriage covenant between one man and one woman today than when I was married. There is another way for those with same-sex attractions. Destruction is not the only option — it cannot be. Our children deserve far better from us.

This type of devastation should never happen to another spouse or child. Please, I plead with you: defend marriage as being between one man and one woman. We must stand for marriage — and for the precious lives that marriage creates.

The above was previously published by the Witherspoon Institute’s Public Discourse — http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com.

Janna Darnelle is a mother, writer and advocate for upholding marriage between one man and one woman. She mentors others whose families have been impacted by homosexuality. This was previously published.

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